Responding to Trump Cultists' call for an investigation of Clinton (again)


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Whenever the heat rises a bit about Mueller's expanding investigation on the Trump administration's long list of screw ups, right wingers on here begin whining about "why isn't Clinton being investigated???"........and, of course, the cute mantra, "lock her up."

You may have noticed that most Trump cultists have "concluded" that there is "no there"there in Mueller's investigation....while there's a lot there regarding the fantasy of a Clinton investigation.

My response to these right wing dimwits.

First, since your ilk likes to tout that through your overwhelming and "stellar" political victories, you are FULLY in charge......PETITION your right leaning congress to appoint another special counsel to investigate whatever the hell you want.

Second, Mueller....a republican....was appointed by a republican head of the investigate a republican administration......KNOW THAT THIS IS THE FIRST TIME EVER that an administration has been investigated by someone of the same party.

Third, how can anyone with a half brain "conclude" that members of an administration who LIED about dealings with a foreign, enemy nation are now EXEMPT of being labeled part of that same administration,......All of a sudden, Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Papadopolus, Page, et al......are being labeled as "coffee boys" who has little to do with Trump....(lame)

Fourth, I actually believe that Trump did not HIMSELF directly collude with the Russians..........Russians are smarter than that...They would never place their "trust" with an idiot like Trump who spews self-damaging bullshit whenever he is challenged.......RATHER, the Russians relied on smarter and greedier underlings to infiltrate the WH.
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Cons love Hillary . Even Don can’t go a week without talking about her .

Why? Because they can’t govern ! All they know how to do is complain about either Hillary or obama.

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