Republicans warming up for a HUGE "War of Hate" against American gays.

Which 2016 Presidential candidate took tens of million of dollars from nations that murder men merely for being gay?


"She's been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that treat women horribly, and countries that kill gays, they kill gays, they push them off of buildings." -- DJT on HRC

The Clinton Foundation took money from countries with a history of human rights abuses and used it to buy AIDS drugs for children, education for women, and other life saving and educational opportunities in Third World countries. I don’t have a problem with that.

At least she wasn’t lining her pockets with the money like the Trump family.
Jeff Sessions’ ‘Religious Liberty Task Force’ Declares Holy War on LGBT People

Jeff Sessions wants to make sure that you can be fired for being gay.

Trump administration says it’s time to stop punishment of anti-gay African countries

It won't be just national. Trump and the GOP going global with their "War of Hate".

I know USMB Republicans find that wonderful, but the gains of the last 30 years are about to be lost for the gay community.

And remember, it starts with one minority but spreads to others. The GOP plan all along.

The GOP - the modern Party of Hate.
good god - the trifecta of crap sites. so if i go out and find crap right wing site and bring that FUD crap in here, you gonna cry foul at the source, or are you gonna realize you're just hyper-fearing shit around?

i swear to god people wake up at times wondering just how fucking stupid they can be today.
It is a real thing, though, and it's totally true that the LGBT community feels threatened by it. I don't want to see their rights taken away. They should be able to love who they like and enjoy the legal benefits of marriage just like anyone else. I still have not bought that any of that interferes with anyone else's "Religious Liberty" and the Supreme Court won't touch it with a ten foot pole, so I guess threads like this will endlessly repeat with a lot of ill will on both sides but never a solution.
real? maybe. but in the same light infowars would be real to the people who read it. at least to me.

like you - i don't see how what 2 grown adults do (more if they're having a party, hell) in the privacy of their own home or even as hetero couple do in public, is anyone elses business. "marriage" to me is a religious term and to me this is a legal issue so i try to stay out of those discussions.

it's hard enough to simply be yourself in this world w/o having to defend it 24x7.
Marriage is definitely a legal issue which should NOT be encroached on by religious values. Which is more important is clear: You are not married until you have a marriage license. You can have a marriage mass twenty times, but you are not legally married until you have a marriage license. The religious ceremony is an add-on.

I'm not seeing how the Attorney General of the United States creating a "religious liberty task force" to "help the department fully implement our religious guidance" is up for any kind of interpretation. What scares me a little is .... "our religious guidance?" In the DOJ?
What is happening over there?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday announced the Department of Justice's creation of a "religious liberty task force" to "help the department fully implement our religious guidance."

In a speech at the Department of Justice's Religious Liberty Summit in Washington, Sessions said the goal of the task force will be protecting religious groups from persecution.

What is happening is that religious freedom legal issues are cropping up right, left, and center, and the Justice Department is belatedly realizing that it needs to protect the rights of ALL citizens, even if they hold views that the left has condemned.

"Religious guidance" would be "guidance that we give the legal system on dealing with religious rights". Fairly obvious if you read for context, instead of reading for "What can I be hysterical about?!"

So, what "religious rights" are we talking about? Muslim taxi drivers that don't want to carry dogs? Muslim cashiers that don't want to sell alcohol?
Which 2016 Presidential candidate took tens of million of dollars from nations that murder men merely for being gay?


"She's been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that treat women horribly, and countries that kill gays, they kill gays, they push them off of buildings." -- DJT on HRC

The Clinton Foundation took money from countries with a history of human rights abuses and used it to buy AIDS drugs for children, education for women, and other life saving and educational opportunities in Third World countries. I don’t have a problem with that.

At least she wasn’t lining her pockets with the money like the Trump family.

And if you're looking for us to clutch our pearls over the "horror" of the Trumps getting money from legitimate, money-generating activities, you should definitely hold your breath while waiting.
If someone has a problem with the people that someone else loves/fucks, then they've got no reason to complain when someone else has a problem with what they believe. It's hypocritical.

