Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

The guy said people with college degrees would be his waiters.

These are exactly the people promised better jobs. All the unemployed people with degrees or experience but they can't find work in their field of study so they are forced to wait tables.

Yes, of course you don't remember your empty promises
All we need is to elect a republican and play trickle down economics to increase wages..
Or we could embrace progressive policies where they don't mind the poor being poorer as long as the rich are less rich.

A good example of our way would be Ford Motor. Made by highly paid workers who get paid a fair wage. I know you think they are paid too much but that's the Republican in you. You can't help yourself. You see people who have pensions and you are jealous because you don't have a pension yourself. Oh yea we all know you are rich but not everyone is as rich as you. Most of the USMB Republicans who agree with you are broke jealous losers who hate union workers making more than they do.

We didn't ruin the economy. That was a lie put out by Republicans. And your lie today really makes no sense. It completely contradicts Trumps talking points. You guys said highly paid American workers are why jobs went overseas. But now Trump says he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back so Americans can be highly paid again. Isn't that true? He said NAFTA was a bad deal. But you guys designed NAFTA so that companies could break their unions and move jobs overseas. Sure I'm oversimplifying this but this is all true. So you guys sent all the high paying jobs overseas and now promise to bring them back? You can see why we don't believe you, right?

But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.

You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions

For the most part you are right
But hundreds of thousands of construction workers, electricians, plumbers lost their jobs when the housing market went bust due to rampant speculation by the financial wizards

It was a systemic failure. All levels failed.
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

More on this...

Wendy's installing self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 restaurants
US retail sales rise in January, led by gas and restaurants
What does 'A Day Without a Woman' mean for restaurants?
“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Competition will quickly blow that kind of bassakwards thinking out of the water.
What is backwards about covering your operating costs?

You fail to see the chickenshit nature of these people because you're no better than they are. God forbid somebody make a living besides you.
You didn't answer the question. If you aren't making enough money go start your own business.

Yes I did answer your shit for brains question. The playing field is level for everybody. They're all paying the same wages so for some like thinking chickenshit motherfucker like you to make something of it suggests, no proves, you don't know how to run a business.
This surcharge was So Predictable...and many of us did.

Other reactions to the increase in the MW are replacing staff with ROBOTS, and moving to self-service instead of table service.

All proving that the Real Minimum Wage is ZERO.

Minimum wage has been frozen for eight years
How did a frozen $7.25 wage cause a development of ROBOTS?

Do you live in a bubble? (That's a rhetorical quesiton).

Many states are jacking up the MW. Here in CA it's being ratcheted up to $15. The result is Robots, Surcharges, and Self-Serve...with fewer jobs.

Self Serve gas pumps came around in the 1970s when min wage was under $2.50
ATMs came around in the 80s when min wage was under $5

Automation comes because it is ready to come....not because minimum wage workers are paid too much

Automation comes because it reduces costs. In the !970s, we were in the throes of the OPEC oil shock, hence a lot of efforts to reduce labor expenses. ATMs were put in place to reduce labor costs in banking.

Supply vs. Demand - ever heard of it? When labor is more expensive than machines, then machines will substitute for labor.

Neither came about because low wage workers were overpaid
Automation comes about because the technology is there and there is a market
All we need is to elect a republican and play trickle down economics to increase wages..
Or we could embrace progressive policies where they don't mind the poor being poorer as long as the rich are less rich.

A good example of our way would be Ford Motor. Made by highly paid workers who get paid a fair wage. I know you think they are paid too much but that's the Republican in you. You can't help yourself. You see people who have pensions and you are jealous because you don't have a pension yourself. Oh yea we all know you are rich but not everyone is as rich as you. Most of the USMB Republicans who agree with you are broke jealous losers who hate union workers making more than they do.

We didn't ruin the economy. That was a lie put out by Republicans. And your lie today really makes no sense. It completely contradicts Trumps talking points. You guys said highly paid American workers are why jobs went overseas. But now Trump says he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back so Americans can be highly paid again. Isn't that true? He said NAFTA was a bad deal. But you guys designed NAFTA so that companies could break their unions and move jobs overseas. Sure I'm oversimplifying this but this is all true. So you guys sent all the high paying jobs overseas and now promise to bring them back? You can see why we don't believe you, right?

