Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Look at the POLICY they support- tax the rich, help the nonrich, NOT malicious gossip and their personal lives, dupe.

The have made loopholes for the rich, it was done by Democrats and Republicans off the backs of the middle class. You maybe blind to what is going on but I certainly see both parties screwing us over. You are a dupe, you support the Democrats like Schumer, Buffett, Gates, Kerry and Gore that pay as little as possible in taxes, take government subsidies to gain even more riches, and then you got Democrat John Lewis that avoided taxes on his home.

You are a stupid dupe that believes whatever BS the Democrats tells you.
ISSUES/policy, not GOP bs propaganda/gossip, dupe.

Like the Obama administration requiring the middle class to purchase medical insurance while giving businesses another year off? Requiring the middle class to carry the burden for the rich and poor on medical insurance? Like passing laws that allow corporations to pay as little tax as possible while giving the middle class the fewest deductions? Like bailing out GMC and then not getting paid back. Like after the 2008 financial debacle not going after or prosecuting the bankers? Spare my your hypocritical BS. How many carbons are released on Gore's private jet? How do you like a SoS of our own country responsible for GMOs that are slowly killing the American middle class, but go on believing what the Democrats spoon feed you dupe.
The rich paid for a LOT of ACA.
Congress passed GMO laws. With huge GOP support....

The fact is the burden for ACA was laid at the feet of the working middle class, and your defense for Kerry and his company poisoning us with GMO is Republicans supported it to? Lol! You are nothing but a dupe for the two party's, you wear your badge of stupidity well, they both love you.
BS. LOOK at how much the rich will save if it's repealed, dupe.
No, the GOP supported it mainly. LINK to your bs charge against Kerry? LOL. Who said, Rush Limbaugh? Idiot. No the GOP doesn't love me. Feq them, its nonstop lies, and its silly dupes like you.
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.

At least he isn't a slimy salesman, now that would make any parent cringe, how dishonest of a profession can you get, right up there with ambulance chaser.
The president, who was a salesman before he got the promotion, is taking us sales guys to Florida wed-friday. It's funny there are a lot more common sense liberals in the front offices in manufacturing. They get it.

The Republicans in the warehouse seem to half get it like you. You're not a total nut but still you fucking signed up for trump university ya dope. You and la ram fan buddy's now?

I didn't sign up for anything, I don't care for Trump. But he is a hell of a lot better than the slimy Clinton. Funny how it is okay for Democrats to fuck you over but you don't like it when Republicans do.
Slimy only in dupe world. When did Dems fuck us? LOL.

Seriously? You have to ask? Lol! Even Sealy will tell you the Dems have screwed us over, only a dishonest partisan hack would claim otherwise. Wake up dupe, both the Dems and the GOP love your ignorance.
Like when? LOL. And so many good Dem ideas blocked. Ay caramba.
The have made loopholes for the rich, it was done by Democrats and Republicans off the backs of the middle class. You maybe blind to what is going on but I certainly see both parties screwing us over. You are a dupe, you support the Democrats like Schumer, Buffett, Gates, Kerry and Gore that pay as little as possible in taxes, take government subsidies to gain even more riches, and then you got Democrat John Lewis that avoided taxes on his home.

You are a stupid dupe that believes whatever BS the Democrats tells you.
ISSUES/policy, not GOP bs propaganda/gossip, dupe.

Like the Obama administration requiring the middle class to purchase medical insurance while giving businesses another year off? Requiring the middle class to carry the burden for the rich and poor on medical insurance? Like passing laws that allow corporations to pay as little tax as possible while giving the middle class the fewest deductions? Like bailing out GMC and then not getting paid back. Like after the 2008 financial debacle not going after or prosecuting the bankers? Spare my your hypocritical BS. How many carbons are released on Gore's private jet? How do you like a SoS of our own country responsible for GMOs that are slowly killing the American middle class, but go on believing what the Democrats spoon feed you dupe.
The rich paid for a LOT of ACA.
Congress passed GMO laws. With huge GOP support....

The fact is the burden for ACA was laid at the feet of the working middle class, and your defense for Kerry and his company poisoning us with GMO is Republicans supported it to? Lol! You are nothing but a dupe for the two party's, you wear your badge of stupidity well, they both love you.
BS. LOOK at how much the rich will save if it's repealed, dupe.
No, the GOP supported it mainly. LINK to your bs charge against Kerry? LOL. Who said, Rush Limbaugh? Idiot. No the GOP doesn't love me. Feq them, its nonstop lies, and its silly dupes like you.

