Republicans Submit Articles To Impeach Biden As Soon As He's Sworn In

Give me what, Mr. Low Common Denominator? Did the word 'fag' give you the vapors, snowflake? :auiqs.jpg: That's the argument? Fucking weak sauce.
I'd ask you to explain what's wrong with being homosexual, but you'd sputter impotently and say there's nothing wrong, despite the fact you use it as an insult.

Like I said: You're homophobic. Most leftists are.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."
Impeach him for being an idiot. Even Pelosi couldn't disagree with that.
Sore losers looking for reasons to impeach that don't exist. LOl!
That's what Democrats did for three years for the first one.
Not when it was proven that voter suppression prevented millions of minorities from voting. Democrats were ready for it this time. Republicans will never win again without voter suppression.
So you agree with Democrats that black people are too poor and too stupid to get IDs to vote with.
Obviously thats wrong. Black people are the reason you lost the election in Georgia. :laugh:

Georgia ID Requirements for Voting By Mail
Any registered Georgia voter may vote absentee. No excuse is required.

You do not need a copy of your ID to vote by mail in Georgia.
They dont need an excuse. They only need to be registered. They got registered and voted that piece of chit out of the white house.
"You do not need a copy of your ID to vote by mail in Georgia."

So it's easy to fake mail-in ballots.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."


It might become routine----like appeals on a capital crime conviction
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."
Impeach him for being an idiot. Even Pelosi couldn't disagree with that.
Sore losers looking for reasons to impeach that don't exist. LOl!
That's what Democrats did for three years for the first one.
Not when it was proven that voter suppression prevented millions of minorities from voting. Democrats were ready for it this time. Republicans will never win again without voter suppression.
So you agree with Democrats that black people are too poor and too stupid to get IDs to vote with.
Obviously thats wrong. Black people are the reason you lost the election in Georgia. :laugh:

Georgia ID Requirements for Voting By Mail
Any registered Georgia voter may vote absentee. No excuse is required.

You do not need a copy of your ID to vote by mail in Georgia.
They dont need an excuse. They only need to be registered. They got registered and voted that piece of chit out of the white house.
"You do not need a copy of your ID to vote by mail in Georgia."

So it's easy to fake mail-in ballots.
Show us the "fake mail-in-ballots?" LOl!
How would it be any diff than how the GOP treated Bill Clinton? This stupid feud has been going on since the rabid Reagan Repubs started it when GWB sr lost his reelection attempt.

Go back farther. When you guys formed the KKK to oppose Lincoln's policies is when it really started.
Moonglow did not form the KKK. That is unless his name is James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John Booker Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord or Richard R. Reed and he's at least 179 years old. NOR was it formed to "oppose Lincoln's policies" (who was already dead) or for any political purpose at all.
Remember, kids, no Democrat today is responsible for the KKK, but all Republicans today are responsible for slavery in America. So pay up!

Hey, Pogo, what have you done to assuage your white guilt today?
First time I have ever heard you admit to the Southern Strategy. Good for you.
Really? I'm responsible for the slavery that Republicans ended a century and a half ago?

I'd ask you to explain that rationally, but you're incapable.
You arent responsible for anything other than yourself. I was just congratulating you on admitting to the Southern Strategy
I was mocking leftist retardery. Are you admitting leftists are retarded?

The Southern Strategy is a myth, a desperate effort by Democrats to distance themselves from their 20th Century legislative racism.

Idiots buy it. Obviously.
It is known as history, and I am old enough to remember it happening.
You remember what didn't happen, then.
I am not the only one here who remembers it.
Yeah? So?
How would it be any diff than how the GOP treated Bill Clinton? This stupid feud has been going on since the rabid Reagan Repubs started it when GWB sr lost his reelection attempt.

Go back farther. When you guys formed the KKK to oppose Lincoln's policies is when it really started.
Moonglow did not form the KKK. That is unless his name is James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John Booker Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord or Richard R. Reed and he's at least 179 years old. NOR was it formed to "oppose Lincoln's policies" (who was already dead) or for any political purpose at all.
Remember, kids, no Democrat today is responsible for the KKK, but all Republicans today are responsible for slavery in America. So pay up!

Hey, Pogo, what have you done to assuage your white guilt today?
First time I have ever heard you admit to the Southern Strategy. Good for you.
Really? I'm responsible for the slavery that Republicans ended a century and a half ago?