That said, this "war on LGBT people" talk is extreme. We know that devout religious people don't approve of being gay, but it's probably a stretch to say they're waging war against them.
good god - the trifecta of crap sites. so if i go out and find crap right wing site and bring that FUD crap in here, you gonna cry foul at the source, or are you gonna realize you're just hyper-fearing shit around?

i swear to god people wake up at times wondering just how fucking stupid they can be today.
It is a real thing, though, and it's totally true that the LGBT community feels threatened by it. I don't want to see their rights taken away. They should be able to love who they like and enjoy the legal benefits of marriage just like anyone else. I still have not bought that any of that interferes with anyone else's "Religious Liberty" and the Supreme Court won't touch it with a ten foot pole, so I guess threads like this will endlessly repeat with a lot of ill will on both sides but never a solution.
real? maybe. but in the same light infowars would be real to the people who read it. at least to me.

like you - i don't see how what 2 grown adults do (more if they're having a party, hell) in the privacy of their own home or even as hetero couple do in public, is anyone elses business. "marriage" to me is a religious term and to me this is a legal issue so i try to stay out of those discussions.

it's hard enough to simply be yourself in this world w/o having to defend it 24x7.
Marriage is definitely a legal issue which should NOT be encroached on by religious values. Which is more important is clear: You are not married until you have a marriage license. You can have a marriage mass twenty times, but you are not legally married until you have a marriage license. The religious ceremony is an add-on.

I'm not seeing how the Attorney General of the United States creating a "religious liberty task force" to "help the department fully implement our religious guidance" is up for any kind of interpretation. What scares me a little is .... "our religious guidance?" In the DOJ?
What is happening over there?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday announced the Department of Justice's creation of a "religious liberty task force" to "help the department fully implement our religious guidance."

In a speech at the Department of Justice's Religious Liberty Summit in Washington, Sessions said the goal of the task force will be protecting religious groups from persecution.

What is happening is that religious freedom legal issues are cropping up right, left, and center, and the Justice Department is belatedly realizing that it needs to protect the rights of ALL citizens, even if they hold views that the left has condemned.

"Religious guidance" would be "guidance that we give the legal system on dealing with religious rights". Fairly obvious if you read for context, instead of reading for "What can I be hysterical about?!"

So, what "religious rights" are we talking about? Muslim taxi drivers that don't want to carry dogs? Muslim cashiers that don't want to sell alcohol?

Yeah, you just woke up in a brand-new world five minutes ago, and are now innocently bewildered at what Sessions could POSSIBLY be talking about.

Do we have a "liar, liar, pants on fire" emoji?

This just in: whether or not YOU think people should have a right does not determine whether or not they DO have it.
It is a real thing, though, and it's totally true that the LGBT community feels threatened by it. I don't want to see their rights taken away. They should be able to love who they like and enjoy the legal benefits of marriage just like anyone else. I still have not bought that any of that interferes with anyone else's "Religious Liberty" and the Supreme Court won't touch it with a ten foot pole, so I guess threads like this will endlessly repeat with a lot of ill will on both sides but never a solution.
real? maybe. but in the same light infowars would be real to the people who read it. at least to me.

like you - i don't see how what 2 grown adults do (more if they're having a party, hell) in the privacy of their own home or even as hetero couple do in public, is anyone elses business. "marriage" to me is a religious term and to me this is a legal issue so i try to stay out of those discussions.

it's hard enough to simply be yourself in this world w/o having to defend it 24x7.
Marriage is definitely a legal issue which should NOT be encroached on by religious values. Which is more important is clear: You are not married until you have a marriage license. You can have a marriage mass twenty times, but you are not legally married until you have a marriage license. The religious ceremony is an add-on.

