Republicans stop pipeline then lie and say it was Obama. Business as usual.

yes I see your point, and, if you had a point vis a vis different safety/handling/response risk based on a history you would really have a point....*sigh*, why don't ya'll read the thread, you are asking questions that have been asked and answered, in say the last 2-3 pages 2, especially yours.

Ummm, you brought up the subject again by posting that map.

And, strangely enough, you previously posting your opinion on a subject, does not constitute the matter being settled.

No, I was responding to a Q already asked and remarked upon and so what? why make me post it all over again?

Answer- you have not read the thread, you drifted in here what a page and a half ago and have made several posts or more shotgun style, I never said it was SETTLED, I said go back and read becasue I have answered them already, you are not posting or asking Q's based on what I posted are you?

no, you are asking questions making remarks that have been made and responded to, and if you don't KNOW my opinion becasue you have not READ what I said, how do you know its not 'settled'?

I'll answer again for you; becasue you don't give a shit, you are a malcontent and will beat this into the ground till you are tired or just bored......just because.

....see how that strangely works smartass?
No, I was responding to a Q already asked and remarked upon and so what? why make me post it all over again?

Answer- you have not read the thread, you drifted in here what a page and a half ago and have made several posts or more shotgun style, I never said it was SETTLED, I said go back and read becasue I have answered them already, you are not posting or asking Q's based on what I posted are you?

no, you are asking questions making remarks that have been made and responded to, and if you don't KNOW my opinion becasue you have not READ what I said, how do you know its not 'settled'?

I'll answer again for you; becasue you don't give a shit, you are a malcontent and will beat this into the ground till you are tired or just bored......just because.

....see how that strangely works smartass?

I did in fact go back and read what you said.

I didn't agree with you. And therefore, when you posted what you did, I responded in the way I did.

That's what this posting board is for. Discussion. Frankly, I don't care if you consider the matter settled. I don't.

And here's a news flash: You're not the only person in this conversation.
a reminder....Obama DID NOT KILL the Keystone pipeline.

Obama said that the Feb. 21 deadline, set by Congress as part of the two-month payroll tax cut extension, made it impossible to adequately review the project proposed by TransCanada. But he left the door open to the possibility that a new proposal might pass regulatory muster.

“This announcement is not a judgment on the merits of the pipeline, but the arbitrary nature of a deadline that prevented the State Department from gathering the information necessary to approve the project and protect the American people,” the president said in a statement.

Obama administration rejects Keystone XL pipeline - The Washington Post
No, I was responding to a Q already asked and remarked upon and so what? why make me post it all over again?

Answer- you have not read the thread, you drifted in here what a page and a half ago and have made several posts or more shotgun style, I never said it was SETTLED, I said go back and read becasue I have answered them already, you are not posting or asking Q's based on what I posted are you?

no, you are asking questions making remarks that have been made and responded to, and if you don't KNOW my opinion becasue you have not READ what I said, how do you know its not 'settled'?

I'll answer again for you; becasue you don't give a shit, you are a malcontent and will beat this into the ground till you are tired or just bored......just because.

....see how that strangely works smartass?

I did in fact go back and read what you said.

I didn't agree with you. And therefore, when you posted what you did, I responded in the way I did.

That's what this posting board is for. Discussion. Frankly, I don't care if you consider the matter settled. I don't.

And here's a news flash: You're not the only person in this conversation.

unless the English language has changed , then changed back in the last coupla hours, you're full o' crap, you didn't read it.

heres a newsflash read what I said for a change:lol:

go hump someone else's leg.
unless the English language has changed , then changed back in the last coupla hours, you're full o' crap, you didn't read it.

heres a newsflash read what I said for a change:lol:

go hump someone else's leg.

Trajan, your post was in response to this post, which you linked:

if the pipeline people were so environmentally concerned as they SAY they are on the website that was given by another poster, then WHY OH WHY did the plan the pipeline to go over this Aquifer in the first place? Why didn't they plan around it to start?

Which was not linked to any other post, and therefore was a stand-alone question, thus not part of the previous conversation.

So, hump your own leg, and leave me out of it.
Last edited:
a reminder....Obama DID NOT KILL the Keystone pipeline.

Obama said that the Feb. 21 deadline, set by Congress as part of the two-month payroll tax cut extension, made it impossible to adequately review the project proposed by TransCanada. But he left the door open to the possibility that a new proposal might pass regulatory muster.

“This announcement is not a judgment on the merits of the pipeline, but the arbitrary nature of a deadline that prevented the State Department from gathering the information necessary to approve the project and protect the American people,” the president said in a statement.

Obama administration rejects Keystone XL pipeline - The Washington Post

take Care, Care.............later
Yet, in his rejection of the Keystone XL the president is rejecting jobs – 20,000 of them in the pipeline’s construction phase and up to a half-million more over time, as the Keystone XL would play a major part in full utilization of Canada’s oil sands.

