Rewriting the Dictionary - Anchor Baby now "offensive"

That's not what it implies.

Oh, wait, I're a liberal, so you get to define all words.

Kerry on.

Sure, its just a coincidence the term is a favorite of folks who want to deny citizenship to children of illegals born on our soil.

In fact - lets just go ahead and say all derogatory terms are just figments of the lefts' imagination. All Republicans are just super-nice people that want to give good janitorial work to young poor kids instead of bothering them with all those silly word papers in class.

Oh - wait, I forget, you're a rightie, you get to decide whether or not someone is offended.
Can you show me in the Constitution where it says there is a right to not be offended?



Almost nothing offends me, and I'm pretty sure that's well within my rights skippy. :cuckoo:
Sure, its just a coincidence the term is a favorite of folks who want to deny citizenship to children of illegals born on our soil.

In fact - lets just go ahead and say all derogatory terms are just figments of the lefts' imagination. All Republicans are just super-nice people that want to give good janitorial work to young poor kids instead of bothering them with all those silly word papers in class.

Oh - wait, I forget, you're a rightie, you get to decide whether or not someone is offended.
Can you show me in the Constitution where it says there is a right to not be offended?



Almost nothing offends me, and I'm pretty sure that's well within my rights skippy. :cuckoo:

Yeah. Was I talking to you? Hint: No.
It's always been offensive. Just like the word bastard.

Where is your outrage over bastard? Or for that matter ******, ****, or WOP?

Oh right, your outrage is selective.


I wasn't aware we had to go thru a litany of what we find offensive before posting on a topic so infrequently discussed. BUT, since you asked, ( and did not give her a chance to answer) I find all of that offensive except WOP, becasue its stupid, Italians ( and Sicilians ) had papers;)
All those words are defined as offensive terms in the dictionary. Where is your outrage of that fact?

Are you an anchor baby?

see post #63.
The issue has nothing to do with the word being ‘offensive,’ it’s inaccurate; indeed, there is no such thing as an ‘anchor baby,’ as all persons born in the US are citizens, their parents’ status and motive irrelevant.
Well that is another favorite tactic of the left. If they can't discredit it, marginalize it, change it, exploit it, or demonize it, they just say it doesn't exist. :)
Well that is another favorite tactic of the left. If they can't discredit it, marginalize it, change it, exploit it, or demonize it, they just say it doesn't exist. :)

13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.;)
Anchor baby = a child that is born in the USA whose parent/s came to the country ILLEGALLY and now want to use the baby as a stepping stone to ANCHOR their stay in the USA.

Illegal = A person who breaks the law/s aka sovereign law. Those who enter ANY country without permission is an illegal for committing an illegal act.

If any of you find that NOT PC, well too bad. If any of you find it offensive, that is also too bad.

Technically there is no such thing as an 'anchor baby' as I already explained.

As to the term 'illegal': that may be correct or it may not be correct. They are only 'illegal' if they entered the country without inspection or authorization. Entering the country without inspection or authorization is a misdemeanor. If they enter the country legally (WITH inspection or authorization) and overstay their visa, that is not a criminal act. It can, however, have consequences if and when they do go home and try to get back in. It could trigger their being barred from the US for up to 10 years.

Yours truly,
The Hillbilly
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Your ribbons are really pretty in the sig line Sunshine, but you need to shorten them if you can. Every time you post it stretches the page. At least it does for me.

As for there being no such thing as an 'anchor baby' I can assure you there is. The reason women intentionally enter the country illegally and try to get to an American E.R. to have their baby is to make that baby a U.S. citizen. And it absolutely does have the effect of 'anchoring' her to the U.S. because most Americans don't have the heart to send her home without the baby and they can't legally deport the baby. It has nothing to do with the law other than the citizenship aspect of it. It has everything to do with human nature and the reality of human feelings.
The U.S.-born children of illegal aliens not only represent additional U.S. population growth, but are eligible to sponsor extended family members into the country legally once they turn 21. In fact, an entire industry has built up around the U.S. system of birthright citizenship.

