Republicans (ways & means committee) refuse to release Trump's tax returns over Russia investigation

Keep pretending it wasn't confirmed by 18 intelligence agencies. Amnesia? Or just sucking Trump's tiny dick again?

You're a fucking liar, they haven't seen his tax returns, well at least not that their admitting.
I was talking about Putin meddling in the election to benefit Trump.

Oh, so the wittle pathetic snowflake was deflecting? You know the FBI already said there was no collusion between the campaign and the Ruskies, right?
You lie so easily. You've must have had a lot of practice.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did sayRussia was behind hacking

Vladimir Putin likely gave go-ahead for U.S. cyberattack, intelligence officials say

You mean an Obama hack said so. That's all you got, the word of someone who took orders from Obama.
I can always count on you saying something stupid and you never disappoint.
Our patriotic nonpartisan intelligence officers are lifers and serve under democratic and republican presidents.

You lied and got caught and you tried to wing it but failed badly.
For a POTUS who has a long history of deceptiveness, selfishness and misrepresentations of fact, and who also refuses to divest of his personal business holdings while in the office of the President, disclosing his tax returns would be about the best possible way for him to at least provide the information the public needs to have so they can at least know whether his positions are apt to be personally profitable to him.

For me, it's a matter of scale. The man's a billionaire. If he advocates a position that happens to yield him a few hundred grand, I don't care so much. If it's a few million, well, I sort of care. If it's hundreds of millions, I care. If it turns out that his policies form a pattern of consistent gains great and small, well, I definitely care and I'd be inclined to think he's abusing the privilege of being POTUS.

I could take a somewhat less strident position were he to divest truly of his holdings, but he's not done that and shows no indication that he will. Moreover, his kids are on his staff and running the companies. That's just too cozy for us to also have no very detailed visibility to what's what.
Trump's not a billionaire. Mark Cuban, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates etc are legit billionaires. That's just one of the reasons why the thin skin weasel won't release his tax returns.

Billionaire, hundred millionaire, whatever....That's not really central to the point I was making. The distinguishing factor and others who've preceded him in the modern era and 21st century is that his business interests are closely held rather than interests in publicly reporting enterprises.
You're a fucking liar, they haven't seen his tax returns, well at least not that their admitting.
I was talking about Putin meddling in the election to benefit Trump.

Oh, so the wittle pathetic snowflake was deflecting? You know the FBI already said there was no collusion between the campaign and the Ruskies, right?
You lie so easily. You've must have had a lot of practice.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did sayRussia was behind hacking

Vladimir Putin likely gave go-ahead for U.S. cyberattack, intelligence officials say

You mean an Obama hack said so. That's all you got, the word of someone who took orders from Obama.
I can always count on you saying something stupid and you never disappoint.
Our patriotic nonpartisan intelligence officers are lifers and serve under democratic and republican presidents.

You lied and got caught and you tried to wing it but failed badly.

There's no such thing as a "nonpartisan" employee in the Obama administration. No one in the Obama regime got promoted or appointed unless they held the right political opinions

How did I lie?
For a POTUS who has a long history of deceptiveness, selfishness and misrepresentations of fact, and who also refuses to divest of his personal business holdings while in the office of the President, disclosing his tax returns would be about the best possible way for him to at least provide the information the public needs to have so they can at least know whether his positions are apt to be personally profitable to him.

For me, it's a matter of scale. The man's a billionaire. If he advocates a position that happens to yield him a few hundred grand, I don't care so much. If it's a few million, well, I sort of care. If it's hundreds of millions, I care. If it turns out that his policies form a pattern of consistent gains great and small, well, I definitely care and I'd be inclined to think he's abusing the privilege of being POTUS.

I could take a somewhat less strident position were he to divest truly of his holdings, but he's not done that and shows no indication that he will. Moreover, his kids are on his staff and running the companies. That's just too cozy for us to also have no very detailed visibility to what's what.

It doesn't matter if he put them in his kids names, he will still protect those assets no matter what. The only way he could be 100% conflict of interest free was to sell off those assets which he has not done, and has no intention of doing.

I'd prefer he divest, but I'm not nearly as concerned about whether he actually sells off the assets as I am about visibility. With comprehensive visibility, we can know "what's up." Knowing "what's up," the people, the Congress and the Courts are in a position to hold him accountable and take action if he crosses the line. That's enough for me. His situation is unique -- private mega-business owner rather than owners of public company securities -- so I can get with the idea of taking a little bit different tack. Full and complete disclosure is that tack; that's the compromise with which I'd feel comfortable.

