Revenge of the republicans.

From what I have been hearing, Nancy Pelosi held up previous stimulus package deals
Whoever told you that is lying. The house or representatives, where Nancy Pelosi holds sway, has passed several stimulus bills that Moscow Mitch has not even brought out for debate. The self-proclaimed "grim reaper of legislation" has killed them and many others.

This lies squarely on the republicans.

You are probably right. A little while ago I did some checking on the internet. Apparently even Trump was in favor of a 1.8 trillion dollar stimulus package. But many republicans didn't like it. Now they're even putting up a fight over a 900 billion dollar stimulus package.
From what I have been hearing, Nancy Pelosi held up previous stimulus package deals. She wanted to wait for one until after the election. Which from what I heard, Trump wanted to wait until after the election too. But it would seem that as revenge against Pelosi and other democrats, now the republicans are holding up a stimulus package bill. What a bunch of jerks. In holding up stimulus package talks until after the election, both sides got what they wanted. And for republicans, it was obviously ok to send out $1200 dollar stimulus checks. But now its apparently a struggle for the democrats to get even $600 dollar stimulus checks sent out. I wish they would get things settled and get them sent out soon. Because with the way things are going with the coronavirus, if they don't get them sent out soon, there are going to be many people who won't be alive to spend them.

Tough shit. We're not made of money.

You should find post #11 interesting.
From what I have been hearing, Nancy Pelosi held up previous stimulus package deals. She wanted to wait for one until after the election. Which from what I heard, Trump wanted to wait until after the election too. But it would seem that as revenge against Pelosi and other democrats, now the republicans are holding up a stimulus package bill. What a bunch of jerks. In holding up stimulus package talks until after the election, both sides got what they wanted. And for republicans, it was obviously ok to send out $1200 dollar stimulus checks. But now its apparently a struggle for the democrats to get even $600 dollar stimulus checks sent out. I wish they would get things settled and get them sent out soon. Because with the way things are going with the coronavirus, if they don't get them sent out soon, there are going to be many people who won't be alive to spend them.

Tough shit. We're not made of money.

You should find post #11 interesting.
Yup. We are, in fact, made out of money because our money is made out of us.
When totalitarian states print funny-money prices rise.
When prices rise in totalitarian states price controls are mandated.
When price controls in totalitarian states are implemented makers stop making.
When makers stop making shelves go empty.
When the shelves are empty the dependent demand government seize businesses.
When the shelves in the government stores remain empty lines form for the few goods.
When lines form for scarce goods a black market takes root.
When a black market takes root totalitarian states execute black marketeers.
That's when the riots start.
Then the rioters are murdered by the totalitarians.
You used to have to go to Venezuela to see that in action.

But not anymore.
From what I have been hearing, Nancy Pelosi held up previous stimulus package deals. She wanted to wait for one until after the election. Which from what I heard, Trump wanted to wait until after the election too. But it would seem that as revenge against Pelosi and other democrats, now the republicans are holding up a stimulus package bill. What a bunch of jerks. In holding up stimulus package talks until after the election, both sides got what they wanted. And for republicans, it was obviously ok to send out $1200 dollar stimulus checks. But now its apparently a struggle for the democrats to get even $600 dollar stimulus checks sent out. I wish they would get things settled and get them sent out soon. Because with the way things are going with the coronavirus, if they don't get them sent out soon, there are going to be many people who won't be alive to spend them.

Tough shit. We're not made of money.

You should find post #11 interesting.
Yup. We are, in fact, made out of money because our money is made out of us.

That is a pretty deep way of looking at it. I'm impressed.
When totalitarian states print funny-money prices rise.
When prices rise in totalitarian states price controls are mandated.
When price controls in totalitarian states are implemented makers stop making.
When makers stop making shelves go empty.
When the shelves are empty the dependent demand government seize businesses.
When the shelves in the government stores remain empty lines form for the few goods.
When lines form for scarce goods a black market takes root.
When a black market takes root totalitarian states execute black marketeers.
That's when the riots start.
Then the rioters are murdered by the totalitarians.
You used to have to go to Venezuela to see that in action.

But not anymore.

It depends on who is doing the printing. In Germany in 1924 they created the Reichmark to help stabilize their currency. When Hitler came to power he issued what were called MEFO bills. He transformed the ruined German economy into the economic envy of the world.
When totalitarian states print funny-money prices rise.
When prices rise in totalitarian states price controls are mandated.
When price controls in totalitarian states are implemented makers stop making.
When makers stop making shelves go empty.
When the shelves are empty the dependent demand government seize businesses.
When the shelves in the government stores remain empty lines form for the few goods.
When lines form for scarce goods a black market takes root.
When a black market takes root totalitarian states execute black marketeers.
That's when the riots start.
Then the rioters are murdered by the totalitarians.
You used to have to go to Venezuela to see that in action.

But not anymore.

It depends on who is doing the printing. In Germany in 1924 they created the Reichmark to help stabilize their currency. When Hitler came to power he issued what were called MEFO bills. He transformed the ruined German economy into the economic envy of the world.

And he printed that money without causing inflation. It was simple really. The money was printed based on production. Like the autobahn. That was built with printed money, but it was production. And it is still there today.
So what? What's another fucking Trillion dollars.

