Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

I would suggest that if you only make 20K a year that you put off having a family until you can afford one
Republican version of big government?

I wouldn't know I'm not a Republican

Who was the last Democrat you voted for?
I never voted for a democrat

Color me shocked

I have never voted a straight ticket

Guess what I never voted for a republican either

I vote 3rd party if and only if I support the candidate. If there's no one worth voting for I do the responsible thing and don't vote
There are very, very, very few people who are legitimately trying to support themselves with a minimum-wage job in a restaurant. They are predominantly second-income, part time, or temporary positions. When I was making minimum wage (as a security guard) many years ago, I sought and received all of the overtime my tired body could handle, normally working 56-60 hours per week...and looking for a better job with all of my available time. I didn't make MW for very long.

Of course, the minimum wage itself is both stupid and immoral. By what moral authority does Government come in and tell any two people that they are not permitted to enter into an agreement that both of them find totally acceptable (i.e., working for $5/hr)? The very existence of MW laws lowers peoples' expectations of what they are "worth," often causing them to accept a wage that is practically unacceptable.
only about 3% of all positions are MW and that 3% includes service jobs where tips are also collected

So there would be minimal impact of raising that wage

there are calls to double the MW to 15 an hour

you think raising everyone who is making less than 15 won't have any impact?

are you high?

Given that the wage has been frozen for eight years and will probably not be raised again for another eight....$15 an hour seems quite fair

and you think that will have no impact

again are you high?
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

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“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases
Yep and as the price of a product rises the demand for that product will fall. When you squeeze a balloon, it bulges out somewhere else.
Not necessarily. Tim Horton coffee went up and the line is still long.
If they cut the price in half, would the line be shorter, longer, or the same?

If they doubled the price, would the line be shorter, longer, or the same?

IOW, :"the line is still long", but is it longer or shorter than it was?
There are very, very, very few people who are legitimately trying to support themselves with a minimum-wage job in a restaurant. They are predominantly second-income, part time, or temporary positions. When I was making minimum wage (as a security guard) many years ago, I sought and received all of the overtime my tired body could handle, normally working 56-60 hours per week...and looking for a better job with all of my available time. I didn't make MW for very long.

Of course, the minimum wage itself is both stupid and immoral. By what moral authority does Government come in and tell any two people that they are not permitted to enter into an agreement that both of them find totally acceptable (i.e., working for $5/hr)? The very existence of MW laws lowers peoples' expectations of what they are "worth," often causing them to accept a wage that is practically unacceptable.
only about 3% of all positions are MW and that 3% includes service jobs where tips are also collected

So there would be minimal impact of raising that wage

there are calls to double the MW to 15 an hour

you think raising everyone who is making less than 15 won't have any impact?

are you high?

Given that the wage has been frozen for eight years and will probably not be raised again for another eight....$15 an hour seems quite fair

and you think that will have no impact

again are you high?

Low wages have an impact on tens of millions of families
only about 3% of all positions are MW and that 3% includes service jobs where tips are also collected

So there would be minimal impact of raising that wage

there are calls to double the MW to 15 an hour

you think raising everyone who is making less than 15 won't have any impact?

are you high?

Given that the wage has been frozen for eight years and will probably not be raised again for another eight....$15 an hour seems quite fair

and you think that will have no impact

again are you high?

Low wages have an impact on tens of millions of families

yup high as a kite
only about 3% of all positions are MW and that 3% includes service jobs where tips are also collected

So there would be minimal impact of raising that wage

there are calls to double the MW to 15 an hour

you think raising everyone who is making less than 15 won't have any impact?

are you high?

Given that the wage has been frozen for eight years and will probably not be raised again for another eight....$15 an hour seems quite fair

and you think that will have no impact

again are you high?

Low wages have an impact on tens of millions of families
Yes, without them, millions of teenagers find it difficult to break into the job market.
So there would be minimal impact of raising that wage

there are calls to double the MW to 15 an hour

you think raising everyone who is making less than 15 won't have any impact?

are you high?

Given that the wage has been frozen for eight years and will probably not be raised again for another eight....$15 an hour seems quite fair

and you think that will have no impact

again are you high?

Low wages have an impact on tens of millions of families
Yes, without them, millions of teenagers find it difficult to break into the job market.

