Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

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“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

The left just wants to rake all companies over the coals and they don't care what happens to small businesses or jobs.

While they freak out over deporting illegal aliens, claiming that the cost of fresh produce will skyrocket if we have to pay citizens to do the jobs, they turn around and claim that minimum wage hikes don't affect other businesses.

It's one of the ways they contradict themselves.

They always claim they are going after evil corporations but it's always the mom and pop stores that get destroyed. And we all get to pay higher prices at the businesses that are able to survive.
Many companies are able to do just fine paying their lowest level employees minimum wage or better.

My advice to the crybaby companies? Take some lessons from those successful companies.
there are calls to double the MW to 15 an hour

you think raising everyone who is making less than 15 won't have any impact?

are you high?

Given that the wage has been frozen for eight years and will probably not be raised again for another eight....$15 an hour seems quite fair

and you think that will have no impact

again are you high?

Low wages have an impact on tens of millions of families
Yes, without them, millions of teenagers find it difficult to break into the job market.

I earned a $2.10 minimum wage on which I was able to pay for college by just working summers

Now, American families have to go into debt to send their kids to college. That debt is a direct result of low wages paid to college aged workers. Businesses make more profit off of low wage workers and American families make up the difference

No they don't have to go into debt. you can go to college part time and pay as you go
Many companies are able to do just fine paying their lowest level employees minimum wage or better.

My advice to the crybaby companies? Take some lessons from those successful companies.
so you have no problem with companies paying MW that's good
Given that the wage has been frozen for eight years and will probably not be raised again for another eight....$15 an hour seems quite fair

and you think that will have no impact

again are you high?

Low wages have an impact on tens of millions of families
Yes, without them, millions of teenagers find it difficult to break into the job market.

I earned a $2.10 minimum wage on which I was able to pay for college by just working summers

Now, American families have to go into debt to send their kids to college. That debt is a direct result of low wages paid to college aged workers. Businesses make more profit off of low wage workers and American families make up the difference
You need to research why the cost of secondary education has gotten so high. You will find that low wages did not cause the increase.
it was more like the guaranteed college loans and the false narrative that everyone needs to go to college
You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.
At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions

For the most part you are right
But hundreds of thousands of construction workers, electricians, plumbers lost their jobs when the housing market went bust due to rampant speculation by the financial wizards

When Trump was running for president it wasn't their fault. But watch now that the election is over its absolutely their fault. Remember, choices. They made bad choices. In fact so many people made bad choices it caused the great recession. Wasn't Bush's fault nope. Everyone has to share the blame. But last year ask who's fault those underemployed people are and Republicans told us it was Obama's fault. But will it ever be Trump fault? Fuck no!

I love rich people who look down on poor people but are too intellectually dishonest to realize it. Ding, if you are a republican then I mean you. Assuming you really have this 7 figure pension.
Boo hoo hooo. I'm sealybobo and no one loves me. I'm poor and it's not my fault. I blame everyone but me. Boo hoo hoo.

Dude, you are cracking me up. Isn't it time for you to go get high again?

I love it when you think I'm broke. I equally love it when you pretend to be rich. LOL
Isn't it funny that all the rich people on this site can't find anything better to do? When I retire in a few years, I hope I'm never so bored that I have to come here.

See, ding argues for himself and I argue for the American middle class. This isn't personal for me but it sure is for ding. In other words Ding thinks things are fine because he's doing fine. Doesn't matter to him how the other 99% of us are doing.

So let me give Ding an example that he can't say I'm complaining for personal reasons. I look up what the average person makes in a year and I found that

Male, no spouse makes $53,684
Female, no spouse $36,151

Ok, so if I were to complain that women aren't being paid enough, Ding would automatically think I was complaining that I only make $36K and that I'm a woman. He certainly wouldn't have any compassion for those women. He would blame them.

