Reuters Poll: 34% of Republicans see Obama as the US's greatest threat!


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
Not only that, "42 percent of Republicans think their own party is something of a threat." So Republicans see their own party as a bigger threat to the US than Obama. You can't make this stuff up.
And for you Dems, 38% of Democrats see their party as a threat to the US.
So, why are these people Republicans or Democrats?
Ahhh ideologues, what a bunch of wild, crazy and perennially in fear maniacs! :eek-52:
Americans see Putin as only slightly more imminent threat than Obama poll says


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I figured it would be much higher.

I've never felt a President of mine was a DANGER to me... as I HAVE this tyrant/traitor in there now
If one deducts the Republican response from the poll, hardly anyone is in fear of Obama as the total who feared Obama only accounted for a total of 18% polled.
Now to be fair, when "W" was in his second term, I know quite a few Dems who thought he'd do something to stay in office longer than his second term. But once the Great Recession hit, that fear went away. I can't think for the life of me why they thought that the recession changed things. :confused-84:
the poll is from rotter reauters
If one deducts the Republican response from the poll, hardly anyone is in fear of Obama as the total who feared Obama only accounted for a total of 18% polled.
Now to be fair, when "W" was in his second term, I know quite a few Dems who thought he'd do something to stay in office longer than his second term. But once the Great Recession hit, that fear went away. I can't think for the life of me why they thought that the recession changed things. :confused-84:

wow. the great recession. can you get any more dramatic? what? Democrats didn't EXSIT before Bush was elected?

a lot of people fear Obama. so your spin with Bush is just that.... spin
If one deducts the Republican response from the poll, hardly anyone is in fear of Obama as the total who feared Obama only accounted for a total of 18% polled.
Now to be fair, when "W" was in his second term, I know quite a few Dems who thought he'd do something to stay in office longer than his second term. But once the Great Recession hit, that fear went away. I can't think for the life of me why they thought that the recession changed things. :confused-84:

A great recession would be a depression, sploogy.

Leftist are stupid by nature, I mean, it's why you're leftists. Naturally slogans and chants manipulate you. Rarely do you have the intellect or education to grasp what is being conveyed.
like I said at the beginning of the thread , I don't know or care about the stats . My experience with Doctors and healthcare was always excellent , same for family and others that I knew , know . Course , I always attributed my good health to excellent genetics and good diet 'kiwi' !!

If one deducts the Republican response from the poll, hardly anyone is in fear of Obama as the total who feared Obama only accounted for a total of 18% polled.
Now to be fair, when "W" was in his second term, I know quite a few Dems who thought he'd do something to stay in office longer than his second term. But once the Great Recession hit, that fear went away. I can't think for the life of me why they thought that the recession changed things. :confused-84:

A great recession would be a depression, sploogy.

Leftist are stupid by nature, I mean, it's why you're leftists. Naturally slogans and chants manipulate you. Rarely do you have the intellect or education to grasp what is being conveyed.

To answer your question, most of the time I do add unbiased intelligence.
The problems is,,,most of you ideologues you all think in unison why you are fed bullshit.
By the way, what is your definition of a leftist? Would it be anyone to the left of you? Well, as that is the case, I'm guilty, I tell you,,guilty! :biggrin:
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If one deducts the Republican response from the poll, hardly anyone is in fear of Obama as the total who feared Obama only accounted for a total of 18% polled.
Now to be fair, when "W" was in his second term, I know quite a few Dems who thought he'd do something to stay in office longer than his second term. But once the Great Recession hit, that fear went away. I can't think for the life of me why they thought that the recession changed things. :confused-84:

A great recession would be a depression, sploogy.

Leftist are stupid by nature, I mean, it's why you're leftists. Naturally slogans and chants manipulate you. Rarely do you have the intellect or education to grasp what is being conveyed.

greatest post of the year:2up:
To answer your question, most of the time I do add unbiased intelligence.

I didn't ask a question, I highlighted your ignorance.

The problems is,,,most of you ideologues you all think in unison why you are fed.
By the way, what is your definition of a leftist? Would it be anyone to the left of you? Well, as that is the case, I'm guilty, I tell you,,guilty! :biggrin:

A leftist is one seeking a command economy and strict regulation of social and economic activity.

An Obama democrat.

When reading your statement, "most of you ideologues you all think in unison why you are fed."

I am fed because I think in unison like all of most of ideologues? :shock::confused::D

I am forced to ask, did you make it all the way to high school?
To answer your question, most of the time I do add unbiased intelligence.

I didn't ask a question, I highlighted your ignorance.

The problems is,,,most of you ideologues you all think in unison why you are fed.
By the way, what is your definition of a leftist? Would it be anyone to the left of you? Well, as that is the case, I'm guilty, I tell you,,guilty! :biggrin:

A leftist is one seeking a command economy and strict regulation of social and economic activity.

An Obama democrat.

When reading your statement, "most of you ideologues you all think in unison why you are fed."

I am fed because I think in unison like all of most of ideologues? :shock::confused::D

I am forced to ask, did you make it all the way to high school?

Not only did I graduate from high school but I got my BBA too! It took me 16 years and 12 colleges, but damn it, I did it!
OK, I exaggerated a tad, it took me 5 years.
Anyway Uncensored, you do know this thread is in the humor section? Right?
I love how you ideologues get so bent out of shape! I'm sure glad I'm not you! :biggrin:
It is surprising that the figure isn't 100% as obviously Obama is the biggest threat to the security and well being of not only the US but also the rest of the world.
A third of Republicans believe President Barack Obama poses an imminent threat to the United States, outranking concerns about Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President Bashar Assad.

A Reuters/Ipsos online poll this month asked 2,809 Americans to rate how much of a threat a list of countries, organizations and individuals posed to the United States on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being no threat and 5 being an imminent threat.

The poll showed 34 percent of Republicans ranked Obama as an imminent threat, ahead of Putin (25 percent), who has been accused of aggression in the Ukraine, and Assad (23 percent). Western governments have alleged that Assad used chlorine gas and barrel bombs on his own citizens.

GOP sees Obama as bigger threat than Putin Poll

In terms of foreign policy, I think Obama is much more aggressive than Assad or Putin. Obama inherited a bunch of hawks from Bush's regime, and he kept them on. Victoria Nuland comes to mind here. Kerry is a firebrand, as was Hilary. I don't agree with much that Republicans believe, but maybe this one they got right.
Since Putin will never atack the US, that means he is essentially no real threat at all. If he starts arming ISIS to fight against us, then we can take a second look at how dangerous he is to the US. Obama on the other hand can enact policies which many people believe will be damaging to our nation. This poll makes sense, whether you agree with the GOP or not.
Well I see [generic Republican] as more threatening to me, than ISIS, so I guess it evens out.
Thank you for proving my point. It is not unreasonable to be more concerned about a high level politician with opposing political beliefs to your own, than the leader of a nation half way across the planet.

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