I'd ask you to explain that rationally, but you're incapable.
You arent responsible for anything other than yourself. I was just congratulating you on admitting to the Southern Strategy
I was mocking leftist retardery. Are you admitting leftists are retarded?

The Southern Strategy is a myth, a desperate effort by Democrats to distance themselves from their 20th Century legislative racism.

Idiots buy it. Obviously.
It is known as history, and I am old enough to remember it happening.
You remember what didn't happen, then.
I am not the only one here who remembers it.

Yep, I remember it too. Reagan kicking off his presidential campaign in of all places Philadelphia ... not the one in Pennsylvania where the Constitution came together where the Liberty Bell is, no the one in Mississippi where the infamous triple murder of civil rights activists went down in 1964, talking about "states' rights". 1964, the same year "states' rights" George Wallace offered to be Barry Goldwater's running mate because candidate Goldwater had voted against the Civil rights Act (Goldwater didn't need Wallace; he won the deep South without him).

Then there was the Republican Party strategist Lee Atwater, analyzing what Dave thinks never existed, in 1981:

>> You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******." <<​
That was the blueprint for the Republican Party to take over the one-party-rule of the South by highlighting race and how it (the RP) was going to be the device to keep black people down more so than the Democrats. And the Democrats obliged -- or we could say got it started -- by passing that 1964 Civil Rights Act, triggering both Wallace's offer and Strom Thurmond's until-then-unthinkable departure to the "party of Lincoln". Thus broke the dam.

Guess Daveward Gunnerhands never learned about all this shit while he was immersed in his guns.
I have no obligation to believe your fantasies, pussy.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president just because you can is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."

let's see. You say:

If he should win. He's already won.

The House is still Demo controlled where such a bill wouldn't make it off the floor. Even all the Republicans wouldn't vote for it.

Rump is gone, Biden gets sworn in on Jan 20th. Get used to it.
Biden didn't win diddly squat and anyone that can claim that with a straight face is just asn inept as pedo Joe.....
I claim it, and you are a liar who cannot prove Biden didn't win.
Yes, we know what you've been told to say.
Are you saying I've been told to say Biden won? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Dude, you have got to be high on something.
You've been told to believe Biden won fairly and transparently. You're a gullible moron.
And you've been told there was voter fraud with zero evidence. You should be ashamed for sucking up to these lies.
Oh, there was voter and election fraud, make NO mistake about that. Over 900 affidavits signed under penalty of perjury says so. I bet you have never even listened to those that came forward. Of course Silicon Valley has worked overtime censoring anyone that speaks out. Amerikka, the land of the sheeple living in a banana republic....
You'll never prove it, so yes, you are making the mistake, not me. Try again.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."
Impeach him for being an idiot. Even Pelosi couldn't disagree with that.
Sore losers looking for reasons to impeach that don't exist. LOl!
That's what Democrats did for three years for the first one.
Not when it was proven that voter suppression prevented millions of minorities from voting. Democrats were ready for it this time. Republicans will never win again without voter suppression.
So you agree with Democrats that black people are too poor and too stupid to get IDs to vote with.
Obviously thats wrong. Black people are the reason you lost the election in Georgia. :laugh:

Georgia ID Requirements for Voting By Mail
Any registered Georgia voter may vote absentee. No excuse is required.

You do not need a copy of your ID to vote by mail in Georgia.
They dont need an excuse. They only need to be registered. They got registered and voted that piece of chit out of the white house.
"You do not need a copy of your ID to vote by mail in Georgia."

So it's easy to fake mail-in ballots.
Show us the "fake mail-in-ballots?" LOl!
Wouldn't matter. You wouldn't accept it, because it goes against your programming.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president just because you can is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."

let's see. You say:

If he should win. He's already won.

The House is still Demo controlled where such a bill wouldn't make it off the floor. Even all the Republicans wouldn't vote for it.