Ding would be unable to understand that I'm not arguing for myself personally. And ding would call the average woman a loser for only making $36K. Isn't that right ding?
For you people who demand a free market,

how about we legalize teenage prostitution? There's a big market for that.
Or we could embrace progressive policies where they don't mind the poor being poorer as long as the rich are less rich.

A good example of our way would be Ford Motor. Made by highly paid workers who get paid a fair wage. I know you think they are paid too much but that's the Republican in you. You can't help yourself. You see people who have pensions and you are jealous because you don't have a pension yourself. Oh yea we all know you are rich but not everyone is as rich as you. Most of the USMB Republicans who agree with you are broke jealous losers who hate union workers making more than they do.

We didn't ruin the economy. That was a lie put out by Republicans. And your lie today really makes no sense. It completely contradicts Trumps talking points. You guys said highly paid American workers are why jobs went overseas. But now Trump says he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back so Americans can be highly paid again. Isn't that true? He said NAFTA was a bad deal. But you guys designed NAFTA so that companies could break their unions and move jobs overseas. Sure I'm oversimplifying this but this is all true. So you guys sent all the high paying jobs overseas and now promise to bring them back? You can see why we don't believe you, right?

But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.

You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.

Yea, poor people who just bend over and live in your unfairly taxed society you love. Poor people who don't vote you love. Poor people who work for minimum wage you love.

Do you even read what you write? You don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself, Gandhi. Give me a break.

That's why I never love no one but myself
And ain't a nigga crossed me that lived to tell (BLAOW!)

All the more reason for you to try to come and take what I got, brother.
Many companies are able to do just fine paying their lowest level employees minimum wage or better.

My advice to the crybaby companies? Take some lessons from those successful companies.
so you have no problem with companies paying MW that's good

English please, Jorge.

and I quote
Many companies are able to do just fine paying their lowest level employees minimum wage

SO successful companies pay some of their employees MW. You finally got something right
A good example of our way would be Ford Motor. Made by highly paid workers who get paid a fair wage. I know you think they are paid too much but that's the Republican in you. You can't help yourself. You see people who have pensions and you are jealous because you don't have a pension yourself. Oh yea we all know you are rich but not everyone is as rich as you. Most of the USMB Republicans who agree with you are broke jealous losers who hate union workers making more than they do.

We didn't ruin the economy. That was a lie put out by Republicans. And your lie today really makes no sense. It completely contradicts Trumps talking points. You guys said highly paid American workers are why jobs went overseas. But now Trump says he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back so Americans can be highly paid again. Isn't that true? He said NAFTA was a bad deal. But you guys designed NAFTA so that companies could break their unions and move jobs overseas. Sure I'm oversimplifying this but this is all true. So you guys sent all the high paying jobs overseas and now promise to bring them back? You can see why we don't believe you, right?

But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.
You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.
At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions

For the most part you are right
But hundreds of thousands of construction workers, electricians, plumbers lost their jobs when the housing market went bust due to rampant speculation by the financial wizards

When Trump was running for president it wasn't their fault. But watch now that the election is over its absolutely their fault. Remember, choices. They made bad choices. In fact so many people made bad choices it caused the great recession. Wasn't Bush's fault nope. Everyone has to share the blame. But last year ask who's fault those underemployed people are and Republicans told us it was Obama's fault. But will it ever be Trump fault? Fuck no!

I love rich people who look down on poor people but are too intellectually dishonest to realize it. Ding, if you are a republican then I mean you. Assuming you really have this 7 figure pension.
Boo hoo hooo. I'm sealybobo and no one loves me. I'm poor and it's not my fault. I blame everyone but me. Boo hoo hoo.

Dude, you are cracking me up. Isn't it time for you to go get high again?

I love it when you think I'm broke. I equally love it when you pretend to be rich. LOL
I don't think it. I know it. You cry to much.
Many companies are able to do just fine paying their lowest level employees minimum wage or better.

