Republicans used to be a partner in governing

Thanks Truth. Good to find another decent political forum. They are harder to come by these days.

Per your comment above the Teapublican Party these days: their hypocrisy is incredible. They really have brainwashed those who are too lazy to think for themselves, and who would rather Faux News and Rush think for them. As you so aptly state, "They claim government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it". I used to be a proud registered Republican in the 1980s and early 90s, but after Newt and his Contract on America, I found myself left of a center that was in flux after 1994. As an Independent non-party affiliate, I have been able to see the big picture and become more objective with my views. I held out hope for the GOP by voting for what I thought would be a compassionate Conservative in the Whitehouse, only to become more and more ostracized from the GOP with my moderate views. It is posts like from CaliGirl that continue to reinforce why I must remain independent in thought, and avoid the trappings of Political Party Sheep Herding.

Keep up the good fight, my fellow American, and remember that the Silent Majority has yet to awaken to the disaster the GOP has brought upon America in recent years:evil:

Liberal Dictionary:
Moderate - liberal
Mainstream - liberal
Independent - liberal
In recent polls, an overwhelming 68% of the American public wanted a compromise on the debt ceiling. Break down those numbers by party, however, and a different picture emerges. 81% of Democrats want a compromise compared to only 53% of Republicans. Even more strikingly, 53% of the Tea Party oppose a settlement compared to 42% who favor it. The Tea Party, in opposition to the majority of the country, the majority of the Republican electorate and the weight of professional opinion, takes the my-way-or-the-high-way approach. What is going on?

The short answer is that the Republican leadership, in general, and the Tea Party, in particular, is designed to be a party of extremists. That is, the modern Republican party is built on its appeal to those most likely to see the world in black and white. Giving power to the true believers of any stripe is dangerous, and the this makes visible a decades long process that increases the risk that the country will become ungovernable.

If someone is trying to kill me I would not negotiate where the bullet would be placed.

You can not negotiate with a group that does not have the preservation of our country as their number one priority.
Republicans used to be a partner in governing, but have become Haters of all things governmental. Their Hate has made them enemies of government, and that is why our government no longer works. Republicans should either help make government work, or get out of it.

If by partner you mean bending over and letting the Progressive screw the people, then yu are right.

Difference now is Republicans are actually getting off their butt and trying to govern themselves and letting the people do likewise. Not really going fast enough though.
Welcome MC.

They claim government doesnt work and then get elected and prove it.

TM would like us to ignore that the past several years we have been governed solely by Democrats who controlled all branches of government.
How are republicans helping this country at our time of need?

Well, who said they are? Who said that the government is supposed to?

It seems all of our problems come from the government trying to "help" us. So maybe it's time the people got off their asses and helped themselves. Excuse my language.
Republicans used to be a partner in governing, but have become Haters of all things governmental. Their Hate has made them enemies of government, and that is why our government no longer works. Republicans should either help make government work, or get out of it.

There is a difference between hating government waste and hating government. Government is broken right now and needs to be fixed. Democrats are attacking anyone who tries to rein in the runaway growth of government by accusing them of being "haters".

If you really cared about America you'd tell them to stop.

Honesty and Truth is one of the first casualties of corrupt governments and people.
In recent polls, an overwhelming 68% of the American public wanted a compromise on the debt ceiling. Break down those numbers by party, however, and a different picture emerges. 81% of Democrats want a compromise compared to only 53% of Republicans. Even more strikingly, 53% of the Tea Party oppose a settlement compared to 42% who favor it. The Tea Party, in opposition to the majority of the country, the majority of the Republican electorate and the weight of professional opinion, takes the my-way-or-the-high-way approach. What is going on?

The short answer is that the Republican leadership, in general, and the Tea Party, in particular, is designed to be a party of extremists. That is, the modern Republican party is built on its appeal to those most likely to see the world in black and white. Giving power to the true believers of any stripe is dangerous, and the this makes visible a decades long process that increases the risk that the country will become ungovernable.

And they failed to get a Compromise. The Democrats got what they wanted. Tea Party got nothing.

Are you honestly suggesting that the solution to our debt and deficit is to spend more money we don't have? Do you think anyone else can get it?
they are extremists and pretending they are not is jsut insane

Note that "extremist" is quickly becoming the new "racist."

If it's extreme to live within one's means than I would embrace extremism. Because constantly spending money we don't have is a recipe for disaster whether it's in our personal lives, our businesses, or our nation.
Republicans used to be a partner in governing, but have become Haters of all things governmental. Their Hate has made them enemies of government, and that is why our government no longer works. Republicans should either help make government work, or get out of it.

You don't even know the correct words to make your point..

