Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn tweets call for Trump to declare martial law, order new US election

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser and retired Army general Michael Flynn retweeted a call for Trump to temporarily suspend constitutional order and declare martial law to have the military to oversee a new U.S. election.

Flynn tweeted, “#WeThePeople @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @DanScavino @LouDobbs @MariaBartiromo @marklevinshow @lofly727 Freedom never kneels except for God,” along with a link to a statement by an Ohio-based non-profit group called “We The People Convention.

In the We The People Convention (WTPC) press statement, the group details a full-page advertisement it bought in the Washington Times. The press statement is titled, “WTPC Calls for President to Invoke Limited Martial Law to Hold New Election and Protect our Vote, in Full Page Washington Times ad, if Legislators, Courts and Congress Do Not Follow the Constitution.”

The WTPC’s call for martial law comes as many U.S. media outlets have called the race for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, but Trump continues to contest the election results. Delegations of electoral college voters from each state are expected to cast their ballots for president on Dec. 14, while Dec. 23 serves as the deadline for electors’ votes to be received.

This would be hilarious to watch, Progs heads would explode.

Trump Humpers trying to overthrow Democracy. This garbage is right out of the Hitler playbook.
No, the democrats have undermined democracy. This would only be a correction.
Martial law is a correction for democracy? And up is down and black is white and we've always been at war with Eastasian.
The Republic is dead. We are way too divided.

Let's peacefully separate....

...or we could do it the hard way.
I bet dollars to donuts the red states would turn into a third-world shithole long before the blue states. Too many leeches. Too much white trash that does nothing and adds nothing to the economy. Take Kentucky? Red as red state. Sucks of the federal tax teat like you wouldn't believe. NY? A net contributor to the federal tax take. Kentucky? A net taker of the federal tax take. Also, I saw a shitload of very overweight, white trailer trash at Donnie's rallies. Why are they overweight? Eat too much and are lazy arses. Good luck with that.
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On Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser and retired Army general Michael Flynn retweeted a call for Trump to temporarily suspend constitutional order and declare martial law to have the military to oversee a new U.S. election.

Flynn tweeted, “#WeThePeople @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @DanScavino @LouDobbs @MariaBartiromo @marklevinshow @lofly727 Freedom never kneels except for God,” along with a link to a statement by an Ohio-based non-profit group called “We The People Convention.

In the We The People Convention (WTPC) press statement, the group details a full-page advertisement it bought in the Washington Times. The press statement is titled, “WTPC Calls for President to Invoke Limited Martial Law to Hold New Election and Protect our Vote, in Full Page Washington Times ad, if Legislators, Courts and Congress Do Not Follow the Constitution.”

The WTPC’s call for martial law comes as many U.S. media outlets have called the race for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, but Trump continues to contest the election results. Delegations of electoral college voters from each state are expected to cast their ballots for president on Dec. 14, while Dec. 23 serves as the deadline for electors’ votes to be received.

This would be hilarious to watch, Progs heads would explode.

Trump Humpers trying to overthrow Democracy. This garbage is right out of the Hitler playbook.
No, the democrats have undermined democracy. This would only be a correction.
Martial law is a correction for democracy? And up is down and black is white and we've always been at war with Eastasian.

Martial law is a correction for an attempted coup
True story.
The Republic is dead. We are way too divided.

Let's peacefully separate....

...or we could do it the hard way.
I bet dollars to donuts the blue states would turn into a third-world shithole long before the red states. Too many leeches. Too much white trash that does nothing and adds nothing to the economy. Take Kentucky? Red as red state. Sucks of the federal tax teat like you wouldn't believe. NY? A net contributor to the federal tax take. Kentucky? A net taker of the federal tax take. Also, I saw a shitload of very overweight, white trailer trash at Donnie's rallies. Why are they overweight? Eat too much and are lazy arses. Good luck with that.

You don't even know red from blue
Fuck your dollars to donuts.
but the left isn't popular at all in society

Well, they got 7 million more votes than the Orange Buffoon, so what does that say about him?

