
They are 'honour killed' (murdered), so it's a serious business.
By stoning right? That's what the Abrahamic God commands.
No, it is often not by stoning, they use whatever they can get their hands on, including their fists and feet. Do you live under a rock?
Nice pun. But seriously, it should be done by stoning as God commanded.
How very pedantic of you. The murderers use what they have available, they strangle, they set fire to, they hang and they beat them to death. But you go tell the murderers there doing it wrong, I dare ya. Lol.
No thanks. I live in a country that passed laws to prevent religious nutjobs from doing things like that centuries ago. I'm happy right here.
They do it in the west, you ignoramus.
Religion can always be used to make a buck. People have been doing so for thousands and thousands upon thousands of years.

True, though I suspect in the ME there is a lot more at stake for these women than just their faith... I'm not even sure I want to know what happens to women who are not believed to be virgins.
The Abrahamic God is not kind to unchaste women

No one who has ever fornicated gets to go to heaven. The bible says so.

Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.

I don't know how much more clear it could get.

Fornicator is an unmarried person who engages in sexual intercourse

How many Americans are going to heaven?
Turkish women in Europe are pretty wild. They go crazy for non-Turkish (non-Muslim) men, and they don't tell their families.
A perfect gift for the right wing Christian's who failed the abstinence pledge!

Apparently, they sell these everywhere, to everyone!

View attachment 57026
How many of them are murdered for failing the abstinence pledge?

Hey, this could be a new slogan for Evangelical's.

We won't stone you to death, we'll just shame you and make you feel like an old shoe or a chewed up piece of gum!

I like it.
A perfect gift for the right wing Christian's who failed the abstinence pledge!

Apparently, they sell these everywhere, to everyone!

View attachment 57026
How many of them are murdered for failing the abstinence pledge?

Hey, that could be a new slogan for Evangelical's.

We won't stone you to death, we'll just shame you and make you feel like an old shoe or a chewed up piece of gum!

I like it.
You would.
A perfect gift for the right wing Christian's who failed the abstinence pledge!

Apparently, they sell these everywhere, to everyone!

View attachment 57026
How many of them are murdered for failing the abstinence pledge?

Hey, that could be a new slogan for Evangelical's.

We won't stone you to death, we'll just shame you and make you feel like an old shoe or a chewed up piece of gum!

I like it.
You would.

I think you started this thread, hinting at a Christmas gift.
They are 'honour killed' (murdered), so it's a serious business.
By stoning right? That's what the Abrahamic God commands.
No, it is often not by stoning, they use whatever they can get their hands on, including their fists and feet. Do you live under a rock?
Nice pun. But seriously, it should be done by stoning as God commanded.
How very pedantic of you. The murderers use what they have available, they strangle, they set fire to, they hang and they beat them to death. But you go tell the murderers there doing it wrong, I dare ya. Lol.
No thanks. I live in a country that passed laws to prevent religious nutjobs from doing things like that centuries ago. I'm happy right here.
Not a rock in sight:
The Price of Honor, a new documentary about the horror of honor killing, opens with a highly disturbing audio recording of a 911 call: Texas teenager Sarah Said screaming that her father is shooting her and her elder sister Amina. Tragically, both girls were murdered that day, on January 1, 2008. Meanwhile, their killer, Yaser Said -- who shot Amina twice and Sarah nine times under the pretense of "defending the family honor" -- escaped the police and remains on the FBI Most Wanted List to this day. ....
The Horror of Honor Killing: In America and Around the World
By stoning right? That's what the Abrahamic God commands.
No, it is often not by stoning, they use whatever they can get their hands on, including their fists and feet. Do you live under a rock?
Nice pun. But seriously, it should be done by stoning as God commanded.
How very pedantic of you. The murderers use what they have available, they strangle, they set fire to, they hang and they beat them to death. But you go tell the murderers there doing it wrong, I dare ya. Lol.
No thanks. I live in a country that passed laws to prevent religious nutjobs from doing things like that centuries ago. I'm happy right here.
Not a rock in sight:
The Price of Honor, a new documentary about the horror of honor killing, opens with a highly disturbing audio recording of a 911 call: Texas teenager Sarah Said screaming that her father is shooting her and her elder sister Amina. Tragically, both girls were murdered that day, on January 1, 2008. Meanwhile, their killer, Yaser Said -- who shot Amina twice and Sarah nine times under the pretense of "defending the family honor" -- escaped the police and remains on the FBI Most Wanted List to this day. ....
The Horror of Honor Killing: In America and Around the World
You're right. It's absolutely terrible. Religious insanity has to be reigned in by law, as it has been in the western world.
Do they do the virginity test just prior to hacking their clits off?
Probably after.
The number of women and girls dealing with the consequences of female genital mutilation in the US is more than three times greater than previously thought, the Guardian can reveal.

