Reversing DEFUND THE POLICE: Only 2 of 81 retired police officers express interest to return to Portland Police Bureau

Maybe you can show just one instance where an officer followed the law and wasn't defended.
That is what the police in Portland claimed, that is their claim. I think I'll believe them over you.

If the 81 police officers are so bad why is the city wanting to hire them back?

That is what the police in Portland claimed, that is their claim. I think I'll believe them over you.

If the 81 police officers are so bad why is the city wanting to hire them back?

They are the ones who said that they no longer wanted to be police officers if it meant they will be held accountable for their actions. I'm not here to support Portland or anything they do overall.
They are the ones who said that they no longer wanted to be police officers if it meant they will be held accountable for their actions. I'm not here to support Portland or anything they do overall.
It means they don't want to go back to work for the city because they didn't like working there and cited lack of support for the mayor and city council and being overworked as reasons for not wanting to comeback to the city.
It means they don't want to go back to work for the city because they didn't like working there and cited lack of support for the mayor and city council and being overworked as reasons for not wanting to comeback to the city.

I don't live there. I noted how we cut back on work loads.
They retired. Wouldn't want them back. My guess is the bad apples left. Why would you want to take them back?

The city ASKED them to return.

AT least read the fucking article before making a retarded comment:

"Last month, Police Chief Chuck Lovell sent a letter to retired police officers asking them to return to the department following the city-approved retire/rehire program."

Typical fucking liberal to claim the department didn't want them back because they are bad cops.


Never mind that isn't what they said. They were clearly noting they would not want them back.
Wrong! They tried to hire them back and they wanted them back however, the former officers, except for two, don't want to comeback.

Wrong! They tried to hire them back and they wanted them back however, the former officers, except for two, don't want to comeback.

Those offering officers to be hired back are not the ones who made the statement in question.
The thread is about the 79 that don't want to be rehired by the Portland Police Department, why? Because they don't feel the city supports or respects them and they are overworked. Good reasons to not work there. Not sure why everyone wants to derail the thread.
I highly doubt that most police officers who retired or quit working for a democrat-controlled city's PD would want to return. It's probably true that some of them probably shouldn't be brought back and some still in uniform may have been guilty of misconduct; it ain't the easiest job in the world when you're dealing with the scum of the earth. I think it's fair to say that for decades the democrat-controlled cities ought to have done a better job of weeding out the bad apples, but since they were in bed with the police unions that didn't happen. You can't play nice with a hopped-up that already has a record and it looks like he's coming at you with a knife or a gun.

Some of those guys, if you let them run away like they do now in Washington state, the next day or so they kill somebody. At what point does public safety override a person's rights when they have refused to cooperate with the police?
It seems the Defund the Police movement by the left has proven to be an epic failure.

Any white person would be a total idiot for wanting to be in law enforcement. Shoot a white person, don't have too much to worry about. Shoot a black person? All hell breaks loose, even if the shooting is justified. In 2021 201 white people were killed by the police. How many made it to the national news? Pretty close to zero. In 2021 only about half of that (113) black people were killed by police. How many made it to the national news? Almost all of them and the lefty word is that police are just hunting down blacks and killing them all over the place and it is a pandemic.

Best advice I ever heard. Retire as soon as you can. Tell your employer to kiss your backside on the way out.
It seems the Defund the Police movement by the left has proven to be an epic failure.

If it's getting rid of the rotten apples who now fear prosecution, it hasn't been a failure at all.

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