But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.

You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions

For the most part you are right
But hundreds of thousands of construction workers, electricians, plumbers lost their jobs when the housing market went bust due to rampant speculation by the financial wizards

It was a systemic failure. All levels failed.

Not by the workers

Speculation was exploited by the capitalists who made a fortune out of bogus investments. When the bubble burst, it was the workers who were fired. Investment bankers kept their jobs
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

More on this...

Wendy's installing self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 restaurants
US retail sales rise in January, led by gas and restaurants
What does 'A Day Without a Woman' mean for restaurants?
“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Competition will quickly blow that kind of bassakwards thinking out of the water.
What is backwards about covering your operating costs?

You fail to see the chickenshit nature of these people because you're no better than they are. God forbid somebody make a living besides you.
You didn't answer the question. If you aren't making enough money go start your own business.

Yes I did answer your shit for brains question. The playing field is level for everybody. They're all paying the same wages so for some like thinking chickenshit motherfucker like you to make something of it suggests, no proves, you don't know how to run a business.
I've owned a business now for 32 years. Little net maggots can't change it. The question was "What is backwards about covering your operating costs?"
...and for some reason it made you poop your baby diapers. The playing field is level, like I said go start your own business instead of crying about your income problems. The you pay pay your employees $100 /hr if you want.
This surcharge was So Predictable...and many of us did.

Other reactions to the increase in the MW are replacing staff with ROBOTS, and moving to self-service instead of table service.

All proving that the Real Minimum Wage is ZERO.

Minimum wage has been frozen for eight years
How did a frozen $7.25 wage cause a development of ROBOTS?

Do you live in a bubble? (That's a rhetorical quesiton).

Many states are jacking up the MW. Here in CA it's being ratcheted up to $15. The result is Robots, Surcharges, and Self-Serve...with fewer jobs.

Self Serve gas pumps came around in the 1970s when min wage was under $2.50
ATMs came around in the 80s when min wage was under $5

Automation comes because it is ready to come....not because minimum wage workers are paid too much

Automation comes because it reduces costs. In the !970s, we were in the throes of the OPEC oil shock, hence a lot of efforts to reduce labor expenses. ATMs were put in place to reduce labor costs in banking.

Supply vs. Demand - ever heard of it? When labor is more expensive than machines, then machines will substitute for labor.

Neither came about because low wage workers were overpaid
Automation comes about because the technology is there and there is a market

^^^ The heartbreak of economic illiteracy on parade ^^^
There are very, very, very few people who are legitimately trying to support themselves with a minimum-wage job in a restaurant. They are predominantly second-income, part time, or temporary positions. When I was making minimum wage (as a security guard) many years ago, I sought and received all of the overtime my tired body could handle, normally working 56-60 hours per week...and looking for a better job with all of my available time. I didn't make MW for very long.

Of course, the minimum wage itself is both stupid and immoral. By what moral authority does Government come in and tell any two people that they are not permitted to enter into an agreement that both of them find totally acceptable (i.e., working for $5/hr)? The very existence of MW laws lowers peoples' expectations of what they are "worth," often causing them to accept a wage that is practically unacceptable.
only about 3% of all positions are MW and that 3% includes service jobs where tips are also collected

So there would be minimal impact of raising that wage

there are calls to double the MW to 15 an hour

you think raising everyone who is making less than 15 won't have any impact?

are you high?
here we go again

broken record

30 million "qualify" for government handouts

whether they "need " them or not is a different matter
and as I have said before one does not have to be hired by an employer to make extra money

I would hazard to guess that someone trying to raise a family on $20,000 a year needs additional assistance
Just as there are not 30 million "other jobs" out there, there are not 30 million small business opportunities out there

I would suggest that if you only make 20K a year that you put off having a family until you can afford one
Republican version of big government?

I wouldn't know I'm not a Republican

Who was the last Democrat you voted for?
I never voted for a democrat
I would hazard to guess that someone trying to raise a family on $20,000 a year needs additional assistance
Just as there are not 30 million "other jobs" out there, there are not 30 million small business opportunities out there

I would suggest that if you only make 20K a year that you put off having a family until you can afford one
Republican version of big government?

