Republicans war on women

You really do live in a bubble. Because some women dye their hair gray doesn't mean every one does. I don't need to dye my hair.....I don't have but a few gray hairs and it really adds highlights to my dark brown hair. Many women dye their hair ash blond......which looks gray, and I know some Republican women that do that. What has that got to do with the stupid filing of a bill by the GOP that literally gives employers the right to fire a woman for getting pregnant out of wedlock?

When you say you want to take the country back.....does it mean to the dark ages? It appears so.
I live in a bubble all right. It's a bunch of white left wingers in the middle of a black county. They love talking about diversity and they all go gray. Gray sheeple.
Says the Lord of sheeple
You need to itemize your charge. Otherwise you're just a troll.
False l need do nothing but state the facts. All anyone needs to do is read your selfrightious shit to see I'm correct.
You just repeated more pointless troll shit. List your concerns. Can't have a discussion if you can't make a point.
asked and answerd.
Hey there Dawg…. wassaup?
This whole thing assumes that people are entitled to the job working for somebody else. As soon as they get hired, they are entitled to the job. Is this the premise the whole argument is based on?

It's based on republicans wanting to be able to fire women for nothing more than being single and pregnant. It has nothing to do with how well they do their job.
Lots of companies have morals clauses, etc. If they realize that single mom families are bad for society then good for them for not endorsing them.

One of the main arguments the left uses for black failure is that black children are economically disadvantaged. Why? Mostly because most black families are single mom. A strong father/mother family is always best but somehow the left see's that as evil.
Absolute bullshit.
You need to be clearer. What is absolute bullshit and why?
Not my problem if you are too dense to work it out.
It is very pathetic when idiots see some talking head on TV say that there is some sort of "war on women" being waged by the GOP, then those ignorant dumbfucks just mindlessly repeat it on message boards like this one.

They are too unintelligent to think for themselves.
That's the GOP in nutshell.
Feel better now?
Didn't feel bad in the first place.
just stating fact.
It is very pathetic when idiots see some talking head on TV say that there is some sort of "war on women" being waged by the GOP, then those ignorant dumbfucks just mindlessly repeat it on message boards like this one.

They are too unintelligent to think for themselves.
That's the GOP in nutshell.
Feel better now?
Didn't feel bad in the first place.
just stating fact.
What purpose is there to unleashing so much irrational hate?
Because only women get to choose. That's the lefty way.

Oh, and men get to choose to fire women that get pregnant and are not quaint. That's like so 1930's......where you cons want to take the country.
I'd say 1330's
You ever run or watch a 3200 meter race? You have to cross a place you've already been eight times. Lefties don't realize they've been lapped and then some.
Wow that was meaningless.
It was spot on. Get a non-lefty to explain it to you.
It was spot on in its meaninglessness.
It is very pathetic when idiots see some talking head on TV say that there is some sort of "war on women" being waged by the GOP, then those ignorant dumbfucks just mindlessly repeat it on message boards like this one.

They are too unintelligent to think for themselves.
That's the GOP in nutshell.
Feel better now?
Didn't feel bad in the first place.
just stating fact.
What purpose is there to unleashing so much irrational hate?
It's neither hate or irrational .
thanks for playing.
It is very pathetic when idiots see some talking head on TV say that there is some sort of "war on women" being waged by the GOP, then those ignorant dumbfucks just mindlessly repeat it on message boards like this one.

They are too unintelligent to think for themselves.
That's the GOP in nutshell.
Feel better now?
Didn't feel bad in the first place.
just stating fact.
What purpose is there to unleashing so much irrational hate?
It's neither hate or irrational .
thanks for playing.

It isn't like your hatred of men is rational either. I don't think woman should be fired for getting pregnant but there's many more areas that people like you show utter contempt towards men for. Must be a sad little life you have.
The family is probably the most important thing in the world but yet the left in this thread hates it.
It is very pathetic when idiots see some talking head on TV say that there is some sort of "war on women" being waged by the GOP, then those ignorant dumbfucks just mindlessly repeat it on message boards like this one.

