Republicans showing their true colors and true intent

I read it.

I also know what dual sovereignty is about and how it relates to the republic.

Do you?....Nope.
What part of "Michigan is Broke" don't libs get? There is no money, there is no bailout. You can't spend money you don't have. No one will lend money. the bondholders won't buy more bonds until the finances are sound.

Kudos for someone actually balancing a State Budget.
It ain't broke... they still have blank checks!
Find a link to the MI state Constitution, find in it where it says the gov is not allowed emergency powers.

brown shirts?

Shame on you.
:cuckoo:He wouldn't need to change the law if he already had the power to fire elected officials, moron.

that's a solid point....the law would not have to be writen or passed if he already had the power...????

"Emergency powers"? Wasn't that guy in Egypt, Murbarick, operating under "emergency powers" for 30 years?
if a democrat did this cons would wet their panties and run around shrilly screeching about facist liberal nazi communists

I have no doubt that, since it is a repub doing it, they'll EXPLAIN to us why it is a "good thing"

Please explain to us why you are cool with obama having the same thing at the federal level.

Or is it different?

Actually it is. States are allowed to do things that the Fed shouldn't even think about.

So why are the libs pissed off now, when they weren't when they were ok with it?

inform yourself: Czar Search |

All that said is Bush had more than Obama.

Obama still has them.

so why is anyone pissed that the gov is doing the same thing?


Lets be honest. It's b/c he's a gop gov. There simply is no other reason for the faux outrage.
I read it.

I also know what dual sovereignty is about and how it relates to the republic.

Do you?....Nope.

Double Jeopardy.

Post what you think it means and how it applies to our republic, along with a legal source/opinion.
I don't see how it is constitutional to fire elected officials.

Will the managers wear brown shirts?
SEIU Purple, but we have to wait till the liberals regain control... if they ever manage it.
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:cuckoo:He wouldn't need to change the law if he already had the power to fire elected officials, moron.

that's a solid point....the law would not have to be writen or passed if he already had the power...????

"Emergency powers"? Wasn't that guy in Egypt, Murbarick, operating under "emergency powers" for 30 years?

Michigan and her residence via the MICHIGAN Constitution, determine what is and is not legal and what is and is not allowed by the Legislature and the Governor.

Once again the MICHIGAN Constitution not the Federal one applies. Since both the Legislature and the Governor have lawyers on retainer to vet new bills and laws, I suspect the power to do this resides in said Constitution.

Of course you are to busy appealing to emotionalism with false charges and claims as to be moot point. IF you are a Michigan resident you can contact your legislature or your local Government and have them investigate if this is Constitutional. If not YOU have a Supreme Court to over turn it.

Short of that? Gotta wait for another election.
I don't see how it is constitutional to fire elected officials.

Will the managers wear brown shirts?

Find a link to the MI state Constitution, find in it where it says the gov is not allowed emergency powers.

brown shirts?

Shame on you.
:cuckoo:He wouldn't need to change the law if he already had the power to fire elected officials, moron.

He's passing a law, not changing one.

fucktard :lol:
Find a link to the MI state Constitution, find in it where it says the gov is not allowed emergency powers.

brown shirts?

Shame on you.
:cuckoo:He wouldn't need to change the law if he already had the power to fire elected officials, moron.

that's a solid point....the law would not have to be writen or passed if he already had the power...????

Then why did we need a health care law?
Find a link to the MI state Constitution, find in it where it says the gov is not allowed emergency powers.

brown shirts?

Shame on you.
:cuckoo:He wouldn't need to change the law if he already had the power to fire elected officials, moron.

He's passing a law, not changing one.

fucktard :lol:

I guess the liberal retards in this thread are not aware that even the Federal Government can override local elected officials. Take Education for example.
everyone is for a power grab when their side does it, then when they are booted out of power and it comes back to bite them, they whine.


Like when the Flee baggers left WI cuz those whiney bitches knew they couldn't win the vote.

good job Plas, I knew you would eventually say something that made sense.
I read it.

I also know what dual sovereignty is about and how it relates to the republic.

Do you?....Nope.

Double Jeopardy.

Post what you think it means and how it applies to our republic, along with a legal source/opinion.
There's also a separation of federal and state jurisdictions over legislative actions.

The only way Article 4, Section 4 applies is that this is a matter for the people of Michigan to deal with...None of their politicians took an oath to the federal constitution.
Find a link to the MI state Constitution, find in it where it says the gov is not allowed emergency powers.

brown shirts?

Shame on you.
:cuckoo:He wouldn't need to change the law if he already had the power to fire elected officials, moron.

He's passing a law, not changing one.

fucktard :lol:
No...he's changing it, or attempting to do so. But if he was just passing a law to give himself the power to fire elected officials then it would still mean that it is not constitutional, moron.
:cuckoo:He wouldn't need to change the law if he already had the power to fire elected officials, moron.

He's passing a law, not changing one.

fucktard :lol:
No...he's changing it, or attempting to do so. But if he was just passing a law to give himself the power to fire elected officials then it would still mean that it is not constitutional, moron.

If you are a Michigan State Resident file a petition to have the new law declared Unconstitutional. The Supreme Court of Michigan has the power to make the ruling. If you are not a Michigan State resident, to fucking bad, weren't you one of those liberals telling us non Wisconsin Residents to butt out of what those Democratic Senators did?
He's passing a law, not changing one.

fucktard :lol:

I guess the liberal retards in this thread are not aware that even the Federal Government can override local elected officials. Take Education for example.
They. cannot. remove. them. from. office.


Provide a quote from the actual bill that STATES the Governor can remove from office elected officials. Once again neither the bill nor the MICHIGAN Constitution have been quoted. And seeing as how liberal wouldn't know the truth if it reached out and ripped their heads off I will wait for both.
:cuckoo:He wouldn't need to change the law if he already had the power to fire elected officials, moron.

that's a solid point....the law would not have to be writen or passed if he already had the power...????

Then why did we need a health care law?

because he didn't have the dictatorial power to force this upon the people i am presuming? and this is why it was legislated and voted on by our representatives?

and I can see how you can view this as the same action...but getting rid of elected officials, if true, is not the same as the health care bill....

it would be going against the will and choice of the people....

I can see eliminating gvt elected official positions when election time comes around, but to nix someone that has been elected by we, the people, midstream, does not seem right....does seem dictatorial...imo.
He's passing a law, not changing one.

fucktard :lol:
No...he's changing it, or attempting to do so. But if he was just passing a law to give himself the power to fire elected officials then it would still mean that it is not constitutional, moron.

If you are a Michigan State Resident file a petition to have the new law declared Unconstitutional. The Supreme Court of Michigan has the power to make the ruling. If you are not a Michigan State resident, to fucking bad, weren't you one of those liberals telling us non Wisconsin Residents to butt out of what those Democratic Senators did?
No...but I'll save this post for the next time you whine about something happening outside your state.
I am rather surprised to see how many conservatives here who are constantly preaching limited government defend this proposal so fiercely. While I do understand the temptation for the governor and the state legislature to want to seize control of Detroit, as the ghetto parasites of that city will never elect anyone but crooked and corrupt poverty pimps, the power for the state government to come in and fire legitimately elected representatives does not sound to me like American idealism. It's smacks more of authoritarianism and totalitarianism.

Where are the safeguards to prevent abuse, particularly to stop the power from being used as political payback? Maybe Snyder wouldn't abuse it, but what about the next guy? What if it had been the Obama administration that proposed giving the federal government the power to seize control of an insolvent state? Would you all still be on board? Sure, the Tenth Amendment should prevent something like that, but the courts don't put a lot of stock in that these days.

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