Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

And the last thing America needs is a well paid workforce.

The last thing America needs are employers leaving the country because of labor costs or investing in even more automation.
Zero employers will leave the country because of a minimum wage increase

Wrong, because when you increase minimum wage, you don't increase it just for one group of people. It has a domino effect that all business have to deal with. While labor costs are not the only thing that makes business react negatively, it is a huge part.

We're trying to keep jobs in this country--not get rid of them. My company lost a lot of customers because of unions. Unions kept making more and more demands, and finally the company put a pad lock on the door and left for higher grounds. How does this help America?
Yup, ruining the nonrich and the country's infrastructure to save the rich is working great- for only the rich. WE NEED DEMAND, DUPE.

We already have demand. Demand by the American consumer is lowest prices no matter how we get it. I don't agree with it, but I'm not the majority.
Of course. You don't know what demand IS. LOL.
If so few are receiving Minimum Wage, you shouldn't be concerned about it being raised. Y'all greedy white Republican folks just need to escape your greedy fantasy bubble. Most American Workers aren't the 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman you believe they are. They're actually good fellow Americans just trying to get by.

No, most of them who remain on minimum wage are either drug users who can't pass a drug test for a better job, or they are playing the system like so many do.

Most workers who start off at minimum wage and stay on the job receive increases if they are worth a crap. When I was younger, I worked plenty of minimum wage jobs because that's what minimum wage jobs are for.

When I got a little older and decided I couldn't get the things I wanted or needed working a minimum wage job, I sought better paying jobs; jobs where I leaned things; jobs where I was able to advance myself.

Oh man, just more pathetic demonizing to justify your poor treatment of struggling fellow Americans. I guess it makes y'all greedy white Republicans sleep better at night.

You're fighting some imagined 'Evil Boogeyman.' But in reality, these folks are just hard-working fellow Americans. We're an incredibly rich nation, we can do much better for our People.

How long have you lived in this country? Do you even have an understanding about how our government should work?

It's not up to "we" to do better for our people, it's up to people to do better for themselves. That's the entire concept behind a free country and society. Getting government involved in all our personal decision making is what socialist, communist, and dictator societies are about. The only people that we should help out are those who cannot do for themselves---not those that don't feel like doing for themselves.
Yup, helping only the rich and giant corps works great! IDIOT!

No idiot troll, the rich and corps don't need any help.
So why does the GOP help ONLY them, for 35 years now? ARGHHHH.
Leave the tip in cash but use a credit card to pay the bill and on the Total line, deduct the surcharge.

Let the smartass owner spend $.35 of his time reconciling his books.

Works for me, if he wants an extra 3%-4% then tack it on to the price and drop the surcharge.

I disagree. It's about time we voters understand the results of our support. In fact, if I were Trump, I would legislate we do the same thing with green.

If up to me, everything we buy today would have a "green" cost on it; let people know what costs go into making a product to the satisfaction of environmentalists.

Buy a car, on the price tag, it has $3,600 to make this car green. Buy a lawnmower, it has a $50.00 green cost. Buy a new computer desk, $12.00 went to making this desk green. Buy a can of peaches, it has a 12 cent green cost. Every item should have a green tag (not surcharge) so people know that it does COST US and not the business owner since he passes down all costs.

This is what the owner of this restaurant did. It's the people that either vote for minimum wage increases or the representatives they elect. So why not let them know what the results of their actions were?

I don't go to restaurants to pay to hear or observe the owner's or anyone else's political views. I go to relax, eat and enjoy my evening.

Understood. So you just want to pay for something and not know about it because it is political?

When dining, I am fine with that. I won't go to the new Beauty and the Beast, I am smart enough to figure and make choices without someone telling me.

I have no doubt that you are. But think how many people that are not. I mean....... they do surveys about the environment. "Would you like cleaner air and water?" Well DUH! Who would say no to a question like that? Phrased more honestly, "Would you like cleaner air and water with your cost being about $500.00 a year?" Then you get a different response.

