Reversing DEFUND THE POLICE: Only 2 of 81 retired police officers express interest to return to Portland Police Bureau

Beta cuck soy boys.
Anal Receptive, Anal Penetrative

Masochism produces sadism as an irrational way to balance it out. Libnuts would get their rocks off if they could see an imaginary video of Trayvon finishing the job on Zimmerman. It would sell like hotcucks at any hug-a-thug protest demonstration.
If this dude had been out shooting and killing people, I wouldn't care. However, this is just too much. If you've ever travelled I40 from Memphis to Nashville, state troopers are thick and they trail people, fishing. It's gestapo-like.

One officer has had his ability to be an officer removed at least temporarily.

If you watch the video after the man is down you hear two shots at the end. This is the guy being addressed.

The guy has been shot multiple times and is down but this officer felt it necessary to pump two more shots into him.

Nashville cop stripped of authority after interstate police killing of Landon Eastep
One officer has had his ability to be an officer removed at least temporarily.

If you watch the video after the man is down you hear two shots at the end. This is the guy being addressed.

The guy has been shot multiple times and is down but this officer felt it necessary to pump two more shots into him.

Nashville cop stripped of authority after interstate police killing of Landon Eastep

You caught that too. That was the officer that was running with the rifle. I guarantee you he got those shots in to make sure that guy was dead so he wouldn't be able to testify that 9 officers shot him over a box cutter. Every one of those officers needs to be arrested.
Portland and cities like it should have no police at all. Baltimore replaced police with unarmed safety officers. They are getting shot. This crime way of life will stop when the public takes up arms themselves and there are no police protecting the poisonous insects from wrath.
Why are they asking retired officers to come back when they can easily hire newbies?

Ya, people must be CLAMORING to be told they are racist murderers. I have no idea why anyone would want to become a cop in this atmosphere. Take a job as a fireman or join the service if you want to serve, no chance in hell I would join the police force.
It seems the Defund the Police movement by the left has proven to be an epic failure.

I'm SHOCKED. I just never saw this coming! :safetocomeoutff:

I mean, who wouldn't want their jobs back after being made out a pariah, a racist, a scapegoat, and the blame for all of society's woes, whom on any given day just doing their jobs as trained and needed could be arrested and locked up for life by anyone backed by a race mob carrying a big gofundme page behind them?
These communist sheep are too blinded to understand that if they had truly gotten their way, there would be no turning back.

Idiot as always. Jack, you continually out do yourself in just how stupid stupid can be.
If you have nothing of value to add, stop responding to my posts.
If you've noticed, I've largely stopped responding to you for exactly that reason.
If you have nothing of value to add, stop responding to my posts.

Pointing out your itinerant lies and stupidity is ALWAYS something of VALUE.

Now I'm pointing out how your house of election cards is starting to crumble as now TWO of the swing states have revealed clear evidence which will ultimately lead to the decertification of their 2020 vote and the revelation that Joe Biddum is no president. States everywhere are fixing the debacle of 2020 so no election can go that way EVER again.
Pointing out your itinerant lies and stupidity is ALWAYS something of VALUE.

Now I'm pointing out how your house of election cards is starting to crumble as now TWO of the swing states have revealed clear evidence which will ultimately lead to the decertification of their 2020 vote and the revelation that Joe Biddum is no president. States everywhere are fixing the debacle of 2020 so no election can go that way EVER again.
No evidence of widespread fraud..anywhere. Now you can keep whining about it. Because this is actually serving a useful purpose. Remember those two GA Senate runoffs?...well, you're heading down that same keep it up! :)
No evidence of widespread fraud..anywhere.
Another conclusion by your crack team of election experts?


Now you can keep whining about it.
Nope. Just more investigation as we expose your crimes.

The problem is not ‘mass voter fraud,’ but a privately funded ‘shadow campaign’ for Joe Biden within the formal structure of the election system.

Read it and weep, Jerky or just keep running and hiding.

No evidence of widespread fraud..anywhere. Now you can keep whining about it.

Poor Garage Jack. Even champions of the Left are starting to see through you and declare what an absolute SHAM you and your democrat goons have all become! When the Left starts criticizing itself, you know it is only a matter of time before the big implosion!

Another conclusion by your crack team of election experts?

View attachment 594854

Nope. Just more investigation as we expose your crimes.

The problem is not ‘mass voter fraud,’ but a privately funded ‘shadow campaign’ for Joe Biden within the formal structure of the election system.

Read it and weep, Jerky or just keep running and hiding.

Now it's a shadow campaign??? Make up your mind here, cuck. Although I suppose you've got nothing but flailing against a wall beating whatever is left of your intelligence out. Then, there's you.

So, sorry Freaky. Cry all you want. But feel free to keep spouting this crap. That red wave you think is coming in November, will be gone as fast as those two GA Senate runoff seats.

How does eliminating large numbers of police on the force address any of that?

More importantly, why would you think that it was the bad apples that left the force? The force was the ONLY thing protecting those bad apples. None of them are going to give up the power the police force confers on them. Good police, however, are going to leave when they realize that they are being branded with the same iron as the bad ones and attacked for it.

Real reform has been needed for a long time. Police unions protecting bad cops needs to be eliminated. Qualified immunity needs to go. No knock warrants need to go. Civil asset forfeiture needs to go. Drug laws need reform. Militarized equipment does not belong in police precincts. De-escalation needs to be emphasized over the current power play that is emphasized. The entire concept of fines needs to be reworked. Police need REGULAR and CONSISTANT contact with the community outside of law enforcement activities.

There is a lot of work. ALL of which is undermined with 'defund' the police. All of it. We need MORE cops, not less. Getting rid of police at a large scale increases every single thing that is making the police force ineffective. Fewer cops are going to be more abusive as the demands of the job increase, crime increases with decreased enforcement and the overall ability to come into contact with the community outside a negative encounter drops to zero.
An extremely sensible post.
It seems the Defund the Police movement by the left has proven to be an epic failure.

I would never go back. Let the city burn. Let the country see what leftists do to civilization.

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