Republicans Who Voted To Cut Food Stamps and Received Large Farm Subsidies

Food Stamps shouldn't even be part of a Farm Bill. It's just a way to hide the real cost of federal welfare.

Well.. except the GOPers and Conservatives who are against subsidies just like they are against individual or corporate welfare...

They are called "democrats" bankrolling their cronies on taxpayer dime is what the GOP are all about.

Uhhh... nope..

Nice try though, you habitually lying racist piece of troll shit

Dickhead dave at it again. The right wingers are the ones take it, and fighting for the handouts, but yet they somehow aren't the leeches? :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:
They are called "democrats" bankrolling their cronies on taxpayer dime is what the GOP are all about.

Uhhh... nope..

Nice try though, you habitually lying racist piece of troll shit

Dickhead dave at it again. The right wingers are the ones take it, and fighting for the handouts, but yet they somehow aren't the leeches? :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

Excuse me.. you seem to ignore the handouts DEMs and DEM supporters live on...

Are there GOPers who support corporate cronyism?? Yep.. and I am against them just as I am against each and every entitlement junkie DEM out there

Name one, once single solitary DEM who is in support of ending entitlements, food stamps, welfare, etc... we'll be waiting, asswipe
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Give it a try guys, you won'tr miss a thing and his threads will wash away faster and faster.
Another fail Rdean thread.

BTW idiot, getting a subsidy for working on a farm isn't quite the same as getting a check for doing NOTHING.

Ha,ha, you really think these Congressmen are working on a farm? That's too funny!

If he owns it, then why shouldn't he get it? He is the one funding it and paying operating costs. The point is, that farm is PRODUCING a product. How in the hell is that the same as receiving WELFARE for doing NOTHING?

Your comment just shows how much you really know about farm subsidies. Many of the subsidies are paid out so that farmers don't grow a certain product. They're getting paid to grow "nothing" - how much work do you think is involved in growing "nothing"?

One measure Washington should kill is the Conservation Reserve Program. Its purpose is to have farmers set aside highly erodible or other environmentally sensitive land. Farmers are paid not to grow crops on the land for ten years.

This supposedly pro-environment program does more harm than good. Around 36.4 million acres have been set aside, an area larger than the state of Iowa. Most acreage is actually good agricultural land that could be used soundly by incorporating basic …

An anti-ag program. (the Conservation Reserve Program that pays farmers not to grow on certain tracts of land is environmentally counterproductive and lessens agricultural competitiveness)(Brief Article)(Editorial) | HighBeam Business: Arrive Prepare

The largest annual subsidy, called direct and countercyclical payments, is given to farmers regardless of what crops they grow — or whether they grow anything at all. The Post found that, since 2001, at least $1.3 billion was paid to landowners who had planted nothing since 2000. Among the beneficiaries were homeowners in new developments whose backyards used to be rice fields.
Harvesting Cash: A Year-Long Investigation into Farm Subsidies (
STill notice, not one bitch from the left about why the DEMOCRATS should be claiming these?

and another THING, WHY should this FARM BILL be loaded down with FOOD STAMPS?

You see folks, all that is aok with people like rdeanie and his pals, it's just the Republicans didn't give them the AMOUNT they were asking for...they don't CARE about any of that, that is how sick and dishonest these sites like buzzardfeed are
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Give it a try guys, you won'tr miss a thing and his threads will wash away faster and faster.

Can't handle the truth?

(Famous line from a Few Good Men - quite appropriate).
What is truly amazing is that the party that was once "compassionate conservative" cannot see the disconnect to the fact that rich Congressmen who receive boo-coo amounts of money by way of subsidies are whining about the miniscule "poor people" are getting to buy food.

Yeah, the amount that goes to welfare is draining our coffers, not the subsidies to the rich.

No, what's truly amazing is how anyone can call a 57% increase a cut.

But then there are sheep out there that will believe anything that is spewed out to them and not use any due diligence to find out for themselves that they're being lied to.