I earned a $2.10 minimum wage on which I was able to pay for college by just working summers

Now, American families have to go into debt to send their kids to college. That debt is a direct result of low wages paid to college aged workers. Businesses make more profit off of low wage workers and American families make up the difference
This surcharge was So Predictable...and many of us did.

Other reactions to the increase in the MW are replacing staff with ROBOTS, and moving to self-service instead of table service.

All proving that the Real Minimum Wage is ZERO.

Minimum wage has been frozen for eight years
How did a frozen $7.25 wage cause a development of ROBOTS?

Do you live in a bubble? (That's a rhetorical quesiton).

Many states are jacking up the MW. Here in CA it's being ratcheted up to $15. The result is Robots, Surcharges, and Self-Serve...with fewer jobs.

Self Serve gas pumps came around in the 1970s when min wage was under $2.50
ATMs came around in the 80s when min wage was under $5

Automation comes because it is ready to come....not because minimum wage workers are paid too much
Yup,many if not most companies treat their employees as if they were a necessary evil.
there are calls to double the MW to 15 an hour

you think raising everyone who is making less than 15 won't have any impact?

are you high?

Given that the wage has been frozen for eight years and will probably not be raised again for another eight....$15 an hour seems quite fair

and you think that will have no impact

again are you high?

Low wages have an impact on tens of millions of families
Yes, without them, millions of teenagers find it difficult to break into the job market.

I earned a $2.10 minimum wage on which I was able to pay for college by just working summers

Now, American families have to go into debt to send their kids to college. That debt is a direct result of low wages paid to college aged workers. Businesses make more profit off of low wage workers and American families make up the difference
You need to research why the cost of secondary education has gotten so high. You will find that low wages did not cause the increase.
I haven't heard the evil Republicans make your argument, but I don't watch political cartoon shows. Minimum wage jobs are the good jobs you think the evil Republicans meant? Of course any raises, artificial or not result in higher end prices.

I don't eat out so they can add $50 in fees to the tab. But the higher costs go the less the demand will be. Bottom line is if you open a business it should be up to you if you go out of business or not, not the do gooders in government.
The guy said people with college degrees would be his waiters.

These are exactly the people promised better jobs. All the unemployed people with degrees or experience but they can't find work in their field of study so they are forced to wait tables.

Yes, of course you don't remember your empty promises
All we need is to elect a republican and play trickle down economics to increase wages..
Or we could embrace progressive policies where they don't mind the poor being poorer as long as the rich are less rich.

A good example of our way would be Ford Motor. Made by highly paid workers who get paid a fair wage. I know you think they are paid too much but that's the Republican in you. You can't help yourself. You see people who have pensions and you are jealous because you don't have a pension yourself. Oh yea we all know you are rich but not everyone is as rich as you. Most of the USMB Republicans who agree with you are broke jealous losers who hate union workers making more than they do.

We didn't ruin the economy. That was a lie put out by Republicans. And your lie today really makes no sense. It completely contradicts Trumps talking points. You guys said highly paid American workers are why jobs went overseas. But now Trump says he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back so Americans can be highly paid again. Isn't that true? He said NAFTA was a bad deal. But you guys designed NAFTA so that companies could break their unions and move jobs overseas. Sure I'm oversimplifying this but this is all true. So you guys sent all the high paying jobs overseas and now promise to bring them back? You can see why we don't believe you, right?

But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.

You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.

Yea, poor people who just bend over and live in your unfairly taxed society you love. Poor people who don't vote you love. Poor people who work for minimum wage you love.
The guy said people with college degrees would be his waiters.

These are exactly the people promised better jobs. All the unemployed people with degrees or experience but they can't find work in their field of study so they are forced to wait tables.

Yes, of course you don't remember your empty promises
All we need is to elect a republican and play trickle down economics to increase wages..
Or we could embrace progressive policies where they don't mind the poor being poorer as long as the rich are less rich.

A good example of our way would be Ford Motor. Made by highly paid workers who get paid a fair wage. I know you think they are paid too much but that's the Republican in you. You can't help yourself. You see people who have pensions and you are jealous because you don't have a pension yourself. Oh yea we all know you are rich but not everyone is as rich as you. Most of the USMB Republicans who agree with you are broke jealous losers who hate union workers making more than they do.

