Revoke the NFL's Antitrust Exemption


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Football is just silly useless entertainment. It makes no sense to exempt them from any laws. If the league fails, who cares.?

Revoke the NFL's Antitrust Exemption

sep 25 2017 Ever wonder why the price of NFL football game individual and season tickets are so prohibitively expensive, as well as the high price of official NFL gear sold on the internet or in sporting goods stores? Ever wonder why the NFL has gotten away with not disclosing the dangers inherent in the sport, and has colluded among team owners to to hide this from the players and the public — despite their having access to top notch sports physicians on their staff? I can go on and on.

Indeed, were the NFL not subject to an antitrust exemption granted to it by our compromised Congress, thanks to the sport’s lobbyists having spread “beaucoup” money all over Capitol Hill, the club of uber rich owners who make their own rules with impunity could be charged under RICO, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, for price fixing, market division and other illegal anti-competitive acts. As a former Justice Department Antitrust Division prosecutor who was on the trial team that broke up AT&T during the Reagan administration for price fixing and market division, take it from me!
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How did this ever get started anyway ? Answer - congressmen took bribes like they do on every issue.
Football is just silly useless entertainment. It makes no sense to exempt them from any laws. If the league fails, who cares.?

Revoke the NFL's Antitrust Exemption

sep 25 2017 Ever wonder why the price of NFL football game individual and season tickets are so prohibitively expensive, as well as the high price of official NFL gear sold on the internet or in sporting goods stores? Ever wonder why the NFL has gotten away with not disclosing the dangers inherent in the sport, and has colluded among team owners to to hide this from the players and the public — despite their having access to top notch sports physicians on their staff? I can go on and on.

Indeed, were the NFL not subject to an antitrust exemption granted to it by our compromised Congress, thanks to the sport’s lobbyists having spread “beaucoup” money all over Capitol Hill, the club of uber rich owners who make their own rules with impunity could be charged under RICO, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, for price fixing, market division and other illegal anti-competitive acts. As a former Justice Department Antitrust Division prosecutor who was on the trial team that broke up AT&T during the Reagan administration for price fixing and market division, take it from me!

With this, I agree 100%! No sports league should have an exemption. We need insure that congress pulls it, and make it part of the 2018 midterms.
Football is just silly useless entertainment. It makes no sense to exempt them from any laws. If the league fails, who cares.?

Revoke the NFL's Antitrust Exemption

sep 25 2017 Ever wonder why the price of NFL football game individual and season tickets are so prohibitively expensive, as well as the high price of official NFL gear sold on the internet or in sporting goods stores? Ever wonder why the NFL has gotten away with not disclosing the dangers inherent in the sport, and has colluded among team owners to to hide this from the players and the public — despite their having access to top notch sports physicians on their staff? I can go on and on.

Indeed, were the NFL not subject to an antitrust exemption granted to it by our compromised Congress, thanks to the sport’s lobbyists having spread “beaucoup” money all over Capitol Hill, the club of uber rich owners who make their own rules with impunity could be charged under RICO, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, for price fixing, market division and other illegal anti-competitive acts. As a former Justice Department Antitrust Division prosecutor who was on the trial team that broke up AT&T during the Reagan administration for price fixing and market division, take it from me!

The game has got so corrupt now i would be the first one to celebrate its demise. their anti trust exemption for sure needs to be revoked,it would stop all these evil greedy asshole owners from moving their teams constantly all the time.they need to have the same kind of anti trust laws baseball has.the A'S trued to move to san jose but a judge ruled against them because of their laws thay have,you dont see baseball teams moving.they used to yeah but that stopped decades ago.:thup: if the NFL had the same kind of anti trust laws baseball has,no way in hell would the chargers have left SD and the raiders talking of going to fucking vegas.:mad:
Let 's FIRST get to revoking HC providers anti-trust exemptions....LOL
As long as the government is not participating in the market, I agree.

The government IS participating in the market: at least by allowing colleges and state universities to be farm teams for the NFL. That should totally stop, at once. NO football at colleges! They just hire criminals who rape the coeds; they pay them illegally with incredible corruption --- same with basketball. Colleges should never have filled this role and it should stop cold. No more sports, no more Title IX. This is all crazy.
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The government IS participating in the market: at least by allowing colleges and state universities to be farm teams for the NFL. That should totally stop, at once. NO football at colleges! They just hire criminals who rape the coeds; they pay them illegally with incredible corruption --- same with basketball. Colleges should never have filled this role and it should stop cold. No more sports, no more Title IX. This is all crazy.

Colleges should not teach any entertainment and along with sports, that includes literature and music and all of the arts. STEM only.
Cory stewart is now calling to revoke the NFL anti trust exemption.

Corey Stewart calls for ending NFL’s anti-trust exemption

Virginia Senatorial candidate Corey Stewart wants to strip the National Football League of its lucrative anti-trust exemption over its response to players taking a knee during the National Anthem.

Mr. Stewart, chairman of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors, plans to formally make the demand at a press conference Wednesday outside the NFL Players Association in Washington D.C.

Granted by Congress, the limited anti-trust exemption gives the NFL broad power to negotiate massive television deals as a single entity on behalf of all the teams.
Mr. Stewart is hoping to unseat Sen. Tim Kaine, a Democrat, in the midterm elections, but first must wrap up the GOP nomination.

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