Republicans war on women

Where is this war on woman????

Did you even read the OP? Can you even read? That is the war on women.........filing a bill that literally gives employers the right to fire pregnant single women is a war on women. Why not the men that got them pregnant? And, aren't they going against their own belief's? Won't this open the door for single women to want to get abortions? I thought you all were against abortion? And, won't this make single pregnant women qualify for welfare? I thought you all were against welfare? Isn't it a stupid decision? Hopefully there is enough Democrats to derail this bill.......but kudos to you all for winning the House and the you can wreck the country without interference. Well, maybe not, we still have a damn smart President......he'll veto the hell out of such stupidity.
Because only women get to choose. That's the lefty way.

Oh, and men get to choose to fire women that get pregnant and are not quaint. That's like so 1930's......where you cons want to take the country.
I'd say 1330's

Actually, men still get to choose whether or not to acknowledge and support their offspring. They can walk away while the woman must bear the consequences of his irresponsibility.
Sure. If they intentionally create children devoid of the necessary two parents then they are contributing to social demise. Like if they sell drugs. Good policy.

Does that mean you want government to poke it's nose in people's most personal decisions? Don't answer that. I already know.
Hey there Dawg…. wassaup?
This whole thing assumes that people are entitled to the job working for somebody else. As soon as they get hired, they are entitled to the job. Is this the premise the whole argument is based on?

It's based on republicans wanting to be able to fire women for nothing more than being single and pregnant. It has nothing to do with how well they do their job.
Lots of companies have morals clauses, etc. If they realize that single mom families are bad for society then good for them for not endorsing them.

One of the main arguments the left uses for black failure is that black children are economically disadvantaged. Why? Mostly because most black families are single mom. A strong father/mother family is always best but somehow the left see's that as evil.

That is bizarrely vile, hateful, and stupid. I wrote a description of many of the ways you are wrong but erased it because your attitude is too disgusting to even engage. If you ever wonder why republicans are so hated and reviled, reread your post.
Where is this war on woman????

Did you even read the OP? Can you even read? That is the war on women.........filing a bill that literally gives employers the right to fire pregnant single women is a war on women. Why not the men that got them pregnant? And, aren't they going against their own belief's? Won't this open the door for single women to want to get abortions? I thought you all were against abortion? And, won't this make single pregnant women qualify for welfare? I thought you all were against welfare? Isn't it a stupid decision? Hopefully there is enough Democrats to derail this bill.......but kudos to you all for winning the House and the you can wreck the country without interference. Well, maybe not, we still have a damn smart President......he'll veto the hell out of such stupidity.
Because only women get to choose. That's the lefty way.

Oh, and men get to choose to fire women that get pregnant and are not quaint. That's like so 1930's......where you cons want to take the country.
I'd say 1330's

Actually, men still get to choose whether or not to acknowledge and support their offspring. They can walk away while the woman must bear the consequences of his irresponsibility.
You must know my dad.
Republicans deny the claim that there is a Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women. Filing a bill that allows employers to fire single women that get pregnant! What about the men that got them pregnant? And, won't this encourage abortions? Welfare? What are they thinking? Oops, they are not thinking.

Where are the Republican women on this? Why do they think it is okay? Stepford wives, anyone?

Well, it’s happened. Republicans have become so desperate in their attempts to allow bigots to discriminate freely against the LGBT community that they have crafted a bill with language so loose that would allow “Christians” to fire single women for getting pregnant…just like Jesus would. H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act, “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person — which is defined to include for-profit corporations — acting in accordance with a religious belief that favors so-called traditional marriage,” the Huffington Post reports. “This means the feds can’t revoke a nonprofit’s tax-exempt status or end a company’s federal contract over this issue.”

The bill includes protections for people who believe marriage is between “one man and one woman” and “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” If that’s not awful enough, American Civil Liberties Union legislative representative Ian Thompson points out that the legalized discrimination within the bill extends to other groups conservatives regularly attempt to deprive of equal treatment — single mothers.