Rump is gone, Biden gets sworn in on Jan 20th. Get used to it.
Biden didn't win diddly squat and anyone that can claim that with a straight face is just asn inept as pedo Joe.....
I claim it, and you are a liar who cannot prove Biden didn't win.
Yes, we know what you've been told to say.
Are you saying I've been told to say Biden won? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Dude, you have got to be high on something.
You've been told to believe Biden won fairly and transparently. You're a gullible moron.
And you've been told there was voter fraud with zero evidence. You should be ashamed for sucking up to these lies.
Uh huh. And you somehow believe you're morally superior for voting for the wealthy white pedophile.
I voted for a man, not a pedophile you lie about. All you do is lie repeatedly, and you are never able to defend them. You're a real piece of work.
How would it be any diff than how the GOP treated Bill Clinton? This stupid feud has been going on since the rabid Reagan Repubs started it when GWB sr lost his reelection attempt.

Go back farther. When you guys formed the KKK to oppose Lincoln's policies is when it really started.
Moonglow did not form the KKK. That is unless his name is James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John Booker Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord or Richard R. Reed and he's at least 179 years old. NOR was it formed to "oppose Lincoln's policies" (who was already dead) or for any political purpose at all.
Remember, kids, no Democrat today is responsible for the KKK, but all Republicans today are responsible for slavery in America. So pay up!

Hey, Pogo, what have you done to assuage your white guilt today?
First time I have ever heard you admit to the Southern Strategy. Good for you.
Really? I'm responsible for the slavery that Republicans ended a century and a half ago?

I'd ask you to explain that rationally, but you're incapable.
You arent responsible for anything other than yourself. I was just congratulating you on admitting to the Southern Strategy
I was mocking leftist retardery. Are you admitting leftists are retarded?

The Southern Strategy is a myth, a desperate effort by Democrats to distance themselves from their 20th Century legislative racism.

Idiots buy it. Obviously.
It is known as history, and I am old enough to remember it happening.
You remember what didn't happen, then.
I am not the only one here who remembers it.

Yep, I remember it too. Reagan kicking off his presidential campaign in of all places Philadelphia ... not the one in Pennsylvania where the Constitution came together where the Liberty Bell is, no the one in Mississippi where the infamous triple murder of civil rights activists went down in 1964, talking about "states' rights". 1964, the same year "states' rights" George Wallace offered to be Barry Goldwater's running mate because candidate Goldwater had voted against the Civil rights Act (Goldwater didn't need Wallace; he won the deep South without him).

Then there was the Republican Party strategist Lee Atwater, analyzing what Dave thinks never existed, in 1981:

>> You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******." <<​
That was the blueprint for the Republican Party to take over the one-party-rule of the South by highlighting race and how it (the RP) was going to be the device to keep black people down more so than the Democrats. And the Democrats obliged -- or we could say got it started -- by passing that 1964 Civil Rights Act, triggering both Wallace's offer and Strom Thurmond's until-then-unthinkable departure to the "party of Lincoln". Thus broke the dam.

Guess Daveward Gunnerhands never learned about all this shit while he was immersed in his guns.
I have no obligation to believe your fantasies, pussy.

Actually it's quoted history. And yes you're free to bury your head in the sand and wail to anyone who will still listen that it didn't happen. Even though it's all in the history books. Not the direction I would have taken but hey, that's just me. Some delusionists prefer to live in the fiction section. I choose the 900s.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president just because you can is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."

let's see. You say:

If he should win. He's already won.

The House is still Demo controlled where such a bill wouldn't make it off the floor. Even all the Republicans wouldn't vote for it.

Rump is gone, Biden gets sworn in on Jan 20th. Get used to it.
Biden didn't win diddly squat and anyone that can claim that with a straight face is just asn inept as pedo Joe.....
I claim it, and you are a liar who cannot prove Biden didn't win.
Yes, we know what you've been told to say.
Are you saying I've been told to say Biden won? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Dude, you have got to be high on something.
You've been told to believe Biden won fairly and transparently. You're a gullible moron.
And you've been told there was voter fraud with zero evidence. You should be ashamed for sucking up to these lies.
Oh, there was voter and election fraud, make NO mistake about that. Over 900 affidavits signed under penalty of perjury says so. I bet you have never even listened to those that came forward. Of course Silicon Valley has worked overtime censoring anyone that speaks out. Amerikka, the land of the sheeple living in a banana republic....
You'll never prove it, so yes, you are making the mistake, not me. Try again.
"You'll never prove it".