We didn't ruin the economy. That was a lie put out by Republicans. And your lie today really makes no sense. It completely contradicts Trumps talking points. You guys said highly paid American workers are why jobs went overseas. But now Trump says he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back so Americans can be highly paid again. Isn't that true? He said NAFTA was a bad deal. But you guys designed NAFTA so that companies could break their unions and move jobs overseas. Sure I'm oversimplifying this but this is all true. So you guys sent all the high paying jobs overseas and now promise to bring them back? You can see why we don't believe you, right?

But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.

You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions

For the most part you are right
But hundreds of thousands of construction workers, electricians, plumbers lost their jobs when the housing market went bust due to rampant speculation by the financial wizards

When Trump was running for president it wasn't their fault. But watch now that the election is over its absolutely their fault. Remember, choices. They made bad choices. In fact so many people made bad choices it caused the great recession. Wasn't Bush's fault nope. Everyone has to share the blame. But last year ask who's fault those underemployed people are and Republicans told us it was Obama's fault. But will it ever be Trump fault? Fuck no!

I love rich people who look down on poor people but are too intellectually dishonest to realize it. Ding, if you are a republican then I mean you. Assuming you really have this 7 figure pension.
The guy said people with college degrees would be his waiters.

These are exactly the people promised better jobs. All the unemployed people with degrees or experience but they can't find work in their field of study so they are forced to wait tables.

Yes, of course you don't remember your empty promises
All we need is to elect a republican and play trickle down economics to increase wages..
Or we could embrace progressive policies where they don't mind the poor being poorer as long as the rich are less rich.

A good example of our way would be Ford Motor. Made by highly paid workers who get paid a fair wage. I know you think they are paid too much but that's the Republican in you. You can't help yourself. You see people who have pensions and you are jealous because you don't have a pension yourself. Oh yea we all know you are rich but not everyone is as rich as you. Most of the USMB Republicans who agree with you are broke jealous losers who hate union workers making more than they do.

We didn't ruin the economy. That was a lie put out by Republicans. And your lie today really makes no sense. It completely contradicts Trumps talking points. You guys said highly paid American workers are why jobs went overseas. But now Trump says he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back so Americans can be highly paid again. Isn't that true? He said NAFTA was a bad deal. But you guys designed NAFTA so that companies could break their unions and move jobs overseas. Sure I'm oversimplifying this but this is all true. So you guys sent all the high paying jobs overseas and now promise to bring them back? You can see why we don't believe you, right?

But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.

You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.

Yea, poor people who just bend over and live in your unfairly taxed society you love. Poor people who don't vote you love. Poor people who work for minimum wage you love.

Do you even read what you write? You don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself, Gandhi. Give me a break.
This surcharge was So Predictable...and many of us did.

Other reactions to the increase in the MW are replacing staff with ROBOTS, and moving to self-service instead of table service.

All proving that the Real Minimum Wage is ZERO.

Minimum wage has been frozen for eight years
How did a frozen $7.25 wage cause a development of ROBOTS?

Do you live in a bubble? (That's a rhetorical quesiton).

Many states are jacking up the MW. Here in CA it's being ratcheted up to $15. The result is Robots, Surcharges, and Self-Serve...with fewer jobs.

Self Serve gas pumps came around in the 1970s when min wage was under $2.50
ATMs came around in the 80s when min wage was under $5

Automation comes because it is ready to come....not because minimum wage workers are paid too much
Yup,many if not most companies treat their employees as if they were a necessary evil.

Interesting my company is run by Europeans and they treat their employees well. Probably because European workers are still treated well. But if you have a white rich old white dude running your company, especially if he listens to Fox, you are fucked.

And don't say it isn't true. Do you not think white rich old conservative rich Americans that watch fox don't fit a stereotype? Of course they do. I'll give another example of employers who suck. Indian employers. They are cheap as fuck and everyone who's ever worked for one knows its true. So if that's true, then rich white conservative men probably all fit a stereotype too. Not all but most.
All we need is to elect a republican and play trickle down economics to increase wages..
Or we could embrace progressive policies where they don't mind the poor being poorer as long as the rich are less rich.