I wouldn't know I'm not a Republican

Who was the last Democrat you voted for?
Nobody on this board is a republican. No one voted for Romney or McCain, and very soon no one will take credit for voting for Trump
Oh there are plenty of them here

I just don't happen to be one
Oh my, 3-4% price increase? :eek-52:

How will America survive such onslaught from decent paying jobs?

A $3 hamburger now costs $3.09

We need to enforce low wages to protect against a nine cent increase in the cost of a hamburger
/--- Making up numbers again. It's what Libs do best:
Study Showing 15-Dollar-an-Hour Fast-Food Wages Would Raise Prices by Only 4 Percent Is Very Wrong
Labor accounts for a quarter to a third of the average fast-food restaurant’s costs. Currently, wages in the fast-food industry run around $9 an hour. Going to $15 an hour means increasing pay by over 50 percent. Prices would have to rise by at least one-sixth (50 percent multiplied by one third) to cover the base-wage increases. Of course, those price increases would drive some customers away, so restaurants would need to raise prices again. But as a baseline, prices would have to rise by at least one-sixth. The Purdue study finds price increases an order of magnitude smaller. It does so by making a basic math error. The Purdue researchers got their data from the National Restaurant Association’s (NRA) 2014 operations report. The report surveys restaurants and shows how much the median restaurant spends on various expenses, such as payroll, food, marketing, etc. The Purdue researchers added those figures to derive the balance sheet of the typical fast-food restaurant. Mathematically, however, medians do not work that way. Average values will add to the overall sum, but medians typically do not. The preface of the NRA Operations Report emphasizes in highlighted text that researchers cannot add median values to get overall expenses. Nonetheless the Purdue researchers did exactly that.

Read more at: Study Showing 15-Dollar-an-Hour Fast-Food Wages Would Raise Prices by Only 4 Percent Is Very Wrong

Dumbass, I'm not making anything up, I'm DIRECTLY QUOTING YOUR OP:

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs.
/--- I was responding to the poster who said it only adds 9 cents to the cost of a $3 burger. It is actually much higher. My original post was about Libs who claimed restaurants wouldn't have to charge more for food with the Minimum Wage hike. Sorry it confusing for you. Why don't you join the Gardening and Landscaping board and discuss your petunias you're planting this spring.

What is a 3% increase on a $3 burger?

Wages have been frozen for eight years....why haven't the price of burgers dropped?
show me the math with how you came up with that because I have a feeling you held every other operating cost constant and didn't take into account everything
I would hazard to guess that someone trying to raise a family on $20,000 a year needs additional assistance
Just as there are not 30 million "other jobs" out there, there are not 30 million small business opportunities out there

I would suggest that if you only make 20K a year that you put off having a family until you can afford one
Republican version of big government?

I wouldn't know I'm not a Republican

Who was the last Democrat you voted for?
I never voted for a democrat
Be proud that you continue to vote against your own best interests.
Or we could embrace progressive policies where they don't mind the poor being poorer as long as the rich are less rich.

A good example of our way would be Ford Motor. Made by highly paid workers who get paid a fair wage. I know you think they are paid too much but that's the Republican in you. You can't help yourself. You see people who have pensions and you are jealous because you don't have a pension yourself. Oh yea we all know you are rich but not everyone is as rich as you. Most of the USMB Republicans who agree with you are broke jealous losers who hate union workers making more than they do.

We didn't ruin the economy. That was a lie put out by Republicans. And your lie today really makes no sense. It completely contradicts Trumps talking points. You guys said highly paid American workers are why jobs went overseas. But now Trump says he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back so Americans can be highly paid again. Isn't that true? He said NAFTA was a bad deal. But you guys designed NAFTA so that companies could break their unions and move jobs overseas. Sure I'm oversimplifying this but this is all true. So you guys sent all the high paying jobs overseas and now promise to bring them back? You can see why we don't believe you, right?

But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.

You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions

For the most part you are right
But hundreds of thousands of construction workers, electricians, plumbers lost their jobs when the housing market went bust due to rampant speculation by the financial wizards

It was a systemic failure. All levels failed.