I don't listen to Rush, he is as stupid as you are.

As far as Kerry: Warning: Avoid Heinz Ketchup Like The Plague, Here's 3 Research Backed Reasons Why

Heinz GMO ketchup banned by Israel for containing too much HFCS, not enough tomatoes

A big Democratic corporation being dishonest. Don't forget Lewis not paying his taxes, gee another Democrat. Are you all as honest as Lewis and Kerry?
At least he isn't a slimy salesman, now that would make any parent cringe, how dishonest of a profession can you get, right up there with ambulance chaser.
The president, who was a salesman before he got the promotion, is taking us sales guys to Florida wed-friday. It's funny there are a lot more common sense liberals in the front offices in manufacturing. They get it.

The Republicans in the warehouse seem to half get it like you. You're not a total nut but still you fucking signed up for trump university ya dope. You and la ram fan buddy's now?

I didn't sign up for anything, I don't care for Trump. But he is a hell of a lot better than the slimy Clinton. Funny how it is okay for Democrats to fuck you over but you don't like it when Republicans do.
Slimy only in dupe world. When did Dems fuck us? LOL.

Seriously? You have to ask? Lol! Even Sealy will tell you the Dems have screwed us over, only a dishonest partisan hack would claim otherwise. Wake up dupe, both the Dems and the GOP love your ignorance.
Like when? LOL. And so many good Dem ideas blocked. Ay caramba.

Studies show, Congress Favors the Rich | The Economic Populist

This is a liberal who has his eyes open.
Thomas Frank on How Democrats Went From Being the ‘Party of the People’ to the Party of Rich Elites

Go on being a dupe.
the vast vast vast majority of business don't have a CEO but these fucking idiots think that every little business with 4 or 5 employees has a CEO making 500 times what their employees do

Fucking clueless
Of course not, duh lol. My problem is with giant corps DUH.
and the very small percentage of CEOS have absolutely no effect on your pay
When they make 50 million a year (and pay little in taxes) they cause all kinds of problems, dupe.

how do you know how much they pay in taxes?

oh yeah you don't know

and I can guarantee it's probably more than you make in a year
I read facts and journalism from IRS sources, DUH dupe.
and you still don't know how much anyone pays in income taxes do you?
the vast vast vast majority of business don't have a CEO but these fucking idiots think that every little business with 4 or 5 employees has a CEO making 500 times what their employees do

Fucking clueless
Of course not, duh lol. My problem is with giant corps DUH.
and the very small percentage of CEOS have absolutely no effect on your pay
When they make 50 million a year (and pay little in taxes) they cause all kinds of problems, dupe.

how do you know how much they pay in taxes?

oh yeah you don't know

and I can guarantee it's probably more than you make in a year
Like that matters, Pub dupe. They pay less %wise and end up with all the new wealth, dope
At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data.

This entire conversation is the result of a (largely successful) effort to redefine the debate over taxes from "how much in taxes do you pay" to "how much in federal income taxes do you pay?" This is good framing if you want to cut taxes on the rich. It's bad framing if you want to have even a basic understanding of who pays how much in taxes.

There's a reason some would prefer that more limited conversation. For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. And we've done that, again, because the working class is already paying a fairly high tax bill through payroll and state and local taxes.

But most people don't know very much about the tax code. And the federal income tax is still our most famous tax. So when they hear that half of Americans aren't paying federal income taxes, they're outraged -- even if they're among the folks who have a net negative tax burden! After all, they know they're paying taxes, and there's no reason for normal human beings to assume that the taxes getting taken out of their paycheck every week and some of the taxes they pay at the end of the year aren't classified as "federal income taxes."

Confining the discussion to the federal income tax plays another role, too: It makes the tax code look much more progressive than it actually is.

Take someone who makes $4 million dollars a year and someone who makes $40,000 a year. The person making $4 million dollars, assuming he's not doing some Romney-esque planning, is paying a 35 percent tax on most of that money. The person making $40,000 is probably paying no income tax at all. So that makes the system look really unfair to the rich guy.

That's the basic analysis of the 47 percent line. And it's a basic analysis that serves a purpose: It makes further tax cuts for the rich sound more reasonable.

But what if we did the same thing for the payroll tax? Remember, the payroll tax only applies to first $110,100 or so, our rich friends is only paying payroll taxes on 2.7 percent of his income. The guy making $40,000? He's paying payroll taxes on every dollar of his income. Now who's not getting a fair shake?