Selling them off is the only way he can be conflict of interest free. PERIOD He hasn't done that and he won't do that. If his kids own those properties he will still protect them.

He isn't going to sell off all his properties. Such a demand is utterly fatuous and absurd. Its only intent is to hurt Trump.
I was talking about Putin meddling in the election to benefit Trump.

Oh, so the wittle pathetic snowflake was deflecting? You know the FBI already said there was no collusion between the campaign and the Ruskies, right?
You lie so easily. You've must have had a lot of practice.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did sayRussia was behind hacking

Vladimir Putin likely gave go-ahead for U.S. cyberattack, intelligence officials say

You mean an Obama hack said so. That's all you got, the word of someone who took orders from Obama.
I can always count on you saying something stupid and you never disappoint.
Our patriotic nonpartisan intelligence officers are lifers and serve under democratic and republican presidents.

You lied and got caught and you tried to wing it but failed badly.

There's no such thing as a "nonpartisan" employee in the Obama administration. No one in the Obama regime got promoted or appointed unless they held the right political opinions

How did I lie?
You didn't know that they were lifers and when a new president comes in he inherits the same intelligence community.
Your Obama fairy tale was comical and proved you don't know shit.
Republicans are in charge of the Way & Means committee of congress, and can easily get to Trump's income tax returns. The American public has a right to now what is going on with him and Russia. These income tax returns would show any financial ties to Russia and other foreign countries that he may be held hostage by.

Of course this over the two ongoing Senate investigations over Russia hacking into the DNC databases, and General Flynn's firing.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Senator: Investigation of Trump and Russia, including Flynn's conversations, is moving forward

"Coming on top of credible information from America’s intelligence agencies that Russia tried to destabilize and influence the 2016 presidential campaign, these latest revelations are more than sufficient reason for Congress to investigate what Moscow has been up to and whether people at the highest levels of the United States government have aided and abetted the interests of a nation that has tried to thwart American foreign policy since the Cold War.

Given that context, one might expect Mr. Trump to be clamoring for details that would eliminate any suspicion that his administration is in league with an enemy. Instead he has waged an unhinged attack on the intelligence agencies themselves, praising President Vladimir Putin of Russia at every turn and pointing fingers everywhere but at himself, while refusing to take a single step to resolve questions about his administration’s ties to Russia.

Admittedly, this is hoping for a lot from a Republican leadership whose natural inclination is to protect the president. This week, for instance, congressional Republicans closed off one avenue to forcing the release of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, which he has refused to divulge and which could help prove to Americans that he is not indebted to Russian financial entities. (It bears repeating, in this regard, that Mr. Trump didn’t fire Mr. Flynn this week for chummily discussing American sanctions on Russia with Moscow’s ambassador, or for lying about it. Mr. Trump knew all that for weeks. He fired Mr. Flynn after both of them got caught.)

Here is the article, and this is the reason that the New York Times was banned from attending White House briefings.

And it's clearly falling apart on Trump

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

A high level staffer from Ways & Means said the committee considered requesting the returns, but decided that US Privacy Laws and the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution, do no allow for fishing expeditions just to satisfy a bunch of butt hurt, pathetic snowflake regressives and voted no on the matter. The staffer was fully authorized to speak on the matter, but their name and position is being withheld to prevent butt hurt regressive harassment.

We all totally get why you and your spineless representatives are scared shitless to find out if the president is a crook.
That's ok. The American people won't let this go. And the press will keep on reporting it until the republicans cry NO MAS and give in.
The push for his tax returns and certainly the Trump/ Putin scandal is not going away any time soon.

Well they might be more receptive if you pathetic snowflake regressives provided more probable cause than just your butt hurt.

Keep pretending it wasn't confirmed by 18 intelligence agencies. Amnesia? Or just sucking Trump's tiny dick again?

You're a fucking liar, they haven't seen his tax returns, well at least not that their admitting.

If they have seen his tax returns they belong in prison.
Republicans are in charge of the Way & Means committee of congress, and can easily get to Trump's income tax returns. The American public has a right to now what is going on with him and Russia. These income tax returns would show any financial ties to Russia and other foreign countries that he may be held hostage by.

Of course this over the two ongoing Senate investigations over Russia hacking into the DNC databases, and General Flynn's firing.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Senator: Investigation of Trump and Russia, including Flynn's conversations, is moving forward

"Coming on top of credible information from America’s intelligence agencies that Russia tried to destabilize and influence the 2016 presidential campaign, these latest revelations are more than sufficient reason for Congress to investigate what Moscow has been up to and whether people at the highest levels of the United States government have aided and abetted the interests of a nation that has tried to thwart American foreign policy since the Cold War.