I'm not seeing how the Attorney General of the United States creating a "religious liberty task force" to "help the department fully implement our religious guidance" is up for any kind of interpretation. What scares me a little is .... "our religious guidance?" In the DOJ?
What is happening over there?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday announced the Department of Justice's creation of a "religious liberty task force" to "help the department fully implement our religious guidance."

In a speech at the Department of Justice's Religious Liberty Summit in Washington, Sessions said the goal of the task force will be protecting religious groups from persecution.

What is happening is that religious freedom legal issues are cropping up right, left, and center, and the Justice Department is belatedly realizing that it needs to protect the rights of ALL citizens, even if they hold views that the left has condemned.

"Religious guidance" would be "guidance that we give the legal system on dealing with religious rights". Fairly obvious if you read for context, instead of reading for "What can I be hysterical about?!"

So, what "religious rights" are we talking about? Muslim taxi drivers that don't want to carry dogs? Muslim cashiers that don't want to sell alcohol?

Yeah, you just woke up in a brand-new world five minutes ago, and are now innocently bewildered at what Sessions could POSSIBLY be talking about.

Do we have a "liar, liar, pants on fire" emoji?

This just in: whether or not YOU think people should have a right does not determine whether or not they DO have it.

Ah, so it's not actually about religious rights. Good of you to admit that...
If someone has a problem with the people that someone else loves/fucks, then they've got no reason to complain when someone else has a problem with what they believe. It's hypocritical.

That said, this "war on LGBT people" talk is extreme. We know that devout religious people don't approve of being gay, but it's probably a stretch to say they're waging war against them.
we're living in extreme times.

"we disagree" has become "FUCK YOU IT'S WAR!"
Which 2016 Presidential candidate took tens of million of dollars from nations that murder men merely for being gay?


"She's been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that treat women horribly, and countries that kill gays, they kill gays, they push them off of buildings." -- DJT on HRC

The Clinton Foundation took money from countries with a history of human rights abuses and used it to buy AIDS drugs for children, education for women, and other life saving and educational opportunities in Third World countries. I don’t have a problem with that.

At least she wasn’t lining her pockets with the money like the Trump family.

And if you're looking for us to clutch our pearls over the "horror" of the Trumps getting money from legitimate, money-generating activities, you should definitely hold your breath while waiting.

It's so strange that gives the Clinton Foundation an A rating...

Clinton Foundation | Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch
Which 2016 Presidential candidate took tens of million of dollars from nations that murder men merely for being gay?


"She's been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that treat women horribly, and countries that kill gays, they kill gays, they push them off of buildings." -- DJT on HRC

The Clinton Foundation took money from countries with a history of human rights abuses and used it to buy AIDS drugs for children, education for women, and other life saving and educational opportunities in Third World countries. I don’t have a problem with that.

At least she wasn’t lining her pockets with the money like the Trump family.
Behind that ‘four stars’ rating for the Clinton Foundation from Charity Navigator
LOL! Wow, this guy is just too funny. If you need to read the links, you'll discover that this "holy war of hate" is really measures to ensure that gay rights bigots can't persecute religious people and businesses.

And, perish the thought that we stop harassing African nations that are "anti-gay." Obama handed over hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran, one of the most overtly anti-gay nations on Earth.
real? maybe. but in the same light infowars would be real to the people who read it. at least to me.

like you - i don't see how what 2 grown adults do (more if they're having a party, hell) in the privacy of their own home or even as hetero couple do in public, is anyone elses business. "marriage" to me is a religious term and to me this is a legal issue so i try to stay out of those discussions.

it's hard enough to simply be yourself in this world w/o having to defend it 24x7.
Marriage is definitely a legal issue which should NOT be encroached on by religious values. Which is more important is clear: You are not married until you have a marriage license. You can have a marriage mass twenty times, but you are not legally married until you have a marriage license. The religious ceremony is an add-on.