You're why we have bad presidents and a fucked up economy - because democrats pander to idiots like you, and you kindly vote for them so they can be the retarded ass holes while they are living the high life while your stupid ass sits there and pretends to be an intellectual that knows what the problems of this nation are because you watch MSNBC and read your morning paper.

Oh that and because you want something for free and you want the government to provide you with it.

So bravo, you're a sheep.
Republicans used to be a partner in governing, but have become Haters of all things governmental. Their Hate has made them enemies of government, and that is why our government no longer works. Republicans should either help make government work, or get out of it.

Yes indeed, they hate government so much, yet they hang around living off the gov. tit and slowing productive people from doing the American people's work.
Republicans used to be a partner in governing, but have become Haters of all things governmental. Their Hate has made them enemies of government, and that is why our government no longer works. Republicans should either help make government work, or get out of it.

You don't even know the correct words to make your point..

You're why we have bad presidents and a fucked up economy - because democrats pander to idiots like you, and you kindly vote for them so they can be the retarded ass holes while they are living the high life while your stupid ass sits there and pretends to be an intellectual that knows what the problems of this nation are because you watch MSNBC and read your morning paper.

Oh that and because you want something for free and you want the government to provide you with it.

So bravo, you're a sheep.

Ahh, cannot defeat the message, so you attack the messenger.:cuckoo:
Republicans used to be a partner in governing, but have become Haters of all things governmental. Their Hate has made them enemies of government, and that is why our government no longer works. Republicans should either help make government work, or get out of it.

ROFLMAO get out of it? LOL you libs would love that eh. Free Reign to spend like hell, and expand government power over us all. Wooo Hooo

Our Government is a system of checks and balances. We need people who think Government is usually the problem not the solution, to balance out you fucking WACKOS that learn nothing from history and think Government is the answer to all questions.
Welcome MC.

They claim government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it.

Thanks Truth. Good to find another decent political forum. They are harder to come by these days.

Per your comment above the Teapublican Party these days: their hypocrisy is incredible. They really have brainwashed those who are too lazy to think for themselves, and who would rather Faux News and Rush think for them. As you so aptly state, "They claim government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it". I used to be a proud registered Republican in the 1980s and early 90s, but after Newt and his Contract on America, I found myself left of a center that was in flux after 1994. As an Independent non-party affiliate, I have been able to see the big picture and become more objective with my views. I held out hope for the GOP by voting for what I thought would be a compassionate Conservative in the Whitehouse, only to become more and more ostracized from the GOP with my moderate views. It is posts like from CaliGirl that continue to reinforce why I must remain independent in thought, and avoid the trappings of Political Party Sheep Herding.

Keep up the good fight, my fellow American, and remember that the Silent Majority has yet to awaken to the disaster the GOP has brought upon America in recent years:evil:
Oh, lookie, lookie! Another Demmie straight out of Projection School. Already learned how to accuse Republicans of doing what Democrats do when he knows what a huge lie he's telling, and he knows where to find sympathy--from another graduate of Projection School! :rolleyes:
Welcome MC.

They claim government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it.

Thanks Truth. Good to find another decent political forum. They are harder to come by these days.

Per your comment above the Teapublican Party these days: their hypocrisy is incredible. They really have brainwashed those who are too lazy to think for themselves, and who would rather Faux News and Rush think for them. As you so aptly state, "They claim government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it". I used to be a proud registered Republican in the 1980s and early 90s, but after Newt and his Contract on America, I found myself left of a center that was in flux after 1994. As an Independent non-party affiliate, I have been able to see the big picture and become more objective with my views. I held out hope for the GOP by voting for what I thought would be a compassionate Conservative in the Whitehouse, only to become more and more ostracized from the GOP with my moderate views. It is posts like from CaliGirl that continue to reinforce why I must remain independent in thought, and avoid the trappings of Political Party Sheep Herding.

Keep up the good fight, my fellow American, and remember that the Silent Majority has yet to awaken to the disaster the GOP has brought upon America in recent years:evil:
Oh, lookie, lookie! Another Demmie straight out of Projection School. Already learned how to accuse Republicans of doing what Democrats do when he knows what a huge lie he's telling, and he knows where to find sympathy--from another graduate of Projection School! :rolleyes:

If he only knew that being instantly liked and worshiped by Truthmatters is a clear indication that you are full of shit.


The Biggest liar, and worst pusher of Liberal smear attacks on anyone right of Marxist on the whole board likes you. What a great endorsement.
they are extremists and pretending they are not is jsut insane

Note that "extremist" is quickly becoming the new "racist."

If it's extreme to live within one's means than I would embrace extremism. Because constantly spending money we don't have is a recipe for disaster whether it's in our personal lives, our businesses, or our nation.

Yes, indeed. Where were the conservatives when Bush was burying us in the black hole?

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