Rescued Pastor Prays for Trump and the US Presidency!

Rescued Pastor Prays for Trump and the US Presidency!


The left is going to go totally nuclear... They cant handle that they have a Christian as a President who openly shows his belief's and is not ashamed.

This is going to solidify and keep many Christians all over the country voting for him and his agenda! This is going to help many house races for republicans all over the country..

Donald Trump is no more a Christian than a pile of horseshit in my front pasture.
So you have God's knowledge of his heart?

You people are hypocrites...

Its great to again be able to show that Christ is nothing to be ashamed of and that your paganism is not the end all..

I am very happy that Christ and Christmas are no longer dirty words and can be said openly... And if you think for one minuet the rest of the nation is not watching and noticing, you would be wrong..
Christ and Christmas were never ‘dirty words,’ and everyone has always been at liberty to say them openly.

The notion that this wasn’t the case is a ridiculous rightwing lie.
I wonder then why Obama put satanic emblems and mad men murders on the Christmas Tree? Defiling it!
Rescued Pastor Prays for Trump and the US Presidency!


The left is going to go totally nuclear... They cant handle that they have a Christian as a President who openly shows his belief's and is not ashamed.

This is going to solidify and keep many Christians all over the country voting for him and his agenda! This is going to help many house races for republicans all over the country..

Donald Trump is no more a Christian than a pile of horseshit in my front pasture.
So you have God's knowledge of his heart?

You people are hypocrites...

Its great to again be able to show that Christ is nothing to be ashamed of and that your paganism is not the end all..

I am very happy that Christ and Christmas are no longer dirty words and can be said openly... And if you think for one minuet the rest of the nation is not watching and noticing, you would be wrong..

On TV doing one thing and behind the scene promoting Muslim Sharia law and Marxism..All while weaponizing our government against us.. Trump is as he seems not the charlatan and deceiver Obama is..
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Rescued Pastor Prays for Trump and the US Presidency!
The left is going to go totally nuclear... They cant handle that they have a Christian as a President who openly shows his belief's and is not ashamed.

Christian? Hell, they are going nuts that we just have a DECENT CARING person for president. A few years ago when one of our own Marines just home from the Middle East moving to California and with PTSD got accidentally trapped into crossing the Mexico border and was arrested, locked away and tortured to the point of attempted suicide, Barry Obumma couldn't be found anywhere to spare 5 minutes to lift his pen or telephone to make even the smallest effort to get him released.

Marine Held in Mexico: If Congress can't get Obama's attention to free Tahmooressi, We the People must

But Obumma sure could bust a nut to make a media circus out of Michael Brown. The funny thing is that after this marine was finally brought home, Trump caught wind of it on the news and sent the guy a big generous check to help him get back on his feet and didn't even seek attention or thanks for doing so.

Is it any wonder the Left tries so hard to paint Trump as something he's not at all. On his worst day, Trump still looks good compared to the like of Hillary or Obumma.
Rescued Pastor Prays for Trump and the US Presidency!


The left is going to go totally nuclear... They cant handle that they have a Christian as a President who openly shows his belief's and is not ashamed.

This is going to solidify and keep many Christians all over the country voting for him and his agenda! This is going to help many house races for republicans all over the country..

As Proven by the Apocalypto Invaders, Asylum Is Nothing to Be Virtue-Signaling About

In exchange, we should give the Turks back that power-hungry cleric, Fethullah Gulen, who seeks to overthrow Erdogan's government. Never forget that France gave asylum to the Ayatollah Khomeini and felt like a "humanitarian superpower" about it until real world melted their brie.
Rescued Pastor Prays for Trump and the US Presidency!


The left is going to go totally nuclear... They cant handle that they have a Christian as a President who openly shows his belief's and is not ashamed.

This is going to solidify and keep many Christians all over the country voting for him and his agenda! This is going to help many house races for republicans all over the country..


Faux Christians you mean. He is a crook , and an adulterer as well as a female predator. No prays can help Trump the greed oozes out of him.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Ouch that will leave a mark on the pagan heathens demoncrats.
You don't consider it at all a cheap move to televise this pastor praying for Trump, the Great White Freedom Fighter? It was nothing but a cheap publicity stunt, when the poor guy deserved all our respect and best wishes, but Trump needed to be the hell out of it. I'm gonna BARF.

