Republicans won’t be satisfied with overturning Roe

Men pay child support for making the mistake of getting these whores preggo....that is responsibility enough....

Well, ol' De'aVantre here has four kids with three women, has never been married, and doesn't pay a dime in child support. True story:


Your argument that all men should have to do is pay child support is almost as retarded as you are...
Isn't Roe used as a precedent? How do impartial judges go against precedent that the Supreme Court itself set? Do their rulings ultimately mean nothing?
Stare decisis is only important when it comes to certain SC decisions.....

However, with something like abortion -- I can see a court deciding to overturn it...especially if public opinion has dramatically shifted on that issue....

Which isn't really the case with abortion but cut Conservatives a break...they have been campaigning on this for 40 years....
So you get puberty blockers banned..and that's all?

No....and that is the problem I have with Conservatives...

They are never truthful about their bigotry...this isn't about children...this is about hating gay people, transpeople, anyone who isn't what Conservatives consider the default demographic of this country...the white heterosexual christian male......which is why most of the discriminatory policies in this history of this country has SPECIFICALLY been against those outside of that demo

As for what people do in their own home...not my for "fetishists" dressing up as women....not my fucking fragile one has to be

How wrong you read this, based on your own biases and inability to understand people can think in ways other than you can.

The crux of the issue isn't about tolerance anymore, it's about forced ACCEPTANCE.

It's about wanting to increase the size of your protected class for more power.

It's about forcing bakers to bake cakes, to force women to shut their hole if uncomfortable with a guy with his junk using their restrooms, showers, and changing areas.

It's about men claiming to be women and thwomping women's sports.

How fucking fragile is your side that you could have had tolerance but decided to double down and force ACCEPTANCE?
Is that why justices go thru the SC nomination process and lie about how they would rule on abortion?? when people were outright demonizing Ketanji and calling her a pedophile....was that "intimidation" -- did you speak out against it?


How many progressive justices have "lied" about the 2nd amendment by your standard?

They were calling her a pedophile apologist, you fucking liar, big difference.

Any they were going by her own leniency for sex crimes in MULTIPLE JUDGEMENTS
“Republican senators are giving us a glimpse of the culture war clashes to come. There are already warning signs — including the Texas directive that prohibits parents from legally providing gender-affirming treatment and therapies to their children, as well as various state officials’ questioning whether the Constitution sanctions contraceptive use. Indeed, some Republican senators have gestured toward these future conflicts. In his questions to Jackson, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) repeatedly sought her views of Obergefell v. Hodges, the court’s 2015 decision legalizing same-sex marriage, pressing her as to whether the decision was properly decided. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) took her turn at the microphone to criticize Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 case that legalized contraception use. It’s not a stretch to imagine this revisionism extending to Loving v. Virginia, the ruling that legalized interracial marriage. A Republican senator recently said he was open to overturning that ruling. He later walked back his comments.

All this underscores that abortion was never the conservatives’ endgame. It is merely a way station on the path to rolling back a wide range of rights — the rights that scaffold the most intimate aspects of our lives and protect the liberty and equality of marginalized groups.”

Republicans’ assault on citizens’ rights and protected liberties has just begun.
Oh fuck you....the Dems just installed a new ministry of information bureau.
What the hell are you babbling about?
Are you even paying attention?
If Roe is overturned, the congress can pass federal law establishing national and rational standards for abortion. That’s what should have been done in the first place rather than legislating from the bench. Congress and the president will have nearly a year to accomplish this and until the mid-terms, the Democrats control both houses of the congress and the White House. If they have the will they can do it the right way; by legislation.
Legislation cannot be down by impatient ADD adults who are only interested in being bought off.
While I'm not a fan of abortion, I find it interesting how your comment here absolutely and completely absolves the man of any responsibility whatsoever...
That’s what women use abortion for. And they’ll literally kill someone else to avoid responsibility for their own bad decision.

So much for all this agency, independence, and self determination feminism has supposedly achieved. It all gets catapulted over the wall like a flaming bag of dog shit the moment personal responsibility for a bad decision rears it’s head. Suddenly they become the innocent victims, incapable of being held accountable for their own decisions.
Roe V Wade was bad law and can't stand up to constitutional scrutiny... Let this be a lesson to dems... eventually the US constitution will win... it may take 40 years but it will win because its right and its common sense.....

Just as bad as Plessy, Dred Scott, worse than Obergfell.
Stare decisis is only important when it comes to certain SC decisions.....

However, with something like abortion -- I can see a court deciding to overturn it...especially if public opinion has dramatically shifted on that issue....