My advice to the crybaby companies? Take some lessons from those successful companies.
so you have no problem with companies paying MW that's good

English please, Jorge.

and I quote
Many companies are able to do just fine paying their lowest level employees minimum wage

SO successful companies pay some of their employees MW. You finally got something right

So suddenly you support minimum wage increases? I think you're lying.
For you people who demand a free market,

how about we legalize teenage prostitution? There's a big market for that.
That would be a progressive policy. Legalized drugs and prostitution. Just one more way to subordinate the family.
Many companies are able to do just fine paying their lowest level employees minimum wage or better.

My advice to the crybaby companies? Take some lessons from those successful companies.
so you have no problem with companies paying MW that's good

English please, Jorge.

and I quote
Many companies are able to do just fine paying their lowest level employees minimum wage

SO successful companies pay some of their employees MW. You finally got something right

So suddenly you support minimum wage increases? I think you're lying.

You don't.

You said successful companies pay MW you said nothing about an increase

and FYI I have said before it depends on the increase

increasing the MW 50 cents or even a buck is no big deal more than doubling it to $15 is ridiculous
For you people who demand a free market,

how about we legalize teenage prostitution? There's a big market for that.
That would be a progressive policy. Legalized drugs and prostitution. Just one more way to subordinate the family.

No, that would be allowing the free market to operate based on supply and demand. Something you heartily support.
At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions

For the most part you are right
But hundreds of thousands of construction workers, electricians, plumbers lost their jobs when the housing market went bust due to rampant speculation by the financial wizards

When Trump was running for president it wasn't their fault. But watch now that the election is over its absolutely their fault. Remember, choices. They made bad choices. In fact so many people made bad choices it caused the great recession. Wasn't Bush's fault nope. Everyone has to share the blame. But last year ask who's fault those underemployed people are and Republicans told us it was Obama's fault. But will it ever be Trump fault? Fuck no!

I love rich people who look down on poor people but are too intellectually dishonest to realize it. Ding, if you are a republican then I mean you. Assuming you really have this 7 figure pension.
Boo hoo hooo. I'm sealybobo and no one loves me. I'm poor and it's not my fault. I blame everyone but me. Boo hoo hoo.

Dude, you are cracking me up. Isn't it time for you to go get high again?

I love it when you think I'm broke. I equally love it when you pretend to be rich. LOL
Isn't it funny that all the rich people on this site can't find anything better to do? When I retire in a few years, I hope I'm never so bored that I have to come here.
Yes Ding brags about golfing and being on yachts but it seems he's on here 23 hours a day so I smell bullshit.
Yachts? No. Golf? You bet your ass. Although I do take an annual fishing trip to Alaska but that is a working vacation. I caught a 200 lb Halibut last year. Suck on that, bitch!
For you people who demand a free market,

how about we legalize teenage prostitution? There's a big market for that.
That would be a progressive policy. Legalized drugs and prostitution. Just one more way to subordinate the family.

No, that would be allowing the free market to operate based on supply and demand. Something you heartily support.
Sorry, but that would not be something I support, but you are more than welcome to make that pitch to your loved ones.
Many companies are able to do just fine paying their lowest level employees minimum wage or better.

My advice to the crybaby companies? Take some lessons from those successful companies.
so you have no problem with companies paying MW that's good

English please, Jorge.

and I quote
Many companies are able to do just fine paying their lowest level employees minimum wage

SO successful companies pay some of their employees MW. You finally got something right

So suddenly you support minimum wage increases? I think you're lying.

You don't.

You said successful companies pay MW you said nothing about an increase

and FYI I have said before it depends on the increase

increasing the MW 50 cents or even a buck is no big deal more than doubling it to $15 is ridiculous

Just on the faint hope you MIGHT stop lying about where I stand every day, my position is this:

1. Raise the national minimum wage NOW to $10 an hour

2. Tie the rate of inflation directly to the minimum wage, adjusted annually.

See if you can stop lying about my opinion on that from now on.

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