That Biden was right about having a good fraud team.
Of course it was fraud....surely seven more million Americans couldn't possible think that the Orange Buffoon was such a scummy piece of shit? Surely not? How could anybody think that somebody who lies constantly, is the most divisive president in history, has filed for Chapter 11 six times, appoints unqualified people to cabinet positions, and sacks people at the drop of hat NOT be a nice guy? Time to call in the National Guard! Arrest and put Biden up against the wall! Chop off the left hand of all left-handed people! Chop off the ears of people who listen to Barry Manilow! The country has gone to the dogs I tell ya....
The Republic is dead. We are way too divided.

Let's peacefully separate....

...or we could do it the hard way.
I bet dollars to donuts the red states would turn into a third-world shithole long before the blue states. Too many leeches. Too much white trash that does nothing and adds nothing to the economy. Take Kentucky? Red as red state. Sucks of the federal tax teat like you wouldn't believe. NY? A net contributor to the federal tax take. Kentucky? A net taker of the federal tax take. Also, I saw a shitload of very overweight, white trailer trash at Donnie's rallies. Why are they overweight? Eat too much and are lazy arses. Good luck with that.

You don't even know red from blue
Fuck your dollars to donuts.
Ha! That's because in most other countries of the world, red is the colour of lefties. Only in backward USA is it the colour of righties. What was the colour of the Soviet Union flag? The Chinese flag? The main colour on the logo of the Australian, New Zealand and UK labour parties (their version of Dems)? Red, red and red....
The saying was 'reds under the beds' not 'blues'.
They’re mostly urban votes, cattle in a geographically small corral.
Vote's a vote. Doesn't matter if they're in the high chaparral or ghetto. Your rural vote is no more important than that of the urbanite.
Oh, but they’re very different. That’s why we have an electoral college. Your mob of cattle want to usurp that design so they can enforce mob rule.
The Republic is dead. We are way too divided.

Let's peacefully separate....

...or we could do it the hard way.
I bet dollars to donuts the red states would turn into a third-world shithole long before the blue states. Too many leeches. Too much white trash that does nothing and adds nothing to the economy. Take Kentucky? Red as red state. Sucks of the federal tax teat like you wouldn't believe. NY? A net contributor to the federal tax take. Kentucky? A net taker of the federal tax take. Also, I saw a shitload of very overweight, white trailer trash at Donnie's rallies. Why are they overweight? Eat too much and are lazy arses. Good luck with that.

You don't even know red from blue
Fuck your dollars to donuts.
Ha! That's because in most other countries of the world, red is the colour of lefties. Only in backward USA is it the colour of righties. What was the colour of the Soviet Union flag? The Chinese flag? The main colour on the logo of the Australian, New Zealand and UK labour parties (their version of Dems)? Red, red and red....
The saying was 'reds under the beds' not 'blues'.

The piece of shit Democrats told their media to switch it for those very reasons

BTW quit sticking extra fucking "u" where they aren't needed.
We don't need that gibberish.
The piece of shit Democrats told their media to switch it for those very reasons

BTW quit sticking extra fucking "u" where they aren't needed.
We don't need that gibberish.

We use the spelling like the UK. You know, the people who invented the language. Not the bastardised US version...;o)
They’re mostly urban votes, cattle in a geographically small corral.
Vote's a vote. Doesn't matter if they're in the high chaparral or ghetto. Your rural vote is no more important than that of the urbanite.

Its fraud
Stay tuned.
Again, I put this to you as I have put to others. Put you money where you mouth is. If Trump wins in court I'll leave the board for a year, if he doesn't you do? Are you a person of your convictions or are you full of shit?
I agree with Flynn. This fraud in the election is no different than declaring war on us. Only difference is, its Americans against Americans. Martial Law needs to be enacted and the military oversee a new voting election, with military as poll watchers, as poll counters, as poll collectors. PAPER BALLOTS, no absentee ballots, no mail in ballots. If you can't vote physically, then oh well.

So much for all our over seas military members, those who are frail or in poor health, American expats, Americans with disabilities.
They’re mostly urban votes, cattle in a geographically small corral.
Vote's a vote. Doesn't matter if they're in the high chaparral or ghetto. Your rural vote is no more important than that of the urbanite.

Its fraud
Stay tuned.
Again, I put this to you as I have put to others. Put you money where you mouth is. If Trump wins in court I'll leave the board for a year, if he doesn't you do? Are you a person of your convictions or are you full of shit?

There's no risk there.
Someone leaves they come back as someone else.
Tell me were you are, we can see who just runs their mouth.

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