Republicans: The Gift That Keeps Giving (To Hillary).


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
rightwingnuts are their own worst enemy

For Hillary Clinton, Republicans have become the gift that keeps on giving. Mrs. Clinton owes much of her extraordinary comeback to her own abilities, but surely she must be grateful to the GOP as well. Never in modern times has a political party done so much to rehabilitate the leading presidential candidate in the other party.

The gifts have come in rapid succession:

-- The way Republicans have converted Donald Trump into GOP front-runner. For all for their misgivings about Clinton, Trump scares the bejesus out of millions of Americans. How long before we see sprouting of groups like "Republican Women for Hillary"?

-- The assertion by two Republican House members -- one the GOP majority leader -- that the Benghazi hearings were rigged to discredit Clinton.

-- The ouster of Speaker John Boehner by hard-right Republicans because he hasn't been sufficiently tough enough, a clear signal of who is running the House. Ask Mitt Romney how damaging it was to him to be seen as a captive of the far right.

-- And, of course, this week's marathon grilling of Clinton by the Benghazi committee that fortified the widespread belief -- some 70% of people on the eve of the testimony according to a CNN poll -- that the hearings were a partisan witch hunt.

Benghazi: GOP's helping hand for Hillary Clinton -
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It was Mr Plum, with the candlestick, in the conservatory.

That last one is what is throwing conservatives off, because it sounds like conservative. And they have no idea what that room is for so it must be Hillary Clinton's secret room that Congress needs to investigate over and over. And why a candlestick? Why not an email server? Why is Hillary hiding an email server when it obviously was used for possibly a murder weapon or email. We just don't know so we have to have investigations and hearings and spend 20 million dollars of tax payer money to find out nothing at all.

We're Republicans, its what we do. We use tax payer money and the entire machinery of a democracy to try to harm our political opponents. But then we lie about it so its ok, to us.
Gee, Hillary admits to lying to the American people and CNN says it's a big victory for her.
Nothing wrong there.
The Republican party has really seemed to lose its way. It got itself wrapped up with trying to look like the party of the common man, and it ended up with a different kind of common man. Now, we're battling a Tea Party that doesn't have anywhere near the dignity to even drink tea in the first place. And what we're left with is bottom feeders trying to eat the cow.

Please, Mr. Ryan, I beg of you.....despite our differences I come to you now and I implore you: Eradicate these Tea Partiers. Destroy the stupidity that has spread through our ranks like a disease. Engage the intelligent conservative once again. Restore our once proud name.
Gee, Hillary admits to lying to the American people and CNN says it's a big victory for her.
Nothing wrong there.
What did she lie about?

That Benghazi was a protest instead of a terrorist attack. She helped Obama cover up a terrorist attack
Why would they want to cover up a terrorist attack that happened overseas? And it seems they didn't do a very good job.
The Republican party has really seemed to lose its way. It got itself wrapped up with trying to look like the party of the common man, and it ended up with a different kind of common man. Now, we're battling a Tea Party that doesn't have anywhere near the dignity to even drink tea in the first place. And what we're left with is bottom feeders trying to eat the cow.

Please, Mr. Ryan, I beg of you.....despite our differences I come to you now and I implore you: Eradicate these Tea Partiers. Destroy the stupidity that has spread through our ranks like a disease. Engage the intelligent conservative once again. Restore our once proud name.

So tea partiers are conservatives? They said they represent everybody.

Damn, that big tent collapsed pretty quickly!!

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