Reviews: Overview of USMessageBoard customer experience

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Overview of USMessageBoard customer experience

USMessageBoard is facing several issues regarding the low quality of user-generated content, spam, and inappropriate comments. Many users have reported that the community members are engaging in personal attacks and hate speech, which is highly unprofessional and unacceptable. Moreover, spam bots have infiltrated the forum, making it difficult for genuine users to engage in valuable discussions. The lack of moderation on USMessageBoard is also a cause for concern as it affects the quality of user experience. These negative aspects have led to a decline in the website's traffic. Unfortunately, USMessageBoard's management seems to be indifferent to these issues, which is disappointing to users looking for a reliable platform to discuss current events and social issues.

Reviews: Overview of USMessageBoard customer experience: I fell over laughing. A few in particular were/are priceless.

K. Smith
Verified customer
USMessageBoard (USMB) Review: A Forum Full of Clowns and Terrible Moderation

I gotta say, I've been on a ton of forums in my day, but USMessageBoard (USMB) really takes the cake for being the absolute worst. The people on there are, for lack of a better word, straight-up clowns. They even use clown avatars! Talk about trying way too hard to be funny.

But it's not just their avatars that make them clowns - it's their behavior. They're constantly stalking people, sending completely vile private messages, and even reporting innocent users to the mods. And let me tell you, the mods are just as bad. They jump into threads like they're some kind of superhero, but then they dish out warnings left and right, even for the most minor infractions. And if you happen to disagree with them? Boy oh boy, you better watch out.

But the real kicker on USMB? There's this one member who is constantly starting threads about children and posting vulgar, inappropriate stuff about adolescents. I mean, seriously? And somehow the admin and mods just let it slide. It's beyond sickening.

So yeah, if you're into childish games, fascist moderation, and an admin who doesn't seem to have a clue, by all means, give USMB a try. But if you actually want to have real, intellectual discussions with people who aren't total clowns, I'd recommend finding a forum that's not a complete nightmare. USMB is just terrible. Full stop.

D. Wiza
Verified customer
Avoid USMessageBoard: Toxic Culture and Lack of Genuine Conversation

Seriously, if you're looking for a place to have a genuine conversation and exchange ideas with people who might have different opinions than you, steer clear of USMessageBoard ( I mean, unless you're into Hitler Youth and Ayn Rand, but let's hope that's not the case.

The moderation on this site is possibly the worst I've ever encountered. And don't even get me started on the so-called "debates". They're more like two people screaming their opinions at each other without listening to a word the other is saying. It's like an episode of Jerry Springer, except without the charm.

Honestly, I don't think the Admin even knows what a constructive conversation looks like. And if you happen to disagree with some of the more vocal members on the site, be prepared to be called a troll. Apparently, having a different perspective is tantamount to causing chaos in their little community of like-minded individuals.

But it's not just the lack of meaningful conversation that's the problem. The content that's shared on this site is often pretty disturbing. A lot of it is pro-gun, anti-gay, and generally paranoid about all things related to the government. And don't even get me started on the overt racism and Islamophobia that's often on display.

The worst part? The people in charge seem to be totally oblivious to how toxic the culture is. In fact, they often engage in the same behavior as some of the worst members on the site. It's like the blind leading the blind.

Honestly, I could go on and on about how terrible USMessageBoard is. But I think you get the point. If you value genuine conversation and a community that respects differences of opinion, this site is not for you. But if you're into screaming into the void and wallowing in your own ignorance, have at it.


Messageboard is fine, I appreciate they don't censor and randomly ban people based on whether they agree with your posts or not.

This will lead to an influx of undesirables, who can take refuge here, but the ignore function saves the day, and is truly the best feature on the entire forum, unless you like wading through pages of seriously fucked up content by seriously fucked up posters.
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who is Meister?

"Definitely alt right haven for any storm fronters. Most racist board I've ever seen and the death and sexual messages from other posters are tolerated. Very little moderation and when there is it's usually Meister one of the worst"

Overview of USMessageBoard customer experience

USMessageBoard is facing several issues regarding the low quality of user-generated content, spam, and inappropriate comments. Many users have reported that the community members are engaging in personal attacks and hate speech, which is highly unprofessional and unacceptable. Moreover, spam bots have infiltrated the forum,
It's a chat site for mainly elderly people , most of whom are nice ordinary people with no specialised experience or qualifications .
Do not try and paint a chat site into something it can never be .
imho .
On their website they claim "where your voices count", which is nothing but a LIE!