Given that context, one might expect Mr. Trump to be clamoring for details that would eliminate any suspicion that his administration is in league with an enemy. Instead he has waged an unhinged attack on the intelligence agencies themselves, praising President Vladimir Putin of Russia at every turn and pointing fingers everywhere but at himself, while refusing to take a single step to resolve questions about his administration’s ties to Russia.

Admittedly, this is hoping for a lot from a Republican leadership whose natural inclination is to protect the president. This week, for instance, congressional Republicans closed off one avenue to forcing the release of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, which he has refused to divulge and which could help prove to Americans that he is not indebted to Russian financial entities. (It bears repeating, in this regard, that Mr. Trump didn’t fire Mr. Flynn this week for chummily discussing American sanctions on Russia with Moscow’s ambassador, or for lying about it. Mr. Trump knew all that for weeks. He fired Mr. Flynn after both of them got caught.)

Here is the article, and this is the reason that the New York Times was banned from attending White House briefings.

And it's clearly falling apart on Trump

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

It's hilarious how William de Blasio's tax return?

Incomplete thoughts are what we expect from you deplorables but that one was a textbook D- grade.

It was the result of a copy/paste not working correctly, jackass.
Oh, so the wittle pathetic snowflake was deflecting? You know the FBI already said there was no collusion between the campaign and the Ruskies, right?
You lie so easily. You've must have had a lot of practice.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did sayRussia was behind hacking

Vladimir Putin likely gave go-ahead for U.S. cyberattack, intelligence officials say

You mean an Obama hack said so. That's all you got, the word of someone who took orders from Obama.
I can always count on you saying something stupid and you never disappoint.
Our patriotic nonpartisan intelligence officers are lifers and serve under democratic and republican presidents.

You lied and got caught and you tried to wing it but failed badly.

There's no such thing as a "nonpartisan" employee in the Obama administration. No one in the Obama regime got promoted or appointed unless they held the right political opinions

How did I lie?
You didn't know that they were lifers and when a new president comes in he inherits the same intelligence community.
Your Obama fairy tale was comical and proved you don't know shit.
He may be a lifer, but that doesn't mean he isn't an Obama hack. The lifers tend to be left wingers, and only the ones who suck Obama's dick get promoted.
Republicans are in charge of the Way & Means committee of congress, and can easily get to Trump's income tax returns. The American public has a right to now what is going on with him and Russia. These income tax returns would show any financial ties to Russia and other foreign countries that he may be held hostage by.

Of course this over the two ongoing Senate investigations over Russia hacking into the DNC databases, and General Flynn's firing.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Senator: Investigation of Trump and Russia, including Flynn's conversations, is moving forward

"Coming on top of credible information from America’s intelligence agencies that Russia tried to destabilize and influence the 2016 presidential campaign, these latest revelations are more than sufficient reason for Congress to investigate what Moscow has been up to and whether people at the highest levels of the United States government have aided and abetted the interests of a nation that has tried to thwart American foreign policy since the Cold War.

Given that context, one might expect Mr. Trump to be clamoring for details that would eliminate any suspicion that his administration is in league with an enemy. Instead he has waged an unhinged attack on the intelligence agencies themselves, praising President Vladimir Putin of Russia at every turn and pointing fingers everywhere but at himself, while refusing to take a single step to resolve questions about his administration’s ties to Russia.

Admittedly, this is hoping for a lot from a Republican leadership whose natural inclination is to protect the president. This week, for instance, congressional Republicans closed off one avenue to forcing the release of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, which he has refused to divulge and which could help prove to Americans that he is not indebted to Russian financial entities. (It bears repeating, in this regard, that Mr. Trump didn’t fire Mr. Flynn this week for chummily discussing American sanctions on Russia with Moscow’s ambassador, or for lying about it. Mr. Trump knew all that for weeks. He fired Mr. Flynn after both of them got caught.)

Here is the article, and this is the reason that the New York Times was banned from attending White House briefings.

And it's clearly falling apart on Trump

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

It's hilarious how William de Blasio's tax return?

Incomplete thoughts are what we expect from you deplorables but that one was a textbook D- grade.

It was the result of a copy/paste not working correctly, jackass.

That's what the edit button is for dumbass.

You mean an Obama hack said so. That's all you got, the word of someone who took orders from Obama.
I can always count on you saying something stupid and you never disappoint.
Our patriotic nonpartisan intelligence officers are lifers and serve under democratic and republican presidents.

You lied and got caught and you tried to wing it but failed badly.