A good example of our way would be Ford Motor. Made by highly paid workers who get paid a fair wage. I know you think they are paid too much but that's the Republican in you. You can't help yourself. You see people who have pensions and you are jealous because you don't have a pension yourself. Oh yea we all know you are rich but not everyone is as rich as you. Most of the USMB Republicans who agree with you are broke jealous losers who hate union workers making more than they do.

We didn't ruin the economy. That was a lie put out by Republicans. And your lie today really makes no sense. It completely contradicts Trumps talking points. You guys said highly paid American workers are why jobs went overseas. But now Trump says he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back so Americans can be highly paid again. Isn't that true? He said NAFTA was a bad deal. But you guys designed NAFTA so that companies could break their unions and move jobs overseas. Sure I'm oversimplifying this but this is all true. So you guys sent all the high paying jobs overseas and now promise to bring them back? You can see why we don't believe you, right?

But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.

You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions

For the most part you are right
But hundreds of thousands of construction workers, electricians, plumbers lost their jobs when the housing market went bust due to rampant speculation by the financial wizards

When Trump was running for president it wasn't their fault. But watch now that the election is over its absolutely their fault. Remember, choices. They made bad choices. In fact so many people made bad choices it caused the great recession. Wasn't Bush's fault nope. Everyone has to share the blame. But last year ask who's fault those underemployed people are and Republicans told us it was Obama's fault. But will it ever be Trump fault? Fuck no!

I love rich people who look down on poor people but are too intellectually dishonest to realize it. Ding, if you are a republican then I mean you. Assuming you really have this 7 figure pension.

Boo hoo hooo. I'm sealybobo and no one loves me. I'm poor and it's not my fault. I blame everyone but me. Boo hoo hoo.

Dude, you are cracking me up. Isn't it time for you to go get high again?
All we need is to elect a republican and play trickle down economics to increase wages..
Or we could embrace progressive policies where they don't mind the poor being poorer as long as the rich are less rich.

A good example of our way would be Ford Motor. Made by highly paid workers who get paid a fair wage. I know you think they are paid too much but that's the Republican in you. You can't help yourself. You see people who have pensions and you are jealous because you don't have a pension yourself. Oh yea we all know you are rich but not everyone is as rich as you. Most of the USMB Republicans who agree with you are broke jealous losers who hate union workers making more than they do.

We didn't ruin the economy. That was a lie put out by Republicans. And your lie today really makes no sense. It completely contradicts Trumps talking points. You guys said highly paid American workers are why jobs went overseas. But now Trump says he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back so Americans can be highly paid again. Isn't that true? He said NAFTA was a bad deal. But you guys designed NAFTA so that companies could break their unions and move jobs overseas. Sure I'm oversimplifying this but this is all true. So you guys sent all the high paying jobs overseas and now promise to bring them back? You can see why we don't believe you, right?

But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.

You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.

Yea, poor people who just bend over and live in your unfairly taxed society you love. Poor people who don't vote you love. Poor people who work for minimum wage you love.

Do you even read what you write? You don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself, Gandhi. Give me a break.

That's why I never love no one but myself
And ain't a nigga crossed me that lived to tell (BLAOW!)
This surcharge was So Predictable...and many of us did.

Other reactions to the increase in the MW are replacing staff with ROBOTS, and moving to self-service instead of table service.

All proving that the Real Minimum Wage is ZERO.

Minimum wage has been frozen for eight years
How did a frozen $7.25 wage cause a development of ROBOTS?

Do you live in a bubble? (That's a rhetorical quesiton).

Many states are jacking up the MW. Here in CA it's being ratcheted up to $15. The result is Robots, Surcharges, and Self-Serve...with fewer jobs.

Self Serve gas pumps came around in the 1970s when min wage was under $2.50
ATMs came around in the 80s when min wage was under $5

Automation comes because it is ready to come....not because minimum wage workers are paid too much
Yup,many if not most companies treat their employees as if they were a necessary evil.

Interesting my company is run by Europeans and they treat their employees well. Probably because European workers are still treated well. But if you have a white rich old white dude running your company, especially if he listens to Fox, you are fucked.

