Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn’t Matter

The system is so screwed up. I know people that use credit cards to help pay bills all year, and then use their tax refund to pay off the credit card. So, they give the govt a free loan, while paying 25% interest themselves. But, they brag about getting 6K back end of the year.
The point is are you paying more or less to the government under Trump's tax reform than you were before based on the same income - when comparing apples to apples. Percentages paint a better picture. It has nothing to do with how much or little you are having withheld from your paycheck. Apples to apples.

If you are better off that's fine. However, many people aren't better off. Some are really pissed off.
These stupid Moon Bats don't understand the difference between a tax refund and an effective rate.

The effective rate for all but a few Americans went down under Trump's great tax refund.

Moon Bats are confused about things like this. They are confused about a lot of things.

I call bullshit on the effective rate going down. Yes, the standard deduction doubled. But personal exemptions disappeared. And the standard deduction was applied against itemized deductions, which you could use AND still get the personal exemptions. Any family with two kids that used the standard deduction got shit. And anyone with two kids or more that itemized deductions that were under twenty thousand got shit. And any family, with or without kids, that paid a lot in state income taxes got shit.

And the "adjustment" to the withholding tables was a complete and total scam. Your tax withholding is determined by your status. MI, or SI, or M2 etc. The M or S stands for single or married. But the number stands for the number of exemptions you have. Now EVERYONE has ZERO exemptions. So if the IRS withheld less from a M3 than an M1, and they did, then they knew good and well they were perpetuating a fraud.

What kind of nation increases the effective tax rate on middle income families with children in order to lower the effective tax rate of millionaires and how can that not be nothing less than income redistribution?

You are confused.

Tax rates went down for everybody. That is EVERYBODY.

75% of Americans take the standard deductions and they were helped by the increased amounts.

True that because of doing away with the personal exemption it is not the doubling of the standard deduction. For two people filing jointly it means about 4K in less taxable income. However, if they have children then the loss of personal exemptions for the children is offset by the child tax credit. A tax credit is more than a tax deduction, by the way.

For people that itemize the mortgage and interest deduction and charity stayed the same. There was a $10K cap on state and local taxes. For the majority of middle income Americans that do itemize and do not live in Communist high taxation state that was not a problem. If you live in a Communist state that has has high taxation then next time don't vote for Democrats and maybe your taxes won't be so high.

As far as withholding. I know Liberals hate the idea of personal responsibility but it is your responsibility to make sure it is right. If you don't direct your employer to withhold enough then don't bitch if you have to pay more at the end of the year.

I see the smoke and mirrors got you. The child tax credit went from one grand to two grand per child. But only 1400 of that is refundable. You lose four grand exemption per child, at ten percent that comes to four hundred dollars. So, at best, the trade off was break even. Move up just one tax bracket, to twelve percent, and you get shit.
Hey...the proof is in the pudding.

Check your tax return from last year as opposed to this year and see how much you got...if anything.

It is how much taxes you actually paid that makes the difference. I make sure my withholdings are set so I get no refund at all. I don't want to give the Govt a free loan.

Why would anyone want to pay thousands of dollars into the tax system that they don't actually owe?

If I pay 5K in taxes, and get no refund. And, you pay 10K in taxes, and get a 5K refund, we both paid the same amount. Why would any brag about the refund?
The point is are you paying more or less to the government under Trump's tax reform than you were before based on the same income - when comparing apples to apples. Percentages paint a better picture. It has nothing to do with how much or little you are having withheld from your paycheck. Apples to apples.

If you are better off that's fine. However, many people aren't better off. Some are really pissed off.

Over 3K less here. The 20% deduction for self employed really helped me.
All tax cuts...since the dawn of time, are given so the one percent prosper. Extra scraps might then find their way to the people who bust it every day...only to barely hang on. It's always been this way. Just staying the facts.
The point is are you paying more or less to the government under Trump's tax reform than you were before based on the same income - when comparing apples to apples. Percentages paint a better picture. It has nothing to do with how much or little you are having withheld from your paycheck. Apples to apples.

If you are better off that's fine. However, many people aren't better off. Some are really pissed off.

The only people not better off are the folks in high tax states that Trump won't win anyway.

btw...The latest IRS data form shows that even refunds are up 1.2% this year. That with the fact that folks got to bring
home more of their money for 52 weeks.
Let's watch how many Republicans campaign on the Trump tax cuts/reform in 2020.

Don't have any fucking answers available...huh?

Respond by asking a hypothetical question, that can't be answered for another 11 months.

Let me guess...blanket sales are
Let's watch how many Republicans campaign on the Trump tax cuts/reform in 2020.

Don't have any fucking answers available...huh?