I'm certain you understand the makeup of your bill. But look at all these leftists just on USMB alone! They think when government forces costs onto the business, the business just digs deeper into their pockets to pay it.

That's why I believe this business owner put the surcharge on the bill; to educate the uninformed voter--not you or I.
No, most of them who remain on minimum wage are either drug users who can't pass a drug test for a better job, or they are playing the system like so many do.

Most workers who start off at minimum wage and stay on the job receive increases if they are worth a crap. When I was younger, I worked plenty of minimum wage jobs because that's what minimum wage jobs are for.

When I got a little older and decided I couldn't get the things I wanted or needed working a minimum wage job, I sought better paying jobs; jobs where I leaned things; jobs where I was able to advance myself.

Oh man, just more pathetic demonizing to justify your poor treatment of struggling fellow Americans. I guess it makes y'all greedy white Republicans sleep better at night.

You're fighting some imagined 'Evil Boogeyman.' But in reality, these folks are just hard-working fellow Americans. We're an incredibly rich nation, we can do much better for our People.

How long have you lived in this country? Do you even have an understanding about how our government should work?

It's not up to "we" to do better for our people, it's up to people to do better for themselves. That's the entire concept behind a free country and society. Getting government involved in all our personal decision making is what socialist, communist, and dictator societies are about. The only people that we should help out are those who cannot do for themselves---not those that don't feel like doing for themselves.
Yup, helping only the rich and giant corps works great! IDIOT!

No idiot troll, the rich and corps don't need any help.
So why does the GOP help ONLY them, for 35 years now? ARGHHHH.

They don't help them. Rich people don't need any help, they just need to be left alone. That's what the GOP is behind.
No, most of them who remain on minimum wage are either drug users who can't pass a drug test for a better job, or they are playing the system like so many do.

Most workers who start off at minimum wage and stay on the job receive increases if they are worth a crap. When I was younger, I worked plenty of minimum wage jobs because that's what minimum wage jobs are for.

When I got a little older and decided I couldn't get the things I wanted or needed working a minimum wage job, I sought better paying jobs; jobs where I leaned things; jobs where I was able to advance myself.

Oh man, just more pathetic demonizing to justify your poor treatment of struggling fellow Americans. I guess it makes y'all greedy white Republicans sleep better at night.

You're fighting some imagined 'Evil Boogeyman.' But in reality, these folks are just hard-working fellow Americans. We're an incredibly rich nation, we can do much better for our People.

How long have you lived in this country? Do you even have an understanding about how our government should work?

It's not up to "we" to do better for our people, it's up to people to do better for themselves. That's the entire concept behind a free country and society. Getting government involved in all our personal decision making is what socialist, communist, and dictator societies are about. The only people that we should help out are those who cannot do for themselves---not those that don't feel like doing for themselves.
Yup, helping only the rich and giant corps works great! IDIOT!

No idiot troll, the rich and corps don't need any help.
So why does the GOP help ONLY them, for 35 years now? ARGHHHH.

Yeah, because Democrats aren't helping the rich. Tell me you aren't that dumb, the rich Democrats and rich Republicans have only helped the rich! Look at John Kerry Heinz and their GMO products that hurt the health of the public and have helped fatten his wallet. Look at Gore, the guy that has made millions off Global Warming, while he flies in his private jet. You are on stupid dupe.
Oh man, just more pathetic demonizing to justify your poor treatment of struggling fellow Americans. I guess it makes y'all greedy white Republicans sleep better at night.

You're fighting some imagined 'Evil Boogeyman.' But in reality, these folks are just hard-working fellow Americans. We're an incredibly rich nation, we can do much better for our People.

How long have you lived in this country? Do you even have an understanding about how our government should work?

It's not up to "we" to do better for our people, it's up to people to do better for themselves. That's the entire concept behind a free country and society. Getting government involved in all our personal decision making is what socialist, communist, and dictator societies are about. The only people that we should help out are those who cannot do for themselves---not those that don't feel like doing for themselves.
Yup, helping only the rich and giant corps works great! IDIOT!

