Republicans to Initiate Contempt of Congress Proceedings After Hunter Biden Defies Subpoena

He is already doomed - no matter what he says. And IMO it won't matter in regards to senile Biden anyhow. It's just part of the ludicrous ongoing pre-election show - and a desperate attempt by Trump and Co. to issue some childish payback.
Grab your popcorn and refreshments. Welcome to American political theater in the modern era.
I must admit to low expectation for the repubs in congress

I hope you get tooth decay after hunter walks
Already have tooth decay. I don't think Hunter will totally walk on the charges. I think a jury would find him guilty on some of the charges. He certainly will not see any 17 years, that being just a pipe dream of the pundits. All in All, I doubt it being in time to have congressional testimony afterward that might enable them to effective get at Joe before the election. But, who knows?
Then why didn't your gutless, nutless scumbag political whores prosecute them? I know why, do you?

I doubt it. Other than the fact that dimocraps are gutless scum, which even you know
You don't know why worm , you just have a lie that works for you , nothing more. Everyone of you are a traitors to this country and it's biggest enemy , I totally agree with the law. traitors should be put to death.
It is done, all the time. In this case, they think he has information, that might let them come up with evidence for impeaching his dad, supposedly an oversight thing, though all knows, it is a political thing. Kind 3rd worldish, but legal since impeachment does not put anybody in jail, it only being a political trial for fun and political points, not law or justice.
You would be a idiot if you ever agreed to testify in front of Republicans behind closed doors. That is all levels of stupid. You can with the democrats , in fact no problem , but you never want to to that with the scum party.
The right wing hate party doesn't get it. If Hunter is guilty and is found guilty then he goes to jail, If His dad is guilty of a crime and is found guilty he goes to jail , Trump is buried in guilty and the hate party thinks that's OK. Because they are scum, simply the Most unamerican group that has existed in my lifetime , they literally are traitors to this country and should be treated as such , if found guilty they should be put to death as the laws prescribe.
You would be a idiot if you ever agreed to testify in front of Republicans behind closed doors. That is all levels of stupid. You can with the democrats , in fact no problem , but you never want to to that with the scum party.
Not likely to come up, with me. Actually, I would not like to testify in closed door session with either party.
An indicted suspect does not dictate the terms of its interrogation. Imagine if Charley Mansion declared he would only show up for court on Tuesdays.

Steve Bannon just received a 4 month prison sentence for this exact same offense - Contempt of Congress. He's only out on appeal.

So, the sentencing guidelines are in place. Lock this filthy piece of shit up for 4 months. He'll finally understand why his daddy calls them "predators". ;)
First the arrest of Hunter should follow the same procedure they used for Navarro.

The right wing hate party doesn't get it. If Hunter is guilty and is found guilty then he goes to jail, If His dad is guilty of a crime and is found guilty he goes to jail , Trump is buried in guilty and the hate party thinks that's OK. Because they are scum, simply the Most unamerican group that has existed in my lifetime , they literally are traitors to this country and should be treated as such , if found guilty they should be put to death as the laws prescribe.
You know that the Schumer Democrat majority in the Senate will not convict Joey Bai Dung even if he confessed to giving Xi Jinping our latest Nuke codes while slitting the throat of a 2 year child on TV.
Refusal to let it be live on c-span by the Republicans.
Behind closed doors where they can tape, but he cannot.
Behind closed doors, where they can release what they please, but he has nothing to release.
No testimony can be used to clear, but all testimony can be used against him in actual courts, where rules apply, on Federal Charges he is facing trial and possible imprisonment at the same time.
What possible reason would he have to testify?
I would be contemptuous, also.
Fk them.
You absolute hypocrite!
Not because of corruption, silly Rawley, but because you have no evidence.
No evidence? Didn't you watch his stunt yesterday? Showed up in the parking, told Congress to fuck themselves and drove away.

His crime is on tape. He has no defense. THe only question is whether Daddy's corrupt DOJ will prosecute them like they have prosecuted Republicans for the same crime.
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Republicans to Initiate Contempt of Congress Proceedings​

After Hunter Biden Defies Subpoena​

13 Dec 2023 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Hunter Biden on Wednesday arrived in DC and gave a press conference on Capitol Hill where he revealed he will only answer questions under his own rules despite a congressional subpoena.
Congressional Republicans subpoenaed Hunter Biden for a closed-door deposition related to his influence-peddling and family corruption.
Hunter Biden on Wednesday said he will only testify “at a public hearing.”
“My father was not financially involved in my business,” Hunter Biden said in the presser.
Hunter tacitly admitted that his father Joe Biden was involved in his overseas businesses in other ways.
House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Wednesday announced GOP lawmakers will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings after Hunter Biden brazenly defied a lawful subpoena.
“Hunter Biden today defied lawful subpoenas and we will now initiate contempt of Congress proceedings,” Comer said.
“We will not provide special treatment because his last name is Biden,” Comer added.

Congress has the power to arrest and imprison Hunter for 1 year. Do it!.
The question remains... When Congress refers the proceedings to the DoJ, will Garland enforce the Congressional contempt charges against Hunter as they did with Bannon?


You do realize that Gym Jordan had also defied a Congressional subpoena right?

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