Reversing DEFUND THE POLICE: Only 2 of 81 retired police officers express interest to return to Portland Police Bureau

Protecting people's civil rights ensconced in the Constitution is idealism to you. Not much I can say.
There Is No Idealism in Turning Loose a Humanoid Virus

Civil Rights for the uncivilized is a contradiction. The Constitution wasn't written for them; that's obvious and can no longer be ignored. The Constitution is not society's suicide pact, as your sadomasochistic cult would have it.
I am close to Ignoring you because you have zero experience living the misery that people living in slums have to endure.
The cops know who is an inveterate thug and deal with them appropriately.

Ignore me, I do not care. Tell me though, how does this apply to someone like Elijah McClain?
Ignore me, I do not care. Tell me though, how does this apply to someone like Elijah McClain?
Math...If the local police didn't have to deal with a dozen violent crimes every week where they work, this incident would not have happened.
You, of course, know that almost 100% of Black Thug on Black crime occurs dozens of times in slums, but you nit pick one or two occurrences.
I know you're an ideologue...ideologues are boring.
You can use whatever excuses you want for not being able to explain why anything I said was wrong.
Reginald Denny Syndrome

You're in denial about your vindictive hatred of normal citizens. So you have to frantically reject even your own doubts. Any outside criticism bounces off your firm shelter defending you from the truth.
To Democrat Mayors: "Smoke'em If You Got'em"

Despite their pacifistic preaching, Liberals love to see the pride of White civilization turn into ashes.

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Our entire economic system is based upon Socialism. Tell me, where in Capitalism do we find the chapter where one bails out failing business?
I will try to do that when you can show me where it says we should bail out failed individuals. I'm talking about, free food, free phones, free rent, free money, free abortions, and all available without any expectation of work or even the requirement to look for a job. You know what you can do with your socialism.
I will try to do that when you can show me where it says we should bail out failed individuals

"Individuals"? Why are you trying to define the argument down to this? And show you what, what says? We bailed out failed businesses. A business is nothing more than a large group of indivisuals. Where do we find this in Capitalism?

. I'm talking about, free food, free phones, free rent, free money, free abortions, and all available without any expectation of work or even the requirement to look for a job. You know what you can do with your socialism.

Right, you are talking about the socialist programs you don't like while trying to deflect from the ones you do and then trying to claim you don't support socialism.
"Individuals"? Why are you trying to define the argument down to this? And show you what, what says? We bailed out failed businesses. A business is nothing more than a large group of indivisuals. Where do we find this in Capitalism?

Right, you are talking about the socialist programs you don't like while trying to deflect from the ones you do and then trying to claim you don't support socialism.
I am not trying to claim anything. I am upfront saying that I detest socialism and am not too happy with the fools that are trying to foist their dangerous beliefs on me.
I am not trying to claim anything. I am upfront saying that I detest socialism and am not too happy with the fools that are trying to foist their dangerous beliefs on me.

But you continue to evade my question and point.
Given that blacks are 7 times more likely to be shot than white people, might be a clue as to why black people feel that way. Given that the number of unarmed minorities killed by the police is much higher than the number of unarmed white people, and the number of traffic stops of black drivers for minor infractions, end with the driver dead in the road, might be a clue.

You have families who have had multiple family members killed or seriously injured in encounters with police. And you have a lot of "missing" body cam footage when the death of a civilian is involved.

Then there is the more than $300 million paid out each year in "excessive force" claims against city police forces throughout the USA.
Ummmmmmm, the link I posted showed that in 2021, 201 whites got shot by police and 113 blacks. Whites are more likely to get shot by the police, opposite of the lefty media agenda.
It's an excellent example of why we need less police and more people trained in actually dealing with people.

If this dude had been out shooting and killing people, I wouldn't care. However, this is just too much. If you've ever travelled I40 from Memphis to Nashville, state troopers are thick and they trail people, fishing. It's gestapo-like.

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