Dozens of firms exploit birthright citizenship by offering "birth tourism" packages online. Well-heeled pregnant tourists pay $5,000 and $15,000 (depending on the package) in exchange for a room, medical assistance, and a newborn U.S. citizen (some packages also include sightseeing). Once the child is born, they get a U.S. birth certificate and passport for the child, and their future link to this country is established and irreversible. The process is completely legal.

As one entrepreneur who caters to Chinese clients told The Washington Post: "We don't encourage moms to break the law -- just to take advantage of it."

Birth Tourism | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels
wtf? Fundie is out now too? :evil:


who's dictionary is that ? yours? or some partisans that decides that they need to hide or make uncertain the nature of a persons status by using misleading acronyms/words?

Illegal is exactly what they are, not 'undocumented', that's an obfuscatory phrase.

do you agree?

We aren't talking about illegal vs undocumented (there's a strawman for you):rolleyes:

Slur's aren't defined by "partisans" but by intent. I don't believe anchor-baby has ever been meant as anything but a slur.

It certainly isn't a slur when I use it anymore than thief, robber, criminal, illegal, money laundering, mooching, capitalizing, forger, or jaywalker are slurs. I have people in my family named Chavez, Lujan, Vallejos, and Melendrez and they are all dear to me. And I would not hesitate to use the term 'anchor baby' in front of any one of them. I believe most if not all with Spanish surnames would use the term themselves.

To designate a term like 'anchor baby' as a slur by the PC police is not because it was a slur but is to MAKE it a slur. We are seeing this more and more as the Left continues to try to clean up perceptions of those who break our laws and make them into something acceptable, sympathetic, and make it politically incorrect to accuse or prosecute. It also is to give ammunition with which to accuse those who want the law enforced and our borders secure.

It isn't designated as a slur by any PC police. What is and isn't a slur depends on the intent. if you aren't intending it as a slur you're unusual - just take a stroll through these boards and see how it's used.

Thief, robber, criminal, illegal, money laundering, mooching, capitalizing, forger, or jaywalker all describe crimiinal actions of some sort, or criminals (accept for capitilizing). An "Anchor Baby" is a child who has done nothing wrong to deserve that perjorative.

It's interesting that everytime a slur is defined as a slur - someone gets all up in arms demanding their right to use that term any way they want without it being considered a slur. Things don't always start out as slurs - but, when they get used often enough to attack a person or group, they become slurs. Words change over time with intent.

I don't give a crap about what is PC and what isn't - and this is just a dictionary for gosh sakes, not some new law. But behind every perjorative is a real human being and it's easy to forget that in this sort of mindless hatred.
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Rewriting the Dictionary - Anchor Baby now "offensive"

Control language; control thought. :eusa_shhh:

Dictionaries get rewritten every year for a reason.

What amuses me is that you are offended by the fact that 'anchor baby' is now offensive... by definition. :lol:

I am offended by the fact that 'redneck' and 'hillbilly' are not offensive.

They are to some people - depending on how it's used.

The dictionary starts it's definition as:

   /ˈrɛdˌnɛk/ Show Spelled [red-nek] Show IPA Informal: Often Disparaging .

"Often disparaging" - the same term they use for "Anchor Baby"...oh where is the outrage...

Folks like to protect their chosen slurs from being identified as such:D
wtf? Fundie is out now too? :evil:


who's dictionary is that ? yours? or some partisans that decides that they need to hide or make uncertain the nature of a persons status by using misleading acronyms/words?

Illegal is exactly what they are, not 'undocumented', that's an obfuscatory phrase.

do you agree?

We aren't talking about illegal vs undocumented (there's a strawman for you):rolleyes:

Slur's aren't defined by "partisans" but by intent. I don't believe anchor-baby has ever been meant as anything but a slur.

so your OPINION is a that it is a slur, so those that feel as you do , will now, wash it out of the lexicon. thank you comrade.

What hyperbole. It is not being washed out of the lexicon. It's merely being defined for the way it is currently being used which is as a slur. Definitions are based on how words are used and change with time. That has nothing to do with "my opinion" and no one is stopping anyone from using it...are they?

