Republicans voted to cut funding for embassy protection.

They cut the funding.

So yeah.

Lets blame the fucks.

Perhaps if Obama hadn't wasted so much money paying back campaign contributers with tax money, we would have had some more money for security. Or Maybe if it was placed it bills that weren't full of corruption, it might have passed.

Regardless, you are still trying to avoid responsibility for Benghazai and the cover up. The Administration screwed up. They lied about it. They got caught. But no it's got to be someone elses fault.

Do you know why Obama's such a crappy leader? It's because no matter what happens it's someone elses fault. The man wont take an iota of responsibility for anything that happens. Even when it's his direct policies that caused them to occur. The man is a coward and unfit for the Presidency.

Nixon had to resign over the cover up of a burglary. Obama is covering up a terrorist attack and the murder of American citizens. But he doesn't have the integrity Nixon did to take responsibility for what he did. He doesn't even have to resign, just freaking man up.

How sad is that? He has less integrity than Nixon.

No man.

They cut funding.

They've been saying no to almost everything.

There's no backing out of this.

The VERY GUY holding the hearings..voted to CUT funding for the embassies.

And yet, there was not cut in funding for CIA safe houses was there? And that's what's really going on here. The Ambassador was working with the CIA to track the weapons Obama gave Al Qaeda. Him and the agents had to take refuges at a CIA safehouse we are now calling a consulate and the rest is history.

Oh, and if there isn't funding to protect an ambassador in Libya, we shouldn't have an Ambassador in Libya. If you don't have the funding to protect someone, you don't send them INTO A WAR ZONE.

That would have been the Adminstration/State department responsible for that. Though Im sure you somehow think Republicans have the power to give out diplomatic assignments. doesn't.

No protection. what austerity looks like.

Dead Americans.

Yeah they did, they didnt say this was the's the new excuse...the first one was a excuse so full of cum you loved to swallow every drop (How did you fall for the video're a retard)

And second they could have reduced staff in another embassy, not say in the mideast....the most dangerous place in the world outside of liberal run US inner cities are a new level of faggot.

Maybe something like Super Duper Faggot.

Is it hard to maintain this level of faggotness?

You cum swallowing faggot boy?

Wow as informative as your post was..all I got out of it is you like it in the ass....and you like to swallow cum...which I will gladly give to you......I'll Fed Ex it to you
Perhaps if Obama hadn't wasted so much money paying back campaign contributers with tax money, we would have had some more money for security. Or Maybe if it was placed it bills that weren't full of corruption, it might have passed.

Regardless, you are still trying to avoid responsibility for Benghazai and the cover up. The Administration screwed up. They lied about it. They got caught. But no it's got to be someone elses fault.

Do you know why Obama's such a crappy leader? It's because no matter what happens it's someone elses fault. The man wont take an iota of responsibility for anything that happens. Even when it's his direct policies that caused them to occur. The man is a coward and unfit for the Presidency.

Nixon had to resign over the cover up of a burglary. Obama is covering up a terrorist attack and the murder of American citizens. But he doesn't have the integrity Nixon did to take responsibility for what he did. He doesn't even have to resign, just freaking man up.

How sad is that? He has less integrity than Nixon.

No man.

They cut funding.

They've been saying no to almost everything.

There's no backing out of this.

The VERY GUY holding the hearings..voted to CUT funding for the embassies.

And yet, there was not cut in funding for CIA safe houses was there? And that's what's really going on here. The Ambassador was working with the CIA to track the weapons Obama gave Al Qaeda. Him and the agents had to take refuges at a CIA safehouse we are now calling a consulate and the rest is history.

Oh, and if there isn't funding to protect an ambassador in Libya, we shouldn't have an Ambassador in Libya. If you don't have the funding to protect someone, you don't send them INTO A WAR ZONE.

That would have been the Adminstration/State department responsible for that. Though Im sure you somehow think Republicans have the power to give out diplomatic assignments.


That's pretty much ridiculous.

What happened was this.

Obama asked for more money to protect embassies..and the Republicans..who hold the purse strings in congress said no.

This is what happens when you cutting funding on shit.

People die.

It's happening in NYC. Our police force has been cut by 6000. Crime is beginning to rise. People are dying.

Conservatives don't care about it unless there are political points to make. Except this's coming back to bite them in the ass.

You hear any Republicans say? Oh..what a terrible thing to happen to New York? After 9/11? No? Neither did I.

They wanted to use it to kill people in the Middle East.

The priorities are completely screwed.
No man.

They cut funding.

They've been saying no to almost everything.

There's no backing out of this.

The VERY GUY holding the hearings..voted to CUT funding for the embassies.

