Responding to GOP pundits part 2: Nolte points out, Trump goes after people his own size...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is an important difference between the conservative base of the GOP and the conservative pundits who don't like Trump.....Trump goes after people who attack him first, and he goes after the people who can actually fight back. The conservative pundit class are attacking Trump's conservative supporters....big difference

Jonah Goldberg and the Anti-Trumpians - Part 2 - Breitbart

Let me respond to the hypocrisy angle.

There is one very big difference between Trump and many of his GOP detractors. When Trump “fights” his insults and attacks are aimed at people his own size. I’m not saying he’s right or wrong, but those he does go after, including Jonah, Macy’s, Univision, Fox News, Carly Fiorina, Rosie O’Donnell, Megyn Kelly, etc. are The Powerful — individuals and institutions with large platforms and megaphones who can fight back.

At the very least, Trump punches within his own weight class.

Contrast that with those among the anti-Trump GOP elite who rip into The Powerless. Chris Christie yells at teachers. Rick Perry accused the GOP base of being heartless on the issue of the border. I’m now losing count of those among the Republican elite who have — in writing and on television — attacked the everyday people in our own base — Trump supporters — as racist or nativist or unthinking rubes, or some variation of that.

Trump has plenty of nasty supporters who insult Those Who Dare Not Support Trump. But these are everyday people on social media, not high-profile Thought Leaders among the Commentariat. I know of no high-profile Trump supporter insulting and hurling insults at the everyday voters voting for someone other than Trump.
And how Trump, who fights like a lefty, is a good thing......

As far as Trump fighting like a leftist, you’re damn right I say it’s about time. Losing like gentleman while your country burns is no virtue. In fact, it is abject cowardice. And this abject cowardice and constant surrender (border, etc.) from the feckless GOP in the face of Obama winning one partisan, lawless victory after another is a large part Trump’s appeal.

Sure I have lines I won’t cross, lines Obama and Democrats have crossed again and again. If Trump ever threatens or condones violence, I’m done with him. If he ever knowingly falsely accuses someone of something like felony murder, I’m done with him. And I’m getting a little tired of Trump’s attacks on women, not because I’m politically correct but because I’m a gentleman and growing more and more concerned that this propensity could implode his campaign if he wins the nomination.

But if you think that I’m going to get the vapors over Trump hurling flurries of sucker punches to keep his opponents off balance after I’ve sat here for three decades watching us lose like losers; after three decades of watching our useless and corrupt mainstream media openly express their admiration for the degenerate behavior practiced daily by Obama and Reid and the Clintons — think again.
And this is for you Rabbi, it might explain better why some people like Trump......better than I can explain it anyway.....

This from Goldberg, I think, explains not just his blindspot but the blindspot of many who agree with him. And I’m not talking about an ideological blindspot. Goldberg is a rock-ribbed conservative. The blindspot is his inability to give Trump supporters credit for being just as pure:

To wit: I don’t think Trump is a conservative. I don’t think he’s a very serious person. I don’t think he’s a man of particularly good character. I don’t think he can be trusted to do the things he promises.

That is exactly how Trump supporters view The Establishment. In fact, it is a PERFECT description of a Republican Establishment that for two decades has grown the size of the federal government, refused to secure the border, attacked the Tea Party, surrendered to Democrats, and appeased our evil media at almost every opportunity (see a full list of GOP sins at Conservative Treehouse).

With that in mind, there is nothing NOT conservative about supporting Trump.

Trump supporters believe, and for good reason (Trump has been consistent on these issues), that Trump will…

  1. Defeat an existential threat to the Republican Party and by extension America by finally securing the border. For good reason (history, evidence), they don’t trust the others, or at least not as much.
  2. Kill terrorists.
  3. Lower middle class taxes.
  4. Simplify the tax code.
  5. Fix the Veterans Administration.
  6. Finally annihilate the feckless, dishonest, cowardly, insulting, snobbish, appeasing, corrupted Republican Establishment — and with it all their toxic cronies and parasites in the grifter Consultant Class and mercenary Chamber of Commerce.
Getting the big conservative things right and burning the diseased village to save the village sounds conservative enough for me.

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