Republicans try but can't change history

Because history is what it is. Despite the efforts of Trump and his Cult members in Congress to rewrite it to reflect positively on Trump, theirs is a lost cause.

Trump and his disciples, since January 6 have tried over and over to convince the American people that the insurrection was caused by Antifa, was a peaceful event with lots of love in the air or was just a guided tour of the Capital building.

We know better! It was an aggressive attempt by white nationalists, inspired by Trump, to take over the government of the United States. Anyone who sees it in a different light is not a loyal, patriotic American, but rather is a Trump disciple who places him above the Constitution of the United States and the welfare of the majority of the American people.

Today's congressional hearing will expose the Trump people who tried to storm the Capital for what they really are: enemies of the American people.

Trump who?
We were discussing their intent. I made no claim that their intent was legal or binding.

Do you have anything to say that actually addresses something that was in the post you responded to?
Are you really this dense. You made the claim that the insurrectionists went to DC to overturn a "fraudulent" election. Who determines that there was significant fraud committed? Perhaps it would have been better to state they went to DC to overturn an election that they "believed" was fraudulent. And in America, that ain't the way it works. Vigilante justice, while often times appearing, has never been supported by the US Constitution. It is the tool of the despot as was eloquently demonstrated by Trump's use of it on 1/06.

Because history is what it is. Despite the efforts of Trump and his Cult members in Congress to rewrite it to reflect positively on Trump, theirs is a lost cause.

Trump and his disciples, since January 6 have tried over and over to convince the American people that the insurrection was caused by Antifa, was a peaceful event with lots of love in the air or was just a guided tour of the Capital building.

We know better! It was an aggressive attempt by white nationalists, inspired by Trump, to take over the government of the United States. Anyone who sees it in a different light is not a loyal, patriotic American, but rather is a Trump disciple who places him above the Constitution of the United States and the welfare of the majority of the American people.

Today's congressional hearing will expose the Trump people who tried to storm the Capital for what they really are: enemies of the American people.

Another word for an unarmed insurrection is a peaceful protest.

The fact that Pelosi is trying to make political hay out of this is really unamerican.
Are you really this dense. You made the claim that the insurrectionists went to DC to overturn a "fraudulent" election. Who determines that there was significant fraud committed?

The best way for them to prove fraud, is to charge the secretaries of state, and the governors who certified the election with perjury.

If they get convicted, it would establish proof of enough fraud to delay or cancel their certifications.
They were charged with the equivalent, not the actual charge.

Nobody at Nuremberg was charged with genocide, which according to the theory that nobody was charged with insurrection, means that neither crime occurred.
can you point to where in the article it says that??

cause this is what I see,,

In front of the International Military Tribunal, 24 leading Nazis were indicted on charges that included genocide and crimes against humanity. The trial ran until 1 October the following year.
Wow, that's the best you can do to try to respond?

What difference does it make?
Wow, I mean Holy Shit Wow. Damn but the average IQ of you Trumpbots must be around 80. When you fight like hell during an election, well you bust ass knocking on doors, making phone calls, registering people to vote, getting people to the polls. But when you fight like hell after the election you are, wait for it,


Because history is what it is. Despite the efforts of Trump and his Cult members in Congress to rewrite it to reflect positively on Trump, theirs is a lost cause.

Trump and his disciples, since January 6 have tried over and over to convince the American people that the insurrection was caused by Antifa, was a peaceful event with lots of love in the air or was just a guided tour of the Capital building.

We know better! It was an aggressive attempt by white nationalists, inspired by Trump, to take over the government of the United States. Anyone who sees it in a different light is not a loyal, patriotic American, but rather is a Trump disciple who places him above the Constitution of the United States and the welfare of the majority of the American people.

Today's congressional hearing will expose the Trump people who tried to storm the Capital for what they really are: enemies of the American people.
The Democrat led insurrection committee and the Capital Police Officers are tearing trump a new ass hole. He is gonna need lots of hugs after this is over. Perhaps visits to his ass hole buddies Kim and Pootie would be in order. Can't hurt! Bigly!!!
Wow, I mean Holy Shit Wow. Damn but the average IQ of you Trumpbots must be around 80. When you fight like hell during an election, well you bust ass knocking on doors, making phone calls, registering people to vote, getting people to the polls. But when you fight like hell after the election you are, wait for it,


No, you are endorsing fighting back against what people consider a compromised election. No insurrection is assumed, except by vapid morons like you.

It's amazing the mental (I use that term loosely) gymnastics TDS idiots like you do to justify your supposed viewpoints.
You might want to ask Jean-Paul Akayesu about that.

The crimes charged before the Nuremberg courts were crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes. In all, 199 defendants were tried at Nuremberg, 161 were convicted and 37 were sentenced to death, including 12 of those tried by the IMT.
can you point to where in the article it says that??

cause this is what I see,,

In front of the International Military Tribunal, 24 leading Nazis were indicted on charges that included genocide and crimes against humanity. The trial ran until 1 October the following year.

That's their interpretation. The actual crimes charged can be found on the record.

The crimes charged before the Nuremberg courts were crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes. In all, 199 defendants were tried at Nuremberg, 161 were convicted and 37 were sentenced to death, including 12 of those tried by the IMT

Nobody was indicted or charged with genocide for killing 6 million Jews.

Just like nobody was charged with insurrection for January 6th.

If one is proof of the crime not occurring, it means proof neither crime occurred. And we know that's wrong. Which is why claiming nobody was charged fails the burden of proof.
That's their interpretation. The actual crimes charged can be found on the record.

The crimes charged before the Nuremberg courts were crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes. In all, 199 defendants were tried at Nuremberg, 161 were convicted and 37 were sentenced to death, including 12 of those tried by the IMT

Nobody was indicted or charged with genocide for killing 6 million Jews.

Just like nobody was charged with insurrection for January 6th.

If one is proof of the crime not occurring, it means proof neither crime occurred. And we know that's wrong. Which is why claiming nobody was charged fails the burden of proof.
it also means no insurrection happened and they know it and why no charges for that,,

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