RFK Jr : The Real Anthony Fauci from AIDS to Covid documentary

Thank you for posting Rust_Cohle! :thup:
So, I see that there is a claim that Fauci was allowed to do anything he wanted without question from the executive branch which is who he worked under for over forty years. I say that is a load.
Says the ass dropping shit in this thread about disabled people. You make me sick
Yes, I am disabled, so what, do you not know anything about the video or what was said? All you can do is attack me, do you want this thread shut down from your inability to be civil or discuss the topic?
Yes, I am disabled, so what, do you not know anything about the video or what was said? All you can do is attack me, do you want this thread shut down from your inability to be civil or discuss the topic?
Projection, like what you shitlibs do best in every thread. Derail it until it's moved or deleted
Fauxi is an incompetent little evil troll that has plagued our healthcare system for decades.
He bungled AIDS to benefit Big Pharma & cost many innocent lives with his Mengele-like experiments & false science based on eugenics.
Good riddance & Nuremburg can't come fast enough for the lying little POS. I hope he is someday hung by the neck until dead for all the destruction & heartache he has purposely caused over the years
Fauxi is an incompetent little evil troll that has plagued our healthcare system for decades.
He bungled AIDS to benefit Big Pharma & cost many innocent lives with his Mengele-like experiments & false science based on eugenics.
Good riddance & Nuremburg can't come fast enough for the lying little POS. I hope he is someday hung by the neck until dead for all the destruction & heartache he has purposely caused over the years


They don't come more evil than Fauci....his time will come, he'll pay.:mad-61:

I am supposed to care about RFK jr ... why?

You don't see liberals doing the cult of personality thing. It's standard behavior for conservatives.

Now, let me guess.

The book proudly tells all the standard lies about Fauci that have been debunked over and over.

Do I win a prize?
Ignore the troll OP.
Oh but I've already made so many people so mad they block me and even proved 1 person was lying about his military service LOL

As you can tell from my Sig this is fun for me
I am supposed to care about RFK jr ... why?

You don't see liberals doing the cult of personality thing. It's standard behavior for conservatives.

Now, let me guess.

The book proudly tells all the standard lies about Fauci that have been debunked over and over.

Do I win a prize?
they claim it is about Fauci yet the video goes off on other people claiming a conspiracy that certain people made the entire world shut down voluntarily over a hoax.
I am supposed to care about RFK jr ... why?

You don't see liberals doing the cult of personality thing. It's standard behavior for conservatives.

Now, let me guess.

The book proudly tells all the standard lies about Fauci that have been debunked over and over.

Do I win a prize?
Liberals don't do the cult of personality thing? Really?

Yeah you win a prize alright! For being the biggest retard in this thread beating Moonglow by a mile LOL
BKjr has a lot of money to blow on conspiracy theories and the injection of being a gimp.
Liberals don't do the cult of personality thing? Really?
Well yeah. Thank you for illustrating that so convincingly.

_Your_ side made Dr. Fauci the object of a cult of personality. You were all obsessed with him. Just because you hated him doesn't mean he wasn't a cult of personality for you. And no, making jokes about how obsessed you were doesn't indicate a cult of personality.

There weren't any liberals like that. No liberals were saying "I accept the science purely because that wonderful Dr. Fauci said so." LIberals were looking at the acual science, and not the face of the person talking about it.

Why can't you run just on facts, like liberals? Why do you and most conservatives base everything on feelings?
Well yeah. Thank you for illustrating that so convincingly.

_Your_ side made Dr. Fauci the object of a cult of personality. You were all obsessed with him. Just because you hated him doesn't mean he wasn't a cult of personality for you. Your videos all show just how obsessed you were, and still are.

There weren't any liberals like that. No liberals were saying "I accept the science purely because that wonderful Dr. Fauci said so." LIberals were looking at the acual science, and not the face of the person talking about it.

Why can't you run just on facts, like liberals? Why do you and most conservatives base everything on feelings?
Hahahahaha literally posts videos of liberals praising Fauci and the vaccine

You : Liberals didn't do that

I can tell you know nothing of the information in the viddy or the horse narrator.
Yes so that we don't make a mistake when we ignore the "troll," RFK's next book is due out on Valentine's Day. He has already helped us to see the history of David Crosby's hepatitis C, which links to 40,000 U.S. Army soldiers getting vaccinated with yellow fever vaccine that was contaminated with HCV, leading to years of costly therapy for each one. Crosby's double-bind meant risk of death due to concerts and risk of death due to "vaccination" for SARS2. RFK Jr. cites that particular study in The Real Anthony Fauci.
While yet to review OP's video, Huff reminds us of the importance of Thailand's boycott of Pfizer. This is also another link to Hunter Biden's Metabiota.

On page 186 of Huff's The Truth About Wuhan, Huff says that a certain Dr. Jonna Mazet, who was principle investigator of PREDICT, also directed UC Davis's One Health program. This program recruited Dr. Wacharapluesadee and her team in Thailand for years-long research on bats.

Dr. Edward Rubin of Metabiota received DARPA project PROPHECY funding, which project was lead by Dr. Callahan. Recall that Dr. Callahan was supposedly in Wuhan at the time of the SARS2 outbreak.

This latter project, as Huff states, 'received an $18.4 million DTRA contract award for scientific research and consulting work in Ukraine and the Lugar Research Center in the Republic of Georgia.

Metabiota was accused by the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium in 2014 of violating their contract and engaging in dangerous blood culturing work at a lab in Africa, as well as misdiagnosing patients.'

We know that Dilyana was on it for investigating Lugar Research Center in Georgia (USMB search). Raccoon dogs, proven reservoir of SARS1, were increasing in numbers in Europe and Lugar was also conducting rabies surveillance in that country.

When Fau the Elf makes his mutation mistake in the video, it is precisely a mutation linked to a rhabdovirus, of which rabies is a member. This rabies connection is for ebola vaccine which is based on a rhabdovirus, VSV. D614G of the SARS2 spike protein, is the precise mutation we are talking about.

The book is unavailable most places and this doc isn't on YouTube like many others that go against the "Official Narrative"

Watch it now before it's gone

'The book is unavailable most places....' so they're hiding it? How did Badger2 get a copy?

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