Which is why, if you want to understand who's paying what in taxes, you don't want to just look at federal income taxes, or federal payroll taxes, or state sales taxes -- you want to look at total taxes. And, luckily, the tax analysis group Citizens for Tax Justice keeps those numbers. So here is total taxes -- which includes corporate taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, state sales taxes, and more -- paid by different income groups and broken into federal and state and local burdens:

As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.

so how is some rich guy stopping you from increasing your wealth?

he's not

And let's stick to federal taxes since there are too many variables in discussing state taxes
And you know that how????????

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Trump admitted it

I don't recall that; at least nothing he mean seriously.

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He admitted it in a debate and bragged that not paying taxes makes him smart
well his tax attorneys are smart
And that's just fine with you, right, dupe?
if' it's legal IDGAF

and don't you know that rich democrats have smart tax attorneys too?
Libs tend to put the palms of their hands against their ears and sing aloud when they hear the truth.

Some of our customers use temporary help to check out the workers first and to have the flexibility during variable sales activities in their company. Many have told me when they get busy and ask the temps if the can work more hours, many refuse. Why? Because it cuts into their food stamp allowance. They must keep their income at a certain level to keep getting SNAP's cards.

Of course the company would never hire workers like that from the temp agency, so not only are these people financially holding themselves back because of government, they are also giving up an opportunity to gain full-time employment and get out of temporary services.

It's the same with these minimum wage workers. Give them a raise, and they will cut back from working 25 hours a week to 15 hours a week. What's accomplished by that?

No offense, but that's absolute greedy white Republican BULLSHITE! Most Workers take all the hours they can get. Y'all really do live in some bizarre greedy fantasy bubble. You seem to hate poor folks. It's pretty evil.
have you ever employed anyone?

Have you ever made a dozen phone calls to try to get someone in to cover a sick call and have no one say yes?

Most folks i've ever known, work as many hours available to them. They're far from being 'Lazy Welfare' folks. Y'all are demonizing people who are just struggling to get by. Hopefully one day you'll see the error of your ways.
so you've never employed anyone and had everyone you call to ask to come in say no

thanks for admitting that

and where did I call anyone lazy?

You always have those that say no, it is the way it is.
which contradicts the idiot who says people will work as much as they can
To say nothing of the fact the over half the workforce makes $20/hr or less. All of them are going to demand raises too when they go from comfortably twice the MW to just a dollar or two above it.

And the last thing America needs is a well paid workforce.

The last thing America needs are employers leaving the country because of labor costs or investing in even more automation.
Zero employers will leave the country because of a minimum wage increase
it depends on the increase

your wet dram of a 15 an hour MW will
And the last thing America needs is a well paid workforce.

Every person I know is paid EXACTLY what their production is worth.

Companies make a profit off of every employee
so what?
you don't want a company to make money from the labor you sell then don't work for anyone else
Groveling before our ridiculously bloated rich is not a bad idea after 35 years of Reaganism...see sig.

What an ignorant comment.

I'm hardly "ridiculously bloated rich". I took a meager salary as a young sailor in the Navy and was smart with it. My investments later in life have done well for me. I left my second career when my investments worked generously in my favor. No one gave me a fuckin' thing. I worked for every single thing I have.

The guy was hardly groveling. If anything, he was boasting. Frankly, it was refreshing to see someone who was proud of what his hard work was affording him as opposed to some idiot liberal who thinks the world owes him a comfortable living...
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.

At least he isn't a slimy salesman, now that would make any parent cringe, how dishonest of a profession can you get, right up there with ambulance chaser.
The president, who was a salesman before he got the promotion, is taking us sales guys to Florida wed-friday. It's funny there are a lot more common sense liberals in the front offices in manufacturing. They get it.

The Republicans in the warehouse seem to half get it like you. You're not a total nut but still you fucking signed up for trump university ya dope. You and la ram fan buddy's now?

I didn't sign up for anything, I don't care for Trump. But he is a hell of a lot better than the slimy Clinton. Funny how it is okay for Democrats to fuck you over but you don't like it when Republicans do.
One uses lubrication
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.

At least he isn't a slimy salesman, now that would make any parent cringe, how dishonest of a profession can you get, right up there with ambulance chaser.
The president, who was a salesman before he got the promotion, is taking us sales guys to Florida wed-friday. It's funny there are a lot more common sense liberals in the front offices in manufacturing. They get it.

The Republicans in the warehouse seem to half get it like you. You're not a total nut but still you fucking signed up for trump university ya dope. You and la ram fan buddy's now?