And don't say it isn't true. Do you not think white rich old conservative rich Americans that watch fox don't fit a stereotype? Of course they do. I'll give another example of employers who suck. Indian employers. They are cheap as fuck and everyone who's ever worked for one knows its true. So if that's true, then rich white conservative men probably all fit a stereotype too. Not all but most.
Quite true. I'm all too familiar with the cheap-bastard type employer from my days working minimum wage jobs. I find them so repugnant that I'll go out of my way to patronize someone else if I sense they're like my former employers.
Or we could embrace progressive policies where they don't mind the poor being poorer as long as the rich are less rich.

A good example of our way would be Ford Motor. Made by highly paid workers who get paid a fair wage. I know you think they are paid too much but that's the Republican in you. You can't help yourself. You see people who have pensions and you are jealous because you don't have a pension yourself. Oh yea we all know you are rich but not everyone is as rich as you. Most of the USMB Republicans who agree with you are broke jealous losers who hate union workers making more than they do.

We didn't ruin the economy. That was a lie put out by Republicans. And your lie today really makes no sense. It completely contradicts Trumps talking points. You guys said highly paid American workers are why jobs went overseas. But now Trump says he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back so Americans can be highly paid again. Isn't that true? He said NAFTA was a bad deal. But you guys designed NAFTA so that companies could break their unions and move jobs overseas. Sure I'm oversimplifying this but this is all true. So you guys sent all the high paying jobs overseas and now promise to bring them back? You can see why we don't believe you, right?

But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.

You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions

For the most part you are right
But hundreds of thousands of construction workers, electricians, plumbers lost their jobs when the housing market went bust due to rampant speculation by the financial wizards

When Trump was running for president it wasn't their fault. But watch now that the election is over its absolutely their fault. Remember, choices. They made bad choices. In fact so many people made bad choices it caused the great recession. Wasn't Bush's fault nope. Everyone has to share the blame. But last year ask who's fault those underemployed people are and Republicans told us it was Obama's fault. But will it ever be Trump fault? Fuck no!

I love rich people who look down on poor people but are too intellectually dishonest to realize it. Ding, if you are a republican then I mean you. Assuming you really have this 7 figure pension.

Boo hoo hooo. I'm sealybobo and no one loves me. I'm poor and it's not my fault. I blame everyone but me. Boo hoo hoo.

Dude, you are cracking me up. Isn't it time for you to go get high again?

I love it when you think I'm broke. I equally love it when you pretend to be rich. LOL
A good example of our way would be Ford Motor. Made by highly paid workers who get paid a fair wage. I know you think they are paid too much but that's the Republican in you. You can't help yourself. You see people who have pensions and you are jealous because you don't have a pension yourself. Oh yea we all know you are rich but not everyone is as rich as you. Most of the USMB Republicans who agree with you are broke jealous losers who hate union workers making more than they do.

We didn't ruin the economy. That was a lie put out by Republicans. And your lie today really makes no sense. It completely contradicts Trumps talking points. You guys said highly paid American workers are why jobs went overseas. But now Trump says he's going to bring manufacturing jobs back so Americans can be highly paid again. Isn't that true? He said NAFTA was a bad deal. But you guys designed NAFTA so that companies could break their unions and move jobs overseas. Sure I'm oversimplifying this but this is all true. So you guys sent all the high paying jobs overseas and now promise to bring them back? You can see why we don't believe you, right?

But I see what you guys are doing. You didn't like those jobs paying TOO much. So lets say you sent $50 hr jobs overseas. The people you promised a better life will be happy if they come back at $25 hr because right now they're only making $10 at Walmart. You guys are brilliant! I get it now.
You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.
At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions

For the most part you are right
But hundreds of thousands of construction workers, electricians, plumbers lost their jobs when the housing market went bust due to rampant speculation by the financial wizards

When Trump was running for president it wasn't their fault. But watch now that the election is over its absolutely their fault. Remember, choices. They made bad choices. In fact so many people made bad choices it caused the great recession. Wasn't Bush's fault nope. Everyone has to share the blame. But last year ask who's fault those underemployed people are and Republicans told us it was Obama's fault. But will it ever be Trump fault? Fuck no!