I'm not seeing how the Attorney General of the United States creating a "religious liberty task force" to "help the department fully implement our religious guidance" is up for any kind of interpretation. What scares me a little is .... "our religious guidance?" In the DOJ?
What is happening over there?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday announced the Department of Justice's creation of a "religious liberty task force" to "help the department fully implement our religious guidance."

In a speech at the Department of Justice's Religious Liberty Summit in Washington, Sessions said the goal of the task force will be protecting religious groups from persecution.

What is happening is that religious freedom legal issues are cropping up right, left, and center, and the Justice Department is belatedly realizing that it needs to protect the rights of ALL citizens, even if they hold views that the left has condemned.

"Religious guidance" would be "guidance that we give the legal system on dealing with religious rights". Fairly obvious if you read for context, instead of reading for "What can I be hysterical about?!"

So, what "religious rights" are we talking about? Muslim taxi drivers that don't want to carry dogs? Muslim cashiers that don't want to sell alcohol?

Yeah, you just woke up in a brand-new world five minutes ago, and are now innocently bewildered at what Sessions could POSSIBLY be talking about.

Do we have a "liar, liar, pants on fire" emoji?

This just in: whether or not YOU think people should have a right does not determine whether or not they DO have it.

Ah, so it's not actually about religious rights. Good of you to admit that...

Ah, so you were going to say this no matter what I said. Good of you to admit that.
Which 2016 Presidential candidate took tens of million of dollars from nations that murder men merely for being gay?


"She's been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that treat women horribly, and countries that kill gays, they kill gays, they push them off of buildings." -- DJT on HRC

The Clinton Foundation took money from countries with a history of human rights abuses and used it to buy AIDS drugs for children, education for women, and other life saving and educational opportunities in Third World countries. I don’t have a problem with that.

At least she wasn’t lining her pockets with the money like the Trump family.

And if you're looking for us to clutch our pearls over the "horror" of the Trumps getting money from legitimate, money-generating activities, you should definitely hold your breath while waiting.

It's so strange that gives the Clinton Foundation an A rating...

Clinton Foundation | Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch

Tangents and diversions aside, they still took money from horrible people who abuse homosexuals, and we still think you're a piece of shit for making excuses for it. Of course, we thought that anyway.
Marriage is definitely a legal issue which should NOT be encroached on by religious values. Which is more important is clear: You are not married until you have a marriage license. You can have a marriage mass twenty times, but you are not legally married until you have a marriage license. The religious ceremony is an add-on.

I'm not seeing how the Attorney General of the United States creating a "religious liberty task force" to "help the department fully implement our religious guidance" is up for any kind of interpretation. What scares me a little is .... "our religious guidance?" In the DOJ?
What is happening over there?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday announced the Department of Justice's creation of a "religious liberty task force" to "help the department fully implement our religious guidance."

In a speech at the Department of Justice's Religious Liberty Summit in Washington, Sessions said the goal of the task force will be protecting religious groups from persecution.

What is happening is that religious freedom legal issues are cropping up right, left, and center, and the Justice Department is belatedly realizing that it needs to protect the rights of ALL citizens, even if they hold views that the left has condemned.

"Religious guidance" would be "guidance that we give the legal system on dealing with religious rights". Fairly obvious if you read for context, instead of reading for "What can I be hysterical about?!"

So, what "religious rights" are we talking about? Muslim taxi drivers that don't want to carry dogs? Muslim cashiers that don't want to sell alcohol?

Yeah, you just woke up in a brand-new world five minutes ago, and are now innocently bewildered at what Sessions could POSSIBLY be talking about.

Do we have a "liar, liar, pants on fire" emoji?

This just in: whether or not YOU think people should have a right does not determine whether or not they DO have it.

Ah, so it's not actually about religious rights. Good of you to admit that...

Ah, so you were going to say this no matter what I said. Good of you to admit that.

