Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn tweets call for Trump to declare martial law, order new US election

but the left isn't popular at all in society

Well, they got 7 million more votes than the Orange Buffoon, so what does that say about him?

That Biden was right about having a good fraud team.
Of course it was fraud....surely seven more million Americans couldn't possible think that the Orange Buffoon was such a scummy piece of shit? Surely not? How could anybody think that somebody who lies constantly, is the most divisive president in history, has filed for Chapter 11 six times, appoints unqualified people to cabinet positions, and sacks people at the drop of hat NOT be a nice guy? Time to call in the National Guard! Arrest and put Biden up against the wall! Chop off the left hand of all left-handed people! Chop off the ears of people who listen to Barry Manilow! The country has gone to the dogs I tell ya....
This post explains alot about your leanings and concerns whether you realize it or not. Why you think Trump was against you or anyone you know is simply ridiculous. Trump wanted a secure and prosperous America, and that's it.. Nothing more, and surely nothing less.. The End.
but the left isn't popular at all in society

Well, they got 7 million more votes than the Orange Buffoon, so what does that say about him?
That he cheated twice.

BZZZZT I'm sorry, that's not correct.
The correct answer is, it shows that Orange Crash is a hopelessly pathetic 74-year-old child who doesn't have the BALLS to man up when he LOSES, choosing instead to whine and moan and groan and throw his toys around the room, utterly ignoring the needs of his country and the Constitution he SWORE to uphold. It shows he's a whiny little bitch who can't take the heat.

It shows that eighty-one million voters could see exactly what this whiny little bitch was, and showed him the door, through which he cannot possibly exit fast enough.
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser and retired Army general Michael Flynn retweeted a call for Trump to temporarily suspend constitutional order and declare martial law to have the military to oversee a new U.S. election.

Flynn tweeted, “#WeThePeople @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @DanScavino @LouDobbs @MariaBartiromo @marklevinshow @lofly727 Freedom never kneels except for God,” along with a link to a statement by an Ohio-based non-profit group called “We The People Convention.

In the We The People Convention (WTPC) press statement, the group details a full-page advertisement it bought in the Washington Times. The press statement is titled, “WTPC Calls for President to Invoke Limited Martial Law to Hold New Election and Protect our Vote, in Full Page Washington Times ad, if Legislators, Courts and Congress Do Not Follow the Constitution.”

The WTPC’s call for martial law comes as many U.S. media outlets have called the race for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, but Trump continues to contest the election results. Delegations of electoral college voters from each state are expected to cast their ballots for president on Dec. 14, while Dec. 23 serves as the deadline for electors’ votes to be received.

This would be hilarious to watch, Progs heads would explode.

Trump Humpers trying to overthrow Democracy. This garbage is right out of the Hitler playbook.

You need new material kid, the Hitler schtick is old and tired.

I agree, but it is working for Trump in 2020.
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser and retired Army general Michael Flynn retweeted a call for Trump to temporarily suspend constitutional order and declare martial law to have the military to oversee a new U.S. election.

Flynn tweeted, “#WeThePeople @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @DanScavino @LouDobbs @MariaBartiromo @marklevinshow @lofly727 Freedom never kneels except for God,” along with a link to a statement by an Ohio-based non-profit group called “We The People Convention.

In the We The People Convention (WTPC) press statement, the group details a full-page advertisement it bought in the Washington Times. The press statement is titled, “WTPC Calls for President to Invoke Limited Martial Law to Hold New Election and Protect our Vote, in Full Page Washington Times ad, if Legislators, Courts and Congress Do Not Follow the Constitution.”

The WTPC’s call for martial law comes as many U.S. media outlets have called the race for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, but Trump continues to contest the election results. Delegations of electoral college voters from each state are expected to cast their ballots for president on Dec. 14, while Dec. 23 serves as the deadline for electors’ votes to be received.

This would be hilarious to watch, Progs heads would explode.

Trump Humpers trying to overthrow Democracy. This garbage is right out of the Hitler playbook.
No, the democrats have undermined democracy. This would only be a correction.

How so?

but the left isn't popular at all in society

Well, they got 7 million more votes than the Orange Buffoon, so what does that say about him?
That he cheated twice.

BZZZZT I'm sorry, that's not correct.
The correct answer is, it shows that Orange Crash is a hopelessly pathetic 74-year-old child who doesn't have the BALLS to man up when he LOSES, choosing instead to whine and moan and groan and throw his toys around the room, utterly ignoring the needs of his country and the Constitution he SWORE to uphold. It shows he's a whiny little bitch who can't take the heat.