No idiot troll, the rich and corps don't need any help.
So why does the GOP help ONLY them, for 35 years now? ARGHHHH.

Yeah, because Democrats aren't helping the rich. Tell me you aren't that dumb, the rich Democrats and rich Republicans have only helped the rich! Look at John Kerry Heinz and their GMO products that hurt the health of the public and have helped fatten his wallet. Look at Gore, the guy that has made millions off Global Warming, while he flies in his private jet. You are on stupid dupe.
Look at the POLICY they support- tax the rich, help the nonrich, NOT malicious gossip and their personal lives, dupe.
How long have you lived in this country? Do you even have an understanding about how our government should work?

It's not up to "we" to do better for our people, it's up to people to do better for themselves. That's the entire concept behind a free country and society. Getting government involved in all our personal decision making is what socialist, communist, and dictator societies are about. The only people that we should help out are those who cannot do for themselves---not those that don't feel like doing for themselves.
Yup, helping only the rich and giant corps works great! IDIOT!

No idiot troll, the rich and corps don't need any help.
So why does the GOP help ONLY them, for 35 years now? ARGHHHH.

Yeah, because Democrats aren't helping the rich. Tell me you aren't that dumb, the rich Democrats and rich Republicans have only helped the rich! Look at John Kerry Heinz and their GMO products that hurt the health of the public and have helped fatten his wallet. Look at Gore, the guy that has made millions off Global Warming, while he flies in his private jet. You are on stupid dupe.
Look at the POLICY they support- tax the rich, help the nonrich, NOT malicious gossip and their personal lives, dupe.

Also known as wealth transference.
Groveling before our ridiculously bloated rich is not a bad idea after 35 years of Reaganism...see sig.

What an ignorant comment.

I'm hardly "ridiculously bloated rich". I took a meager salary as a young sailor in the Navy and was smart with it. My investments later in life have done well for me. I left my second career when my investments worked generously in my favor. No one gave me a fuckin' thing. I worked for every single thing I have.

The guy was hardly groveling. If anything, he was boasting. Frankly, it was refreshing to see someone who was proud of what his hard work was affording him as opposed to some idiot liberal who thinks the world owes him a comfortable living...
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.

Hey, if my kid was a waiter or waitress at a restaurant like that, and they enjoyed it (which our waiter clearly did) I would be proud of him. The kid was makin' bank. If he's crying himself to sleep at night, they're tears of joy...
It's expensive living in New York.

I'll give him one thing that under the table money was good when I was in college.

Us bellman were considered hourly and got $5 hr when waiters got $2. And every year they gave us the forms to claim tips we threw them away. And we made more tips than the waiters. I was a bellman, valet and limo driver. Anything for a buck. Loved it. It was hard giving that job up but now I make more and I'm not bringing Republicans their food.

That's it. I would have to talk to this waiter. I'm not buying your story. Or his. Lol.
How long have you lived in this country? Do you even have an understanding about how our government should work?

It's not up to "we" to do better for our people, it's up to people to do better for themselves. That's the entire concept behind a free country and society. Getting government involved in all our personal decision making is what socialist, communist, and dictator societies are about. The only people that we should help out are those who cannot do for themselves---not those that don't feel like doing for themselves.
Yup, helping only the rich and giant corps works great! IDIOT!

No idiot troll, the rich and corps don't need any help.
So why does the GOP help ONLY them, for 35 years now? ARGHHHH.

Yeah, because Democrats aren't helping the rich. Tell me you aren't that dumb, the rich Democrats and rich Republicans have only helped the rich! Look at John Kerry Heinz and their GMO products that hurt the health of the public and have helped fatten his wallet. Look at Gore, the guy that has made millions off Global Warming, while he flies in his private jet. You are on stupid dupe.
Look at the POLICY they support- tax the rich, help the nonrich, NOT malicious gossip and their personal lives, dupe.