House GOP Files Bill That Allows Employers To Fire Single Pregnant Women

Back to this nonsense again? Funny how the only time we hear about this supposed "WAR ON WOMEN!!!" (cue ominous background music!!!) is when a liberal with an awful record is about to run for office. Gee, think someone might be trying to deflect the narrative away from things like Benghazi, email accounts and charitable foundations? Then as soon as the election is over you won't hear a peep about that subject until the next election.

Really? this is
H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act
A bill introduced by house republicans. If you don't want your war on women discussed, then quit introducing bills like this.

How is H.R. 2802 a war on women? It's about religious freedom.

Since when did the name of a bill have anything to do with what is in it?
Dimocrats really need to come up with a fresh new war before this time next year. This one is too outdated now, even Sandra Flook has moved on.
Did you even read the OP? They want to be able to fire women for being pregnant, but just the ones who aren't married. Do you really think an employer should have that ability?
Sure. If they intentionally create children devoid of the necessary two parents then they are contributing to social demise. Like if they sell drugs. Good policy.

Does that mean you want government to poke it's nose in people's most personal decisions? Don't answer that. I already know.
Hey there Dawg…. wassaup?
This whole thing assumes that people are entitled to the job working for somebody else. As soon as they get hired, they are entitled to the job. Is this the premise the whole argument is based on?

It's based on republicans wanting to be able to fire women for nothing more than being single and pregnant. It has nothing to do with how well they do their job.
You did not answer the question. I see the dilemma I just don't know if the premise is a job entitlement the argument is based on.

No entitlement involved. If an employer wants to fire a single pregnant woman, he can, it will be a valid reason for discharge just as if she broke company rules or was a poor employee.
Republicans deny the claim that there is a Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women. Filing a bill that allows employers to fire single women that get pregnant! What about the men that got them pregnant? And, won't this encourage abortions? Welfare? What are they thinking? Oops, they are not thinking.

Where are the Republican women on this? Why do they think it is okay? Stepford wives, anyone?

Well, it’s happened. Republicans have become so desperate in their attempts to allow bigots to discriminate freely against the LGBT community that they have crafted a bill with language so loose that would allow “Christians” to fire single women for getting pregnant…just like Jesus would. H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act, “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person — which is defined to include for-profit corporations — acting in accordance with a religious belief that favors so-called traditional marriage,” the Huffington Post reports. “This means the feds can’t revoke a nonprofit’s tax-exempt status or end a company’s federal contract over this issue.”

The bill includes protections for people who believe marriage is between “one man and one woman” and “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” If that’s not awful enough, American Civil Liberties Union legislative representative Ian Thompson points out that the legalized discrimination within the bill extends to other groups conservatives regularly attempt to deprive of equal treatment — single mothers.

House GOP Files Bill That Allows Employers To Fire Single Pregnant Women

This may sound cold but employers should be able to fire anyone and being pregnant shouldn't excuse the other reasons for firing. So are woman somehow so special that they shouldn't be fired???? Men get fired all the time for doing wrong or being a bad employee and in some cases they have to support a family too...

So being pregnant makes you wrong, or a bad employee? Tell me more.
Way to miss the point.
A company should be able to fire any worker that is not performing to standards.
No one deserves special standing.

It has nothing to do with performance standards. The criteria is being unmarried and pregnant. That's it.
I didn't realize the war had started up again.
Obviously you don’t get it.

These ridiculous measures advocated by republicans hostile to the privacy rights of women, jeopardizing the ability of women to earn a living, result in women correctly perceiving the GOP as being hostile to their best interests.

In case you and others on the right aren’t aware of this, women vote – and an increasing majority of women won’t be voting for republican candidates as a consequence, including the republican presidential nominee.
Republicans deny the claim that there is a Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women. Filing a bill that allows employers to fire single women that get pregnant! What about the men that got them pregnant? And, won't this encourage abortions? Welfare? What are they thinking? Oops, they are not thinking.

Where are the Republican women on this? Why do they think it is okay? Stepford wives, anyone?