It shows that eighty-one million voters could see exactly what this whiny little bitch was, and showed him the door, through which he cannot possibly exit fast enough.
Look at your post, and then think about the lack of decency written within it, but you have the gall or nerve to judge another as you do so viciously without conscious of in doing such a thing ???
but the left isn't popular at all in society

Well, they got 7 million more votes than the Orange Buffoon, so what does that say about him?
That he cheated twice.

BZZZZT I'm sorry, that's not correct.
The correct answer is, it shows that Orange Crash is a hopelessly pathetic 74-year-old child who doesn't have the BALLS to man up when he LOSES, choosing instead to whine and moan and groan and throw his toys around the room, utterly ignoring the needs of his country and the Constitution he SWORE to uphold. It shows he's a whiny little bitch who can't take the heat.

It shows that eighty-one million voters could see exactly what this whiny little bitch was, and showed him the door, through which he cannot possibly exit fast enough.
Look at your post, and then think about the lack of decency written within it, but you have the gall or nerve to judge another as you do so viciously without conscious of in doing such a thing ???

Was that going to be a sentence someday?

I know, my post was a little short. Brevity and all that.
There's no risk there.
Someone leaves they come back as someone else.
Tell me were you are, we can see who just runs their mouth.

Nah, not my style to come back as a sock. Unlike some on this board, I keep my word.
What does that last sentence mean? Are you some sort of keyboard warrior?
So you are using stats that are highly contested eh ?? Why don't you wait instead of counting those chicken's before they hatch ??? I know, I know, you just can't help yourself... I know.

Er, no. They are not highly contested. Only by conspiracy theory whackadoodles. Most normal people - including Repubs, Trump-appointed judges and a range of other traditional lefty foes - are saying all is good.
Look at your post, and then think about the lack of decency written within it, but you have the gall or nerve to judge another as you do so viciously without conscious of in doing such a thing ???

Ha!! Look at the behaviour of the Orange Buffoon over the past four years - and you champion him - and you have the temerity to try and school Pogo? Getthefuckouttahere...
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser and retired Army general Michael Flynn retweeted a call for Trump to temporarily suspend constitutional order and declare martial law to have the military to oversee a new U.S. election.

Flynn tweeted, “#WeThePeople @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @DanScavino @LouDobbs @MariaBartiromo @marklevinshow @lofly727 Freedom never kneels except for God,” along with a link to a statement by an Ohio-based non-profit group called “We The People Convention.

In the We The People Convention (WTPC) press statement, the group details a full-page advertisement it bought in the Washington Times. The press statement is titled, “WTPC Calls for President to Invoke Limited Martial Law to Hold New Election and Protect our Vote, in Full Page Washington Times ad, if Legislators, Courts and Congress Do Not Follow the Constitution.”

The WTPC’s call for martial law comes as many U.S. media outlets have called the race for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, but Trump continues to contest the election results. Delegations of electoral college voters from each state are expected to cast their ballots for president on Dec. 14, while Dec. 23 serves as the deadline for electors’ votes to be received.

This would be hilarious to watch, Progs heads would explode.

Trump Humpers trying to overthrow Democracy. This garbage is right out of the Hitler playbook.
No, the democrats have undermined democracy. This would only be a correction.

How so?

Mob rule. Attacks on people, property and legacy; censorship deluxe; election fraud; quotas and segregation; anti-American national security and abetting enemies; destruction of economy and creation of dependence by virtue of fossil fuel restrictions and Wuhan virus lockdowns, etc.
Mob rule. Attacks on people, property and legacy; censorship deluxe; election fraud; quotas and segregation; anti-American national security and abetting enemies; destruction of economy and creation of dependence by virtue of fossil fuel restrictions and Wuhan virus lockdowns, etc.
  1. No election fraud
  2. Twitter is privately owned. They decide on the rules. Don't like it, get your own platform
  3. What enemies were aided?
  4. Actually, economy was going fine until the Orange Buffoon ignored COVID
  5. Fossil fuels are dying. Even Saudi Arabia has acknowledged that due to lack of demand they can never see a time when they will run out of oil - IOW, it will be stuck in the ground due to lack of demand.
  6. Lockdown worked in many countries. Have nowhere the number of infections and deaths per head of population compared to US
but the left isn't popular at all in society

Well, they got 7 million more votes than the Orange Buffoon, so what does that say about him?
That he cheated twice.

BZZZZT I'm sorry, that's not correct.
The correct answer is, it shows that Orange Crash is a hopelessly pathetic 74-year-old child who doesn't have the BALLS to man up when he LOSES, choosing instead to whine and moan and groan and throw his toys around the room, utterly ignoring the needs of his country and the Constitution he SWORE to uphold. It shows he's a whiny little bitch who can't take the heat.