The have made loopholes for the rich, it was done by Democrats and Republicans off the backs of the middle class. You maybe blind to what is going on but I certainly see both parties screwing us over. You are a dupe, you support the Democrats like Schumer, Buffett, Gates, Kerry and Gore that pay as little as possible in taxes, take government subsidies to gain even more riches, and then you got Democrat John Lewis that avoided taxes on his home.

You are a stupid dupe that believes whatever BS the Democrats tells you.
Groveling before our ridiculously bloated rich is not a bad idea after 35 years of Reaganism...see sig.

What an ignorant comment.

I'm hardly "ridiculously bloated rich". I took a meager salary as a young sailor in the Navy and was smart with it. My investments later in life have done well for me. I left my second career when my investments worked generously in my favor. No one gave me a fuckin' thing. I worked for every single thing I have.

The guy was hardly groveling. If anything, he was boasting. Frankly, it was refreshing to see someone who was proud of what his hard work was affording him as opposed to some idiot liberal who thinks the world owes him a comfortable living...
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.

At least he isn't a slimy salesman, now that would make any parent cringe, how dishonest of a profession can you get, right up there with ambulance chaser.
The president, who was a salesman before he got the promotion, is taking us sales guys to Florida wed-friday. It's funny there are a lot more common sense liberals in the front offices in manufacturing. They get it.

The Republicans in the warehouse seem to half get it like you. You're not a total nut but still you fucking signed up for trump university ya dope. You and la ram fan buddy's now?
Groveling before our ridiculously bloated rich is not a bad idea after 35 years of Reaganism...see sig.

What an ignorant comment.

I'm hardly "ridiculously bloated rich". I took a meager salary as a young sailor in the Navy and was smart with it. My investments later in life have done well for me. I left my second career when my investments worked generously in my favor. No one gave me a fuckin' thing. I worked for every single thing I have.

The guy was hardly groveling. If anything, he was boasting. Frankly, it was refreshing to see someone who was proud of what his hard work was affording him as opposed to some idiot liberal who thinks the world owes him a comfortable living...
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.

Hey, if my kid was a waiter or waitress at a restaurant like that, and they enjoyed it (which our waiter clearly did) I would be proud of him. The kid was makin' bank. If he's crying himself to sleep at night, they're tears of joy...
My point is that our wealthy class are bloated after 35 years of Reaganism. Very unhealthy for the economy as a whole. Glad the waiter found a way to get trickled down on...
They gave themselves pensions, cheap healthcare, medicare, good social security and now say they we can't afford to do that anymore.

God I hate greedy and dumb people equally
Yup, helping only the rich and giant corps works great! IDIOT!

No idiot troll, the rich and corps don't need any help.
So why does the GOP help ONLY them, for 35 years now? ARGHHHH.

Yeah, because Democrats aren't helping the rich. Tell me you aren't that dumb, the rich Democrats and rich Republicans have only helped the rich! Look at John Kerry Heinz and their GMO products that hurt the health of the public and have helped fatten his wallet. Look at Gore, the guy that has made millions off Global Warming, while he flies in his private jet. You are on stupid dupe.
Look at the POLICY they support- tax the rich, help the nonrich, NOT malicious gossip and their personal lives, dupe.

The have made loopholes for the rich, it was done by Democrats and Republicans off the backs of the middle class. You maybe blind to what is going on but I certainly see both parties screwing us over. You are a dupe, you support the Democrats like Schumer, Buffett, Gates, Kerry and Gore that pay as little as possible in taxes, take government subsidies to gain even more riches, and then you got Democrat John Lewis that avoided taxes on his home.

You are a stupid dupe that believes whatever BS the Democrats tells you.
ISSUES/policy, not GOP bs propaganda/gossip, dupe.
Groveling before our ridiculously bloated rich is not a bad idea after 35 years of Reaganism...see sig.

