Republicans Stupid Tax BIll may cost them the House.

Paul Ryan, Captain Bone Spur, & Mitch think they were so clever as they passed an income tax bill that appears to punish blue states by limited the deduction on state & local taxes.

They were probably laughing & thought they were such a bunch of clever people.

The Democrats need to gain 24 seats this year to take over the House.

California & New York are two states whose residents will pay more because of the bill.

Those two states also have 23 Republican Congressmen.

Throw in a few more blue states & the numbers nears 40. 40 Congressmen who must explain why their party singled them out & punished them by making them pay higher taxes.

Funny chit huh?
Why should someone in a low tax state fund those living in a high one ?

We have bee funding Red Moocher States for years.

That red state is likely a moocher. They take in more than $1 for every tax dollar they send to Washington while blue states get less than $1 back. Shut up moocher!!

How many Red States have more federal land then blue States?
number one moocher state is MS.

Now what? What excuse are you going to use now?

There's a simple way to solve that problem: put an end to all those welfare programs they use to mooch off the taxpayers.

But you don't want to do that, do you?
Paul Ryan, Captain Bone Spur, & Mitch think they were so clever as they passed an income tax bill that appears to punish blue states by limited the deduction on state & local taxes.

They were probably laughing & thought they were such a bunch of clever people.

The Democrats need to gain 24 seats this year to take over the House.

California & New York are two states whose residents will pay more because of the bill.

Those two states also have 23 Republican Congressmen.

Throw in a few more blue states & the numbers nears 40. 40 Congressmen who must explain why their party singled them out & punished them by making them pay higher taxes.

Funny chit huh?

You left wing nuts told everyone that when Trump was the nominee the GOP would lose, the Presidency, the House, the Senate and the Supreme Court. How did that go for you?

Also the mid term elections usually show a loss for the party of the President. So, losing the House would not be a surprise at all, to relate it to the tax cuts is pretty silly.
The Democrats need to gain 24 seats this year to take over the House. California & New York are two states whose residents will pay more because of the bill.

Let's face facts, Dave, bill or no bill, both those states were going to vote solid Blue anyway. The few areas to vote red there are just MORE likely to vote red because of this. The Democrats haven'y offered any solid reason to vote for them over the GOP in ages; if some people start paying more in tax now, they didn't seem to mind it when Obama raised their taxes thousands of dollars in 2009 after promising they would SAVE a lot of money! I guess its time they start talking to their legislature about getting their own tax laws fixed.
The Democrats need to gain 24 seats this year to take over the House. California & New York are two states whose residents will pay more because of the bill.

Let's face facts, Dave, bill or no bill, both those states were going to vote solid Blue anyway. The few areas to vote red there are just MORE likely to vote red because of this. The Democrats haven'y offered any solid reason to vote for them over the GOP in ages; if some people start paying more in tax now, they didn't seem to mind it when Obama raised their taxes thousands of dollars in 2009 after promising they would SAVE a lot of money! I guess its time they start talking to their legislature about getting their own tax laws fixed.
That's not really the point. The gop had a once in a generation opportunity to lower corporate and individual rates while removing tax loopholes that make markets less efficient, and that last time they had this chance was in 1980. And they fucked it up by actually making markets even less efficient and in some cases actually raising the taxes of people whose interests were more aligned with the gop than dems.
The Democrats need to gain 24 seats this year to take over the House. California & New York are two states whose residents will pay more because of the bill.

Let's face facts, Dave, bill or no bill, both those states were going to vote solid Blue anyway. The few areas to vote red there are just MORE likely to vote red because of this. The Democrats haven'y offered any solid reason to vote for them over the GOP in ages; if some people start paying more in tax now, they didn't seem to mind it when Obama raised their taxes thousands of dollars in 2009 after promising they would SAVE a lot of money! I guess its time they start talking to their legislature about getting their own tax laws fixed.
Democrats love to raise taxes. I fail to see the problem since the got what they always scream for.

Why should I subsidize the liberal coasts.
Please inform yourself.... New York and California gave the federal govt in taxes, more than they receive back and MOST of these excess taxes they send to the fed, go to Red States that do NOT pay to the Feds, what they receive from the feds....

NOW you are making these states pay EVEN MORE than what they overpaid already.
The Democrats need to gain 24 seats this year to take over the House. California & New York are two states whose residents will pay more because of the bill.