The people that manage the site are Communists! They cut out your comments and posts if they don't fit THEIR narrative and promote the demented Democrats propaganda! YOUR voice DOES NOT MATTER TO THEM!

Yup…..That’s the USMB I know and love
Its those demented Democrats they allow to "rule the roost" on there, attacking everybody that comes on board for NO REASON!

I recently got on there and my first three CLEAN posts were met with HATE, VILE COMMENTS, and NASTY comebacks from the Democrats on that site! And when I defeneded myself, I was the one that got called a "troll" and threatened by the mods!

It's a safe haven for the deranged Democrats and a nasty place to be for anybody else!
Free speech is good. Canadians especially appreciate this as we live in a Police State. I've only blocked a couple of people because they were Agent Provocateurs and even then I unblocked them within a short period of time.

Review of USMessageBoard: A Haven for White Nationalists and Climate Change Deniers

OH! The horror! A place where people can actually not be guilty they are white! Where they can both be white AND pro-American! DISGUSTING! And where they can even disagree with the prevailing opinions and theories on climate change! You can actually have two sides to a discussion, on a discussion board!

ARREST THOSE PEOPLE! :shok: :smoke:
Overview of USMessageBoard customer experience

USMessageBoard is facing several issues regarding the low quality of user-generated content, spam, and inappropriate comments. Many users have reported that the community members are engaging in personal attacks and hate speech, which is highly unprofessional and unacceptable. Moreover, spam bots have infiltrated the forum, making it difficult for genuine users to engage in valuable discussions. The lack of moderation on USMessageBoard is also a cause for concern as it affects the quality of user experience. These negative aspects have led to a decline in the website's traffic. Unfortunately, USMessageBoard's management seems to be indifferent to these issues, which is disappointing to users looking for a reliable platform to discuss current events and social issues.

Reviews: Overview of USMessageBoard customer experience: I fell over laughing. A few in particular were/are priceless.

K. Smith
Verified customer
USMessageBoard (USMB) Review: A Forum Full of Clowns and Terrible Moderation

I gotta say, I've been on a ton of forums in my day, but USMessageBoard (USMB) really takes the cake for being the absolute worst. The people on there are, for lack of a better word, straight-up clowns. They even use clown avatars! Talk about trying way too hard to be funny.

But it's not just their avatars that make them clowns - it's their behavior. They're constantly stalking people, sending completely vile private messages, and even reporting innocent users to the mods. And let me tell you, the mods are just as bad. They jump into threads like they're some kind of superhero, but then they dish out warnings left and right, even for the most minor infractions. And if you happen to disagree with them? Boy oh boy, you better watch out.

But the real kicker on USMB? There's this one member who is constantly starting threads about children and posting vulgar, inappropriate stuff about adolescents. I mean, seriously? And somehow the admin and mods just let it slide. It's beyond sickening.

So yeah, if you're into childish games, fascist moderation, and an admin who doesn't seem to have a clue, by all means, give USMB a try. But if you actually want to have real, intellectual discussions with people who aren't total clowns, I'd recommend finding a forum that's not a complete nightmare. USMB is just terrible. Full stop.

D. Wiza
Verified customer
Avoid USMessageBoard: Toxic Culture and Lack of Genuine Conversation

Seriously, if you're looking for a place to have a genuine conversation and exchange ideas with people who might have different opinions than you, steer clear of USMessageBoard ( I mean, unless you're into Hitler Youth and Ayn Rand, but let's hope that's not the case.

The moderation on this site is possibly the worst I've ever encountered. And don't even get me started on the so-called "debates". They're more like two people screaming their opinions at each other without listening to a word the other is saying. It's like an episode of Jerry Springer, except without the charm.

Honestly, I don't think the Admin even knows what a constructive conversation looks like. And if you happen to disagree with some of the more vocal members on the site, be prepared to be called a troll. Apparently, having a different perspective is tantamount to causing chaos in their little community of like-minded individuals.

But it's not just the lack of meaningful conversation that's the problem. The content that's shared on this site is often pretty disturbing. A lot of it is pro-gun, anti-gay, and generally paranoid about all things related to the government. And don't even get me started on the overt racism and Islamophobia that's often on display.

The worst part? The people in charge seem to be totally oblivious to how toxic the culture is. In fact, they often engage in the same behavior as some of the worst members on the site. It's like the blind leading the blind.

Honestly, I could go on and on about how terrible USMessageBoard is. But I think you get the point. If you value genuine conversation and a community that respects differences of opinion, this site is not for you. But if you're into screaming into the void and wallowing in your own ignorance, have at it.


you have to be a total loser to write a review on this.....lololol

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