What an ignorant comment.

I'm hardly "ridiculously bloated rich". I took a meager salary as a young sailor in the Navy and was smart with it. My investments later in life have done well for me. I left my second career when my investments worked generously in my favor. No one gave me a fuckin' thing. I worked for every single thing I have.

The guy was hardly groveling. If anything, he was boasting. Frankly, it was refreshing to see someone who was proud of what his hard work was affording him as opposed to some idiot liberal who thinks the world owes him a comfortable living...
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.

Hey, if my kid was a waiter or waitress at a restaurant like that, and they enjoyed it (which our waiter clearly did) I would be proud of him. The kid was makin' bank. If he's crying himself to sleep at night, they're tears of joy...
My point is that our wealthy class are bloated after 35 years of Reaganism. Very unhealthy for the economy as a whole. Glad the waiter found a way to get trickled down on...
They gave themselves pensions, cheap healthcare, medicare, good social security and now say they we can't afford to do that anymore.

God I hate greedy and dumb people equally
Who gave themselves that? DEMS gave it to everyone- AND ACA for the poor and poor workers. The GOP gave low taxes to the rich and giant corps, and that's ALLLLLLLLLLLLL.
What an ignorant comment.

I'm hardly "ridiculously bloated rich". I took a meager salary as a young sailor in the Navy and was smart with it. My investments later in life have done well for me. I left my second career when my investments worked generously in my favor. No one gave me a fuckin' thing. I worked for every single thing I have.

The guy was hardly groveling. If anything, he was boasting. Frankly, it was refreshing to see someone who was proud of what his hard work was affording him as opposed to some idiot liberal who thinks the world owes him a comfortable living...
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.

Hey, if my kid was a waiter or waitress at a restaurant like that, and they enjoyed it (which our waiter clearly did) I would be proud of him. The kid was makin' bank. If he's crying himself to sleep at night, they're tears of joy...
My point is that our wealthy class are bloated after 35 years of Reaganism. Very unhealthy for the economy as a whole. Glad the waiter found a way to get trickled down on...
They gave themselves pensions, cheap healthcare, medicare, good social security and now say they we can't afford to do that anymore.

God I hate greedy and dumb people equally
Who gave themselves that? DEMS gave it to everyone- AND ACA for the poor and poor workers. The GOP gave low taxes to the rich and giant corps, and that's ALLLLLLLLLLLLL.
Americans are realizing the aca is better than Republicans said. The guy complaining it's $350 a month doesn't realize now it's going to be more.

You and I know the Republican way doesn't work. Americans forgot 2007 already just like they forgot daddy bush sucked and they elected gw
No idiot troll, the rich and corps don't need any help.
So why does the GOP help ONLY them, for 35 years now? ARGHHHH.

Yeah, because Democrats aren't helping the rich. Tell me you aren't that dumb, the rich Democrats and rich Republicans have only helped the rich! Look at John Kerry Heinz and their GMO products that hurt the health of the public and have helped fatten his wallet. Look at Gore, the guy that has made millions off Global Warming, while he flies in his private jet. You are on stupid dupe.
Look at the POLICY they support- tax the rich, help the nonrich, NOT malicious gossip and their personal lives, dupe.

The have made loopholes for the rich, it was done by Democrats and Republicans off the backs of the middle class. You maybe blind to what is going on but I certainly see both parties screwing us over. You are a dupe, you support the Democrats like Schumer, Buffett, Gates, Kerry and Gore that pay as little as possible in taxes, take government subsidies to gain even more riches, and then you got Democrat John Lewis that avoided taxes on his home.

You are a stupid dupe that believes whatever BS the Democrats tells you.
ISSUES/policy, not GOP bs propaganda/gossip, dupe.