And yet, there was not cut in funding for CIA safe houses was there? And that's what's really going on here. The Ambassador was working with the CIA to track the weapons Obama gave Al Qaeda. Him and the agents had to take refuges at a CIA safehouse we are now calling a consulate and the rest is history.

Oh, and if there isn't funding to protect an ambassador in Libya, we shouldn't have an Ambassador in Libya. If you don't have the funding to protect someone, you don't send them INTO A WAR ZONE.

That would have been the Adminstration/State department responsible for that. Though Im sure you somehow think Republicans have the power to give out diplomatic assignments.


That's pretty much ridiculous.

What happened was this.

Obama asked for more money to protect embassies..and the Republicans..who hold the purse strings in congress said no.

This is what happens when you cutting funding on shit.

People die.

It's happening in NYC. Our police force has been cut by 6000. Crime is beginning to rise. People are dying.

Conservatives don't care about it unless there are political points to make. Except this's coming back to bite them in the ass.

You hear any Republicans say? Oh..what a terrible thing to happen to New York? After 9/11? No? Neither did I.

They wanted to use it to kill people in the Middle East.

The priorities are completely screwed.

Sorry this is just another excuse, if this was true...they would have said it...they trotted out the video excuse...which you bought......and now they're coming up with more bullshit......they could have cut staff at other embassies.....but didnt...because they are fucking stupid
Yeah they did, they didnt say this was the's the new excuse...the first one was a excuse so full of cum you loved to swallow every drop (How did you fall for the video're a retard)

And second they could have reduced staff in another embassy, not say in the mideast....the most dangerous place in the world outside of liberal run US inner cities are a new level of faggot.

Maybe something like Super Duper Faggot.

Is it hard to maintain this level of faggotness?

You cum swallowing faggot boy?

Wow as informative as your post was..all I got out of it is you like it in the ass....and you like to swallow cum...which I will gladly give to you......I'll Fed Ex it to you

You've got this weird way of projecting your fantasy, you jiz gargling sub human faggotity fagboy.

But it's really all you have.

Your faggotness.

Hold on though..the faggot train is coming..Next stop..your ass.

Fag boy.
Is buckeye from the fucked up state of Ohio? Regardless, Ohio is one really fucked up state.
It just doesn't get any more insane then this..

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, has scheduled a fairly high-profile hearing today on security lapses at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. There's one nagging problem, however, that might cause Republicans some trouble.

For example, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), a member of Issa's committee, told Soledad O'Brien this morning that he expects to hear testimony about security that "didn't meet the basic, minimum standards required for a facility such as the one we had in Benghazi." Chaffetz added that policymakers have to "make sure it doesn't happen in other places around the world."

Asked if he'd voted to cut federal funding for security at U.S. embassies and consulates, Chaffetz responded, "Absolutely. Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country.... When you're in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things."The GOP's embassy security problem - The Maddow Blog



I was just reading this before checking out USMB. Amazing, isn't it? This is the kind of crap that happens all the time, and it happens from both sides. What kills me is the partisan whackjobs who think that they are right about everything and everyone else is an imbecile. And when something like this is brought to their attention, they will just blow it off or try to turn it around to blame it on someone else. are a new level of faggot.

Maybe something like Super Duper Faggot.

Is it hard to maintain this level of faggotness?

You cum swallowing faggot boy?

Wow as informative as your post was..all I got out of it is you like it in the ass....and you like to swallow cum...which I will gladly give to you......I'll Fed Ex it to you

You've got this weird way of projecting your fantasy, you jiz gargling sub human faggotity fagboy.

But it's really all you have.

Your faggotness.

Hold on though..the faggot train is coming..Next stop..your ass.

Fag boy.

Well twink.....Lakhota says you ass gapes, what does that mean?
Ridiculous? It's the only thing that makes sense. You think the Ambassador would have been in a dangerous area of the country if he wasn't working with two "Navy Seals" who were killed tracking down those weapons, which were supplied in Benghazai? BTW Those Navy Seals are likely CIA agents. One of them is on record saying he was in Libya tracking down weapons.

Why would the Ambassador be in Benghazai, one of the most dangerous and unstable areas of Libya, on the anniversary of 9/11 without any security? Why would they be at this "consulate" that news sources are indicating was a CIA safe house?

Heck, Lakhota just posted a thread blaming Republicans for outting them all as CIA agents. Do you bother reading anything?
Is buckeye from the fucked up state of Ohio? Regardless, Ohio is one really fucked up state.

Yep I am...and we are getting all kinds of Lakhota are you the one homo indian in Oklahoma or are you an Elizabeth Warren indian, where you had a great great great great grandpappy that was an indian?>
Wow as informative as your post was..all I got out of it is you like it in the ass....and you like to swallow cum...which I will gladly give to you......I'll Fed Ex it to you

You've got this weird way of projecting your fantasy, you jiz gargling sub human faggotity fagboy.

