Republicans (ways & means committee) refuse to release Trump's tax returns over Russia investigation


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Republicans are in charge of the Way & Means committee of congress, and can easily get to Trump's income tax returns. The American public has a right to now what is going on with him and Russia. These income tax returns would show any financial ties to Russia and other foreign countries that he may be held hostage by.

Of course this over the two ongoing Senate investigations over Russia hacking into the DNC databases, and General Flynn's firing.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Senator: Investigation of Trump and Russia, including Flynn's conversations, is moving forward

"Coming on top of credible information from America’s intelligence agencies that Russia tried to destabilize and influence the 2016 presidential campaign, these latest revelations are more than sufficient reason for Congress to investigate what Moscow has been up to and whether people at the highest levels of the United States government have aided and abetted the interests of a nation that has tried to thwart American foreign policy since the Cold War.

Given that context, one might expect Mr. Trump to be clamoring for details that would eliminate any suspicion that his administration is in league with an enemy. Instead he has waged an unhinged attack on the intelligence agencies themselves, praising President Vladimir Putin of Russia at every turn and pointing fingers everywhere but at himself, while refusing to take a single step to resolve questions about his administration’s ties to Russia.

Admittedly, this is hoping for a lot from a Republican leadership whose natural inclination is to protect the president. This week, for instance, congressional Republicans closed off one avenue to forcing the release of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, which he has refused to divulge and which could help prove to Americans that he is not indebted to Russian financial entities. (It bears repeating, in this regard, that Mr. Trump didn’t fire Mr. Flynn this week for chummily discussing American sanctions on Russia with Moscow’s ambassador, or for lying about it. Mr. Trump knew all that for weeks. He fired Mr. Flynn after both of them got caught.)

Here is the article, and this is the reason that the New York Times was banned from attending White House briefings.

And it's clearly falling apart on Trump

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -
I never understood how racist neo nazi republicans could demand obama release his fucking birth certificate but they dont see a problem with trump not releasing his tax returns.
Republicans are in charge of the Way & Means committee of congress, and can easily get to Trump's income tax returns. The American public has a right to now what is going on with him and Russia. These income tax returns would show any financial ties to Russia and other foreign countries that he may be held hostage by.

Of course this over the two ongoing Senate investigations over Russia hacking into the DNC databases, and General Flynn's firing.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Senator: Investigation of Trump and Russia, including Flynn's conversations, is moving forward

"Coming on top of credible information from America’s intelligence agencies that Russia tried to destabilize and influence the 2016 presidential campaign, these latest revelations are more than sufficient reason for Congress to investigate what Moscow has been up to and whether people at the highest levels of the United States government have aided and abetted the interests of a nation that has tried to thwart American foreign policy since the Cold War.

Given that context, one might expect Mr. Trump to be clamoring for details that would eliminate any suspicion that his administration is in league with an enemy. Instead he has waged an unhinged attack on the intelligence agencies themselves, praising President Vladimir Putin of Russia at every turn and pointing fingers everywhere but at himself, while refusing to take a single step to resolve questions about his administration’s ties to Russia.

Admittedly, this is hoping for a lot from a Republican leadership whose natural inclination is to protect the president. This week, for instance, congressional Republicans closed off one avenue to forcing the release of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, which he has refused to divulge and which could help prove to Americans that he is not indebted to Russian financial entities. (It bears repeating, in this regard, that Mr. Trump didn’t fire Mr. Flynn this week for chummily discussing American sanctions on Russia with Moscow’s ambassador, or for lying about it. Mr. Trump knew all that for weeks. He fired Mr. Flynn after both of them got caught.)

Here is the article, and this is the reason that the New York Times was banned from attending White House briefings.

And it's clearly falling apart on Trump

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Click bait.
I never understood how racist neo nazi republicans could demand obama release his fucking birth certificate but they dont see a problem with trump not releasing his tax returns.
That is because the Constitution confuses you.
Republicans are in charge of the Way & Means committee of congress, and can easily get to Trump's income tax returns. The American public has a right to now what is going on with him and Russia. These income tax returns would show any financial ties to Russia and other foreign countries that he may be held hostage by.

Of course this over the two ongoing Senate investigations over Russia hacking into the DNC databases, and General Flynn's firing.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Senator: Investigation of Trump and Russia, including Flynn's conversations, is moving forward

"Coming on top of credible information from America’s intelligence agencies that Russia tried to destabilize and influence the 2016 presidential campaign, these latest revelations are more than sufficient reason for Congress to investigate what Moscow has been up to and whether people at the highest levels of the United States government have aided and abetted the interests of a nation that has tried to thwart American foreign policy since the Cold War.

