Revolt of the Spooks


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Very interesting article. I think Obama is going to find as politicians always do, that the cover up is a bigger problem than what they are trying to hide. It's a bit long but well worth the read.

Intelligence officials angered by Obama administration cover up of intelligence on Iranian, al Qaeda surge in Egypt and Libya

BY: Bill Gertz
October 5, 2012 5:00 am

Weeks before the presidential election, President Barack Obama’s administration faces mounting opposition from within the ranks of U.S. intelligence agencies over what career officers say is a “cover up” of intelligence information about terrorism in North Africa.

Intelligence held back from senior officials and the public includes numerous classified reports revealing clear Iranian support for jihadists throughout the tumultuous North Africa and Middle East region, as well as notably widespread al Qaeda penetration into Egypt and Libya in the months before the deadly Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

The president said during his nomination acceptance speech that “al Qaeda is on the path to defeat,” an assertion contradicted by the group’s rise in the region.

The administration, in particular, wants to keep hidden solid intelligence showing that the terrorist group behind the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans is now flourishing under the Muslim Brotherhood regime of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi.

Egypt was among the locations of Obama’s 2009 so-called “apology” tour, when the president criticized past U.S. policies based on what he said was “fear and anger” that prompted actions “contrary to our ideals.” He also promised “a new beginning” for the U.S. and the world’s Muslims and a radical shift in U.S. policy.

The rise of Islamists in the region instead has produced a surge in anti-American protests and riots, culminating in the terrorist attack on the Benghazi consulate.

Recent intelligence reports show that Egypt’s Al-Azhar University in Cairo is emerging as a covert base for al Qaeda organizational and training activities for a jihadi network consisting of many nationalities.

The Morsi government has turned a blind eye to both the increased jihadist activity and Iran’s support for it in the region, particularly in Libya and Syria.
OH, No you didn't Bitch.

Why yes..yes I did. Obama and his merry band have been trying to cover up their mistakes in Libya since day one. It's not going to stay buried. You better get used to seeing these articles. Those people didn't have to die.
The last thing Obama needs is for the spooks to turn on him!

I'd guess some of the agents weren't happy when The Officer of the Director of National Intelligence tried to fall of the sword for Obama the last week. They know they did their jobs and that Obama and Hillary failed to do theirs.
This would be the same CIA that thought Bin Laden was a fine fellow when he was killing Russians in Afghanistan...

And then couldn't find him for 9 years after 9/11.

Well gee. Perhaps you should have given them the benefit of your precognition. In fact, you should volunteer your services now so that you can tell us who's going to commit a terrorist attack on the U.S. in thirty years.
OH, No you didn't Bitch.

Why yes..yes I did. Obama and his merry band have been trying to cover up their mistakes in Libya since day one. It's not going to stay buried. You better get used to seeing these articles. Those people didn't have to die.


Representative Mike Rogers , a Michigan Republican and chairman of the House intelligence committee, told CNN there was no sign of intelligence “chatter” leading up to the Benghazi consulate attack that would have warned U.S. officials to take extra precautions.

U.S. Diplomatic Security Tightened With Few Good Options - Bloomberg
Mike Rogers is either stupid or lying, he needs to step the fuck down

Well there may not have been "chatter", but that didn't need chatter to tell them there was something wrong. They had requests from the consulate asking for increased security and it was denied. If Rogers knew that the ambassador had communicated that they needed better security and did nothing then he also needs to go over this.
The problem with this board is people can post anything from anywhere. The far-righties post these conspiracy theory and birther stories like crazy -- one thread after another is just worthless far-right garbage.

Don't you see how much space is wasted on this World Net Daily shit?

We should have some way of flagging these garbage threads and getting them move to a "Conspiracy Theory" or hyper-partisan flak forum
The problem with this board is people can post anything from anywhere. The far-righties post these conspiracy theory and birther stories like crazy -- one thread after another is just worthless far-right garbage.

Don't you see how much space is wasted on this World Net Daily shit?

We should have some way of flagging these garbage threads and getting them move to a "Conspiracy Theory" or hyper-partisan flak forum

The American people wouldn't have to guess and speculate about what happened in Libya if the Obama administration would be honest and tell the people the truth. It's pretty sad when the covert agents are having to leak information to cover their own asses.
The last thing Obama needs is for the spooks to turn on him!