Obama also got prisoners released.
Remember Bergdahl?
He traded him for 5 Gitmo guests.

obamaprisoners released for bergdaul.jpg
I saw watched what I consider a really, really pathetic show. It reminded me when all those cabinet members were made toadies by Trump and compelled to praise them.

Is Trump's ego so big or really so insignificant that he has to have people praise him for the job he was elected to do? Not only praise him but give him nothing short of Kim Jong Un treatment.

The irony of course is those evangelicals were tools, no different from the cabinet members , to boost Trump's ego. It is no coincidence that Brunson was released as the Saudi assassination controls gains steam. Brunson was released not because of any brilliant diplomacy but because Erdogan saw it as an opportune time to do it. Stroke Don's ego and kind words and actions will follow.
Thank you for posting OP.

That was an awesome moment! :clap:
Back to topic..

The left is certainly coming unhinged as the last few posts show..

The left doesn't like us when we pray......they prefer us as prey.

Sad but true.
Its been a very long time since I have seen God (or as the founding fathers wrote "Our Creator") being the ultimate authority and someone re-enforcing that God gave us our rights, not men... The hard left will act like rabid dogs to try and demonize this.. Count on it!
Sorry bout that,

  1. The only reason that Turkey has reversed its stance on this Pastor, is one simple cause, cause Trump showed concern for the man who entered the Saudi Arabia Embassy and never came out alive.
  2. Funny how no one mentioned it.
  3. That's why I get the big bucks.
Rescued Pastor Prays for Trump and the US Presidency!


The left is going to go totally nuclear... They cant handle that they have a Christian as a President who openly shows his belief's and is not ashamed.

This is going to solidify and keep many Christians all over the country voting for him and his agenda! This is going to help many house races for republicans all over the country..


You can't be serious.

Pray for Trump to be gone come 2021.
God willing, He will not leave until 2025..
Rescued Pastor Prays for Trump and the US Presidency!


The left is going to go totally nuclear... They cant handle that they have a Christian as a President who openly shows his belief's and is not ashamed.

This is going to solidify and keep many Christians all over the country voting for him and his agenda! This is going to help many house races for republicans all over the country..


You can't be serious.

Pray for Trump to be gone come 2021.
God willing, He will not leave until 2025..

Before hopefully.
Back to topic..

The left is certainly coming unhinged as the last few posts show..

The left doesn't like us when we pray......they prefer us as prey.

Sad but true.
Its been a very long time since I have seen God (or as the founding fathers wrote "Our Creator") being the ultimate authority and someone re-enforcing that God gave us our rights, not men... The hard left will act like rabid dogs to try and demonize this.. Count on it!

As one who believe in the Separation of Church and State it was a site to see, what did Jesus say about praying on the street corner or in this case national TV, he said go in the closet.
Rescued Pastor Prays for Trump and the US Presidency!


The left is going to go totally nuclear... They cant handle that they have a Christian as a President who openly shows his belief's and is not ashamed.

This is going to solidify and keep many Christians all over the country voting for him and his agenda! This is going to help many house races for republicans all over the country..

You really got off on that Billy?
Rescued Pastor Prays for Trump and the US Presidency!


The left is going to go totally nuclear... They cant handle that they have a Christian as a President who openly shows his belief's and is not ashamed.

This is going to solidify and keep many Christians all over the country voting for him and his agenda! This is going to help many house races for republicans all over the country..

Most fake , assholes, *****. Are the evangelicals along with their orange.
Prayers my ass...
Rescued Pastor Prays for Trump and the US Presidency!


The left is going to go totally nuclear... They cant handle that they have a Christian as a President who openly shows his belief's and is not ashamed.

This is going to solidify and keep many Christians all over the country voting for him and his agenda! This is going to help many house races for republicans all over the country..

Most fake , assholes, *****. Are the evangelicals along with their orange.
Prayers my ass...

Most of them kiss his ring.

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