I didn't sign up for anything, I don't care for Trump. But he is a hell of a lot better than the slimy Clinton. Funny how it is okay for Democrats to fuck you over but you don't like it when Republicans do.
Slimy only in dupe world. When did Dems fuck us? LOL.

Seriously? You have to ask? Lol! Even Sealy will tell you the Dems have screwed us over, only a dishonest partisan hack would claim otherwise. Wake up dupe, both the Dems and the GOP love your ignorance.
Actually the dems didn't fuck the people the people fucked themselves by voting GOP or even worse, not showing up to vote.
We have the government we have because only right and left wingers are the only ones who vote every 2 years
BS. LOOK at how much the rich will save if it's repealed, dupe.
No, the GOP supported it mainly. LINK to your bs charge against Kerry? LOL. Who said, Rush Limbaugh? Idiot. No the GOP doesn't love me. Feq them, its nonstop lies, and its silly dupes like you.

That's your first problem: voting for politicians or the party that you think will love you. Our government was not designed for you to be loved.
You're a racist hate monger. Gee, I think I'll use your economic philosophy!

Aw, all done beating Edith? Back to your recliner, Archie?
Who would hire you? You're unemployable.

Just another greedy white Republican delusion. Y'all really do have problems. All American Workers aren't 'Evil Lazy Welfare' folks. Y'all have just created that Boogeyman in your warped minds. It's a way for you to justify mistreating your fellow Americans.

I mean if they're all 'Evil Lazy Welfare' folks, than it's perfectly ok to abuse them, right? Y'all are consumed with greed. I really do hope you come around and see the light someday. I really do.
I really hope you learn how to read someday. When you do, post where I said all that.

You've invented this 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman in your greedy little minds. It isn't representative of most American Workers. I assure you, most American Workers aren't that Boogeyman. They're just decent folks struggling to get by.
I'm one person and you are talking to an ideology you hate. LOL. You're insane, not employable.

You want to see a bogeyman, move to Venezuela and live the dream.
As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.
So the poorer you are the more impact local taxes has on what's left in your pocket and we shouldn't consider they pay no federal tax?

You're a genius.
Specifically, how would that help?

The minimum wage worker is qualified to mop floors. His/her hourly pay goes to $20.00 per hour. So from there, everyone's pay is increased a like rate. Accomplished...NOTHING. The three gallons of gas you could buy for $7.50 will now cost the floor mopper $20.00 and so on and so on. What has that $20.00 per hour accomplished Francois? ZIP, ZERO, NADA!
It produces a healthy middle class and working class that can supply the demand for a healthy economy DUHHHHHHHHH....
If everyone made a lot more everything would cost a lot more. DUUUUHHHHHH
About 20% of the raises. You believe all the talking points the greedy idiot rich brainwash you with, eh, dupe.
No, dupe. I've owned a business for 32 years so I know what I'm talking about. You don't.
So how much of your costs are labor? Overall, it's about 20% in most businesses on average...Try thinking for a second past the end of your brainwashed Your owning a business doesn't make you an expert at politics anymore than being an accountant makes you a well rounded college grad.
We are discussing economics, not politics. Are are too stupid to follow the conversation.
These 'Surcharges' are greedy chickenshit revenge on the 'Slaves.' They're intended to create a backlash against struggling Workers. They're designed to turn the People against the Workers.

It's a typical Evil Corporation tactic. So either avoid businesses that engage in that dirty tactic, or pay the surcharge and feel content that American Workers are being paid a living wage. It's your call.
How many more times are you going to chant your religious beliefs here? Any converts yet?
If so few are receiving Minimum Wage, you shouldn't be concerned about it being raised. Y'all greedy white Republican folks just need to escape your greedy fantasy bubble.

Your insistence on ignoring facts and the truth is almost inexplicable. Except for the fact that you are a Progressive and pretend to be so ignorant. That explains it all.

Stop beating on poor Edith, and get right with God Archie. The 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman ain't gon get ya. We're the richest nation on the planet. We can afford to help our fellow Americans out.
If so few are receiving Minimum Wage, you shouldn't be concerned about it being raised. Y'all greedy white Republican folks just need to escape your greedy fantasy bubble.

Your insistence on ignoring facts and the truth is almost inexplicable. Except for the fact that you are a Progressive and pretend to be so ignorant. That explains it all.

Stop beating on poor Edith, and get with God Archie. The 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman ain't gon get ya. We're the richest nation on the planet. We can afford to help our fellow Americans out.
Nah, it creates too many lazy slobs. We became a great nation because of our backbones. Hard work, determination and self reliance leads to success. Those that tried it know what I'm talking about. Feeding failures just creates more failures.

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