There's no such thing as a "nonpartisan" employee in the Obama administration. No one in the Obama regime got promoted or appointed unless they held the right political opinions

How did I lie?
You didn't know that they were lifers and when a new president comes in he inherits the same intelligence community.
Your Obama fairy tale was comical and proved you don't know shit.
He may be a lifer, but that doesn't mean he isn't an Obama hack. The lifers tend to be left wingers, and only the ones who suck Obama's dick get promoted.
He? Who is he? The intelligence community consists of thousands of people and together they concluded after investigating that Putin did meddle in the election FOR TRUMP...just as I proved with my links.

You give a whole new meaning to the word " clueless."

These 17 Agencies Make Up The Most Sophisticated Spy Network In The World
Republicans are in charge of the Way & Means committee of congress, and can easily get to Trump's income tax returns. The American public has a right to now what is going on with him and Russia. These income tax returns would show any financial ties to Russia and other foreign countries that he may be held hostage by.

Of course this over the two ongoing Senate investigations over Russia hacking into the DNC databases, and General Flynn's firing.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Senator: Investigation of Trump and Russia, including Flynn's conversations, is moving forward

"Coming on top of credible information from America’s intelligence agencies that Russia tried to destabilize and influence the 2016 presidential campaign, these latest revelations are more than sufficient reason for Congress to investigate what Moscow has been up to and whether people at the highest levels of the United States government have aided and abetted the interests of a nation that has tried to thwart American foreign policy since the Cold War.

Given that context, one might expect Mr. Trump to be clamoring for details that would eliminate any suspicion that his administration is in league with an enemy. Instead he has waged an unhinged attack on the intelligence agencies themselves, praising President Vladimir Putin of Russia at every turn and pointing fingers everywhere but at himself, while refusing to take a single step to resolve questions about his administration’s ties to Russia.

Admittedly, this is hoping for a lot from a Republican leadership whose natural inclination is to protect the president. This week, for instance, congressional Republicans closed off one avenue to forcing the release of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, which he has refused to divulge and which could help prove to Americans that he is not indebted to Russian financial entities. (It bears repeating, in this regard, that Mr. Trump didn’t fire Mr. Flynn this week for chummily discussing American sanctions on Russia with Moscow’s ambassador, or for lying about it. Mr. Trump knew all that for weeks. He fired Mr. Flynn after both of them got caught.)

Here is the article, and this is the reason that the New York Times was banned from attending White House briefings.

And it's clearly falling apart on Trump

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian nueroticofficials during campaign -

It's hilarious how William de Blasio's tax return?

Incomplete thoughts are what we expect from you deplorables but that one was a textbook D- grade.

It was the result of a copy/paste not working correctly, jackass.

That's what the edit button is for dumbass.

You replied to it before I even noticed a problem with it, jackass. That's how neurotic you are.
You mean an Obama hack said so. That's all you got, the word of someone who took orders from Obama.
I can always count on you saying something stupid and you never disappoint.
Our patriotic nonpartisan intelligence officers are lifers and serve under democratic and republican presidents.

You lied and got caught and you tried to wing it but failed badly.

There's no such thing as a "nonpartisan" employee in the Obama administration. No one in the Obama regime got promoted or appointed unless they held the right political opinions

How did I lie?
You didn't know that they were lifers and when a new president comes in he inherits the same intelligence community.
Your Obama fairy tale was comical and proved you don't know shit.
He may be a lifer, but that doesn't mean he isn't an Obama hack. The lifers tend to be left wingers, and only the ones who suck Obama's dick get promoted.
He? Who is he? The intelligence community consists of thousands of people and together they concluded after investigating that Putin did meddle in the election FOR TRUMP...just as I proved with my links.

You give a whole new meaning to the word " clueless."

These 17 Agencies Make Up The Most Sophisticated Spy Network In The World
The only evidence you have for that is the word of an Obama hack. There isn't a shred of actual evidence to support the claim. None.
I never understood how racist neo nazi republicans could demand obama release his fucking birth certificate but they dont see a problem with trump not releasing his tax returns.
Well the US Constitution requires that the POTUS be naturally born a citizen of the USA. Therefore proof is warranted, and a birth cert is the only possible proof.

This is precisely why Ted Cruz can never be POTUS -- he was born in Canada.
You mean an Obama hack said so. That's all you got, the word of someone who took orders from Obama.
I can always count on you saying something stupid and you never disappoint.
Our patriotic nonpartisan intelligence officers are lifers and serve under democratic and republican presidents.

You lied and got caught and you tried to wing it but failed badly.

