Reversing DEFUND THE POLICE: Only 2 of 81 retired police officers express interest to return to Portland Police Bureau

If it's getting rid of the rotten apples who now fear prosecution, it hasn't been a failure at all.
So then why is the city of Portland contacting the retired police officers and wanting to hire them back on to the force? It seems that the city of Portland not appreciating their officers has comeback to bite them.
I'm pro-life. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. I support keeping the electoral college. I believe in keeping the USSC at 9. I was against both Biden bills that died. I believe in a balanced budget.

You consider those who support all our rights as "liberal"? What does that say about "Conservatives"?
You appeared to have cherry-picked the conservative positions you agree with, now tell us some of the left, far left, or socialist positions that you support.
Any white person would be a total idiot for wanting to be in law enforcement. Shoot a white person, don't have too much to worry about. Shoot a black person? All hell breaks loose, even if the shooting is justified. In 2021 201 white people were killed by the police. How many made it to the national news? Pretty close to zero. In 2021 only about half of that (113) black people were killed by police. How many made it to the national news? Almost all of them and the lefty word is that police are just hunting down blacks and killing them all over the place and it is a pandemic.

Given that blacks are 7 times more likely to be shot than white people, might be a clue as to why black people feel that way. Given that the number of unarmed minorities killed by the police is much higher than the number of unarmed white people, and the number of traffic stops of black drivers for minor infractions, end with the driver dead in the road, might be a clue.

You have families who have had multiple family members killed or seriously injured in encounters with police. And you have a lot of "missing" body cam footage when the death of a civilian is involved.

Then there is the more than $300 million paid out each year in "excessive force" claims against city police forces throughout the USA.
So then why is the city of Portland contacting the retired police officers and wanting to hire them back on to the force? It seems that the city of Portland not appreciating their officers has comeback to bite them.

Maybe the people they're trying to get back are the police officers who didn't have big "excessive force" claims. Looks like Portland had a LOT of bad cops. 80% of all insurance claims were for excessive force claims. Yes, this is a left leaning source, but notice that their fact checking level is HIGH.

Maybe if you looked the reasons why this is happening instead of assuming that the Portland Police aren't responsible for their handling of law enforcement in their city. Cities with high levels of opposition to the police, are the ones where the police ARE the problem - like Portland.
Is crime up or down since the DEFUND THE POLICE bullshit was started by communists?
Maybe the people they're trying to get back are the police officers who didn't have big "excessive force" claims. Looks like Portland had a LOT of bad cops. 80% of all insurance claims were for excessive force claims. Yes, this is a left leaning source, but notice that their fact checking level is HIGH.

Maybe if you looked the reasons why this is happening instead of assuming that the Portland Police aren't responsible for their handling of law enforcement in their city. Cities with high levels of opposition to the police, are the ones where the police ARE the problem - like Portland.
All I am saying is that 81 officers were asked to comeback and only two would even consider it, there is something wrong on both ends.

Your article says that 81% of the city lawsuits are about police misconduct, not excessive force. In any city police are the leading cause of lawsuits, mainly because they have the greatest exposure to the public, whether the police are guilty or not, many times the city will just settle because to fight it is also costly, so they usually settle out of court. It does not mean that the police are guilty of misconduct. Now, I realize that doesn't fit your agenda but that is the reality and you trying to distort the story from the get go is proof of that.
You appeared to have cherry-picked the conservative positions you agree with, now tell us some of the left, far left, or socialist positions that you support.

Everyone supports socialism. I've covered this 100's of times. I do not consider a fair and equal justice system as something "liberal", it seems only those who hide behind "conservatism" do.
Everyone supports socialism. I've covered this 100's of times. I do not consider a fair and equal justice system as something "liberal", it seems only those who hide behind "conservatism" do.
Everyone does not support socialism and I can prove that you are wrong. I do not support socialism.
This country does not exist without it.
I would imagine you have that perception due to SS and Medicare but both are paid for by taxpayers and employers, at least in theory. Neither is a 100% free ride, unlike all the freebies that the left is always promoting.
I would imagine you have that perception due to SS and Medicare but both are paid for by taxpayers and employers, at least in theory. Neither is a 100% free ride, unlike all the freebies that the left is always promoting.

Our entire economic system is based upon Socialism. Tell me, where in Capitalism do we find the chapter where one bails out failing business?
You are proof that all white liberals deserve death by minority gang rape.
"Don't Stop Hitting Me, Trayvon Honey. I Won't Shoot You."

That actually is the feralphiles' secret desire, to be raped by some sweaty thug. They are unmasculine masochistic misfits seeking to legislatively drag the rest of us deep down into their suicidal sissypit.
After trying to make the issue the person commenting doesn't work, you resort to making positions up for that person to argue.
I form my point of view from how I view the world after getting a heavy dose of action and consequence.

My conclusion from action and consequence...
If that means that I'm incorrect after a period of time than I'm incorrect.

If your point of view is not corrected by action and consequence...
You're not growing.
It's not about me. This always happens when people can not address the actual issue, they have to try and make it about the person commenting.
Academia Mutates Words Into Uselessness

Ad Hominem is a rational step in judging. Sheltered logicians who preach that it is a fallacy are just trying to cover up their own personality disorders.

Besides, a "fallacy" is not something false; it is evidence to go on until other evidence overrides it. In other words, it is a clue.
I form my point of view from how I view the world after getting a heavy dose of action and consequence.

My conclusion from action and consequence...
If that means that I'm incorrect after a period of time than I'm incorrect.

If your point of view is not corrected by action and consequence...
You're not growing.

Then explain where I am wrong.
Academia Mutates Words Into Uselessness

Ad Hominem is a rational step in judging. Sheltered logicians who preach that it is a fallacy are just trying to cover up their own personality disorders.

Besides, a "fallacy" is not something false; it is evidence to go on until other evidence overrides it. In other words, it is a clue.

You can use whatever excuses you want for not being able to explain why anything I said was wrong.
Why is Portland trying to hire back police?

Is this admission their DEFUND THE POLICE plan was UTTERLY RETARDED?
Academia Mutates Words Into Uselessness

Ad Hominem is a rational step in judging. Sheltered logicians who preach that it is a fallacy are just trying to cover up their own personality disorders.

Besides, a "fallacy" is not something false; it is evidence to go on until other evidence overrides it. In other words, it is a clue.
An ad hominem is an insult whereby I mock you with a statement that has nothing to do with the discussion.
I presume you live in a circumstance where you do not have to be concerned about being attacked.
Then explain where I am wrong.
I am close to Ignoring you because you have zero experience living the misery that people living in slums have to endure.
The cops know who is an inveterate thug and deal with them appropriately.

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