Republicans won’t be satisfied with overturning Roe

Dred Scott was "precedent" too.

So was Plessey.

Like Plessey the current justices not only think Roe is wrong, they have seen the damage it has done to the national political scene for the past 50 years. The Roe justices thought Roe would settle the abortion issue, and it hasn't done that.
he's only falling for the call to action by his leaders like Chucky et al.....insurrection is their goal, the demafascist have seen the Courts as a threat to their radical agenda for decades now...they want to overthrow the 3rd Branch of Govt and set up their own Sondergericht Sondergericht - Wikipedia

"The Democrats need to RISE UP and start civil war"

Why aren't the Feds going after him like they went after the 6/1 people?

That is calling for a war.

"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Samuel Alito writes in the document,

I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate. The Democrats need to RISE UP and start civil war to protect women and their right to privacy. This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent. This will destroy the COUNTRY.

Liberals gave up their right to choice with COVID. If people can be forced in lockdowns and forced to mask/ and get a JAB to protect others, liberals killed all their previous arguments.
As long as it stops at abortion it's fine with me. Wanting to get rid of contra caption for some sick, warped, horrific, awful, demented reason cannot even be a thought. We need alot more contraception being pushed as a great thing. Not wanting to have kids is courageous
All the while the Left will still be concerned about right wingers taking the Capitol as they attack the Court.

I am not sure who overseas the Safety and Security of the Court, but I would start now and request National Guard Security around the clock.

I wonder how much money would be lost by Big Abortion if Roe gets overturned?

That's the real key here. Big Labor allegedly had Scalia bumped off during the Friedrichs case, because a loss would cost them billions.

With greedy libs, it usually depends on the money involved.

"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Samuel Alito writes in the document,

I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate. The Democrats need to RISE UP and start civil war to protect women and their right to privacy. This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent. This will destroy the COUNTRY.
You hysterical freaks of nature keep threatening civil war....Well, when you're done burning your cities to the ground and destroying your means of sustenance, come on out into the rural areas, where there's lots of open country and we know the lay of the land far better than you.

Oh, and we're also far better armed.

Sorry, but 6 months and $500 in fees to get a revolver to keep in your house in NYC isn't "Regulated", it's shadow banning.

And the current crime wave in blue cities is because of "conservative policies"?

What conservative policy is being implemented by SJW DA's and Mayors to suck criminal dick?
What liberal policies causes crime??

Social Security?
Voting/Civil Rights?
Labor Rights?

Do you think if we punish gays more, that would lower crime??

You people are fucking morons...

Why do you dodge the question I asked....

Why did you give a pass to the TARGETED SUPPRESSION OF GUN RIGHTS against black folks by Conservatives?

In fact, most of the early legislation aimed at taking away people's guns for real were aimed at black folks....lots of it written by people CONSERVATIVES call the Founding Fathers....whom they act like were all holy Conservative patriots..

"After the American Revolution -- You saw incredible restrictions being put in place about limiting access to arms. And this is across the board for free Blacks and, particularly, for the enslaved. And with each uprising, the laws became even more strict, even more definitive."

But wait, there's more......a whole lot more......are you claiming all of these legislative acts that suppressed the gun rights of black folks were all done by liberals??? By the way, do you know where the term "Saturday Night Special" came from when it comes to guns??

"First "Saturday Night Special" economic handgun ban
passed. In the first legislative session in which they
gained control, white supremacists passed "An Act to
Preserve the Peace and Prevent Homicide," which banned
the sale of all handguns except the expensive "Army
and Navy model handgun" which whites already owned or
could afford to buy, and blacks could not."


"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Samuel Alito writes in the document,

I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate. The Democrats need to RISE UP and start civil war to protect women and their right to privacy. This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent. This will destroy the COUNTRY.
The hypocrisy of the left is breathtaking.

"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Samuel Alito writes in the document,

I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate. The Democrats need to RISE UP and start civil war to protect women and their right to privacy. This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent. This will destroy the COUNTRY.

I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate.

I'll add that to the list of stupid shit you say.

This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent.

How many people changed precedent when they first decided Roe v Wade?

"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Samuel Alito writes in the document,

I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate. The Democrats need to RISE UP and start civil war to protect women and their right to privacy. This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent. This will destroy the COUNTRY.
You Can't protect women you don't even know who or what they are.
I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate.

I'll add that to the list of stupid shit you say.

This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent.

How many people changed precedent when they first decided Roe v Wade?
It's even more unbelievable to see people try to change 50,000 years of precedent by denying the definition of a woman.
I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate.

I'll add that to the list of stupid shit you say.

This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent.

How many people changed precedent when they first decided Roe v Wade?

Being as there was no previous Supreme Court ruling that would be none. (I'm pro-life but I believe arguments should be accurate).

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