So you can take your "comrade" and stuff it in your big boy pants ;)

and as far as strawman, you're OPINION that it is a slur, and should be treated as such is a Trojan horse:lol:...nothing more. what would you propose btw, what would you call them?

We aren't talking about illegal vs undocumented (there's a strawman for you):rolleyes:

I just did, you are free to weigh in.

You should look up what a strawman is before commenting on it. As to what to call them, I just call them children.
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The significant point isn't whether the term is 'offensive' or not. The fact is, barring a Constitutional Amendment or pretty radical reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment by the US Supreme Court (with all the attendant and tricky details that would follow as a consequence) what people are talking about are US citizens. The fact that some people obviously use the term as a pejorative (thus insulting our fellow citizens) does not change that fact.


Well hey! People are talking about US citizens when they call Kentuckians rednecks and hillbillies, but it is still PC to do that!

This is not PC, it's "Dictionary". And the dictionary applies the "often disparaging" descriptor to redneck and "Often Disparaging and Offensive" to hillbilly.
The thing is: anchor baby is offensive. There's no getting around it. It is like calling a child a bastard.

What the people whining on this thread are really whining about is that the obvious has been stated.

Now, it would be totally awesome if Merriam-Webster defined Republican as an offensive term.

Because it is.

Merry Christmas! to all you haters.
We aren't talking about illegal vs undocumented (there's a strawman for you):rolleyes:

Slur's aren't defined by "partisans" but by intent. I don't believe anchor-baby has ever been meant as anything but a slur.

It certainly isn't a slur when I use it anymore than thief, robber, criminal, illegal, money laundering, mooching, capitalizing, forger, or jaywalker are slurs. I have people in my family named Chavez, Lujan, Vallejos, and Melendrez and they are all dear to me. And I would not hesitate to use the term 'anchor baby' in front of any one of them. I believe most if not all with Spanish surnames would use the term themselves.

To designate a term like 'anchor baby' as a slur by the PC police is not because it was a slur but is to MAKE it a slur. We are seeing this more and more as the Left continues to try to clean up perceptions of those who break our laws and make them into something acceptable, sympathetic, and make it politically incorrect to accuse or prosecute. It also is to give ammunition with which to accuse those who want the law enforced and our borders secure.

It isn't designated as a slur by any PC police. What is and isn't a slur depends on the intent. if you aren't intending it as a slur you're unusual - just take a stroll through these boards and see how it's used.

Thief, robber, criminal, illegal, money laundering, mooching, capitalizing, forger, or jaywalker all describe crimiinal actions of some sort, or criminals (accept for capitilizing). An "Anchor Baby" is a child who has done nothing wrong to deserve that perjorative.

It's interesting that everytime a slur is defined as a slur - someone gets all up in arms demanding their right to use that term any way they want without it being considered a slur. Things don't always start out as slurs - but, when they get used often enough to attack a person or group, they become slurs. Words change over time with intent.

I don't give a crap about what is PC and what isn't - and this is just a dictionary for gosh sakes, not some new law. But behind every perjorative is a real human being and it's easy to forget that in this sort of mindless hatred.

if you aren't intending it as a slur you're unusual - just take a stroll through these boards and see how it's used.

I did. maybe you should too.

run a search on anchor baby, sometimes it glitches as it won't connect the 2 words, so search, 'anchor'......

anchors aweigh;)
The thing is: anchor baby is offensive. There's no getting around it. It is like calling a child a bastard.

the thing is; you have not offered anything but your opinion. and while you are welcome to it, I am welcome to mine.

What the people whining on this thread are really whining about is that the obvious has been stated.

your sense of obvious may be convoluted.


Now, it would be totally awesome if Merriam-Webster defined Republican as an offensive term.

Because it is.

and then........

Merry Christmas! to all you haters.


Note to the left:

There is no right to not be offended. Stop pretending there is.

Note the the right: if you deliberately choose to use slurs, don't whine when people react. That's free speech in action.

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