Result of Government Schooling???

The result of government schooling?

Tens of millions of poor and middle class kids whose parents cant afford private to get an education.

"While the average U.S. scores look respectable, the result masks a deficit in U.S. performance. Students in even the highest-scoring states don't match the top-performing countries.

"The bad news it that students in even our highest-performing states -- Massachusetts and Vermont -- cannot compete in math with students from the highest performing education systems, such as Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan," U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in a statement."
Here's How Americans Stack Up Against Students In Other Countries

This is what you get when you put Liberal educrats in charge.

You dope......I guess you were government schooled, huh?

Germany performs much, much better, in terms of education and research. It must be that socialism they use there.
1." The health care bill will "create 4 million jobs, 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi put a new spin on health care reform during a recent meeting between President Barack Obama and members of Congress.

"It's about jobs," she said. "In its life [health care reform] will create 4 million jobs, 400,000 jobs almost immediately."
PolitiFact | Pelosi claims that health care reform will create thousands of jobs

2. "Obama flubs during health care conference call with community organizers, claims 'more than 100 MILLION Americans' have enrolled
Obama flubs health care conference call with community organizers: 'More than 100 million Americans already successfully enrolled' | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

3. "Pelosi: Stim will create/save "three million plus" jobs
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi isn't quite as optimistic as she used to be about the job-creating potential of the stimulus package -- telling Charlie Rose on PBS that it will probably fall short of the four million initially predicted, but exceed the 2.5 million guess-timate by pessimistic forecasters."
Pelosi: Stim will create/save "three million plus" jobs - On Congress -

4. "Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B
( - The federal deficit increased by $146 billion in August, according to a report released today by the Congressional Budget Office. But, at the same time, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal debt did not increase at all during the month."
Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B | CNS News

5. New Democrat Party bumper-sticker:
"Numbers??? Ain't so good at fancy book-larnin'"

Ah, obviously one of those that are for destroying education. You're so smart, I bet you get a sex change when the cons take away women's rights.

Hey, moron.....did you know it was the Republicans who got women the vote?

Did you go to government school?
The result of government schooling?

Tens of millions of poor and middle class kids whose parents cant afford private to get an education.

"While the average U.S. scores look respectable, the result masks a deficit in U.S. performance. Students in even the highest-scoring states don't match the top-performing countries.

"The bad news it that students in even our highest-performing states -- Massachusetts and Vermont -- cannot compete in math with students from the highest performing education systems, such as Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan," U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in a statement."
Here's How Americans Stack Up Against Students In Other Countries

This is what you get when you put Liberal educrats in charge.

You dope......I guess you were government schooled, huh?

Germany performs much, much better, in terms of education and research. It must be that socialism they use there.

Don't let the door hit ya' on the way out......

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