So, you, like most Democrats, have not been denying the fraud. You just say no one can prove it.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."
Impeach him for being an idiot. Even Pelosi couldn't disagree with that.
Sore losers looking for reasons to impeach that don't exist. LOl!
That's what Democrats did for three years for the first one.
Not when it was proven that voter suppression prevented millions of minorities from voting. Democrats were ready for it this time. Republicans will never win again without voter suppression.
So you agree with Democrats that black people are too poor and too stupid to get IDs to vote with.
Obviously thats wrong. Black people are the reason you lost the election in Georgia. :laugh:

Georgia ID Requirements for Voting By Mail
Any registered Georgia voter may vote absentee. No excuse is required.

You do not need a copy of your ID to vote by mail in Georgia.
They dont need an excuse. They only need to be registered. They got registered and voted that piece of chit out of the white house.
"You do not need a copy of your ID to vote by mail in Georgia."

So it's easy to fake mail-in ballots.
Show us the "fake mail-in-ballots?" LOl!
Wouldn't matter. You wouldn't accept it, because it goes against your programming.
See how easy it is to catch you lying. It's all he does here folks.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president just because you can is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."

let's see. You say:

If he should win. He's already won.

The House is still Demo controlled where such a bill wouldn't make it off the floor. Even all the Republicans wouldn't vote for it.

Rump is gone, Biden gets sworn in on Jan 20th. Get used to it.
Biden didn't win diddly squat and anyone that can claim that with a straight face is just asn inept as pedo Joe.....
I claim it, and you are a liar who cannot prove Biden didn't win.
Yes, we know what you've been told to say.
Are you saying I've been told to say Biden won? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Dude, you have got to be high on something.
You've been told to believe Biden won fairly and transparently. You're a gullible moron.
And you've been told there was voter fraud with zero evidence. You should be ashamed for sucking up to these lies.
Uh huh. And you somehow believe you're morally superior for voting for the wealthy white pedophile.
I voted for a man, not a pedophile you lie about. All you do is lie repeatedly, and you are never able to defend them. You're a real piece of work.
Tough shit. I don't have to have you pre-approve what I write. Feel free to put me on ignore, because I'm not going to change to protect your tender feelings, kid.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president just because you can is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."

let's see. You say:

If he should win. He's already won.

The House is still Demo controlled where such a bill wouldn't make it off the floor. Even all the Republicans wouldn't vote for it.

Rump is gone, Biden gets sworn in on Jan 20th. Get used to it.
Biden didn't win diddly squat and anyone that can claim that with a straight face is just asn inept as pedo Joe.....
I claim it, and you are a liar who cannot prove Biden didn't win.
Yes, we know what you've been told to say.
Are you saying I've been told to say Biden won? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Dude, you have got to be high on something.
You've been told to believe Biden won fairly and transparently. You're a gullible moron.
And you've been told there was voter fraud with zero evidence. You should be ashamed for sucking up to these lies.
Oh, there was voter and election fraud, make NO mistake about that. Over 900 affidavits signed under penalty of perjury says so. I bet you have never even listened to those that came forward. Of course Silicon Valley has worked overtime censoring anyone that speaks out. Amerikka, the land of the sheeple living in a banana republic....
You'll never prove it, so yes, you are making the mistake, not me. Try again.
"You'll never prove it".

So, you, like most Democrats, have not been denying the fraud. You just say no one can prove it.
63 failed law suits prove it. What have you got besides your lies?
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president just because you can is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."

let's see. You say:

If he should win. He's already won.

The House is still Demo controlled where such a bill wouldn't make it off the floor. Even all the Republicans wouldn't vote for it.

Rump is gone, Biden gets sworn in on Jan 20th. Get used to it.
Biden didn't win diddly squat and anyone that can claim that with a straight face is just asn inept as pedo Joe.....
I claim it, and you are a liar who cannot prove Biden didn't win.
Yes, we know what you've been told to say.
Are you saying I've been told to say Biden won? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Dude, you have got to be high on something.
You've been told to believe Biden won fairly and transparently. You're a gullible moron.
And you've been told there was voter fraud with zero evidence. You should be ashamed for sucking up to these lies.
Uh huh. And you somehow believe you're morally superior for voting for the wealthy white pedophile.
I voted for a man, not a pedophile you lie about. All you do is lie repeatedly, and you are never able to defend them. You're a real piece of work.
Tough shit. I don't have to have you pre-approve what I write. Feel free to put me on ignore, because I'm not going to change to protect your tender feelings, kid.
We know. But boy howdy is it fun catching you make a fool of yourself with all your lies. I won't put you on ignore. You're too easy. LOl!
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."
The idea you think Trump did nothing wrong is comical.

