repubs voted for unemployment extensions under GW but won't now....

whats the difference?

Now there really isn't any more money left,no more can be borrowed,we haven't gotten to the point where we just start printing it like a third world country.But I'm sure that day is coming.Why is everyone having a problem with people asking how are we going to pay for it.
whats the difference?

I see a few differences. One, we didn't have a $13 trillion national debt at that time. Also, how long did they vote to extend them? We are surpassing an extension of over two years now. I don't remember that being the case in the recession following 9-11.
whats the difference?

Now there really isn't any more money left,no more can be borrowed,we haven't gotten to the point where we just start printing it like a third world country.But I'm sure that day is coming.Why is everyone having a problem with people asking how are we going to pay for it.

because no one asked it then making it look like pure partisan hackery
Printin' presses in China ran outta ink?....and they can't buy our debt no more?
whats the difference?

I see a few differences. One, we didn't have a $13 trillion national debt at that time. Also, how long did they vote to extend them? We are surpassing an extension of over two years now. I don't remember that being the case in the recession following 9-11.
Take note of how conveniently Blu bypassed responding to this post ^^^^^
whats the difference?

Even Better questions would be.

Why did Obama make a big deal about the fact that the last extension had to be paid for, and even made a point as to let us all know it was paid for when he announced he was signing it. Yet now he refuses to use the over 400 Billion in stimulus money left unspent right now to pay for this one.

Ill tell you why, Because he could not try and blame the Republicans if he did that.

Another question.

Why did several Democrats including Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus not only agree with Obama last time, that they should be paid for, but also said 99 weeks was plenty and we could not just go on and on with benefits.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus says that 99 weeks is sufficient. “You can’t go on forever”, the Montana Democrat said.

“There’s just been no discussion to go beyond that,” said Senator Byron Dorgan, a North Dakota Democrat.

Ill tell you why....Because they needed an issue to try and make the Republicans look bad. And that's why.

This is very low of the Democrats, and they are getting away with it because of their friends in the main Stream media.

They are lying through their teeth. There plenty of money left unspent from the stimulus bill. You know the one we had to pass right away or the end was coming. Over half of it is still unspent over a year later.

All the republicans are asking, is exactly what Obama wanted last time, To use some of those funds to pay for the bill.

The Democrats have shamefully played politics with this issue, and because of it, even if they pass it tomorrow 2.5 million people have been out of benefits for several weeks, and will not get another check for 6 more.

Way to go Democrats, thanks for FUCKING us in the ass to try and smear the Republicans for wanting to behave responsibly and pay for these Benefits in the Very same way Obama and the Dems demanded they be paid for last time.

The fact that so many of you are falling for their ploy is very sad indeed.
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I am not aware of any Congress that has extended unemployment benefits nationwide for more than 99 weeks. We need a case by case review to determine who is now a welfare case and who needs to accept employment at a lower rate than they might like. In no case should we continue to make unemployment benefits available to people over 99 weeks.
I think as we near nov your going to see a lot more dems pretending to be blue dogs trying to save their asses.
When have we ever extended unemployment benefits for more than 99 weeks? Why on earth does anyone need unemployment benefits after almost 2 years? Are you honestly telling me that someone can't produce an income after 2 years of searching?

I think they have a bigger problem than unemployment if that is so.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus says that 99 weeks is sufficient. “You can’t go on forever”, the Montana Democrat said.

“There’s just been no discussion to go beyond that,” said Senator Byron Dorgan, a North Dakota Democrat.


Obama and the Dems wanted the last extension paid for with Stimulus funds, and did in fact pay for it.

Why not this one?
whats the difference?

I see a few differences. One, we didn't have a $13 trillion national debt at that time. Also, how long did they vote to extend them? We are surpassing an extension of over two years now. I don't remember that being the case in the recession following 9-11.
Take note of how conveniently Blu bypassed responding to this post ^^^^^

and you expected....what exactly?
I see a few differences. One, we didn't have a $13 trillion national debt at that time. Also, how long did they vote to extend them? We are surpassing an extension of over two years now. I don't remember that being the case in the recession following 9-11.
Take note of how conveniently Blu bypassed responding to this post ^^^^^

and you expected....what exactly?
Just the opportunity to point out Blu's obvious partisanship

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