Was I? I’m just wondering where this task force will go. Y’all seemed really pissed when Taxi drivers refused to let people with dogs in their taxis, and a candidate got his panties in a twist when he though a cashier wouldn’t ring up alcohol for religious reasons (the cashier was actually underage), but claim this task force is about religious rights. Whose?
Which 2016 Presidential candidate took tens of million of dollars from nations that murder men merely for being gay?


"She's been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that treat women horribly, and countries that kill gays, they kill gays, they push them off of buildings." -- DJT on HRC

The Clinton Foundation took money from countries with a history of human rights abuses and used it to buy AIDS drugs for children, education for women, and other life saving and educational opportunities in Third World countries. I don’t have a problem with that.

At least she wasn’t lining her pockets with the money like the Trump family.

And if you're looking for us to clutch our pearls over the "horror" of the Trumps getting money from legitimate, money-generating activities, you should definitely hold your breath while waiting.

It's so strange that gives the Clinton Foundation an A rating...

Clinton Foundation | Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch

Tangents and diversions aside, they still took money from horrible people who abuse homosexuals, and we still think you're a piece of shit for making excuses for it. Of course, we thought that anyway.

Pointing out fact is hardly making excuses. And I’m okay with taking money from assholes and using it to buy AIDS medicine in other countries.
It is a real thing, though, and it's totally true that the LGBT community feels threatened by it. I don't want to see their rights taken away. They should be able to love who they like and enjoy the legal benefits of marriage just like anyone else. I still have not bought that any of that interferes with anyone else's "Religious Liberty" and the Supreme Court won't touch it with a ten foot pole, so I guess threads like this will endlessly repeat with a lot of ill will on both sides but never a solution.
real? maybe. but in the same light infowars would be real to the people who read it. at least to me.

like you - i don't see how what 2 grown adults do (more if they're having a party, hell) in the privacy of their own home or even as hetero couple do in public, is anyone elses business. "marriage" to me is a religious term and to me this is a legal issue so i try to stay out of those discussions.

it's hard enough to simply be yourself in this world w/o having to defend it 24x7.
Marriage is definitely a legal issue which should NOT be encroached on by religious values. Which is more important is clear: You are not married until you have a marriage license. You can have a marriage mass twenty times, but you are not legally married until you have a marriage license. The religious ceremony is an add-on.

I'm not seeing how the Attorney General of the United States creating a "religious liberty task force" to "help the department fully implement our religious guidance" is up for any kind of interpretation. What scares me a little is .... "our religious guidance?" In the DOJ?
What is happening over there?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday announced the Department of Justice's creation of a "religious liberty task force" to "help the department fully implement our religious guidance."

In a speech at the Department of Justice's Religious Liberty Summit in Washington, Sessions said the goal of the task force will be protecting religious groups from persecution.

What is happening is that religious freedom legal issues are cropping up right, left, and center, and the Justice Department is belatedly realizing that it needs to protect the rights of ALL citizens, even if they hold views that the left has condemned.

"Religious guidance" would be "guidance that we give the legal system on dealing with religious rights". Fairly obvious if you read for context, instead of reading for "What can I be hysterical about?!"

So, what "religious rights" are we talking about? Muslim taxi drivers that don't want to carry dogs? Muslim cashiers that don't want to sell alcohol?

Yeah, you just woke up in a brand-new world five minutes ago, and are now innocently bewildered at what Sessions could POSSIBLY be talking about.

Do we have a "liar, liar, pants on fire" emoji?

This just in: whether or not YOU think people should have a right does not determine whether or not they DO have it.
Jeff Sessions’ ‘Religious Liberty Task Force’ Declares Holy War on LGBT People

Jeff Sessions wants to make sure that you can be fired for being gay.

Trump administration says it’s time to stop punishment of anti-gay African countries

It won't be just national. Trump and the GOP going global with their "War of Hate".

I know USMB Republicans find that wonderful, but the gains of the last 30 years are about to be lost for the gay community.

And remember, it starts with one minority but spreads to others. The GOP plan all along.

The GOP - the modern Party of Hate.

So you are afraid faggot?

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