Respond by asking a hypothetical question, that can't be answered for another 11 months.

Let me guess...blanket sales are

No, it's too early to have campaign feedback from House and Senate Republicans. I do know there are almost twice as many Republican Senators up for reelection in 2020 than Democrats.
Let's watch how many Republicans campaign on the Trump tax cuts/reform in 2020.

Don't have any fucking answers available...huh?

Respond by asking a hypothetical question, that can't be answered for another 11 months.

Let me guess...blanket sales are

No, it's too early to have campaign feedback from House and Senate Republicans. I do know there are almost twice as many Republican Senators up for reelection in 2020 than Democrats.

Well, we can already remove Alabama from your win column
I call bullshit on the effective rate going down. Yes, the standard deduction doubled. But personal exemptions disappeared. And the standard deduction was applied against itemized deductions, which you could use AND still get the personal exemptions. Any family with two kids that used the standard deduction got shit. And anyone with two kids or more that itemized deductions that were under twenty thousand got shit. And any family, with or without kids, that paid a lot in state income taxes got shit.

And the "adjustment" to the withholding tables was a complete and total scam. Your tax withholding is determined by your status. MI, or SI, or M2 etc. The M or S stands for single or married. But the number stands for the number of exemptions you have. Now EVERYONE has ZERO exemptions. So if the IRS withheld less from a M3 than an M1, and they did, then they knew good and well they were perpetuating a fraud.

What kind of nation increases the effective tax rate on middle income families with children in order to lower the effective tax rate of millionaires and how can that not be nothing less than income redistribution?


And our high six figure buddy (Bluesguy) is protecting his tax cut for next year with all this bullshit.

He's terrified that people will realize that many got nothing or an increase and that most got very little...while HE got ten grand or better.

Hey Asswipe

I never said how much I make.

And IDGAF how much anyone else pays for taxes I'm telling you that using a tax refund as a measure of how much tax you pay is about as stupid as treating a refund like a savings account

And if you have 6 kids why the fuck should you pay less taxes than a single person?
We know from your past statements that you make well into six figures.

We know you're going to benefit "bigly" from these tax cuts.

And I have yet to see where someone has taken the trouble to compare their 2017 return to their 2018 return.

Too difficult? Who knows.,..but looking at your refund and take home pay CAN tell you what you tax cut was...if you got one.

One might almost think you don't WANT people to see how little they got...if they got anything

Too difficult? Who knows.,..but looking at your refund and take home pay CAN tell you what you tax cut was...if you got one.

You will only have trouble figuring out how much Trump's tax plan saved you if you are stupid. Lower tax rates, a bigger standard deduction, great child credits, etc puts more money in the pockets of most Americans.

Trump did a great job with the tax plan. Gave most of us Americans more take home pay and lowered the expense of taxation for the businesses that create the jobs in America.

Beats the hell out that Obama asshole that raised taxes.

God bless Trump.
By the way Moon Bats.

Trump wanted the tax cuts to be more. However, in order to do that then they would have to go outside the budget rules that put them in the simple majority in the Senate.

If they had a bigger tax cut then they would have to go to the 60 votes in the Senate where they needed the Democrats. The Democrats never would have voted for more tax reductions being the asshole they are.

So if you stupid Moon Bats are bitching that the tax cuts are not enough then blame the Party of Moon Bats, the filthy Democrats.

Too difficult? Who knows.,..but looking at your refund and take home pay CAN tell you what you tax cut was...if you got one.

You will only have trouble figuring out how much Trump's tax plan saved you if you are stupid. Lower tax rates, a bigger standard deduction, great child credits, etc puts more money in the pockets of most Americans.

Trump did a great job with the tax plan. Gave most of us Americans more take home pay and lowered the expense of taxation for the businesses that create the jobs in America.

Beats the hell out that Obama asshole that raised taxes.

God bless Trump.
For all of tht...the proof is in the pudding...go check your returns from 2017 and 2018.

Or simply compare refunds and paychecks from year to year.
By the way Moon Bats.

Trump wanted the tax cuts to be more. However, in order to do that then they would have to go outside the budget rules that put them in the simple majority in the Senate.

If they had a bigger tax cut then they would have to go to the 60 votes in the Senate where they needed the Democrats. The Democrats never would have voted for more tax reductions being the asshole they are.

So if you stupid Moon Bats are bitching that the tax cuts are not enough then blame the Party of Moon Bats, the filthy Democrats.
There was a simple fix for that. Instead of skewing the tax cuts dso heavily towards the rich and corporations...shift more to the middle class and poor.

But no. That wasn't the goal. The GOAL was to give the rich and corporations a huge tax cut and give SOME other folks a bone.

Check yours...see if I'm right or wrong for yourselves.

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