It shows that eighty-one million voters could see exactly what this whiny little bitch was, and showed him the door, through which he cannot possibly exit fast enough.
Look at your post, and then think about the lack of decency written within it, but you have the gall or nerve to judge another as you do so viciously without conscious of in doing such a thing ???

Was that going to be a sentence someday?

I know, my post was a little short. Brevity and all that.
Someday... :)
Mob rule. Attacks on people, property and legacy; censorship deluxe; election fraud; quotas and segregation; anti-American national security and abetting enemies; destruction of economy and creation of dependence by virtue of fossil fuel restrictions and Wuhan virus lockdowns, etc.
  1. No election fraud
  2. Twitter is privately owned. They decide on the rules. Don't like it, get your own platform
  3. What enemies were aided?
  4. Actually, economy was going fine until the Orange Buffoon ignored COVID
  5. Fossil fuels are dying. Even Saudi Arabia has acknowledged that due to lack of demand they can never see a time when they will run out of oil - IOW, it will be stuck in the ground due to lack of demand.
  6. Lockdown worked in many countries. Have nowhere the number of infections and deaths per head of population compared to US
All twisted views created in your own little world. Now join reality someday, because you don't want to be left out.
I agree with Flynn. This fraud in the election is no different than declaring war on us. Only difference is, its Americans against Americans. Martial Law needs to be enacted and the military oversee a new voting election, with military as poll watchers, as poll counters, as poll collectors. PAPER BALLOTS, no absentee ballots, no mail in ballots. If you can't vote physically, then oh well.

So much for all our over seas military members, those who are frail or in poor health, American expats, Americans with disabilities.
So be it.
No problem disenfranchising those who are willing to die for your be it?

F'kin POS.
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser and retired Army general Michael Flynn retweeted a call for Trump to temporarily suspend constitutional order and declare martial law to have the military to oversee a new U.S. election.

Flynn tweeted, “#WeThePeople @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @DanScavino @LouDobbs @MariaBartiromo @marklevinshow @lofly727 Freedom never kneels except for God,” along with a link to a statement by an Ohio-based non-profit group called “We The People Convention.

In the We The People Convention (WTPC) press statement, the group details a full-page advertisement it bought in the Washington Times. The press statement is titled, “WTPC Calls for President to Invoke Limited Martial Law to Hold New Election and Protect our Vote, in Full Page Washington Times ad, if Legislators, Courts and Congress Do Not Follow the Constitution.”

The WTPC’s call for martial law comes as many U.S. media outlets have called the race for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, but Trump continues to contest the election results. Delegations of electoral college voters from each state are expected to cast their ballots for president on Dec. 14, while Dec. 23 serves as the deadline for electors’ votes to be received.

This would be hilarious to watch, Progs heads would explode.

That is fuckin' HILARIOUS. And to think people wondered why this criminal had to be pardoned. Apparently he's not only stupid enough to wrap himself up in the previous foreign government shit, he's also stupid enough to think a POTUS can "order new elections". :laughing0301: :laugh2::laughing0301::spinner:
Don't ever underestimate what a President can or can't do. Just study Lincoln prior to the civil war.

Yuh huh.
And what did Lincoln do, in that ONE MONTH?

I see after two hours the poster has come up with ---------------------------------------- Zippo.

Several other whiny posts but none answering this question.

Everyone who saw that coming, continue to breathe.
I agree with Flynn. This fraud in the election is no different than declaring war on us. Only difference is, its Americans against Americans. Martial Law needs to be enacted and the military oversee a new voting election, with military as poll watchers, as poll counters, as poll collectors. PAPER BALLOTS, no absentee ballots, no mail in ballots. If you can't vote physically, then oh well.

So much for all our over seas military members, those who are frail or in poor health, American expats, Americans with disabilities.
So be it.
No problem disenfranchising those who are willing to die for your be it?

F'kin POS.
Are YOU willing to die for THEIR liberties? Overseas military members in frail or poor health, americians with disabilities are American EXPATS for a reason, asswipe. And more are joining them if they aren't already holed up somewhere ready to defend what THEY defended. This election was nothing but fraud. Everyone knows it. And if nothing is done about it and that fuckwipe Biden with his slutty VP get inside the WH...we are all doomed. ALL of us.
Well? Won't answer my question but instead just be a pussy and give a thumbs down?
First of congenital I took the same oath..I was and am, willing to die for my brothers and sisters-in-arms. Not that you would know anything about that, right?
Secondly, you clearly missed that all important comma in the the defining sentence of the post you replied to..." So much for all our over seas military members, those who are frail or in poor health, American expats, Americans with disabilities."

I have little hope that you see the difference..that military members are indeed..overseas for a reason..and that reason is to stand in harm's way for your right to deny them their basic a citizen, apparently.

As for a woman..if indeed you are one..calling someone a both ironic..sad...and just a bit funny.

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