Given that context, one might expect Mr. Trump to be clamoring for details that would eliminate any suspicion that his administration is in league with an enemy. Instead he has waged an unhinged attack on the intelligence agencies themselves, praising President Vladimir Putin of Russia at every turn and pointing fingers everywhere but at himself, while refusing to take a single step to resolve questions about his administration’s ties to Russia.

Admittedly, this is hoping for a lot from a Republican leadership whose natural inclination is to protect the president. This week, for instance, congressional Republicans closed off one avenue to forcing the release of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, which he has refused to divulge and which could help prove to Americans that he is not indebted to Russian financial entities. (It bears repeating, in this regard, that Mr. Trump didn’t fire Mr. Flynn this week for chummily discussing American sanctions on Russia with Moscow’s ambassador, or for lying about it. Mr. Trump knew all that for weeks. He fired Mr. Flynn after both of them got caught.)

Here is the article, and this is the reason that the New York Times was banned from attending White House briefings.

And it's clearly falling apart on Trump

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Click bait.

Here come all the members of the 4th Reich with all their "lil" Einstein comments. Nothing to say, but they're going to say something anyway, to let everyone know they're here--LOL
Republicans are in charge of the Way & Means committee of congress, and can easily get to Trump's income tax returns. The American public has a right to now what is going on with him and Russia. These income tax returns would show any financial ties to Russia and other foreign countries that he may be held hostage by.

Of course this over the two ongoing Senate investigations over Russia hacking into the DNC databases, and General Flynn's firing.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Senator: Investigation of Trump and Russia, including Flynn's conversations, is moving forward

"Coming on top of credible information from America’s intelligence agencies that Russia tried to destabilize and influence the 2016 presidential campaign, these latest revelations are more than sufficient reason for Congress to investigate what Moscow has been up to and whether people at the highest levels of the United States government have aided and abetted the interests of a nation that has tried to thwart American foreign policy since the Cold War.

Given that context, one might expect Mr. Trump to be clamoring for details that would eliminate any suspicion that his administration is in league with an enemy. Instead he has waged an unhinged attack on the intelligence agencies themselves, praising President Vladimir Putin of Russia at every turn and pointing fingers everywhere but at himself, while refusing to take a single step to resolve questions about his administration’s ties to Russia.

Admittedly, this is hoping for a lot from a Republican leadership whose natural inclination is to protect the president. This week, for instance, congressional Republicans closed off one avenue to forcing the release of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, which he has refused to divulge and which could help prove to Americans that he is not indebted to Russian financial entities. (It bears repeating, in this regard, that Mr. Trump didn’t fire Mr. Flynn this week for chummily discussing American sanctions on Russia with Moscow’s ambassador, or for lying about it. Mr. Trump knew all that for weeks. He fired Mr. Flynn after both of them got caught.)

Here is the article, and this is the reason that the New York Times was banned from attending White House briefings.

And it's clearly falling apart on Trump

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Click bait.

Here come all the members of the 4th Reich with all their "lil" Einstein comments. Nothing to say, but they're going to say something anyway, to let everyone know they're here--LOL

Already calling me a National Socialist? Interesting. Not really.
I never understood how racist neo nazi republicans could demand obama release his fucking birth certificate but they dont see a problem with trump not releasing his tax returns.
That is because the Constitution confuses you.

How do you defend Trump all over Obama to release a birth certificate, which he did, and Trump still refusing to release any income tax returns, especially in light of these investigations. In fact a few weeks ago, he stated he wouldn't release them even after the audit was complete.
Conway: Trump will not release tax returns -

Any other President would have gladly released them to show that he had no financial ties to Russia or any other foreign country to show that he is conflict of interest free, Which is also in the CONSTITUTION. You just give him a pass on everything, don't you?

"Numerous scholars on the Constitution have cited Article I, Section 9: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.”

While the rules of punctuation in force in the late 18th century might seem baffling to present-day eyes, the meaning of the paragraph is clear and straightforward enough. No officeholder should be offered a payoff or inducement, and no one should accept either one from any foreign power.
JULES WITCOVER: Trump gets a free ride on conflicts of interest

The Trump empire has expanded into many foreign countries, including China, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, etc. etc. etc.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Trump sons to attend golf course grand opening in Dubai
Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions

Trump registered eight companies in Saudi Arabia during campaign: report
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For a POTUS who has a long history of deceptiveness, selfishness and misrepresentations of fact, and who also refuses to divest of his personal business holdings while in the office of the President, disclosing his tax returns would be about the best possible way for him to at least provide the information the public needs to have so they can at least know whether his positions are apt to be personally profitable to him.