Let's face facts, Dave, bill or no bill, both those states were going to vote solid Blue anyway. The few areas to vote red there are just MORE likely to vote red because of this. The Democrats haven'y offered any solid reason to vote for them over the GOP in ages; if some people start paying more in tax now, they didn't seem to mind it when Obama raised their taxes thousands of dollars in 2009 after promising they would SAVE a lot of money! I guess its time they start talking to their legislature about getting their own tax laws fixed.
Yes the States will still be Blue but to say Republicans in those states will be more likely to vote Republican after Republicans raised their income taxes is well beyond absurd.
The Democrats have offered plenty to working people.

When did Obama raise their taxes?

I think you really should get off of the site & spend some serious time getting better informed.
Why should someone in a low tax state fund those living in a high one ?

We have bee funding Red Moocher States for years.

That red state is likely a moocher. They take in more than $1 for every tax dollar they send to Washington while blue states get less than $1 back. Shut up moocher!!

How many Red States have more federal land then blue States?
number one moocher state is MS.

Now what? What excuse are you going to use now?

There's a simple way to solve that problem: put an end to all those welfare programs they use to mooch off the taxpayers.

But you don't want to do that, do you?
How about you pay workers enough so two working parents make enough they no loner qualify for federal aid?

For fuckwad Presaident just signed a huge corporate welfare bill. You loved it.
Paul Ryan, Captain Bone Spur, & Mitch think they were so clever as they passed an income tax bill that appears to punish blue states by limited the deduction on state & local taxes.

They were probably laughing & thought they were such a bunch of clever people.

The Democrats need to gain 24 seats this year to take over the House.

California & New York are two states whose residents will pay more because of the bill.

Those two states also have 23 Republican Congressmen.

Throw in a few more blue states & the numbers nears 40. 40 Congressmen who must explain why their party singled them out & punished them by making them pay higher taxes.

Funny chit huh?
More likely it will help me pay for my house.

Really, you haven't paid off that trailer yet?
Democrats love to raise taxes. I fail to see the problem since the got what they always scream for.

Why should I subsidize the liberal coasts.
Please inform yourself.... New York and California gave the federal govt in taxes, more than they receive back and MOST of these excess taxes they send to the fed, go to Red States that do NOT pay to the Feds, what they receive from the feds....

NOW you are making these states pay EVEN MORE than what they overpaid already.
Good! I hope all you asshat's pay until you're broke.
Getting a dose of your own BULLSHIT is just what the Dr ordered.
One more round of I am rubber you are glue every thing bounces off of me & sticks to you, Any one want to get out of the school yard & TALK substance.
to say Republicans in those states will be more likely to vote Republican after Republicans raised their income taxes is well beyond absurd.

Is it really? Trump is merely doing what they put him in office to do. Part of the problem with most politicians is that they never do the things necessary to really fix issues unless it is 100% painless and politically expedient for them to do so.

The Democrats have offered plenty to working people.

I must have blinked.

When did Obama raise their taxes?

So you're upset that Republicans did something that will lose them the House?

Somehow I don't believe it
I'm just pointing out how fucking stupid Republicans really are.

What they did is start a huge exodus from the blue states.
So now you think spreading Democrats to red states is a Republican goal?

There is the possibility that the infection will spread, but I think the people leaving tend to be Republicans.
We have bee funding Red Moocher States for years.

That red state is likely a moocher. They take in more than $1 for every tax dollar they send to Washington while blue states get less than $1 back. Shut up moocher!!

How many Red States have more federal land then blue States?
number one moocher state is MS.

Now what? What excuse are you going to use now?

There's a simple way to solve that problem: put an end to all those welfare programs they use to mooch off the taxpayers.

But you don't want to do that, do you?
How about you pay workers enough so two working parents make enough they no loner qualify for federal aid?

For fuckwad Presaident just signed a huge corporate welfare bill. You loved it.

That problem is already solved. Anyone who sticks with a job long enough will soon be earning several times the minimum wage. Anyone over the age of 25 who is still earning minimum wage is a loser.
We have bee funding Red Moocher States for years.

That red state is likely a moocher. They take in more than $1 for every tax dollar they send to Washington while blue states get less than $1 back. Shut up moocher!!

How many Red States have more federal land then blue States?
number one moocher state is MS.

Now what? What excuse are you going to use now?

There's a simple way to solve that problem: put an end to all those welfare programs they use to mooch off the taxpayers.

But you don't want to do that, do you?
How about you pay workers enough so two working parents make enough they no loner qualify for federal aid?

For fuckwad Presaident just signed a huge corporate welfare bill. You loved it.
If you don't have a job that can support a family don't have a fucking family its not the responsibility of others to fund lifestyles and only a socialist believes that a tax cut is welfare.

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