Republicans war on women

Did you even read the OP? Can you even read? That is the war on women.........filing a bill that literally gives employers the right to fire pregnant single women is a war on women. Why not the men that got them pregnant? And, aren't they going against their own belief's? Won't this open the door for single women to want to get abortions? I thought you all were against abortion? And, won't this make single pregnant women qualify for welfare? I thought you all were against welfare? Isn't it a stupid decision? Hopefully there is enough Democrats to derail this bill.......but kudos to you all for winning the House and the you can wreck the country without interference. Well, maybe not, we still have a damn smart President......he'll veto the hell out of such stupidity.
Because only women get to choose. That's the lefty way.

Oh, and men get to choose to fire women that get pregnant and are not quaint. That's like so 1930's......where you cons want to take the country.
I'd say 1330's

Actually, men still get to choose whether or not to acknowledge and support their offspring. They can walk away while the woman must bear the consequences of his irresponsibility.

Yes, men still get to "choose" to acknowledge and support their offspring or not. Care to guess where conservatives stand on that choice?
Yeah, we know about that.....Bristol Palin's first baby's daddy was so good at paying for his offspring Bristol had to sue. Try again.

According to Palin's camp, however, Johnston, 23, never really held up his end of the bargain. Her attorney reportedly said last month that Tripp's dad owed $66,000 in support.
Bristol Palin Served Levi Johnston Files for Joint Custody of Son Tripp E Online

Liberals are the ones who keep trying to convince women they should raise kids on their own.

Please provide a link for this bullshit you're making up.

If you have a problem with men who abandon their kids, take it up with the black community, because they are the worst culprits. Funny, since they tend to vote democrat 90% of the time.

Why of course, a racist and bigot will always point the finger at blacks. This OP is not about who abandons their kids, it's about the stupid Republican party coming up with bullshit bills that put a burden on women, and here you are, not addressing the issue, but pointing fingers. Nice job.
So here is a little fact I received from a friend in Nevada. Apparently military recruiters are prohibited from attending carrier day at small high schools in counties with licensed bordellos, yet the liberal educational establishment welcomes bordello and erotic dance industry representatives. So which institution demeans the woman more, the military or the skin trade? So if the sex trade is not demeaning to a woman please explain what is?
Because only women get to choose. That's the lefty way.

Oh, and men get to choose to fire women that get pregnant and are not quaint. That's like so 1930's......where you cons want to take the country.
I'd say 1330's

Actually, men still get to choose whether or not to acknowledge and support their offspring. They can walk away while the woman must bear the consequences of his irresponsibility.

Yes, men still get to "choose" to acknowledge and support their offspring or not. Care to guess where conservatives stand on that choice?
Yeah, we know about that.....Bristol Palin's first baby's daddy was so good at paying for his offspring Bristol had to sue. Try again.

According to Palin's camp, however, Johnston, 23, never really held up his end of the bargain. Her attorney reportedly said last month that Tripp's dad owed $66,000 in support.
Bristol Palin Served Levi Johnston Files for Joint Custody of Son Tripp E Online

Liberals are the ones who keep trying to convince women they should raise kids on their own.

Please provide a link for this bullshit you're making up.

If you have a problem with men who abandon their kids, take it up with the black community, because they are the worst culprits. Funny, since they tend to vote democrat 90% of the time.

Why of course, a racist and bigot will always point the finger at blacks. This OP is not about who abandons their kids, it's about the stupid Republican party coming up with bullshit bills that put a burden on women, and here you are, not addressing the issue, but pointing fingers. Nice job.

Oh good job, you found one white person who ran out on their kid, that means all conservatives are wrong!

Of course I am a "bigot" for pointing out obvious facts. So let's have it Mertex, let's hear how it's Republicans' fault that so many black men abandon their kids.

What is more of a burden on women, all the black men that have run out on their kids, or a bill passed by some Republicans that doesn't even do as the OP claims?
Republicans deny the claim that there is a Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women. Filing a bill that allows employers to fire single women that get pregnant! What about the men that got them pregnant? And, won't this encourage abortions? Welfare? What are they thinking? Oops, they are not thinking.

Where are the Republican women on this? Why do they think it is okay? Stepford wives, anyone?

Well, it’s happened. Republicans have become so desperate in their attempts to allow bigots to discriminate freely against the LGBT community that they have crafted a bill with language so loose that would allow “Christians” to fire single women for getting pregnant…just like Jesus would. H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act, “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person — which is defined to include for-profit corporations — acting in accordance with a religious belief that favors so-called traditional marriage,” the Huffington Post reports. “This means the feds can’t revoke a nonprofit’s tax-exempt status or end a company’s federal contract over this issue.”

The bill includes protections for people who believe marriage is between “one man and one woman” and “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” If that’s not awful enough, American Civil Liberties Union legislative representative Ian Thompson points out that the legalized discrimination within the bill extends to other groups conservatives regularly attempt to deprive of equal treatment — single mothers.

House GOP Files Bill That Allows Employers To Fire Single Pregnant Women
It's the scarlet letter all over again.
By the way, I left the army before I became a colonel, so in this war could I be one ? I promise to go easy on the captain's and major's.
Republicans deny the claim that there is a Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women. Filing a bill that allows employers to fire single women that get pregnant! What about the men that got them pregnant? And, won't this encourage abortions? Welfare? What are they thinking? Oops, they are not thinking.

Where are the Republican women on this? Why do they think it is okay? Stepford wives, anyone?

Well, it’s happened. Republicans have become so desperate in their attempts to allow bigots to discriminate freely against the LGBT community that they have crafted a bill with language so loose that would allow “Christians” to fire single women for getting pregnant…just like Jesus would. H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act, “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person — which is defined to include for-profit corporations — acting in accordance with a religious belief that favors so-called traditional marriage,” the Huffington Post reports. “This means the feds can’t revoke a nonprofit’s tax-exempt status or end a company’s federal contract over this issue.”

The bill includes protections for people who believe marriage is between “one man and one woman” and “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” If that’s not awful enough, American Civil Liberties Union legislative representative Ian Thompson points out that the legalized discrimination within the bill extends to other groups conservatives regularly attempt to deprive of equal treatment — single mothers.

House GOP Files Bill That Allows Employers To Fire Single Pregnant Women
It's the scarlet letter all over again.

They are too ignorant to know how to word a bill, and just keep digging themselves deeper.:dig:
wrong as always......

Ah yes, the duhs method of argument, you'll hold your breath until you turn blue...
False as always.there isn't an argument. You are just wrong.

Let me complement you on your well laid out response.

Full of facts, well explained, and pulled together to form a water-tight conclusion.

Oh wait......

Not to mention full of explanations.......bwahahaha!

The facts are: GOP files bill that literally gives employers the right to fire a woman employee for becoming pregnant and not being married. End of story.

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