For me, it's a matter of scale. The man's a billionaire. If he advocates a position that happens to yield him a few hundred grand, I don't care so much. If it's a few million, well, I sort of care. If it's hundreds of millions, I care. If it turns out that his policies form a pattern of consistent gains great and small, well, I definitely care and I'd be inclined to think he's abusing the privilege of being POTUS.

I could take a somewhat less strident position were he to divest truly of his holdings, but he's not done that and shows no indication that he will. Moreover, his kids are on his staff and running the companies. That's just too cozy for us to also have no very detailed visibility to what's what.
They're still exhausted over all the investigations they did on Hillary.
No energy left to investigate if our president has any personal or business dealings with an enemy of the United States.
The Ways and Means Committee is an enemy of the the country.
Fortunately the intelligence committee said they'll investigate.
Someone as dirty as Trump isn't going to get away with it forever.
Nobody has Trump's tax returns except the IRS and Trump.

The Ways & Means Committee does not.

This is junk news.
For a POTUS who has a long history of deceptiveness, selfishness and misrepresentations of fact, and who also refuses to divest of his personal business holdings while in the office of the President, disclosing his tax returns would be about the best possible way for him to at least provide the information the public needs to have so they can at least know whether his positions are apt to be personally profitable to him.

For me, it's a matter of scale. The man's a billionaire. If he advocates a position that happens to yield him a few hundred grand, I don't care so much. If it's a few million, well, I sort of care. If it's hundreds of millions, I care. If it turns out that his policies form a pattern of consistent gains great and small, well, I definitely care and I'd be inclined to think he's abusing the privilege of being POTUS.

I could take a somewhat less strident position were he to divest truly of his holdings, but he's not done that and shows no indication that he will. Moreover, his kids are on his staff and running the companies. That's just too cozy for us to also have no very detailed visibility to what's what.

It doesn't matter if he put them in his kids names, he will still protect those assets no matter what. The only way he could be 100% conflict of interest free was to sell off those assets which he has not done, and has no intention of doing.
For a POTUS who has a long history of deceptiveness, selfishness and misrepresentations of fact, and who also refuses to divest of his personal business holdings while in the office of the President, disclosing his tax returns would be about the best possible way for him to at least provide the information the public needs to have so they can at least know whether his positions are apt to be personally profitable to him.

For me, it's a matter of scale. The man's a billionaire. If he advocates a position that happens to yield him a few hundred grand, I don't care so much. If it's a few million, well, I sort of care. If it's hundreds of millions, I care. If it turns out that his policies form a pattern of consistent gains great and small, well, I definitely care and I'd be inclined to think he's abusing the privilege of being POTUS.

I could take a somewhat less strident position were he to divest truly of his holdings, but he's not done that and shows no indication that he will. Moreover, his kids are on his staff and running the companies. That's just too cozy for us to also have no very detailed visibility to what's what.
Trump's not a billionaire. Mark Cuban, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates etc are legit billionaires. That's just one of the reasons why the thin skin weasel won't release his tax returns.
Nobody has Trump's tax returns except the IRS and Trump.

The Ways & Means Committee does not.

This is junk news.

If you had any reading comprehension skills you would have seen that Republicans refused to obtain them via the Ways & Means committee. The Ways & Means committee can obtain them, but refused too. Republicans are in charge of the Ways & Means committee.
I never understood how racist neo nazi republicans could demand obama release his fucking birth certificate but they dont see a problem with trump not releasing his tax returns.

Very good point!

Actually, it's no point at all ...

1) Obama's eligibility for the office needed to be proven.

2) Trump's tax records have nothing whatsoever to do with his eligibility for the office.

Apples and kumquats ....
For a POTUS who has a long history of deceptiveness, selfishness and misrepresentations of fact, and who also refuses to divest of his personal business holdings while in the office of the President, disclosing his tax returns would be about the best possible way for him to at least provide the information the public needs to have so they can at least know whether his positions are apt to be personally profitable to him.