Well, it’s happened. Republicans have become so desperate in their attempts to allow bigots to discriminate freely against the LGBT community that they have crafted a bill with language so loose that would allow “Christians” to fire single women for getting pregnant…just like Jesus would. H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act, “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person — which is defined to include for-profit corporations — acting in accordance with a religious belief that favors so-called traditional marriage,” the Huffington Post reports. “This means the feds can’t revoke a nonprofit’s tax-exempt status or end a company’s federal contract over this issue.”

The bill includes protections for people who believe marriage is between “one man and one woman” and “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” If that’s not awful enough, American Civil Liberties Union legislative representative Ian Thompson points out that the legalized discrimination within the bill extends to other groups conservatives regularly attempt to deprive of equal treatment — single mothers.

House GOP Files Bill That Allows Employers To Fire Single Pregnant Women

Back to this nonsense again? Funny how the only time we hear about this supposed "WAR ON WOMEN!!!" (cue ominous background music!!!) is when a liberal with an awful record is about to run for office. Gee, think someone might be trying to deflect the narrative away from things like Benghazi, email accounts and charitable foundations? Then as soon as the election is over you won't hear a peep about that subject until the next election.

Really? this is
H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act
A bill introduced by house republicans. If you don't want your war on women discussed, then quit introducing bills like this.

How is H.R. 2802 a war on women? It's about religious freedom.

Since when did the name of a bill have anything to do with what is in it?
Apparently people (business owners) are not to allow their religion to have any influence on their business decisions. They are to leave their religion either at home or at church.

That being said, the number and types of jobs in which a single woman might be fired because she became pregnant (sex outside of marriage) would be extremely rare. Unless the job involves some leadership role inwhich the employee is expected to be a rolemodel, which would probably involve a contract with a morality clause, it is very unlikely that any single women would be fired because they become pregnant. The girl working at the Christian bakery would probably not have to worry about losing her job if she becomes pregnant. Most Christians would want to show compassion to the single mom and her new baby.
Republicans deny the claim that there is a Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women. Filing a bill that allows employers to fire single women that get pregnant! What about the men that got them pregnant? And, won't this encourage abortions? Welfare? What are they thinking? Oops, they are not thinking.

Where are the Republican women on this? Why do they think it is okay? Stepford wives, anyone?

Well, it’s happened. Republicans have become so desperate in their attempts to allow bigots to discriminate freely against the LGBT community that they have crafted a bill with language so loose that would allow “Christians” to fire single women for getting pregnant…just like Jesus would. H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act, “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person — which is defined to include for-profit corporations — acting in accordance with a religious belief that favors so-called traditional marriage,” the Huffington Post reports. “This means the feds can’t revoke a nonprofit’s tax-exempt status or end a company’s federal contract over this issue.”

The bill includes protections for people who believe marriage is between “one man and one woman” and “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” If that’s not awful enough, American Civil Liberties Union legislative representative Ian Thompson points out that the legalized discrimination within the bill extends to other groups conservatives regularly attempt to deprive of equal treatment — single mothers.

House GOP Files Bill That Allows Employers To Fire Single Pregnant Women

Back to this nonsense again? Funny how the only time we hear about this supposed "WAR ON WOMEN!!!" (cue ominous background music!!!) is when a liberal with an awful record is about to run for office. Gee, think someone might be trying to deflect the narrative away from things like Benghazi, email accounts and charitable foundations? Then as soon as the election is over you won't hear a peep about that subject until the next election.

Really? this is
H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act
A bill introduced by house republicans. If you don't want your war on women discussed, then quit introducing bills like this.

How is H.R. 2802 a war on women? It's about religious freedom.

Since when did the name of a bill have anything to do with what is in it?
Apparently people (business owners) are not to allow their religion to have any influence on their business decisions. They are to leave their religion either at home or at church.

That being said, the number and types of jobs in which a single woman might be fired because she became pregnant (sex outside of marriage) would be extremely rare. Unless the job involves some leadership role inwhich the employee is expected to be a rolemodel, which would probably involve a contract with a morality clause, it is very unlikely that any single women would be fired because they become pregnant. The girl working at the Christian bakery would probably not have to worry about losing her job if she becomes pregnant. Most Christians would want to show compassion to the single mom and her new baby.