They are too unintelligent to think for themselves.
That's the GOP in nutshell.
Feel better now?
Didn't feel bad in the first place.
just stating fact.
What purpose is there to unleashing so much irrational hate?
It's neither hate or irrational .
thanks for playing.
It's extreme antipathy towards a group of people you don't know, and apparently know very little about. That's a pretty good definition of hate. It's also not based in reality, which makes it quite irrational. No, I'll stick with my original diagnosis.
That's the GOP in nutshell.
Feel better now?
Didn't feel bad in the first place.
just stating fact.
What purpose is there to unleashing so much irrational hate?
It's neither hate or irrational .
thanks for playing.

It isn't like your hatred of men is rational either. I don't think woman should be fired for getting pregnant but there's many more areas that people like you show utter contempt towards men for. Must be a sad little life you have.
Lol ...since I've been a man my whole life that's about the stupidest thing you could have said.
I do have extreme contempt for the conservative definition of what a man is.
That's the GOP in nutshell.
Feel better now?
Didn't feel bad in the first place.
just stating fact.
What purpose is there to unleashing so much irrational hate?
It's neither hate or irrational .
thanks for playing.
It's extreme antipathy towards a group of people you don't know, and apparently know very little about. That's a pretty good definition of hate. It's also not based in reality, which makes it quite irrational. No, I'll stick with my original diagnosis.
What's it like to be wrong all the time?
Feel better now?
Didn't feel bad in the first place.
just stating fact.
What purpose is there to unleashing so much irrational hate?
It's neither hate or irrational .
thanks for playing.
It's extreme antipathy towards a group of people you don't know, and apparently know very little about. That's a pretty good definition of hate. It's also not based in reality, which makes it quite irrational. No, I'll stick with my original diagnosis.
What's it like to be wrong all the time?
I was hoping you could tell me.
Didn't feel bad in the first place.
just stating fact.
What purpose is there to unleashing so much irrational hate?
It's neither hate or irrational .
thanks for playing.
It's extreme antipathy towards a group of people you don't know, and apparently know very little about. That's a pretty good definition of hate. It's also not based in reality, which makes it quite irrational. No, I'll stick with my original diagnosis.
What's it like to be wrong all the time?
I was hoping you could tell me.
I don't do fiction.
Republicans deny the claim that there is a Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women. Filing a bill that allows employers to fire single women that get pregnant! What about the men that got them pregnant? And, won't this encourage abortions? Welfare? What are they thinking? Oops, they are not thinking.

Where are the Republican women on this? Why do they think it is okay? Stepford wives, anyone?

Well, it’s happened. Republicans have become so desperate in their attempts to allow bigots to discriminate freely against the LGBT community that they have crafted a bill with language so loose that would allow “Christians” to fire single women for getting pregnant…just like Jesus would. H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act, “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person — which is defined to include for-profit corporations — acting in accordance with a religious belief that favors so-called traditional marriage,” the Huffington Post reports. “This means the feds can’t revoke a nonprofit’s tax-exempt status or end a company’s federal contract over this issue.”

The bill includes protections for people who believe marriage is between “one man and one woman” and “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” If that’s not awful enough, American Civil Liberties Union legislative representative Ian Thompson points out that the legalized discrimination within the bill extends to other groups conservatives regularly attempt to deprive of equal treatment — single mothers.

House GOP Files Bill That Allows Employers To Fire Single Pregnant Women

It's as if the hate that fills your heart flows up to become the shit that fills your head, Playtex.
What purpose is there to unleashing so much irrational hate?
It's neither hate or irrational .
thanks for playing.
It's extreme antipathy towards a group of people you don't know, and apparently know very little about. That's a pretty good definition of hate. It's also not based in reality, which makes it quite irrational. No, I'll stick with my original diagnosis.
What's it like to be wrong all the time?
I was hoping you could tell me.
I don't do fiction.
Neither do I. Now can we dispense with that whole silly hate stuff?
Yet another dumb move by the party of stupid.

Yes, they are pandering to the rabid rightwingers who are suffering from a considerable degree of rectal discomfort following the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage.

But this is what cost them the 2012 election. What makes them believe that lambasting the same deceased equine is going to have a different outcome in 2016?

Yet more demagoguery from the party of Goebbels...

Slander from a hate site - you scum are desperate.
False the left doesn't hate family.
However the right dictating what family is
deserves to be hated

Don't be stupid Duhs, the left is dedicated to the eradication of the family and an impediment to the supremacy of the state, Both Marx and Lenin stated this openly - with you moron demagogue-crats implementing the program now.

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