Republicans won’t be satisfied with overturning Roe

Horseshit. None of that shit is happening on any significant level in this country, Captain Hyperbole. You're throwing hyper partisan garbage at the wall (as usual), and calling what sticks your new platform for the day. Lazy. Stupid.
"Any significant level"?

More libTARD excuses.

Who gets to define significant? You?
RCOG, 2010: In reviewing the neuroanatomical and physiological evidence in the fetus, it was apparent that connections from the periphery to the cortex are not intact before 24 weeks of gestation and, as most neuroscientists believe that the cortex is necessary for pain perception, it can be concluded that the fetus cannot experience pain in any sense prior to this gestation.
No they don't even at 24 weeks.

And we're supposed to trust the people who say trust the science who also can't identify the difference between a male and female? And who politicized science?

"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Samuel Alito writes in the document,

I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate. The Democrats need to RISE UP and start civil war to protect women and their right to privacy. This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent. This will destroy the COUNTRY.
You want to start a Civil War over the SCOTUS dumping Roe v. Wade?

Don't count on that....

Homophobia is still the life's blood of Conservatism...

As that one homo said to that other homo in that homo movie...Conservatives can't quit gays...

View attachment 639786
The typical homosexual is a drama queen

they are misfits, broken toys, who refuse to suffer in silence

they want society to suffer along with them

And going after children is a dagger to the heart of normal people
The typical homosexual is a drama queen

they are misfits, broken toys, who refuse to suffer in silence

they want society to suffer along with them

And going after children is a dagger to the heart of normal people
Your boomer magaturd societal commentary aside, there's absolutely no path to legally 'punish' the people/things you believe are 'wrong' and you are fetishizing about. No path.

So, you appear to be farting in the wind.

How's that going?
Looks like the Libtards are being insurrections and threatening harm against the government and the people.

Where is the Justice Department going after them like they went after the 1/6 protesters that took selfies in Pelosi office?

Your boomer magaturd societal commentary aside, there's absolutely no path to legally 'punish' the people/things you believe are 'wrong' and you are fetishizing about. No path.

So, you appear to be farting in the wind.

How's that going?
I dont know what kind of punishment you you think I want to visit on homosexuals

What I want to limit their access to children

because their lifestyle is unnatural if not illegal
I dont know what kind of punishment you you think I want to visit on homosexuals

What I want to limit their access to children

because their lifestyle is unnatural if not illegal
I have no idea where you get your cockamamie, unsupported ideas from, magaturd. Is it church? Rush Limbaugh? Fox News? Joe Rogan? At the end of the day, No one cares. :dunno: You're not brainwashed at all. You're way too smart for that. We get it. :113:

Listen, magaturd, you don't have any path to do whatever the fuck you want in this society because you bleev the OrangeHype trumps other people's liberties.

Nope. :fu: Not going to happen. Sad.
‘Abortion has long been a political bonanza for conservative politics and they are not going to want to give it up. If Roe is overturned there will immediately be a push to ban abortion nationally through some sort of "fetal personhood" doctrine and there will be attempts to cripple scientific advances by banning stem cell research, eliminating access to abortion medications and certain forms of birth control. Any states that might have exceptions for rape and incest will be challenged, restrictions on travel and laws against crossing state lines to obtain an abortion will be enacted. And at some point, they will have to consider punishment for women who obtain illegal abortions because that's where this inevitably leads. (Even Donald Trump instinctively understood that before they instructed him how to lie about it for general consumption.) The right has been organized around this issue for 40 years. If Roe is overturned, they will have to keep upping the ante to keep those grassroots activists engaged.’

62 million abortions since Roe versus Wade..........and growing.

This actions will not stop abortions...........but will allow states who don't agree with you demented tell you to go to hell.
I have no idea where you get your cockamamie, unsupported ideas from, magaturd. Is it church? Rush Limbaugh? Fox News? Joe Rogan? At the end of the day, No one cares. :dunno: You're not brainwashed at all. You're way too smart for that. We get it. :113:

Listen, magaturd, you don't have any path to do whatever the fuck you want in this society because you bleev the OrangeHype trumps other people's liberties.

Nope. :fu: Not going to happen. Sad.
Trump has eaten your brain.........if there was any there before.

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