Retired Army general says Russia will be "squashed" if NATO gets involved

From what we have recently seen Russia would't fair much better in a conventional war than the Iraqis did against a modern western military. I bet France or UK could whip their asses even without US help.
or Germany
France actually has a pretty capable military...and nukes. Germany may have been scared into building one over the next decade.

Russia's population is falling badly. Their window of being a pain is only a few years
Their only strength is in their nukes.

The GDP of my state of Florida with 20 million population is very close to their GDP with a population of 150 million.
Not if China and Iran join Russia.. and drops 7 nukes on America. The Biden has this border open I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t have a few here already
Their only strength is in their nukes.

The GDP of my state of Florida with 20 million population is very close to their GDP with a population of 150 million.
Putin was offered a Reset by President Obama

A chance to normalize relations with the West and gain economically.
Putin declined the offer

Now he is headed for an economy like N Korea
Not if China and Iran join Russia.. and drops 7 nukes on America. The Biden has this border open I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t have a few here already
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Russian Trolls
I heard a great quote that summarizes the current situation and only serves to fuel Putin:

"Ukraine has enormous courage but lacks weapons"

"NATO has tons of weapons but no courage"
No, I think you are looking very awesome for a communist. Do all you fucks shop for clothes at the same store or what?
What are you accusing me of?

Drop the snide remarks and cut to the chase
What are you accusing me of?
You know what you are.

Drop the snide remarks and cut to the chase
You're an idiot troll who obviously hasn't America's best interests in mind. You can take ANY issue, apply common sense and morality to it, and YOU will be on the opposing side every time. If you think NATO can easily vanquish Putin, you have another thing coming jackass. Russia may be poor now but Vladimir still has the USSR's Soviet military, nuclear, intelligence and space program, fool. Pray to god Biddum doesn't force him to use them.

But then, I doubt you pray or have a god. You probably HOPE Putin uses them.
You know what you are.

You're an idiot troll who obviously hasn't America's best interests in mind. You can take ANY issue, apply common sense and morality to it, and YOU will be on the opposing side every time. If you think NATO can easily vanquish Putin, you have another thing coming jackass. Russia may be poor now but Vladimir still has the USSR's Soviet military, nuclear, intelligence and space program, fool. Pray to god Biddum doesn't force him to use them.

But then, I doubt you pray or have a god. You probably HOPE Putin uses them.
I see

you are insulted that I failed to give the russians as much respect as you think they deserve

yes, putin has nukes

and he has bio and chemical weapons

maybe he’s losing his mind as some people claim

i dont know

but he would have to be suicidal to attack NATO
Never. No skin off my nose.

You mean kind of like a desperate last resort act before being deposed by anti-Putin forces rallied by Joe and NATO?

If Vlad has everything to lose and nothing to gain, what does he care?
If so, as you describe it, our fate is in his hands
Russia has not "declared war" on Ukraine. Their incursion, awful as it is, is quite limited. There are many levels of "escalation" that are not even on the table at this point. Obviously, NATO, led by the U.S., could obliterate everything Russia has brought to bear in this incursion to date, but to presume that Russia would allow that to happen and not retaliate with overwhelming force is unrealistic.

And to be clear, I'm not even talking about nuclear weapons. Bombers, fighter aircraft, missiles, the list goes on and on. And Russia's retaliation would NOT be limited to Ukraine. Think Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, etc.

"Our" involvement must be limited to supplying Ukraine with the best weapons possible, and a modicum of training to use them effectively. One also suspects that there are private citizens - ex military - from the U.S. and other NATO countries who would would be more than willing to participate on the side of Ukraine.
No. Our fate is now in JOE'S hands.

If the bomb drops now, as you are incinerated, just remember as you die that it was all worth it to you just to get Trump out of office!
You have me confused with a biden voter

the other mac maybe?

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