He used federal funds to bribe a foreign official for political dirt on an adversary.

Then he foments a riot & insurrection in the Capitol.
How would it be any diff than how the GOP treated Bill Clinton? This stupid feud has been going on since the rabid Reagan Repubs started it when GWB sr lost his reelection attempt.

Go back farther. When you guys formed the KKK to oppose Lincoln's policies is when it really started.
Moonglow did not form the KKK. That is unless his name is James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John Booker Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord or Richard R. Reed and he's at least 179 years old. NOR was it formed to "oppose Lincoln's policies" (who was already dead) or for any political purpose at all.
Remember, kids, no Democrat today is responsible for the KKK, but all Republicans today are responsible for slavery in America. So pay up!

Hey, Pogo, what have you done to assuage your white guilt today?
First time I have ever heard you admit to the Southern Strategy. Good for you.
Really? I'm responsible for the slavery that Republicans ended a century and a half ago?

I'd ask you to explain that rationally, but you're incapable.
You arent responsible for anything other than yourself. I was just congratulating you on admitting to the Southern Strategy
I was mocking leftist retardery. Are you admitting leftists are retarded?

The Southern Strategy is a myth, a desperate effort by Democrats to distance themselves from their 20th Century legislative racism.

Idiots buy it. Obviously.
It is known as history, and I am old enough to remember it happening.
You remember what didn't happen, then.
I am not the only one here who remembers it.

Yep, I remember it too. Reagan kicking off his presidential campaign in of all places Philadelphia ... not the one in Pennsylvania where the Constitution came together where the Liberty Bell is, no the one in Mississippi where the infamous triple murder of civil rights activists went down in 1964, talking about "states' rights". 1964, the same year "states' rights" George Wallace offered to be Barry Goldwater's running mate because candidate Goldwater had voted against the Civil rights Act (Goldwater didn't need Wallace; he won the deep South without him).

Then there was the Republican Party strategist Lee Atwater, analyzing what Dave thinks never existed, in 1981:

>> You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******." <<​
That was the blueprint for the Republican Party to take over the one-party-rule of the South by highlighting race and how it (the RP) was going to be the device to keep black people down more so than the Democrats. And the Democrats obliged -- or we could say got it started -- by passing that 1964 Civil Rights Act, triggering both Wallace's offer and Strom Thurmond's until-then-unthinkable departure to the "party of Lincoln". Thus broke the dam.

Guess Daveward Gunnerhands never learned about all this shit while he was immersed in his guns.
I have no obligation to believe your fantasies, pussy.

Actually it's quoted history. And yes you're free to bury your head in the sand and wail to anyone who will still listen that it didn't happen. Even though it's all in the history books. Not the direction I would have taken but hey, that's just me.
The history of the Democratic Party is based on racism, and it continues to this day. You can't NUH UH your way out of it, no matter how hard you try. But you need to realize your acknowledgement is neither sought nor required.
Let'see....... Gropey Joey was elected as "Biden". When he comes clean and starts spelling "Xiden" will he still be "president"?
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."
Impeach him for being an idiot. Even Pelosi couldn't disagree with that.
Sore losers looking for reasons to impeach that don't exist. LOl!
That's what Democrats did for three years for the first one.
Not when it was proven that voter suppression prevented millions of minorities from voting. Democrats were ready for it this time. Republicans will never win again without voter suppression.
So you agree with Democrats that black people are too poor and too stupid to get IDs to vote with.
Obviously thats wrong. Black people are the reason you lost the election in Georgia. :laugh:

Georgia ID Requirements for Voting By Mail
Any registered Georgia voter may vote absentee. No excuse is required.

You do not need a copy of your ID to vote by mail in Georgia.
They dont need an excuse. They only need to be registered. They got registered and voted that piece of chit out of the white house.
"You do not need a copy of your ID to vote by mail in Georgia."

So it's easy to fake mail-in ballots.
Show us the "fake mail-in-ballots?" LOl!
Wouldn't matter. You wouldn't accept it, because it goes against your programming.
See how easy it is to catch you lying. It's all he does here folks.
You're right. All I do is lie.

You're a very intelligent man.

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