

Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
OK, its that time of the year... what are your New Year's resolutions?

I have two: start working out again (after leaving active duty, I stopped working out, and have promptly put ten pounds on the belly), and stop eating so much friggin' chocolate!
I'm with you there Jeff. I need to go to the gym more. But I'm not laying off of the chocolate.:D
I'm going to give up being a pervert between the hours of 1am and 5am. Please be supportive, the next few months are going to be very trying for me. :D
ive decided to aim low this year.... ive resolved to gain 5
i didnt get my hummer for chirstmas (either kind would have worked).
And Jim, as for giving up being a pervert, good luck! ive tried a few tiems before. i guess its imbeded to deep in me.

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