Not by the workers

Speculation was exploited by the capitalists who made a fortune out of bogus investments. When the bubble burst, it was the workers who were fired. Investment bankers kept their jobs

it wasn't just speculation

it was a constellation of factors one major factor being the fed artificially held interest rates at near zero where normal market factors would have seen them rise which would have slowed the growth of the bubble

and please do not forget that famous deregulation of Banks, insurance companies and investment firms signed into law by Blow Job Bubba Clinton
To bad you have to spend and extra nickel.

BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

More on this...

Wendy's installing self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 restaurants
US retail sales rise in January, led by gas and restaurants
What does 'A Day Without a Woman' mean for restaurants?
“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases
I would suggest that if you only make 20K a year that you put off having a family until you can afford one
Republican version of big government?

I wouldn't know I'm not a Republican

Who was the last Democrat you voted for?
I never voted for a democrat
Be proud that you continue to vote against your own best interests.

you have no idea what my best interests are

but since you are such a limited thinker you can't even comprehend that while I never voted for a democrat that I also never voted for a republican

expand your mind it doesn't hurt
Oh! good for you, liar.
Stop raising the rent then.
Oh, wait that isn't fair to you now is it.

Not to worry, cellblock, you can always find work in your career as fast food server.

The fact of the matter remains that the customer will pay more in order to help the fast food server earn more.
/---- I'm retired, a published author with ever increasing royalty payments, rental property owner, Continuing Education instructor, work part time for the Board of Elections and a short term option trader. I have no plans on working at a fast food restaurant unless I open one up. I won't because I'd have to hire bone head millenniums with useless college majors like Woman Studies and try to motivate them to show up and put in a days work. No thank you.
A good example of our way would be Ford Motor. Made by highly paid workers who get paid a fair wage. I know you think they are paid too much but that's the Republican in you. You can't help yourself. You see people who have pensions and you are jealous because you don't have a pension yourself. Oh yea we all know you are rich but not everyone is as rich as you. Most of the USMB Republicans who agree with you are broke jealous losers who hate union workers making more than they do.

We didn't ruin the economy. That was a lie put out by Republicans. And your lie today really makes no sense. It completely contradicts Trumps talking points. You guys said highly paid American workers are why jobs went overseas. But now Trump says he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back so Americans can be highly paid again. Isn't that true? He said NAFTA was a bad deal. But you guys designed NAFTA so that companies could break their unions and move jobs overseas. Sure I'm oversimplifying this but this is all true. So you guys sent all the high paying jobs overseas and now promise to bring them back? You can see why we don't believe you, right?

But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.
You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.
At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions

For the most part you are right
But hundreds of thousands of construction workers, electricians, plumbers lost their jobs when the housing market went bust due to rampant speculation by the financial wizards
It was a systemic failure. All levels failed.

Not by the workers

Speculation was exploited by the capitalists who made a fortune out of bogus investments. When the bubble burst, it was the workers who were fired. Investment bankers kept their jobs
it wasn't just speculation

it was a constellation of factors one major factor being the fed artificially held interest rates at near zero where normal market factors would have seen them rise which would have slowed the growth of the bubble

and please do not forget that famous deregulation of Banks, insurance companies and investment firms signed into law by Blow Job Bubba Clinton
You seem to have an issue with 2 consenting adults doing what they wish in private, yet dont give a dam about the President who brags about grabbing pussy. Do you see the hypocrisy
There are very, very, very few people who are legitimately trying to support themselves with a minimum-wage job in a restaurant. They are predominantly second-income, part time, or temporary positions. When I was making minimum wage (as a security guard) many years ago, I sought and received all of the overtime my tired body could handle, normally working 56-60 hours per week...and looking for a better job with all of my available time. I didn't make MW for very long.

Of course, the minimum wage itself is both stupid and immoral. By what moral authority does Government come in and tell any two people that they are not permitted to enter into an agreement that both of them find totally acceptable (i.e., working for $5/hr)? The very existence of MW laws lowers peoples' expectations of what they are "worth," often causing them to accept a wage that is practically unacceptable.
only about 3% of all positions are MW and that 3% includes service jobs where tips are also collected

So there would be minimal impact of raising that wage

there are calls to double the MW to 15 an hour

you think raising everyone who is making less than 15 won't have any impact?

are you high?