I came into this thread thinking that maybe Matthew or Ariux or ShootSpeeders had started it... but thankfully it wasn't a case of that.

SniperFire came in thinking the same thing...

Hiding in plain sight, SniperFire.
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Mike Rogers is either stupid or lying, he needs to step the fuck down

Damn right Frank. Who is this Rogers guy who has access to real intel get off contradicting FOX NEWS!!! I mean FOX NEWS says an unnamed source (he said, she said, some people say) said the Obama administration knew about the attacks!!!

I guess Rogers never got the memo...

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox"
David Frum - former economic speechwriter for George W. Bush
When has the CIA and sitting POTUS ever really gotten along?

Basically not ever.

Read your history of the relationships between that clandestine cabal and every POTUS starting with Truman, and you see the same story.

Presidents and the CIA never seem to get along.

Why is that?
When has the CIA and sitting POTUS ever really gotten along?

Basically not ever.

Read your history of the relationships between that clandestine cabal and every POTUS starting with Truman, and you see the same story.

Presidents and the CIA never seem to get along.

Why is that?


"I'll shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds"
President John F. Kennedy

The Bay of Pigs fiasco...

We now know—from the CIA's internal history of the Bay of Pigs, which was declassified in 2005—that agency officials realized their motley crew of invaders had no chance of victory unless they were reinforced by the U.S. military. But Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell, the top CIA officials, never disclosed this to J.F.K. They clearly thought the young President would cave in the heat of battle, that he would be forced to send in the Marines and Air Force to rescue the beleaguered exiles brigade after it was pinned down on the beaches by Castro's forces. But Kennedy—who was concerned about aggravating the U.S. image in Latin America as a Yanqui bully and also feared a Soviet counter move against West Berlin—had warned agency officials that he would not fully intervene. As the invasion quickly bogged down at the swampy landing site, J.F.K. stunned Dulles and Bissell by standing his ground and refusing to escalate the assault.

While he famously took responsibility for the Bay of Pigs debacle in public, privately he lashed out at the Joint Chiefs and especially at the CIA, threatening to "shatter [the agency] into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." J.F.K. never followed through on this threat, but he did eventually fire Dulles, despite his stature as a legendary spymaster, as well as Bissell.

Weeks after the Cuba fiasco, J.F.K. was still steaming, recalled his friend Assistant Navy Secretary Paul (Red) Fay years later in his memoir, The Pleasure of His Company. "Nobody is going to force me to do anything I don't think is in the best interest of the country," the President told his friend, over a game of checkers at the Kennedy-family compound in Hyannis Port, Mass. "We're not going to plunge into an irresponsible action just because a fanatical fringe in this country puts so-called national pride above national reason. Do you think I'm going to carry on my conscience the responsibility for the wanton maiming and killing of children like our children we saw [playing] here this evening? Do you think I'm going to cause a nuclear exchange—for what? Because I was forced into doing something that I didn't think was proper and right? Well, if you or anybody else thinks I am, he's crazy."

This would become the major theme of the Kennedy presidency—J.F.K.'s strenuous efforts to keep the country at peace in the face of equally ardent pressures from Washington's warrior caste to go to war.

Warrior For Peace - The Lessons of J.F.K. - TIME
The problem with this board is people can post anything from anywhere. The far-righties post these conspiracy theory and birther stories like crazy -- one thread after another is just worthless far-right garbage.

Don't you see how much space is wasted on this World Net Daily shit?

We should have some way of flagging these garbage threads and getting them move to a "Conspiracy Theory" or hyper-partisan flak forum

Fuck you, douche-nozzle! You don't have to respond to a post if you don't want to, but trying to censor folks you disagree with is un-American.

I can imagine your howls of outrage if a Conservative made that same suggestion about all stories from HuffPo and MediaMatters.

Deal with it, ya nasty pussy...
This would be the same CIA that thought Bin Laden was a fine fellow when he was killing Russians in Afghanistan...

And then couldn't find him for 9 years after 9/11.

Well gee. Perhaps you should have given them the benefit of your precognition. In fact, you should volunteer your services now so that you can tell us who's going to commit a terrorist attack on the U.S. in thirty years.

It really doesn't take precongnition to realize that a guy who hates westerners, Christians and modernization might well turn on you when he's done killing the people you want him to kill.

We knew what Bin Laden was when we picked him up. But those nasty commies, they might have taught women how to read or something in Afghanistan, and we couldn't have that!

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