Which isn't really the case with abortion but cut Conservatives a break...they have been campaigning on this for 40 years....
Making law from public opinion is quite a scary concept, Americans are actually very dumb in general.
Other liberal precedents over the years have been overturned, including Dred Scott and Plessey.
Dred wasn't a liberal decision and only a moron would claim it was.....

But I am use to Conservatives lying about their past positions....

The Dred Scott decision was the popular position for most Conservatives of that time......the Dred Scott dissent opinion was the "liberal" consensus opinion at the time...

So much so that in another case, Korematsu vs US -- the dissent opinion on that referenced the dissent opinion from the Dred Scott case....specifically how the 14th amendment was being violated......

And who are the main ones to this day who are still butt-hurt about the 14th amendment??? Not liberals...

That’s what women use abortion for. And they’ll literally kill someone else to avoid responsibility for their own bad decision.

So much for all this agency, independence, and self determination feminism has supposedly achieved. It all gets catapulted over the wall like a flaming bag of dog shit the moment personal responsibility for a bad decision rears it’s head. Suddenly they become the innocent victims, incapable of being held accountable for their own decisions.

There are a myriad of reasons why a woman may seek an abortion. Pigeon-holing it into an act of convenience, as you appear to be doing, is myopic.

What worries me is those on the right who take this too far. While I'm definitely not in favor of an abortion for the sake of convenience, I believe it should absolutely be available to victims of rape and incest. There are those zealots on the right, though, who would make those illegal, too. Abortions should also be available for when the health of the mother is in jeopardy, or if the fetus is identified as having a severe disability. Sadly, though, there are zealots on the right who would still insist that abortion not be made available in those instances...
Dred wasn't a liberal decision and only a moron would claim it was.....

But I am use to Conservatives lying about their past positions....

The Dred Scott decision was the popular position for most Conservatives of that time......the Dred Scott dissent opinion was the "liberal" consensus opinion at the time...

So much so that in another case, Korematsu vs US -- the dissent opinion on that referenced the dissent opinion from the Dred Scott case....specifically how the 14th amendment was being violated......

And who are the main ones to this day who are still butt-hurt about the 14th amendment??? Not liberals...

Dred Scott was determined by a leftist Supreme Court, decided by a northern, east coast liberal Democrat Roger Taney from the Leftist State of Maryland.
How many progressive justices have "lied" about the 2nd amendment by your standard?

They were calling her a pedophile apologist, you fucking liar, big difference.

Any they were going by her own leniency for sex crimes in MULTIPLE JUDGEMENTS
You tell me?

Because last I checked, you still have the right to bear arms.......maybe its the "regulated part" you have problems with.....

By the way......why do you folks give conservatives such a pass when they SPECIFICALLY TARGETED BLACK PEOPLE when it pertained to gun rights??
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the 2A is just another example of manfuctured culture war BS -- designed for emotional appeal -- since most other Conservative policies ain't exciting base voters by telling them about special tax exemptions for billionaires -- all you have is "they are taking your guns" "gays are raping your kids" blah blah blah
There are a myriad of reasons why a woman may seek an abortion. Pigeon-holing it into an act of convenience, as you appear to be doing, is myopic.

What worries me is those on the right who take this too far. While I'm definitely not in favor of an abortion for the sake of convenience, I believe it should absolutely be available to victims of rape and incest. There are those zealots on the right, though, who would make those illegal, too. Abortions should also be available for when the health of the mother is in jeopardy, or if the fetus is identified as having a severe disability. Sadly, though, there are zealots on the right who would still insist that abortion not be made available in those instances...
The majority of abortions are done in the name of convenience. That’s why so many happen. If it weren’t for this; and it was only used in the extreme outliers like rape, incest, medically threatening to the mothers life… Abortion would have sailed on, only marginally opposed, rather than being the flash point issue it is today.
You tell me?

Because last I checked, you still have the right to bear arms.......maybe its the "regulated part" you have problems with.....

By the way......why do you folks give conservatives such a pass when they SPECIFICALLY TARGETED BLACK PEOPLE when it pertained to gun rights??
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the 2A is just another example of manfuctured culture war BS -- designed for emotional appeal -- since most other Conservative policies ain't exciting base voters by telling them about special tax exemptions for billionaires

Sorry, but 6 months and $500 in fees to get a revolver to keep in your house in NYC isn't "Regulated", it's shadow banning.

And the current crime wave in blue cities is because of "conservative policies"?

What conservative policy is being implemented by SJW DA's and Mayors to suck criminal dick?

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