Reviewing some of Mussolini's speeches

That's just ignorant. The left ALWAYS makes it sound like voting for Republicans will send us back into the dark ages, stave our babies, throw granny out on the street, etc. etc. I can't remember a time when they didn't. You inability or unwillingness to face reality isn't a shortcoming on my part.

Some facts are a true bitch to face.........


Now junior, figure out who controlled spending and when. But Carter's years beat Reagan's? Bullshit graphs anyway.
I guess the Hitler comparisons have gotten so old stale the left had to go to a second string dictator. Hope and change and yes we can is really not any different than make America great again just saying.
Nothing new indeed. When politicians harness your anger and fear, all manner of screwed up behavior can come of it.
Exactly. It's how obama got elected twice and now the libs are trying it with Shrillary.
I'm not sure how your brain processes what the politicians and pundits are saying, or you might have sources for that I've not read...

It's the party that's out of power in the white house that invariably cultivates discontent
That's just ignorant. The left ALWAYS makes it sound like voting for Republicans will send us back into the dark ages, stave our babies, throw granny out on the street, etc. etc. I can't remember a time when they didn't. You inability or unwillingness to face reality isn't a shortcoming on my part.
I've just not heard them say that is all. I've heard them say stuff, then GOP politicians and pundits SAY that's what they meant.

But we all have our opinions, and reality can be an experience interpreted differently for everyone. It's not a shortcoming, but one must differentiate between objective reality, what people say, and what we think they meant
I guess the Hitler comparisons have gotten so old stale the left had to go to a second string dictator.

Actually the "comparison" was done on purpose.......Hitler was considerably smarter than Trump so, YES, I had to look up a "second-string dictator."
Now junior, figure out who controlled spending and when. But Carter's years beat Reagan's? Bullshit graphs anyway.

Two issues, sophomore:

When you state "who controlled spending", wouldn't you have to now consider the do-nothing republican congress? ....and

YES, Carter's administration DID beat Reagan's FIRST term.....

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