Republicans Waited Only 9 Minutes after Scalia Died to make it Political

In 2007 Chuck Schumer was laying the ground work to do the same to any possible Bush nomination and there wasn't even an opening on the court now that's political and low class.
Those spots on the bench became political they day after they were invented but the OP is an idiot that knows nothing of history. NOT one of the justices who first sat on the bench were full four year degree lawyers.

The first law school wasn't established until 1779 in the colonies - about halfway in the Revolutionary War - when Thomas Jefferson persuaded the College of William and Marry to establish a professorship of law. It wasn't until 1826 that the first law class was taught at the University of Virginia.

Seeing as how there were no law schools in the colonies it's not surprising that there weren't many people that attended law school. Prior to that lawyer'ing was more an apprentice/mentor situation.

(UVA Law is where my daughter will be graduating from this spring so she can sit the bar in July - Proud Dad Shameless Plug.)


Thanks WorldWatcher I thought the same thing when I read DarkFury 's nonsense post but I'm sure he's correct and everyone else on the board is wrong. ;)

But hey, you should be careful. DarkFury says he has an IQ of 214 (Einstein and Hawking score a measly 160!) and he has friends in very low places.

I'm very careful not to anger him cuz he has threatened to have Joe The Hoe Arpaio delete my posts and give DarkFury info so he can find me.

Scary stuff, I tell ya.

That's about 8 minutes slower than when the Dims and the leftist media would have spewed.

As usual, RWNJ traitors live in LaLaLand.

They refuse to deal with reality and instead yammer on and on about "would have".

FACT is the Repubs were piling it on within minutes.

Deal with it.

You think that is a big deal? Just wait till that gutter trash Harry Reid kicks off!!!! I will be screaming with tears of JOY!!!!


It would only have been a "big deal" if it had been Dems who did it.

Then there would be 50 or 60 threads, all calling for the death penalty.

In 2007 Chuck Schumer was laying the ground work to do the same to any possible Bush nomination and there wasn't even an opening on the court now that's political and low class.
They will completely ignore this fact. Why? Cause everything I say about them every day is 100% accurate.

I think I am going to the local cemetery where I live to piss on a liberals grave.

About 15 minutes after I drink a budweiser.
Those spots on the bench became political they day after they were invented but the OP is an idiot that knows nothing of history. NOT one of the justices who first sat on the bench were full four year degree lawyers.

The first law school wasn't established until 1779 in the colonies - about halfway in the Revolutionary War - when Thomas Jefferson persuaded the College of William and Marry to establish a professorship of law. It wasn't until 1826 that the first law class was taught at the University of Virginia.

Seeing as how there were no law schools in the colonies it's not surprising that there weren't many people that attended law school. Prior to that lawyer'ing was more an apprentice/mentor situation.

(UVA Law is where my daughter will be graduating from this spring so she can sit the bar in July - Proud Dad Shameless Plug.)


A proud dad has a hard time passing up a chance to brag about his kid. That's why my chest puffs out every time I think about my daughter,the soon to be doctor. I think of her med school expense as my retirement program. I don't think she appreciates the joke.
Those spots on the bench became political they day after they were invented but the OP is an idiot that knows nothing of history. NOT one of the justices who first sat on the bench were full four year degree lawyers.

The first law school wasn't established until 1779 in the colonies - about halfway in the Revolutionary War - when Thomas Jefferson persuaded the College of William and Marry to establish a professorship of law. It wasn't until 1826 that the first law class was taught at the University of Virginia.

Seeing as how there were no law schools in the colonies it's not surprising that there weren't many people that attended law school. Prior to that lawyer'ing was more an apprentice/mentor situation.

(UVA Law is where my daughter will be graduating from this spring so she can sit the bar in July - Proud Dad Shameless Plug.)


Thanks WorldWatcher I thought the same thing when I read DarkFury 's nonsense post but I'm sure he's correct and everyone else on the board is wrong. ;)

But hey, you should be careful. DarkFury says he has an IQ of 214 (Einstein and Hawking score a measly 160!) and he has friends in very low places.

I'm very careful not to anger him cuz he has threatened to have Joe The Hoe Arpaio delete my posts and give DarkFury info so he can find me.

Scary stuff, I tell ya.

You Takers are pretty witty this evening.
That's about 8 minutes slower than when the Dims and the leftist media would have spewed.

As usual, RWNJ traitors live in LaLaLand.

They refuse to deal with reality and instead yammer on and on about "would have".

FACT is the Repubs were piling it on within minutes.

Deal with it.

You think that is a big deal? Just wait till that gutter trash Harry Reid kicks off!!!! I will be screaming with tears of JOY!!!!
Of course...I would not expect any less of you.
They didn't even wait until the body was cold. Disgusting!

Republicans Waited Only 9 Minutes after Scalia Died to make it Political


But in the following two hours, those balls fell — on Grassley.

The conservative Twitterverse erupted with demands that the Senate refuse to confirm anybody nominated by President Obama to replace Scalia.

Then, at 6:41 p.m., not two hours after the San Antonio Express-News broke the news of Scalia’s death, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) declared that “this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”

The proverbial before-the-body-was-cold pronouncementsbegan nine minutes after the San Antonio paper tweeted Scalia’s death. Sean Davis of the right-wing publication the Federalist tweeted: “If Scalia has actually passed away, the Senate must refuse to confirm any justices in 2016.”