But it's really all you have.

Your faggotness.

Hold on though..the faggot train is coming..Next stop..your ass.

Fag boy.

Well twink.....Lakhota says you ass gapes, what does that mean?

Ridiculous? It's the only thing that makes sense. You think the Ambassador would have been in a dangerous area of the country if he wasn't working with two "Navy Seals" who were killed tracking down those weapons, which were supplied in Benghazai? BTW Those Navy Seals are likely CIA agents. One of them is on record saying he was in Libya tracking down weapons.

Why would the Ambassador be in Benghazai, one of the most dangerous and unstable areas of Libya, on the anniversary of 9/11 without any security? Why would they be at this "consulate" that news sources are indicating was a CIA safe house?

Heck, Lakhota just posted a thread blaming Republicans for outting them all as CIA agents. Do you bother reading anything?


Yeah..that's the ticket alrighty..they got the goods on Obama because of some clandestine operations to um..get the goods on Obama.

You guys are sorta a joke.



You've got this weird way of projecting your fantasy, you jiz gargling sub human faggotity fagboy.

But it's really all you have.

Your faggotness.

Hold on though..the faggot train is coming..Next stop..your ass.

Fag boy.

Well twink.....Lakhota says you ass gapes, what does that mean?


Funny we execute pedophiles. you "get them off" on "good behavior"....son I love's like boxing a midget.....


Funny we execute pedophiles. you "get them off" on "good behavior"....son I love's like boxing a midget.....

Santorum..your butt buddy..gave that guy an award.


You play with dead babies too?

Dude you want homos to you guys can gape each other.....and for necrophilia...I'm sure that's the new democrat interest groupXXXXXXXXX
Funny we execute pedophiles. you "get them off" on "good behavior"....son I love's like boxing a midget.....

Santorum..your butt buddy..gave that guy an award.


You play with dead babies too?

Dude you want homos to you guys can gape each other.....and for necrophilia...I'm sure that's the new democrat interest group.....or is it pedophiles? Tell your pedophile friends I said burn in hell ;)

You want to burn in hell?

With your butt buddy Sandusky?

Remember that guy? Santorum..who plays with dead babies..gave that guy an award?

I'd mention pedophile Ted Nugent..old crappy pants himself..but he like girls.

That's not your thing.

In their questioning and in the public testimony they invited, the lawmakers managed to disclose, without ever mentioning Langley directly, that there was a seven-member “rapid response force” in the compound the State Department was calling an annex. One of the State Department security officials was forced to acknowledge that “not necessarily all of the security people” at the Benghazi compounds “fell under my direct operational control.”
Santorum..your butt buddy..gave that guy an award.


You play with dead babies too?

Dude you want homos to you guys can gape each other.....and for necrophilia...I'm sure that's the new democrat interest group.....or is it pedophiles? Tell your pedophile friends I said burn in hell ;)

You want to burn in hell?

With your butt buddy Sandusky?

Remember that guy? Santorum..who plays with dead babies..gave that guy an award?

I'd mention pedophile Ted Nugent..old crappy pants himself..but he like girls.

That's not your thing.


Wow you are focused on gay sex with really need some help......leave the boys alone if you need a cock, I'll give it to you
TIRED OF YOU FUCKING LIBERALS with this shit.. DO they have the power NO .. OBama has to sign the thing to . THE BUCK STOPS at the top .. Quit spinning this to make it look like we are the ones who turned them down.. It was Ambassador Lamb who denied them they begged for security .. They could have sent them home.. That would not cost that much money. you liberals make me sick.. 4 dead people and your President LIED and said it was a fucking video for how many days after the attack when KNOWING all along it was terrorist.
We have a president who cares more about his campaign that he does about American lives..
You guys are running scared and I dont think Obama can run or spin this one. People are waking up and seeing really what kind president he is.. I doubt even moderate liberals will vote for him only you far left commie bastards will !!
It just doesn't get any more insane then this..

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, has scheduled a fairly high-profile hearing today on security lapses at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. There's one nagging problem, however, that might cause Republicans some trouble.

For example, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), a member of Issa's committee, told Soledad O'Brien this morning that he expects to hear testimony about security that "didn't meet the basic, minimum standards required for a facility such as the one we had in Benghazi." Chaffetz added that policymakers have to "make sure it doesn't happen in other places around the world."

Asked if he'd voted to cut federal funding for security at U.S. embassies and consulates, Chaffetz responded, "Absolutely. Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country.... When you're in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things."The GOP's embassy security problem - The Maddow Blog


No doubt cons will go along with giving money to Willard to buy 15 ships a year, including 3 submarines, while they cut money for security at our embassies.
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