Like the Obama administration requiring the middle class to purchase medical insurance while giving businesses another year off? Requiring the middle class to carry the burden for the rich and poor on medical insurance? Like passing laws that allow corporations to pay as little tax as possible while giving the middle class the fewest deductions? Like bailing out GMC and then not getting paid back. Like after the 2008 financial debacle not going after or prosecuting the bankers? Spare my your hypocritical BS. How many carbons are released on Gore's private jet? How do you like a SoS of our own country responsible for GMOs that are slowly killing the American middle class, but go on believing what the Democrats spoon feed you dupe.
Groveling before our ridiculously bloated rich is not a bad idea after 35 years of Reaganism...see sig.

What an ignorant comment.

I'm hardly "ridiculously bloated rich". I took a meager salary as a young sailor in the Navy and was smart with it. My investments later in life have done well for me. I left my second career when my investments worked generously in my favor. No one gave me a fuckin' thing. I worked for every single thing I have.

The guy was hardly groveling. If anything, he was boasting. Frankly, it was refreshing to see someone who was proud of what his hard work was affording him as opposed to some idiot liberal who thinks the world owes him a comfortable living...
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.

At least he isn't a slimy salesman, now that would make any parent cringe, how dishonest of a profession can you get, right up there with ambulance chaser.
The president, who was a salesman before he got the promotion, is taking us sales guys to Florida wed-friday. It's funny there are a lot more common sense liberals in the front offices in manufacturing. They get it.

The Republicans in the warehouse seem to half get it like you. You're not a total nut but still you fucking signed up for trump university ya dope. You and la ram fan buddy's now?

I didn't sign up for anything, I don't care for Trump. But he is a hell of a lot better than the slimy Clinton. Funny how it is okay for Democrats to fuck you over but you don't like it when Republicans do.
So why does the GOP help ONLY them, for 35 years now? ARGHHHH.

Yeah, because Democrats aren't helping the rich. Tell me you aren't that dumb, the rich Democrats and rich Republicans have only helped the rich! Look at John Kerry Heinz and their GMO products that hurt the health of the public and have helped fatten his wallet. Look at Gore, the guy that has made millions off Global Warming, while he flies in his private jet. You are on stupid dupe.
Look at the POLICY they support- tax the rich, help the nonrich, NOT malicious gossip and their personal lives, dupe.

The have made loopholes for the rich, it was done by Democrats and Republicans off the backs of the middle class. You maybe blind to what is going on but I certainly see both parties screwing us over. You are a dupe, you support the Democrats like Schumer, Buffett, Gates, Kerry and Gore that pay as little as possible in taxes, take government subsidies to gain even more riches, and then you got Democrat John Lewis that avoided taxes on his home.

You are a stupid dupe that believes whatever BS the Democrats tells you.
ISSUES/policy, not GOP bs propaganda/gossip, dupe.

Like the Obama administration requiring the middle class to purchase medical insurance while giving businesses another year off? Requiring the middle class to carry the burden for the rich and poor on medical insurance? Like passing laws that allow corporations to pay as little tax as possible while giving the middle class the fewest deductions? Like bailing out GMC and then not getting paid back. Like after the 2008 financial debacle not going after or prosecuting the bankers? Spare my your hypocritical BS. How many carbons are released on Gore's private jet? How do you like a SoS of our own country responsible for GMOs that are slowly killing the American middle class, but go on believing what the Democrats spoon feed you dupe.
The rich paid for a LOT of ACA.
Congress passed GMO laws. With huge GOP support....
Groveling before our ridiculously bloated rich is not a bad idea after 35 years of Reaganism...see sig.

What an ignorant comment.

I'm hardly "ridiculously bloated rich". I took a meager salary as a young sailor in the Navy and was smart with it. My investments later in life have done well for me. I left my second career when my investments worked generously in my favor. No one gave me a fuckin' thing. I worked for every single thing I have.

The guy was hardly groveling. If anything, he was boasting. Frankly, it was refreshing to see someone who was proud of what his hard work was affording him as opposed to some idiot liberal who thinks the world owes him a comfortable living...
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.