I love rich people who look down on poor people but are too intellectually dishonest to realize it. Ding, if you are a republican then I mean you. Assuming you really have this 7 figure pension.
Boo hoo hooo. I'm sealybobo and no one loves me. I'm poor and it's not my fault. I blame everyone but me. Boo hoo hoo.

Dude, you are cracking me up. Isn't it time for you to go get high again?

I love it when you think I'm broke. I equally love it when you pretend to be rich. LOL
Isn't it funny that all the rich people on this site can't find anything better to do? When I retire in a few years, I hope I'm never so bored that I have to come here.
Minimum wage has been frozen for eight years
How did a frozen $7.25 wage cause a development of ROBOTS?

Do you live in a bubble? (That's a rhetorical quesiton).

Many states are jacking up the MW. Here in CA it's being ratcheted up to $15. The result is Robots, Surcharges, and Self-Serve...with fewer jobs.

Self Serve gas pumps came around in the 1970s when min wage was under $2.50
ATMs came around in the 80s when min wage was under $5

Automation comes because it is ready to come....not because minimum wage workers are paid too much
Yup,many if not most companies treat their employees as if they were a necessary evil.

Interesting my company is run by Europeans and they treat their employees well. Probably because European workers are still treated well. But if you have a white rich old white dude running your company, especially if he listens to Fox, you are fucked.

And don't say it isn't true. Do you not think white rich old conservative rich Americans that watch fox don't fit a stereotype? Of course they do. I'll give another example of employers who suck. Indian employers. They are cheap as fuck and everyone who's ever worked for one knows its true. So if that's true, then rich white conservative men probably all fit a stereotype too. Not all but most.
Quite true. I'm all too familiar with the cheap-bastard type employer from my days working minimum wage jobs. I find them so repugnant that I'll go out of my way to patronize someone else if I sense they're like my former employers.
I can tell when the employees aren't happy. Best thing for them would be go find another job. That's why I like low unemployment. It forces employers to have to pay more. That's what was happening in the late 90's. I remember my employer started paying $10K more base salary to new salespeople because if he didn't they would keep looking for a job while he was training them. So they took the job because they needed a job but they never stopped looking and that turnover was costing them.

That's why Republicans flooded the market with illegals, HB1 visa's, legal immigrants and sent millions of jobs overseas. Workers have no power if the market is flooded with workers. I remember during the Bush Great Recession there would be 20 overqualified people interviewing for every 1 job. They didn't hire "the best" because the best wouldn't take that shitty pay. So what they took is the best they could get for the price they were willing to pay.
You don't know what I believe. I am happy to see people making good money. I want people to make good money. Who doesn't? It seems to me that maybe you are the one who is obsessed over people making too much money. Does you brother share his wealth with you? You should ask for more.

I do have a pension. A seven figure pension. Do you want some of it? I don't begrudge poor people. I begrudge jealous people. Maybe you should just take what you want instead of crying about it, how's that? Do you want to come and get it?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions, the more time you are wasting in fixing your situation. No one is coming to save you, not even your rich brother. You have to save yourself.
At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The more time you spend looking to blame politicians for your idiotic decisions

For the most part you are right
But hundreds of thousands of construction workers, electricians, plumbers lost their jobs when the housing market went bust due to rampant speculation by the financial wizards

When Trump was running for president it wasn't their fault. But watch now that the election is over its absolutely their fault. Remember, choices. They made bad choices. In fact so many people made bad choices it caused the great recession. Wasn't Bush's fault nope. Everyone has to share the blame. But last year ask who's fault those underemployed people are and Republicans told us it was Obama's fault. But will it ever be Trump fault? Fuck no!

I love rich people who look down on poor people but are too intellectually dishonest to realize it. Ding, if you are a republican then I mean you. Assuming you really have this 7 figure pension.
Boo hoo hooo. I'm sealybobo and no one loves me. I'm poor and it's not my fault. I blame everyone but me. Boo hoo hoo.

Dude, you are cracking me up. Isn't it time for you to go get high again?

I love it when you think I'm broke. I equally love it when you pretend to be rich. LOL
Isn't it funny that all the rich people on this site can't find anything better to do? When I retire in a few years, I hope I'm never so bored that I have to come here.
Yes Ding brags about golfing and being on yachts but it seems he's on here 23 hours a day so I smell bullshit.

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