For me, it's a matter of scale. The man's a billionaire. If he advocates a position that happens to yield him a few hundred grand, I don't care so much. If it's a few million, well, I sort of care. If it's hundreds of millions, I care. If it turns out that his policies form a pattern of consistent gains great and small, well, I definitely care and I'd be inclined to think he's abusing the privilege of being POTUS.

I could take a somewhat less strident position were he to divest truly of his holdings, but he's not done that and shows no indication that he will. Moreover, his kids are on his staff and running the companies. That's just too cozy for us to also have no very detailed visibility to what's what.

It doesn't matter if he put them in his kids names, he will still protect those assets no matter what. The only way he could be 100% conflict of interest free was to sell off those assets which he has not done, and has no intention of doing.

I'd prefer he divest, but I'm not nearly as concerned about whether he actually sells off the assets as I am about visibility. With comprehensive visibility, we can know "what's up." Knowing "what's up," the people, the Congress and the Courts are in a position to hold him accountable and take action if he crosses the line. That's enough for me. His situation is unique -- private mega-business owner rather than owners of public company securities -- so I can get with the idea of taking a little bit different tack. Full and complete disclosure is that tack; that's the compromise with which I'd feel comfortable.
They're still exhausted over all the investigations they did on Hillary.
No energy left to investigate if our president has any personal or business dealings with an enemy of the United States.
The Ways and Means Committee is an enemy of the the country.
Fortunately the intelligence committee said they'll investigate.
Someone as dirty as Trump isn't going to get away with it forever.

Ha.Ha. you're probably right. 8 investigations into Benghazi must of wore them out, and going through thousands of emails to come up with 3 emails with a small c on them must have totally
exacerbated them.

Trump's income tax returns would actually be too challenging for them at this point in time. We'll have to wait until 2018 when Democrats take over both houses to get a peak at Trump's income tax returns.
LOL ---- I'm not a billionaire, and my tax return was over 300 pages.

Can you imagine what distortions, half truths, and misleading assumptions a hostile press could come up with his?

You can't blame him for not loading the guns for the idiots in the press.
For a POTUS who has a long history of deceptiveness, selfishness and misrepresentations of fact, and who also refuses to divest of his personal business holdings while in the office of the President, disclosing his tax returns would be about the best possible way for him to at least provide the information the public needs to have so they can at least know whether his positions are apt to be personally profitable to him.

For me, it's a matter of scale. The man's a billionaire. If he advocates a position that happens to yield him a few hundred grand, I don't care so much. If it's a few million, well, I sort of care. If it's hundreds of millions, I care. If it turns out that his policies form a pattern of consistent gains great and small, well, I definitely care and I'd be inclined to think he's abusing the privilege of being POTUS.

I could take a somewhat less strident position were he to divest truly of his holdings, but he's not done that and shows no indication that he will. Moreover, his kids are on his staff and running the companies. That's just too cozy for us to also have no very detailed visibility to what's what.
Trump's not a billionaire. Mark Cuban, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates etc are legit billionaires. That's just one of the reasons why the thin skin weasel won't release his tax returns.

Billionaire, hundred millionaire, whatever....That's not really central to the point I was making. The distinguishing factor and others who've preceded him in the modern era and 21st century is that his business interests are closely held rather than interests in publicly reporting enterprises.
For a POTUS who has a long history of deceptiveness, selfishness and misrepresentations of fact, and who also refuses to divest of his personal business holdings while in the office of the President, disclosing his tax returns would be about the best possible way for him to at least provide the information the public needs to have so they can at least know whether his positions are apt to be personally profitable to him.

For me, it's a matter of scale. The man's a billionaire. If he advocates a position that happens to yield him a few hundred grand, I don't care so much. If it's a few million, well, I sort of care. If it's hundreds of millions, I care. If it turns out that his policies form a pattern of consistent gains great and small, well, I definitely care and I'd be inclined to think he's abusing the privilege of being POTUS.

I could take a somewhat less strident position were he to divest truly of his holdings, but he's not done that and shows no indication that he will. Moreover, his kids are on his staff and running the companies. That's just too cozy for us to also have no very detailed visibility to what's what.
Trump's not a billionaire. Mark Cuban, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates etc are legit billionaires. That's just one of the reasons why the thin skin weasel won't release his tax returns.

Billionaire, hundred millionaire, whatever....That's not really central to the point I was making. The distinguishing factor and others who've preceded him in the modern era and 21st century is that his business interests are closely held rather than interests in publicly reporting enterprises.

You make that sound like it's illegal - which, of course, it isn't.

What you want and what you deserve appear to be two decidedly different things.

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