At least he isn't a slimy salesman, now that would make any parent cringe, how dishonest of a profession can you get, right up there with ambulance chaser.
The president, who was a salesman before he got the promotion, is taking us sales guys to Florida wed-friday. It's funny there are a lot more common sense liberals in the front offices in manufacturing. They get it.

The Republicans in the warehouse seem to half get it like you. You're not a total nut but still you fucking signed up for trump university ya dope. You and la ram fan buddy's now?

I didn't sign up for anything, I don't care for Trump. But he is a hell of a lot better than the slimy Clinton. Funny how it is okay for Democrats to fuck you over but you don't like it when Republicans do.
Slimy only in dupe world. When did Dems fuck us? LOL.
Yeah, because Democrats aren't helping the rich. Tell me you aren't that dumb, the rich Democrats and rich Republicans have only helped the rich! Look at John Kerry Heinz and their GMO products that hurt the health of the public and have helped fatten his wallet. Look at Gore, the guy that has made millions off Global Warming, while he flies in his private jet. You are on stupid dupe.
Look at the POLICY they support- tax the rich, help the nonrich, NOT malicious gossip and their personal lives, dupe.

The have made loopholes for the rich, it was done by Democrats and Republicans off the backs of the middle class. You maybe blind to what is going on but I certainly see both parties screwing us over. You are a dupe, you support the Democrats like Schumer, Buffett, Gates, Kerry and Gore that pay as little as possible in taxes, take government subsidies to gain even more riches, and then you got Democrat John Lewis that avoided taxes on his home.

You are a stupid dupe that believes whatever BS the Democrats tells you.
ISSUES/policy, not GOP bs propaganda/gossip, dupe.

Like the Obama administration requiring the middle class to purchase medical insurance while giving businesses another year off? Requiring the middle class to carry the burden for the rich and poor on medical insurance? Like passing laws that allow corporations to pay as little tax as possible while giving the middle class the fewest deductions? Like bailing out GMC and then not getting paid back. Like after the 2008 financial debacle not going after or prosecuting the bankers? Spare my your hypocritical BS. How many carbons are released on Gore's private jet? How do you like a SoS of our own country responsible for GMOs that are slowly killing the American middle class, but go on believing what the Democrats spoon feed you dupe.
The rich paid for a LOT of ACA.
Congress passed GMO laws. With huge GOP support....

The fact is the burden for ACA was laid at the feet of the working middle class, and your defense for Kerry and his company poisoning us with GMO is Republicans supported it to? Lol! You are nothing but a dupe for the two party's, you wear your badge of stupidity well, they both love you.
What an ignorant comment.

I'm hardly "ridiculously bloated rich". I took a meager salary as a young sailor in the Navy and was smart with it. My investments later in life have done well for me. I left my second career when my investments worked generously in my favor. No one gave me a fuckin' thing. I worked for every single thing I have.

The guy was hardly groveling. If anything, he was boasting. Frankly, it was refreshing to see someone who was proud of what his hard work was affording him as opposed to some idiot liberal who thinks the world owes him a comfortable living...
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.

At least he isn't a slimy salesman, now that would make any parent cringe, how dishonest of a profession can you get, right up there with ambulance chaser.
The president, who was a salesman before he got the promotion, is taking us sales guys to Florida wed-friday. It's funny there are a lot more common sense liberals in the front offices in manufacturing. They get it.

The Republicans in the warehouse seem to half get it like you. You're not a total nut but still you fucking signed up for trump university ya dope. You and la ram fan buddy's now?

I didn't sign up for anything, I don't care for Trump. But he is a hell of a lot better than the slimy Clinton. Funny how it is okay for Democrats to fuck you over but you don't like it when Republicans do.
Slimy only in dupe world. When did Dems fuck us? LOL.

Seriously? You have to ask? Lol! Even Sealy will tell you the Dems have screwed us over, only a dishonest partisan hack would claim otherwise. Wake up dupe, both the Dems and the GOP love your ignorance.

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