There's no such thing as a "nonpartisan" employee in the Obama administration. No one in the Obama regime got promoted or appointed unless they held the right political opinions

How did I lie?
You didn't know that they were lifers and when a new president comes in he inherits the same intelligence community.
Your Obama fairy tale was comical and proved you don't know shit.
He may be a lifer, but that doesn't mean he isn't an Obama hack. The lifers tend to be left wingers, and only the ones who suck Obama's dick get promoted.
He? Who is he? The intelligence community consists of thousands of people and together they concluded after investigating that Putin did meddle in the election FOR TRUMP...just as I proved with my links.

You give a whole new meaning to the word " clueless."

These 17 Agencies Make Up The Most Sophisticated Spy Network In The World

The document you refereed to was authored by one man, and also probably approved by Obama. Thousands of people didn't write it.
If you had any reading comprehension skills you would have seen that Republicans refused to obtain them via the Ways & Means committee. The Ways & Means committee can obtain them, but refused too. Republicans are in charge of the Ways & Means committee.
oreo , my friend you are a few sandwiches shy of a full picnic.

Only the IRS can "ask for" your tax return(s). And you are allowed to say "no" even, which you probably did not know.

If you say no then they have to dig up your copy in their archives.
LOL ---- I'm not a billionaire, and my tax return was over 300 pages.

Can you imagine what distortions, half truths, and misleading assumptions a hostile press could come up with his?

You can't blame him for not loading the guns for the idiots in the press.
Any 'blame' is for his recognizing the ethical requirement for transparency by saying he would release his taxes and then not doing it. This is duplicitous and suspicious.
Any 'blame' is for his recognizing the ethical requirement for transparency by saying he would release his taxes and then not doing it. This is duplicitous and suspicious.
This whole tax return thing was RM Nixon's own idea.

It is foolish and ridiculous and ill advised.

I hope you noticed how it did not prove that Nixon was "... not a crook".
I never understood how racist neo nazi republicans could demand obama release his fucking birth certificate but they dont see a problem with trump not releasing his tax returns.
Well the US Constitution requires that the POTUS be naturally born a citizen of the USA. Therefore proof is warranted, and a birth cert is the only possible proof.

This is precisely why Ted Cruz can never be POTUS -- he was born in Canada.
remind me how you racist neo nazis screamed about a paranoid schizophrenic conspiracy theory about obama being secretly from kenya, and you needed his birth certificate (and still claimed it was fake) but literally the first election after his presidency you ran someone who was born in Canada? and he came in second to Trump's birther ass... can you explain that cognitive dissonance without having a psychotic break from reality?
I never understood how racist neo nazi republicans could demand obama release his fucking birth certificate but they dont see a problem with trump not releasing his tax returns.
Well the US Constitution requires that the POTUS be naturally born a citizen of the USA. Therefore proof is warranted, and a birth cert is the only possible proof.

This is precisely why Ted Cruz can never be POTUS -- he was born in Canada.
remind me how you racist neo nazis screamed about a paranoid schizophrenic conspiracy theory about obama being secretly from kenya, and you needed his birth certificate (and still claimed it was fake) but literally the first election after his presidency you ran someone who was born in Canada? and he came in second to Trump's birther ass... can you explain that cognitive dissonance without having a psychotic break from reality?
Actually I never suspected that BHO was every from anyplace else but Hawaii.

I knew he had a white momma and a Kenyan daddy.

You can google his wiki and read all about it.

It was on the TV news too.
I never understood how racist neo nazi republicans could demand obama release his fucking birth certificate but they dont see a problem with trump not releasing his tax returns.

Very good point!

Actually, it's no point at all ...

1) Obama's eligibility for the office needed to be proven.

2) Trump's tax records have nothing whatsoever to do with his eligibility for the office.

Apples and kumquats ....
Trump's tax returns could tell us what type of personal and business connections he has with Russia. When it comes to conflicts of interest that's the motherload of all conflicts of interest.
I totally get why you and your type are petrified that the country and world could find out the dirty truth about Trump.
If ANY of the allegations turn out to be true it will make Watergate look like a Sunday afternoon garden party.

Watergate, though it brought down a President, wasn't far from being a garden party where at which a society dame's purse got pilfered by one of her own kids' playmates. The real scandal of Watergate was the cover-up, not break in. The break-in was illegal, but what did they do? Little that's different from what "whoever" did to steal DNC and Clinton campaign emails. You didn't see people having conniptions over the hack, which was a theft, a break in. Indeed, they blamed the victim for not having good enough data security. Did anyone blame the DNC for not having good enough locks on their door?

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