If the bible thumpers are that compassionate, why do they want the bill? I would expect a Christian to be more understanding, but the jerks who call themselves Christians for political purposes..... the hypocritical bible thumpers, aren't.
It is very pathetic when idiots see some talking head on TV say that there is some sort of "war on women" being waged by the GOP, then those ignorant dumbfucks just mindlessly repeat it on message boards like this one.

They are too unintelligent to think for themselves.
It is very pathetic when idiots see some talking head on TV say that there is some sort of "war on women" being waged by the GOP, then those ignorant dumbfucks just mindlessly repeat it on message boards like this one.

They are too unintelligent to think for themselves.

That might be true if the bill number wasn't listed in the OP
It is very pathetic when idiots see some talking head on TV say that there is some sort of "war on women" being waged by the GOP, then those ignorant dumbfucks just mindlessly repeat it on message boards like this one.

They are too unintelligent to think for themselves.

That might be true if the bill number wasn't listed in the OP
There is no bill that declares war on women, dumbass.
Back to this nonsense again? Funny how the only time we hear about this supposed "WAR ON WOMEN!!!" (cue ominous background music!!!) is when a liberal with an awful record is about to run for office. Gee, think someone might be trying to deflect the narrative away from things like Benghazi, email accounts and charitable foundations? Then as soon as the election is over you won't hear a peep about that subject until the next election.

Really? this is
H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act
A bill introduced by house republicans. If you don't want your war on women discussed, then quit introducing bills like this.

How is H.R. 2802 a war on women? It's about religious freedom.

Since when did the name of a bill have anything to do with what is in it?
Apparently people (business owners) are not to allow their religion to have any influence on their business decisions. They are to leave their religion either at home or at church.

That being said, the number and types of jobs in which a single woman might be fired because she became pregnant (sex outside of marriage) would be extremely rare. Unless the job involves some leadership role inwhich the employee is expected to be a rolemodel, which would probably involve a contract with a morality clause, it is very unlikely that any single women would be fired because they become pregnant. The girl working at the Christian bakery would probably not have to worry about losing her job if she becomes pregnant. Most Christians would want to show compassion to the single mom and her new baby.

If the bible thumpers are that compassionate, why do they want the bill? I would expect a Christian to be more understanding, but the jerks who call themselves Christians for political purposes..... the hypocritical bible thumpers, aren't.
The bill is not specifically targeting pregnant single women. As we become more and more a regulated nation, government is forcing people to act contrary to their moral and religious convictions.
Where is this war on woman????

Did you even read the OP? Can you even read? That is the war on women.........filing a bill that literally gives employers the right to fire pregnant single women is a war on women. Why not the men that got them pregnant? And, aren't they going against their own belief's? Won't this open the door for single women to want to get abortions? I thought you all were against abortion? And, won't this make single pregnant women qualify for welfare? I thought you all were against welfare? Isn't it a stupid decision? Hopefully there is enough Democrats to derail this bill.......but kudos to you all for winning the House and the you can wreck the country without interference. Well, maybe not, we still have a damn smart President......he'll veto the hell out of such stupidity.
Because only women get to choose. That's the lefty way.

Oh, and men get to choose to fire women that get pregnant and are not quaint. That's like so 1930's......where you cons want to take the country.
I'd say 1330's

Actually, men still get to choose whether or not to acknowledge and support their offspring. They can walk away while the woman must bear the consequences of his irresponsibility.
I am all for punishing dead beat dads. Thing is , putting them in jail defeats the purpose. They can't pay what they owe if they are incarcerated.
The system sucks.
However, the main thrust of this thread is a piece of crap.
The fact is job discrimination is illegal. Such an act must be proven in a court of law.
The other issue is, laws must be crafted and passed that guarantee equality for all. Meaning, it MUST cut both ways.
So for example, a person who is a member of a minority group cannot scream discrimination or racism and expect to realize a financial windfall without due process.
Same applies to that pregnant single woman. She cannot perform her job poorly and than say "you can't fire me. I'm single and pregnant"...

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