The president is rejecting the advice of his own Council on Jobs and Competitiveness just a day earlier, that the U.S. needs an “all-in” energy strategy that pursues more American oil and natural gas, as well as the means to deliver those resources. API President and CEO Jack Gerard:

“What we see and what we hear from this administration are two different things. No place is this more clear than the decision today on the Keystone XL pipeline. President Obama said last year that many of the shovel-ready jobs imagined by his stimulus program were ‘not as shovel-ready as we expected.’ But the Keystone XL pipeline would create 20,000 new U.S. construction-related jobs over the next two years. More importantly, it would help support the creation of half-a-million new jobs by 2035. But today … in a clear abdication of presidential leadership, the president will reject the Keystone XL pipeline. How can you say you are for jobs and reject the largest shovel-ready project in America today? Mr. President, what are you thinking?”

Simple: Politics.

The fact is you can’t be for infrastructure and for jobs – and be against actual projects that create jobs. You can’t be for working men and women and then deny them and thousands of other Americans real jobs with real paychecks. Laborers’ International Union of North America General President Terry O’Sullivan:

“We are completely and totally disappointed. This is politics at its worst. Once again the President has sided with environmentalists instead of blue collar construction workers – even though environmental concerns were more than adequately addressed. Blue collar construction workers across the U.S. will not forget this.”

Neither should other Americans as they judge this administration’s performance on energy and jobs. It has talked a good game but has little to show for it. It has dithered, studying the Keystone XL for more than three years, including two environmental reviews – contradicting the president’s suggestion Wednesday that the project hasn’t had enough review. Gerard:

“The president has had three years to make a fundamental decision: Is this in the national interest?...The president has missed an easy opportunity to do what’s in the best interest of the United States.”

Again, the question: What are you thinking, Mr. President? Politics. When the American people need leadership that results in jobs and a more secure country, politics

‘Mr. President, What Are You Thinking?’ | Blog | Energy Tomorrow
a reminder....Obama DID NOT KILL the Keystone pipeline.

Obama said that the Feb. 21 deadline, set by Congress as part of the two-month payroll tax cut extension, made it impossible to adequately review the project proposed by TransCanada. But he left the door open to the possibility that a new proposal might pass regulatory muster.

“This announcement is not a judgment on the merits of the pipeline, but the arbitrary nature of a deadline that prevented the State Department from gathering the information necessary to approve the project and protect the American people,” the president said in a statement.

Obama administration rejects Keystone XL pipeline - The Washington Post

Yes, he did. It's been reviewed for three years. His bullshit excuse is to poke Republicans.
Pipelines cause cancer. Now I've heard it all. :eusa_eh:

You've got a mighty convoluted sense of reason.

If you're so concerned about such health issues, start a thread about agricultural contamination of groundwater.

You're a petrophobe. Hell, I'll throw in racist just for good measure. :eusa_whistle:

Yes, crude oil contains a mixture of substances dangerous to human health, including chemicals such as benzene, that are known to cause cancer in humans, and others that are toxic to the brain and central nervous system, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

So, yes, pipelines, when they leak into the water supply, do in fact cause cancer.

Any other questions?

Were you born this stupid?
Posted by Jackson Stone on November 2, 2011

The State Department has the power to decide whether TransCanada Corp’s pipeline can go forward because the project crosses the national border. The department issued its finaI environmental and safety assessment on the project in August. It found the pipeline would have “no significant” environmental impacts.

It also argued the pipeline was necessary because refineries in Texas - which account for half the nation’s refining capacity - faced declining supplies of heavy crude from Mexico and Venezuela.

Senior Obama administration officials have already made comments that suggest tacit support for the pipeline. Hundreds of protesters have been arrested outside the Whitehouse in recent months demonstrating their opposition to the proposed energy project.

Challenged about the pipeline by opponents last week in Denver, Obama said he was aware of people’s misgivings.

EPA Official Flags Environmental Concerns about Keystone Pipeline |

Sounds like allot of crossed wires. The EPA says one thing, the State Department another.
Wow nice find!

Interesting if the link is correct, that EPA squashed State.

I do have a question in relation to the Environmental impact though, in relation to the Toxicity of Tar Sands Oil. Is it so caustic that it would corrode the Pipeline prematurely? Yes or no?

If yes, wouldn't it make more sense to Refine it closer to home, if it is corrosive?

What is the life expectancy of the pipe carrying standard crude V.S. Tar Sands Crude?

If the accusations are unsupported. If they are exaggerations, let that be established.
a reminder....Obama DID NOT KILL the Keystone pipeline.

Obama said that the Feb. 21 deadline, set by Congress as part of the two-month payroll tax cut extension, made it impossible to adequately review the project proposed by TransCanada. But he left the door open to the possibility that a new proposal might pass regulatory muster.

“This announcement is not a judgment on the merits of the pipeline, but the arbitrary nature of a deadline that prevented the State Department from gathering the information necessary to approve the project and protect the American people,” the president said in a statement.

Obama administration rejects Keystone XL pipeline - The Washington Post

Yes, he did. It's been reviewed for three years. His bullshit excuse is to poke Republicans.
taking 2 to 3 or so years to approve a pipeline seems the norm though.

none of them are approved quickly...even the one obama approved in 2009 that was mentioned, its review started back in 2007 or earlier....

i'd say it's premature to tout and shout from the roof tops that it has been KILLED.
Wow nice find!