Figures showing more than 500,000 women in the US are estimated to be at risk of or have been subjected to the practice have revealed the extent of FGM cases in the country.

Campaigners are now calling for immediate action to deal with the “state of emergency” for all girls at risk of FGM. The practice can cause recurrent infections, death during childbirth and elimination of sexual pleasure.
FGM affects three times more people in the US than previously thought
A perfect gift for the right wing Christian's who failed the abstinence pledge!

Apparently, they sell these everywhere, to everyone!

View attachment 57026
How many of them are murdered for failing the abstinence pledge?

Hey, that could be a new slogan for Evangelical's.

We won't stone you to death, we'll just shame you and make you feel like an old shoe or a chewed up piece of gum!

I like it.
You would.

I think you started this thread, hinting at a Christmas gift.
Nice to see a female libtard taking this topic so seriously. You are an embarrassment to yourself and your kind.
No, it is often not by stoning, they use whatever they can get their hands on, including their fists and feet. Do you live under a rock?
Nice pun. But seriously, it should be done by stoning as God commanded.
How very pedantic of you. The murderers use what they have available, they strangle, they set fire to, they hang and they beat them to death. But you go tell the murderers there doing it wrong, I dare ya. Lol.
No thanks. I live in a country that passed laws to prevent religious nutjobs from doing things like that centuries ago. I'm happy right here.
Not a rock in sight:
The Price of Honor, a new documentary about the horror of honor killing, opens with a highly disturbing audio recording of a 911 call: Texas teenager Sarah Said screaming that her father is shooting her and her elder sister Amina. Tragically, both girls were murdered that day, on January 1, 2008. Meanwhile, their killer, Yaser Said -- who shot Amina twice and Sarah nine times under the pretense of "defending the family honor" -- escaped the police and remains on the FBI Most Wanted List to this day. ....
The Horror of Honor Killing: In America and Around the World
You're right. It's absolutely terrible. Religious insanity has to be reigned in by law, as it has been in the western world.
Honor killing isn't religious. It's cultural. How could you say you respect other cultures and consider yourself multicultural if you oppose honor killings? Sounds more like western imperialism.
A perfect gift for the right wing Christian's who failed the abstinence pledge!

Apparently, they sell these everywhere, to everyone!

View attachment 57026
How many of them are murdered for failing the abstinence pledge?

Hey, that could be a new slogan for Evangelical's.

We won't stone you to death, we'll just shame you and make you feel like an old shoe or a chewed up piece of gum!

I like it.
You would.

I think you started this thread, hinting at a Christmas gift.
Nice to see a female libtard taking this topic so seriously. You are an embarrassment to yourself and your kind.

I don't take anything you post seriously, nitwit.
How many of them are murdered for failing the abstinence pledge?

Hey, that could be a new slogan for Evangelical's.

We won't stone you to death, we'll just shame you and make you feel like an old shoe or a chewed up piece of gum!

I like it.
You would.

I think you started this thread, hinting at a Christmas gift.
Nice to see a female libtard taking this topic so seriously. You are an embarrassment to yourself and your kind.

I don't take anything you post seriously, nitwit.
I know. You're a very stupid woman.

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