Response to Atheist Ads at


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Comment awaiting moderation, not sure if it will be received or what:

More Aggressive Atheist Ad Campaigns

"Hi and thanks for your outreach. As a Constitutionalist who believes free exercise of speech and religion depends on NOT SPREADING MISINFORMATION, I find it does as much harm to spread this perception of God by what you are doing. So you are defeating your own purpose.

The best way to counteract false teachings of God is to correct them, not trumpet them louder.

The OT is about retributive justice, the dangers of unforgiveness in corrupting the law. So when people live by the "letter of the law" they hang themselves and each other, killing relationships and humanity.

The NT is about restorative justice, establishing truth by forgiveness and correction, by agreement to resolve conflicts. Thus peace and justice is restored, and harmony to all humanity.

This is the true message in the Bible, so taking the tragic history of humanity (which is also included in the Bible to teach from by comparison) "out of context" with the rest of the Bible spreads the wrong message. You are part of the problem if you keep doing this.

Please work on corrections, not escalating and multiplying more of the same problem caused by false religious teachings which you advertise and thus compound the issue even further.

Thank you for your efforts, and I hope this helps you to be more successful in the future.

Yours truly,
Emily Nghiem
Houston TX"
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