Put in perspective, another trillion dollars or so will prevent another Great Recession or worse. Thus far McConnell and that idiot Senator Johnson (R-WI) have played politics with the lives of the recently unemployed and the families who are for the first time driving through fool lines and incapable of making their rent or paying there mortgage.

It doesn't take a genius to comprehend what we are facing.
Thought that was my point, but apparently I didn't make that clear enough. Thank you for clarifying.
So what? What's another fucking Trillion dollars.

Put in perspective, another trillion dollars or so will prevent another Great Recession or worse. Thus far McConnell and that idiot Senator Johnson (R-WI) have played politics with the lives of the recently unemployed and the families who are for the first time driving through fool lines and incapable of making their rent or paying there mortgage.

It doesn't take a genius to comprehend what we are facing.
Thought that was my point, but apparently I didn't make that clear enough. Thank you for clarifying.

I got it, I amplified it.
From what I have been hearing, Nancy Pelosi held up previous stimulus package deals. She wanted to wait for one until after the election. Which from what I heard, Trump wanted to wait until after the election too. But it would seem that as revenge against Pelosi and other democrats, now the republicans are holding up a stimulus package bill. What a bunch of jerks. In holding up stimulus package talks until after the election, both sides got what they wanted. And for republicans, it was obviously ok to send out $1200 dollar stimulus checks. But now its apparently a struggle for the democrats to get even $600 dollar stimulus checks sent out. I wish they would get things settled and get them sent out soon. Because with the way things are going with the coronavirus, if they don't get them sent out soon, there are going to be many people who won't be alive to spend them.
Once again, just go get a job and stop whining.
When totalitarian states print funny-money prices rise.
When prices rise in totalitarian states price controls are mandated.
When price controls in totalitarian states are implemented makers stop making.
When makers stop making shelves go empty.
When the shelves are empty the dependent demand government seize businesses.
When the shelves in the government stores remain empty lines form for the few goods.
When lines form for scarce goods a black market takes root.
When a black market takes root totalitarian states execute black marketeers.
That's when the riots start.
Then the rioters are murdered by the totalitarians.
You used to have to go to Venezuela to see that in action.

But not anymore.

It depends on who is doing the printing. In Germany in 1924 they created the Reichmark to help stabilize their currency. When Hitler came to power he issued what were called MEFO bills. He transformed the ruined German economy into the economic envy of the world.

And he printed that money without causing inflation. It was simple really. The money was printed based on production. Like the autobahn. That was built with printed money, but it was production. And it is still there today.

There is no denying it. When it came to economics, Hitler was a genius. From what I had read, one of the things he did was get away from the basic slavery caused by being in debt.
Tough shit. We're not made of money.
No we're not.
Money's cheap and it burns. Gold, silver, and precious stones are not cheap, and cheap money cannot dig gold from the earth.
Tough shit. We're not made of money.
No we're not.
Money's cheap and it burns. Gold, silver, and precious stones are not cheap, and cheap money cannot dig gold from the earth.

Read posts #11, 23 and 26.
Tough shit. We're not made of money.
No we're not.
Money's cheap and it burns. Gold, silver, and precious stones are not cheap, and cheap money cannot dig gold from the earth.

All the money, gold, silver, and precious stones wouldn't be worth a dime in a post-apocalyptic world. You can't eat them, and you can't melt them down to make bullets out of them.

Well maybe the silver, if there are vampires. But not the gold and precious stones

Well, maybe you could load them up in shotgun shells.
Read posts #11, 23 and 26.
It is possible in some circumstances for users or moderators to delete posts in which case all following posts in the thread are renumbered. But I think you've hit it this time.
the top 1% owns about 95% of the wealth.
The top 1% have a high-and-tight haircut and a pressed-and-ironed suit-and-tie. They can't eat 100 times more food or take 100 times the shower or sleep in 100 times the bed of some poor man on a cot somewhere.
Yup. We are, in fact, made out of money because our money is made out of us.
You're not going to make money out of our babies skins.
It depends on who is doing the printing. In Germany in 1924 they created the Reichmark to help stabilize their currency. When Hitler came to power he issued what were called MEFO bills. He transformed the ruined German economy into the economic envy of the world.
That was the Weimar Republic, humilating to the Germans because it wasn't a real Reich, and the economy collapsed under severe hyperinflation -- if it hadn't have been Hitler it would have had to be someone else to do what Hitler did. The Commies got in there and ruined the economy after the First World War and the Russian Revolution, didn't they? And the Jews had a soft spot for Communism with their business-and-govenment Community in each little town, and that's why people were so angry at the Jews. But those rich and powerful business-class Jews just politely stepped aside for the Nazis, and were allowed to live while the poor and working-class Jews were slaughtered -- even if they were not partakers in the sins of the others.

Think about that Jewish councilman Nicodemus who paid with his own money for the grave in which Jesus was laid -- and rose from the dead on the third day!
Tough shit. We're not made of money.
No we're not.
Money's cheap and it burns. Gold, silver, and precious stones are not cheap, and cheap money cannot dig gold from the earth.

All the money, gold, silver, and precious stones wouldn't be worth a dime in a post-apocalyptic world. You can't eat them, and you can't melt them down to make bullets out of them.

Well maybe the silver, if there are vampires. But not the gold and precious stones

Well, maybe you could load them up in shotgun shells.

During the French Revolution bread was more valuable than gold. But funny you mentioned using gold loads. That is exactly what the early settlers of North Carolina did, they melted gold for bullets.

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