Given that the wage has been frozen for eight years and will probably not be raised again for another eight....$15 an hour seems quite fair
I would hazard to guess that someone trying to raise a family on $20,000 a year needs additional assistance
Just as there are not 30 million "other jobs" out there, there are not 30 million small business opportunities out there

I would suggest that if you only make 20K a year that you put off having a family until you can afford one
Republican version of big government?

I wouldn't know I'm not a Republican

Who was the last Democrat you voted for?
I never voted for a democrat

Color me shocked

I have never voted a straight ticket
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

More on this...

Wendy's installing self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 restaurants
US retail sales rise in January, led by gas and restaurants
What does 'A Day Without a Woman' mean for restaurants?
“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Oh my, 3-4% price increase? :eek-52:

How will America survive such onslaught from decent paying jobs?

A $3 hamburger now costs $3.09

We need to enforce low wages to protect against a nine cent increase in the cost of a hamburger
/--- Making up numbers again. It's what Libs do best:
Study Showing 15-Dollar-an-Hour Fast-Food Wages Would Raise Prices by Only 4 Percent Is Very Wrong
Labor accounts for a quarter to a third of the average fast-food restaurant’s costs. Currently, wages in the fast-food industry run around $9 an hour. Going to $15 an hour means increasing pay by over 50 percent. Prices would have to rise by at least one-sixth (50 percent multiplied by one third) to cover the base-wage increases. Of course, those price increases would drive some customers away, so restaurants would need to raise prices again. But as a baseline, prices would have to rise by at least one-sixth. The Purdue study finds price increases an order of magnitude smaller. It does so by making a basic math error. The Purdue researchers got their data from the National Restaurant Association’s (NRA) 2014 operations report. The report surveys restaurants and shows how much the median restaurant spends on various expenses, such as payroll, food, marketing, etc. The Purdue researchers added those figures to derive the balance sheet of the typical fast-food restaurant. Mathematically, however, medians do not work that way. Average values will add to the overall sum, but medians typically do not. The preface of the NRA Operations Report emphasizes in highlighted text that researchers cannot add median values to get overall expenses. Nonetheless the Purdue researchers did exactly that.

Read more at: Study Showing 15-Dollar-an-Hour Fast-Food Wages Would Raise Prices by Only 4 Percent Is Very Wrong

Dumbass, I'm not making anything up, I'm DIRECTLY QUOTING YOUR OP:

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs.
/--- I was responding to the poster who said it only adds 9 cents to the cost of a $3 burger. It is actually much higher. My original post was about Libs who claimed restaurants wouldn't have to charge more for food with the Minimum Wage hike. Sorry it confusing for you. Why don't you join the Gardening and Landscaping board and discuss your petunias you're planting this spring.

Well if strawman knocking about some supposed libs is what you are after then go ahead.

But if you wanted to make a serious case against $15 minimum wage then citing 3-4% surcharge to cover it is an abysmal failure.
You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.
At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions

For the most part you are right
But hundreds of thousands of construction workers, electricians, plumbers lost their jobs when the housing market went bust due to rampant speculation by the financial wizards
It was a systemic failure. All levels failed.

Not by the workers

Speculation was exploited by the capitalists who made a fortune out of bogus investments. When the bubble burst, it was the workers who were fired. Investment bankers kept their jobs
it wasn't just speculation

it was a constellation of factors one major factor being the fed artificially held interest rates at near zero where normal market factors would have seen them rise which would have slowed the growth of the bubble

and please do not forget that famous deregulation of Banks, insurance companies and investment firms signed into law by Blow Job Bubba Clinton
You seem to have an issue with 2 consenting adults doing what they wish in private, yet dont give a dam about the President who brags about grabbing pussy. Do you see the hypocrisy
what the fuck are you talking about?

FYI I do not give an iota of a flaming shit what two consenting adults do in private or public. I don't have an issue with gay marriage. I don't have an issue with abortion. I don't have an issue with pot being legal and there are many many more

now I get to watch your head explode because you don't know how to think outside of your 2 dimensional flat little world

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