Four minutes later, Conn Carroll, a spokesman for Senate Judiciary Committee member Mike Lee (R-Utah), tweeted that chances were “less than zero” of an Obama nominee succeeding.

The ugly political spectacle around Justice Scalia’s death

Guess the names Paul Wellstone and Gabrielle Giffords don't ring a bell........does it???
And Sarah Palin still hasn't apologized to Gabby Giffords for targeting her in her ads!

Like I said, Republicans are disgusting and immoral.
Those were surveyors marks NOT cross hairs moron.
Is that what your masters tell you? :lol:
They didn't even wait until the body was cold. Disgusting!

Republicans Waited Only 9 Minutes after Scalia Died to make it Political


But in the following two hours, those balls fell — on Grassley.

The conservative Twitterverse erupted with demands that the Senate refuse to confirm anybody nominated by President Obama to replace Scalia.

Then, at 6:41 p.m., not two hours after the San Antonio Express-News broke the news of Scalia’s death, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) declared that “this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”

The proverbial before-the-body-was-cold pronouncementsbegan nine minutes after the San Antonio paper tweeted Scalia’s death. Sean Davis of the right-wing publication the Federalist tweeted: “If Scalia has actually passed away, the Senate must refuse to confirm any justices in 2016.”

Four minutes later, Conn Carroll, a spokesman for Senate Judiciary Committee member Mike Lee (R-Utah), tweeted that chances were “less than zero” of an Obama nominee succeeding.

The ugly political spectacle around Justice Scalia’s death

Guess the names Paul Wellstone and Gabrielle Giffords don't ring a bell........does it???
And Sarah Palin still hasn't apologized to Gabby Giffords for targeting her in her ads!

Like I said, Republicans are disgusting and immoral.
Those were surveyors marks NOT cross hairs moron.


There's that 214 IQ again.

Nothing gets past this genius.

Except the truth.

Keep digging Dorko.

That's about 8 minutes slower than when the Dims and the leftist media would have spewed.

As usual, RWNJ traitors live in LaLaLand.

They refuse to deal with reality and instead yammer on and on about "would have".

FACT is the Repubs were piling it on within minutes.

Deal with it.

You think that is a big deal? Just wait till that gutter trash Harry Reid kicks off!!!! I will be screaming with tears of JOY!!!!
Of course...I would not expect any less of you.

Good!! Because this country will IMMEDIATELY get better the day that worthless piece of excrement is lowered into the sand of the Nevada desert.
In 2007 Chuck Schumer was laying the ground work to do the same to any possible Bush nomination and there wasn't even an opening on the court now that's political and low class.
They will completely ignore this fact. Why? Cause everything I say about them every day is 100% accurate.

I think I am going to the local cemetery where I live to piss on a liberals grave.

About 15 minutes after I drink a budweiser.
That reminds me...where are they burying Scalia?
In 2007 Chuck Schumer was laying the ground work to do the same to any possible Bush nomination and there wasn't even an opening on the court now that's political and low class.
They will completely ignore this fact. Why? Cause everything I say about them every day is 100% accurate.

I think I am going to the local cemetery where I live to piss on a liberals grave.

About 15 minutes after I drink a budweiser.
That reminds me...where are they burying Scalia?

Yeap, they are all ignoring that fact. I win again. Pissed?
Wow you guys have room to talk, the bodies are not even warm in shootings around the country and he makes it political.. Oh I get it . You can only make something political if youre a liberal
They didn't even wait until the body was cold. Disgusting!

Republicans Waited Only 9 Minutes after Scalia Died to make it Political


But in the following two hours, those balls fell — on Grassley.

The conservative Twitterverse erupted with demands that the Senate refuse to confirm anybody nominated by President Obama to replace Scalia.

Then, at 6:41 p.m., not two hours after the San Antonio Express-News broke the news of Scalia’s death, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) declared that “this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”

The proverbial before-the-body-was-cold pronouncementsbegan nine minutes after the San Antonio paper tweeted Scalia’s death. Sean Davis of the right-wing publication the Federalist tweeted: “If Scalia has actually passed away, the Senate must refuse to confirm any justices in 2016.”

Four minutes later, Conn Carroll, a spokesman for Senate Judiciary Committee member Mike Lee (R-Utah), tweeted that chances were “less than zero” of an Obama nominee succeeding.

The ugly political spectacle around Justice Scalia’s death
Sure glad fucking liberals never make anything political


^^^stupid fucking Trey Wingo ESPN liberal assface dork trying to show his "support" with his "peeps" after the Trayvon Martin bullshit. Fucking liberals.


Has there been an autopsy yet? No? They sure it was "natural causes?"

I find it funny how liberals say he was fat and over weight with a heart condition. someone may need to tell those losers that they changed the original diagnosis from heart attack to "natural causes."

Can anyone explain "natural causes?" Thanks. I guess with out an official autopsy....we can just SAY generally acceptable ambiguous terms?

Ok. In the meantime, it sure seems to benefit the asshole in chief and his retarded demented sheep. Go figure. Lucky him that he has this opportunity to stick the matador in this country he despises most.
How is it disgusting? After a president dies it takes only seconds to swear in a new president. Scalia himself related to the media how he viewed the qualifications of his successor. The thing that is really disgusting is the president playing politics and refusing to attend Scalia's funeral. It's insulting to the Judical branch of government, to Italians and to Americans in general that Hussein would go out of his way to meet with the Cuban president but refuses to attend the funeral of one of the Justices of the Supreme Court who died on the job.

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