Rick (hboats)
Ha,ha, you really think these Congressmen are working on a farm? That's too funny!

If he owns it, then why shouldn't he get it? He is the one funding it and paying operating costs. The point is, that farm is PRODUCING a product. How in the hell is that the same as receiving WELFARE for doing NOTHING?

Your comment just shows how much you really know about farm subsidies. Many of the subsidies are paid out so that farmers don't grow a certain product. They're getting paid to grow "nothing" - how much work do you think is involved in growing "nothing"?

One measure Washington should kill is the Conservation Reserve Program. Its purpose is to have farmers set aside highly erodible or other environmentally sensitive land. Farmers are paid not to grow crops on the land for ten years.

This supposedly pro-environment program does more harm than good. Around 36.4 million acres have been set aside, an area larger than the state of Iowa. Most acreage is actually good agricultural land that could be used soundly by incorporating basic …

An anti-ag program. (the Conservation Reserve Program that pays farmers not to grow on certain tracts of land is environmentally counterproductive and lessens agricultural competitiveness)(Brief Article)(Editorial) | HighBeam Business: Arrive Prepare

The largest annual subsidy, called direct and countercyclical payments, is given to farmers regardless of what crops they grow — or whether they grow anything at all. The Post found that, since 2001, at least $1.3 billion was paid to landowners who had planted nothing since 2000. Among the beneficiaries were homeowners in new developments whose backyards used to be rice fields.
Harvesting Cash: A Year-Long Investigation into Farm Subsidies (

Yes I have heard of those types of subsidies as well, and I don't agree with them. But not all the subsidies do that. Can you prove this Congressman's farm doesn't grow anything?
These Republicans Who Voted To Cut Food Stamps Personally Received Large Farm Subsidies

During the food stamp debate, GOP Rep. Stephen Fincher, who received thousands in farm subsidies, responded to a Democratic Congressman during the debate over the cuts by quoting the bible, saying “the one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

Fincher himself has received his own large share of government money. From 1999 to 2012, Stephen & Lynn Fincher Farms received $3,483,824 in agriculture subsidies. Last year he took in $70,574 alone.


Well, is it any surprise? These are "feed the poor and they will breed" Republicans. With a health care plan of "let him die", they will do anything. Besides, they are privileged. Most got their money the old fashioned way, they inherited it.

I know a heck of a lot of people on food stamps that are not only willing to work but ARE working, including some of the people in our military.
Another perfect example of these shitstain right wingers that have their hands out to every penny they can get, yet try to screw over everyone else. What a bunch of pigs.

Hey, they aren't the ones passing out food stamps like monopoly money.. aka handouts.
You guys have got to give these congressmen a little gratis. It is not easy bailing hay from sunrise until noon, then flying to DC in order to vote against food stamps for the poor...
Another perfect example of these shitstain right wingers that have their hands out to every penny they can get, yet try to screw over everyone else. What a bunch of pigs.

Hey, they aren't the ones passing out food stamps like monopoly money.. aka handouts.

Sure they are, the red states take more in government handouts than anyone.

So why do you keep passing them out, liberal? Afraid to lose voters?
Hey, they aren't the ones passing out food stamps like monopoly money.. aka handouts.

Sure they are, the red states take more in government handouts than anyone.

So why do you keep passing them out, liberal? Afraid to lose voters?

Welfare recipients are mostly from right wing states. They love their handouts!

Why don't you lazy right wingers get a job instead of leeching off the government? :eusa_think:
Sure they are, the red states take more in government handouts than anyone.

So why do you keep passing them out, liberal? Afraid to lose voters?

Welfare recipients are mostly from right wing states. They love their handouts!

Why don't you lazy right wingers get a job instead of leeching off the government? :eusa_think:

Most of the southern states have far bigger black populations. That's a huge part of it...

Certainly there are a large percentage of white poor that also do.

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