Interesting if the link is correct, that EPA squashed State.

I do have a question in relation to the Environmental impact though, in relation to the Toxicity of Tar Sands Oil. Is it so caustic that it would corrode the Pipeline prematurely? Yes or no?

If yes, wouldn't it make more sense to Refine it closer to home, if it is corrosive?

What is the life expectancy of the pipe carrying standard crude V.S. Tar Sands Crude?

If the accusations are unsupported. If they are exaggerations, let that be established.

its caustic due to the caustic soda (NaOH-sodium hyrdoxide) added to the process for extraction/transportation, it creates a slurry that is then refined to seperate the petroleum.

that is handled by-

Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique used to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making it the cathode of an electrochemical cell.[1] The simplest method to apply CP is by connecting the metal to be protected with another more easily corroded "sacrificial metal" to act as the anode of the electrochemical cell. Cathodic protection systems are used to protect a wide range of metallic structures in various environments. Common applications are; steel water or fuel pipelines and storage tanks; steel pier piles; ships and boats; offshore oil platforms and onshore oil well casings and metal reinforcement bars in concrete buildings and structures.

Cathodic protection can, in some cases, prevent stress corrosion cracking.

Cathodic protection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the process is almost 200 years old.
Nebraska's Republican Gov. Dave Heineman sent a letter today to President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, asking them to deny a federal permit for a pipeline that would carry Canadian oil through his state, all the way to the Texas Gulf Coast.

Heineman wrote that he is opposed to TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline because its planned route lies directly over a critical aquifer.

GOP Nebraska gov. asks Obama to stop tar sands pipeline - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

“The key decision for current pipeline discussions is the permitting decision that will be made by the Obama administration, which is why I have urged President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton to deny the permit,” (Republican) Governor Heineman said in announcing the special legislative session. (The majority in Nebraska are Republicans who also control the state legislature).


So what is it right wingers? Are you liars? Stupid? Remember "state's rights"? Is that for everyone but Nebraska?

Or do you Confederate right wingers just have to have something about Obama to bitch about. You lie about the scope of the project. You lie about the project. I thought you weren't supposed to lie. Isn't that like a commandment in one of your occult texts? I guess if you see people like Romney and Gingrich at "leaders", you'll stoop to any level.
That's OK...Nebraska can be routed around and there's NOTHING Obama can do to stop it...

TransCanada considers new plans: Keystone pipeline may be built in stages in U.S. first

Posted by Jackson Stone on November 2, 2011

The State Department has the power to decide whether TransCanada Corp’s pipeline can go forward because the project crosses the national border. The department issued its finaI environmental and safety assessment on the project in August. It found the pipeline would have “no significant” environmental impacts.

It also argued the pipeline was necessary because refineries in Texas - which account for half the nation’s refining capacity - faced declining supplies of heavy crude from Mexico and Venezuela.

Senior Obama administration officials have already made comments that suggest tacit support for the pipeline. Hundreds of protesters have been arrested outside the Whitehouse in recent months demonstrating their opposition to the proposed energy project.

Challenged about the pipeline by opponents last week in Denver, Obama said he was aware of people’s misgivings.

EPA Official Flags Environmental Concerns about Keystone Pipeline |

Sounds like allot of crossed wires. The EPA says one thing, the State Department another.
Tells me that it's all politics. It isn't going to help Obama at all. He screwed the pooch.
From your article:

"His administration invited TransCanada to reapply, an overture the Calgary-based company promptly said it would accept."

Looks like an application for an alternate route will be accepted by the Obama administration, so his rejection didn't permanently kill anything, as you seem to imply in your post.

As I mentioned in the other thread on this subject, he left himself an out by inviting them to re-apply. My guess is they reapply and he approves it right around election time.
I read that the reapplication process will cost the company around $15 million.
And no, there isn't any guarantee it will be approved this time either.
Nebraska's Republican Gov. Dave Heineman sent a letter today to President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, asking them to deny a federal permit for a pipeline that would carry Canadian oil through his state, all the way to the Texas Gulf Coast.

Heineman wrote that he is opposed to TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline because its planned route lies directly over a critical aquifer.

GOP Nebraska gov. asks Obama to stop tar sands pipeline - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

“The key decision for current pipeline discussions is the permitting decision that will be made by the Obama administration, which is why I have urged President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton to deny the permit,” (Republican) Governor Heineman said in announcing the special legislative session. (The majority in Nebraska are Republicans who also control the state legislature).


So what is it right wingers? Are you liars? Stupid? Remember "state's rights"? Is that for everyone but Nebraska?

Or do you Confederate right wingers just have to have something about Obama to bitch about. You lie about the scope of the project. You lie about the project. I thought you weren't supposed to lie. Isn't that like a commandment in one of your occult texts? I guess if you see people like Romney and Gingrich at "leaders", you'll stoop to any level.

That is the biggest B.S. I think you've ever posted. Barack Obama REJECTED the Keystone pipeline last week.


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