Retired Army general says Russia will be "squashed" if NATO gets involved

In a straight up conventional fight I'm confident the US would win. The only real question is could the US get the necessary men and equipment to Europe in time? I have zero confidence that our so-called allies would hold that long. Then all the Russians have to do is attack every airfield and port and we'd be screwed.
I see

you are insulted that I failed to give the russians as much respect as you think they deserve

yes, putin has nukes

and he has bio and chemical weapons

maybe he’s losing his mind as some people claim

i dont know

but he would have to be suicidal to attack NATO
Unlike JFK, Putin Will Enforce Russia's Monroe Doctrine One Way or Another

In order to force his parasite neighbors to take themselves out of NYETO, Putin has to send disinformation that he's planning on attacking them next and that he is insane. While the Globalist whores are playing checkers, he's playing three-dimensional chess.
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Pretty easy for a retired General to promote a freaking war with Russia. Squashed at what cost to the world's economy and manpower? Lefties used to spit on Generals like this before they became the dominant political power.
Russia has a long history of revolutions and coups.

The Ukrainians will bleed Russia along with the sanctions.

Putin won't last long.
Unlike JFK, Putin Will Enforce Russia's Monroe Doctrine One Way or Another

In order to force his parasite neighbors to take themselves out of NYETO, Putin has to send disinformation that he's planning on attacking them next and that he is insane. While the Globalist whores are playing checkers, he's playing three-dimensional chess.

Russia has no business enforcing anything. Russia is NOT a world super power. It has less than 50% of the people that the U.S. has, it's GDP is less than half that of California's and it's conventional military is turning out to be a joke. It has made no significant contribution to the world culturally, economically or socially.

The only thing that it has is nukes. Nukes do not make a super power. They make a great big pain in the ass, which is what Russia really is.
I heard a great quote that summarizes the current situation and only serves to fuel Putin:

"Ukraine has enormous courage but lacks weapons"

"NATO has tons of weapons but no courage"

This is what happens when you align with cheap, beggardly Eurotrash for far too long.
NATO should have disbanded at the advent of the WOT!
Looks like the ghost of OBL continues to win!
Russia would like an opportunity to go up against German and France. Neither country has ever apologized for invading Russia in 1941 or 1812, and as Marlon Brando pointed out, revenge is a dish best served cold.
It was not Marlon Brando. It is a line from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. It refers to an old Klingon proverb and spoken by Ricardo Montalban. who played Khan in the movie and the original series.
Russia has not "declared war" on Ukraine. Their incursion, awful as it is, is quite limited. There are many levels of "escalation" that are not even on the table at this point. Obviously, NATO, led by the U.S., could obliterate everything Russia has brought to bear in this incursion to date, but to presume that Russia would allow that to happen and not retaliate with overwhelming force is unrealistic.

And to be clear, I'm not even talking about nuclear weapons. Bombers, fighter aircraft, missiles, the list goes on and on. And Russia's retaliation would NOT be limited to Ukraine. Think Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, etc.

"Our" involvement must be limited to supplying Ukraine with the best weapons possible, and a modicum of training to use them effectively. One also suspects that there are private citizens - ex military - from the U.S. and other NATO countries who would would be more than willing to participate on the side of Ukraine.

And we would reply with overwhelming force and wipe Russia's conventional military off the map.

They won't go there. Our ground forces and air force is state of the art. They're still using crap that was from the Korean war.
And we would reply with overwhelming force and wipe Russia's conventional military off the map.

They won't go there. Our ground forces and air force is state of the art. They're still using crap that was from the Korean war.
The issue with that is getting all our forces there before Europe collapses.

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